I have arequest for a piece of Fanart. If any one is interested please post below and I will give the basics of it.
well I have interest
Thanks Mongooza, here what it's about. Basically it's a scene from the second fanfic that I'm planning to write and I wanted it to look professinal with a front cover, so heres what I want.
It's Sonic and Sally kissing under water,Sally on the left and Sonic on the right. Both of their eyes are closed. Sally is sitting slightly lower in the water so we can see both Sonic and Sally. Sonics right arm is around her neck and his left arm is around her lower back just above her waist so there is a bit of her waistcoat at the bottom.Both of sallys arms are around sonics neck. Sallys hair (Preferably SatAM length) is free flowing as they are under water. Also The bottom of her waist coat is also drifting up. Both have their legs slightly bent. The background has a sort of a murky atmosphere and a faint light can be seen in the background as they are in a tunnel that is a oversized cooling tank(More about that in my second fanfic). Some pipes or such are faintly seen by the light but other then that it's hard to make out anything expect Sonic and Sally as they are closer tot he viewer.
That should just about cover it. If you have any questions. Post below and I'll answer them. once again,thanks.
Ok ^^
I'll start immediately
Sorry, I forgot one thing. I remebered it when I was at work. Is it possible to have them drawn in the SatAM style. If you're already half way through don't worry about it. I'll like it however its done.
well acctually I have already drawn them and Sonic is more like the new style. But maby I can change it a little bit..I'll try ok?
I just thought of Something that you might like. How would you like to be the new leader of the southern freedom fighters in my new fanfic? It's justa way of saying thanks for the pic.
that would be awesome
I'm still busy with the pic but i'll finish it one these days (I hope )
By new style do you mean Sonic X like? I was just curious thats all. I still want them in satAM, I'm not changing my mind.
I almost always draw Sonic in his Sonic X version and this time I also did.
But I can still change him ^^
Sally is already satam (-> short hear 'n stuff)
Itb sounds like it will turn out good, I can't wait to see it.
I'm sorry that its taking so long..but I had a very busy week...I'm almost done..only have to do some details.
I had a question..how do I have to sent it to you? do I have to put a link here or pm you a site?
that was it for now
If you could post it to me thats fine, and a link is fine. If you want yopu can put a link here so then everyone can see your art. I'll leave that decsion to you.
well today I finally finished the pic
it took me hours to make the background (all those little details)
sorry if I made you wait
oh and if you want me to change, delete or add something, just tell me ok?
hope you like it
That's really great!
*Clapclapclap* Well done Mon. I love that pic, the photoshop effects really blend in with the picture.
I hope that you start posting your fanart for us in mass quantity ^_^
Welcome to the MoFo, you'll surely enjoy your stay *Hugs*
Hey Mon, thats Brill. It's excellent. I've got another one for you. This is for my fanfic Tears Of Blood.
Look for yourself in the chapter four ofhands of wrath o.k. Hope you like leading the Southern Freedom fighters. Heres the next idea I had.
The left side of the page is taken up by a full body shot of Sally (SatAM style) wounded (to know what wounds she has, read the prolouge of my fanfic)with tears rolling out her eyes which are open. In the background is the smoking riun of Robotropilis. With the grey wasteland around it and the one path leading away from it on which Sally is walking. The sky is grayish black. And near the top is a faint image of Sonic (Sonic X Style) smiling. It's basically like the cover of ish #134.
Hope that it won't be too difficult. I look forward to it. and once again, thanks.
Hey, I could try to draw that!!!!!i'll start after i've written this!
wow! good job!
I can't wait to see it chaos.
^^ glad you like it ^^I guess Chaos draws that request now? (thats ok to me )
well if you want me to draw something you can always ask me
Hey mon, if you want to have a go at it then go for it.I wouldf like to see some more of your art work. It will be cool to see how different people percieve the pic. And speaking of which I have a new pic idea.
