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Just thought I'd post some of my stuff.....


I walk a long and spiralling path
The world that surrounds this path melts into oblivion
Atoms of fire fly
All the elements dissolve completely
The very path I am walking upon is no more
There is now merely a void
And I alone remain
Darkness is enveloping me
I cannot let this be
I will not let this be
Suddenly, a point of light is seen
It seems to be coming forth
I extend myself in its direction
The light has reached me
I am consumed by it.

You Are That

That which cannot be seen by the eye
is That through which the eye sees.
That which cannot be heard by the ear
is That through which the ear hears.
That which cannot be expressed by speech
is That through which speech is expressed.
That which cannot be thought by the mind
is That through which the mind thinks.
That which cannot be felt by the heart
is That through which the heart feels.
You are That.

Eternal Winter

The sunlight is hiding from me
A nuclear sky
Dead birds scream for their mothers
Smoke envelopes this region
Here lies a wilted flower.

A Cuban Clock Named Thirukallai

Salutations to thee, foolish mortal!
I am a clock made of various alloys
Thirukallai is my name

Glorious Cuba is my motherland
All hail the splendour of our Communist regime!
Today I have climbed 27 pillars
Yet from each of these I fell
And that is how I lost my left foot!

I Am What I Am

I am the beginning, the middle and the end
I am the past, the present and the future
I am the light of the Sun, the light of the Moon and the light of the stars
I am the knower, the known and knowledge
I am the birth, the growth and the death of all beings
I am the subject and the object
I am the uncaused cause of all causes
I am unity in the midst of diversity
I am the seed of all evil in goodness
I am the seed of all goodness in evil
I am virtue
I am vice
I am the consciousness within every atom
I am the strength of the strong
I am the intelligence of the intelligent
I am the beauty of the beautiful
I am the fame of the famous
I am the wealth of the wealthy
I am chaos in order
I am order in chaos
I am immanence and transcendence
I am the echo of silence
I am the unmoved mover
I am victory
I am defeat
I am the parts of the whole
I am the whole of the parts
I am this
I am that
I am what I am.
