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Posts: 276
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Whaddya think? Are they good?

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They are pretty good, I would like to make my own.
Can you link me to where you can make them?

Posts: 276
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Go here to make your ownavatars.

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Yours are nice too =D

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Thanks Wonderbat!

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Yay thanks for linking me up.

How do you get rid of the white background I want mine like wonder's.

Posts: 276
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I have no idea dude. Ask The Bat. And you're welcome. I like yours.

Posts: 2232
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Hehehehe, Gaia dolls. And heres a few I made earlier!

Myself, obviously.

Bean, a character from an rpg I've been working on and off at for...I dunno how long. Bean is a bare-fist fighter and a student in a SeeD-like organisation.

Denem: From aformentioned rpg, white wizard, cheats at cards.

Dirk Light: Again from rpg, dropout and tanto user. Also drunkard.

Duo: etcetc, Black wizard, nice guy, Denem's twin.

Earth entity: Havn't thought of a name, don't like his look, needs a total remamp. Sticking with ninja-y theme though.

Smoulder: (Not certain on name yet, might change) Cannot be done with Gaia sprites Imagine this look, on a heavywieght boxer. Fire entity

Jessie: Student, sniper, prude, trenchcoat fetishist.

Now for an interlude with the joker! He needs zombie skin =(

Kelvin Zero: Ice entity, cool, tech-savy, spent a small vaction in a different personality in Paragon City.

Locke: Power armoured geek!

Otto: A technician of some sort.

Sandra: A chick with a big axe and a short temper!

Scope: Mysterious armoured sniper. Mysterious.

Now for an interlude with: Joking about with somic themed Gaia items!

Vacousis: Horrendously magically powerfull wind entity. Imagine he looks like a wizened old man.

Zen: The main character, for some reason he is in the limit breakey mode, y'all can ignore the glowy bits and fire.

Zen's sister... that's it really.

Zero: Impulsive, competent, hates the fact his parent's named him zero.

Told you I had some made earlier ;P

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Then i'll ask you crimmy, how do you remove those white backgrounds?

Posts: 2097
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Alright, I gave it a shot. If you've ever glanced at any of my comics, you'll recognise them.

Slick: This so like him it's untrue.

Trent: Very smart.

Hotshot: The jacket really makes him look cool.

Strafe: Shame they don't have any facial hair, so I had to add the 'tache and beard myself.

Tracker: He's supposed to have half moon glasses, but the trenchcoat is perfect.

Becki: I forgot to give her earrings, but it's still pretty good.

Alex: I like the look of this one.

Vicky: Had to do a bit of editing with this one.

Cal: Some of the colours are off, but the hair is practically perfect.

Mack: Getting the cap was hell, but he still looks close to the actual character.

Posts: 2232
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When you first paste the sprite in (I'm presuming you right-click-copied from TekTek) Magic wand all the white, and delete. Easy as that, but save is with something transparents =D

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Or just use IrfanView and save it as a .GIF with white being transparent (It's a different white than is used in any items)

Posts: 2232
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Just because he appeared earlier in the thread, I present to you, the work of this morning's early hours, Bean v3.0

He's a very simple edit, but I'm not exunctly king of spriting. He still needs elbow/kneepads and dog-tags, but again, not king.

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this is what i get when I do all the save as gif and stuff.

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You didn't use IrfanView, did you? nN

MSPaint has a nasty habit of simplifying colors when you save as a .Gif what converts off-white into regular white and speckles it everywhere so you end up with a mess like you have there.

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Yeah I dloaded Irfan, but before I used irfan I went to open up mspaint with the picture and save the picture as a gif, then went to irfan then saved it with transparency, then it turned out as a blogey messed up picture.

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Save it from the original website and save it as a .gif using IrfanView. You don't have to use MSPaint for anything =/

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Oh ok, I was clicking 'saving as' and not clicking the 'save' tab, it works now. but my glasses turned black wtf. im sure I still must be doing something wrong.

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You're still using MSPaint nN

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Now without using mspaint at all this is what I got. (Of course I tried to make it look like at all costs.)

Only problem is that the glasses don't show up.

Posts: 1355
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I am the Hawke to your Lash.

As you can see, the maker isn't as fine-tuned to Hawke as it is to Lash. Didn't come out very accurate.

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He needs a Mohawk. And darker skin.

And yeah I tried to make other COs but none of them turned out well except for Andy, who I may post if I feel so inclined next time I'm on my Photobucket account.

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By "Umbrella Soldier" you mean HUNK.

Right? RIGHT?!

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Yeah I mean Hunk. I should make Claire and Jill and Alice.

Posts: 2232
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Once again I hijack this thread for my own nefairious purposes. Just cause it's brought out a wish to sort out that old project in me }: | *shakes a paw at TUS*

Anywhom, so as you saw earlier, I shoddily edited Bean from a StreetFighter sprite, now, still playing around with stuff, mostly for the heck of it, the main character, Zen, this guy:

Is now a Bass recolour!

For compaison, original spriteses!

Also, an actual drawing of Dirk

Lemme know what you think Nn

Edit: Slightly improved sprite, now with me remembering his actual skin tone!

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I think you should fix your links.

EDIT: They're pretty good.

Posts: 2232
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I thought that too Nn
