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Realistic Knuckles ...
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Realistic Knuckles - Fan Art

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Hello everyone.
It's been such a long time since I've posted here. But I thought I'd share this little fan art with you. It's not your general Sonic fan art, but I hope you still enjoy it.

If you want some more information on it - just read the comment on the deviantART page. ^^
See you all!

Posts: 1201
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His right arm seems a little small, but it's still an awesome picture. I prefer originality over "general Sonic fan art".

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The arm is not really too small... the hand is just too big - so it looks like it. ^^ Thanks for pointing it out though! I really appreciate it!

Posts: 509
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is that an echidna 0.o

Posts: 2016
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zomg there's a face I haven't seen in years.

Your art's definitely improved since last I saw you, Diana!

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is that an echidna 0.o

well, what do you think it is

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That thing looks like some eldritch horror from the depths of hell.

Mission accomplished, I take it?

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To LWSrocks: Yes, it's a close as you can get to an echidna when you draw it in an anthro form, I think. Drawing anthro echidnas and hedgehogs is really very much harder than drawing anthro cats, dogs or wolves. Since their faces lack the human, or predator, traits. It took me countless attempts to finally get it the way I wanted. And the fact that echidnas have noses that look pretty phallic doesn't help either... 🙂

To Spiner Storm: Yeah, it's been a while. *waves* That's because I'm not doing that much Sonic fan art any more. So there's no point in posting it here. ^^ And I'm not really a very active forum member any more. This was my first forum though and so I'll probably always return here every then and again. And: thanks for your words. I'm always trying to improve.

To Wonderbat: Hehehe. Indeed! I can very well imagine meeting him in real life looking like this though! Even though it would probably scare the heck out of me as well.

Posts: 509
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to deckman 92: are echidnas even real 0.o

to diana: it would scare the heck out of me too. but even the sonic character knuckles would scare me. 0_0

Posts: 1827
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Yes, Echidnas are very real. look it up on wikipedia or something. Yeah.

Also, I do like the amount of detail you've put into this Diana. It looks great.

Posts: 4885
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Yes. They're indiginous to Australia and eat ants.

Posts: 2232
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Zomg, Di! *pouncehugs*

Havn't seen you in, like, forever o.o

Anyway, on to the droodle, I loves it! It actually looks like an echidna, which is awesome, I wouldn't know where to start anthroising those things ^^; That near arm, although made to look a little odd by the oversized hand, looks extremely well defined and wirey, rather like a lightweight boxer o.o And those is some scary boney knuckles he's got there =D

It's coolios =3

Posts: 3291
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wow, that picture is very well done! i like how you tried to make it as close as you could to a real echidna. i'm guilty in my echidna characters in that i don't bother to draw them with long noses/snouts. :p

Posts: 509
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Ahhh. the ECHIDNA. A very rare animal. But, ive read about echidnas andi saw a picture of one and it was a huge slug-ish thingy with spikes. 0.o im not acusing you art diana, its really good. but there are a few comments.

1. i had NO IDEA an echidna looked like that.
2. did you draw that 0.o

maybe its a little hipocritical because i said before that im really not a fan of critique, but you could also say the following "comments" wer'nt very much like real comments. so keep going with your art diana. your doing good.

Posts: 1201
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Well, anthropomorphic animals often look very different from their real-life counterparts.

Posts: 509
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ok, please rephrase, i mean, WHAT?????

IF YOUR GOING TO SAY STUFF like anthropomorphic PLEASE just EXPLAIN the DEFINITION like WHY am I typing THIS way? because THERE is SOMETHING wrong WITH the CAPS lock!

Posts: 4885
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Easiest way to explain is "human shaped"

So an echidna which is redesigned to stand on two legs and act human looks very different from the real life echidna.

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IF YOUR GOING TO SAY STUFF like anthropomorphic PLEASE just EXPLAIN the DEFINITION like WHY am I typing THIS way? because THERE is SOMETHING wrong WITH the CAPS lock!


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On topic: I think I told you before I think this is awesome. Can't really fault it all, it's awesome as usual. Good work!

Side note: And the fact that echidnas have noses that look pretty phallic doesn't help either... :) MUST... REFRAIN... FROM MAKING... IMMATURE REMARK..


That helped. :cuckoo


Posts: 509
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aNyWaYs, wEll ThAtS iT.

Posts: 2438
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LWS, you got your third official warning from me, for spamming as well as for lying badly about your Caps Lock. You've been able to make normal posts in other threads after your supposed "malfunction," so it's clear you are just trying to avoid responsibility. And for that, you have just been "capped."

And since this is my third warning, that means you'll be banned shortly. Hasta la vista.

Posts: 509
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Capped? What does hat mean?

Posts: 4885
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It means he's going to have an admin ban you, so you'll never be able to come back to this website again.

Posts: 1044
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edit: creg beat me 😮

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It means you are hereby banned from this board!
You, and your children, and your children's children!

...For two weeks.

Posts: 1201
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one week, actually

terg seems very excited about his ban

Posts: 981
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Enough with the LSW, and more with the Echidna that looks like a human.

I must say that it's well done. Very professional. And I like it. This gets a win from me. =D

Posts: 1583
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I'm seeing this very late, but Diana that is an awesome pic.

Oh and I agree, Knuckles eyes are blue!!! 😀

Posts: 509
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No text messes anymore. "I'll be a good boy mommy!"