Sonic (new style) on the left and sally (SatAM style) on the right.Sallys leaning on Sonic with her eyes closed and tears pouring out her eyes. Shes wearing her blue boots and waist coat but (And I might be spoling my fanfic here) Both her legs and waist are robotized along with one part of her lower stomach(left side).t shes not leaning too much. She has here head resting on Sonics chest and she holding him as if shes afraid to let go. her right arm is around his neck and her left around his waist. Sonics holding sally like he's afrid to let go as well. Sonics got his eyes nhalf open and he has got tears as well. He's right armis around her lower back and he's left arm is on the back of her head, his fingers intermeshed with her hair as if he's been stroking her hair. They're standing in a room with a holographic table in the centre. A few desks and a broken down sofa. A few computers as well as super computeras arer on the left side of the room (This is the planning room in my fic). Eggmans head and shoulders are in the back ground as well but transparent. He has a sneering like smile in the right hand corner of his mouth.
Well that should be that. Also Mon, I've put you in my fanfic. If the genders wrong then tell mke and I'll edit the fic accordingly. If you could do both pics for us that would be brill. Also if you want to make any pics from my fanfic then go ahead, all I ask is that I can see the finished result. thanks again and look oyut for yourself in chapter four.
^^ very nice idea
I'll start immediatly to draw a sketch (I almost never draw eggman so thats going to be a challenge but I'll try )
I really enjoy your fanfics, so it's really cool to make picturs of it
Thatsnice to hear. I've almost finished Chapter four so get ready to cheer for yourself. If you don't like the descrpition I've put for your character then tell me and I'll put it as per your request. I might have more ideas further down the line. Why with your fanart and mt fanfic we will rule Carinval Island *does a strnge laugh that sounds like the combined sounds of a horses neigh and a dogs bark* Sorry about that.
I just read chapter four ^^
acctually i am a girl XD
but that doesn't matter. I think it's really cool that you have putted me in the fanfic, so you can leave it that way
First i want to say sorry about the gender mistake but if you say thats its o.k then I'll leave it as it is. I can't wait to see the pic.
My 26th Birthday is coming this Monday the 25th, and I have a few art request for you, if you can kindly do, and their actully SATAM/Sonic Archie/Sonic X versions of theses:
Freedom Fighters on the Transfomers Cover and Sonic X Characters on the GiJoe Cover
and this:
Sally and Sonic in this one
and finally these two:
Bunnie in this pic
And Knuckles and Rouge on this one.
Please I'd really appeactice it for my birthday.
God Bless.
-Brian Walmer
Hiyas Mon. Sorry to bog you down wqith art but I was reading through my fanfic tears of blood, dotting the I's and crossing the T's when came across one of the chapters Don't remember what one now but these brought upo a very vivd image.
Thye first is of Sally (SatAM on left) and Sonic (X style on right) before the big party to celebrate them getting back together. It's of them under an old oak tree. Sally is curled up against Sonic with her head resting on his chest over his heart. Shes sitting on his lap. Her right hand resting lightly on his left shoulder the other round his lower back and shes asleep. Sonics looking down at her with a smile and half closed eyes in a loving kind of way. His left arm is around her waist and his right is resting on her shoulder. And theres a light sunset in the back ground. I think it's either on a hill or in the great woods I'll leave that detail to you.
The second is pretty stright foreward. Sonic (X style on right) and Sally (SatAM style on left.) Are hugging and kissing eachother on a log. The backdrop is a starry filled sky but a huge firework which shows an exact duplicte of them kissing is in the sky, Rotors special fire work.
That should be all. I know your busy and I'm sorry once again to burden you with these. Thanks again.
Don't woory guy's, I'm going to draw it in slowly though. When I usally draw in pen, but i'm drawing it in pencil. I am getting held up by school though, but i WILL finish!!!
I can't wait to see the finished article chaos. I'm looking forward to it.
hej dan I don't mind that you are giving me all those requests at all, 'cuz I don't have any inspriation now, and I REALLY don't know what to draw (and thats really frustrating)
so I will try to make those other 2 u just as well ^^
but I'm not very fast with drawing on the computer so it will take a while..
oh and if you want to have a drawing which is not computer made, u just tell me.. and I'll do it with the ol' pencil
It's o.k take as long as needed. I find things are better if you take your time. I also had a few more ideas. I'll peobably come up with more.
It takes place when Sally tells Sonic shes pregnant. Sonic is on the right (X style) and Sally (SatAM style) on the left. They're hugging each other and smiling with tears rolling out their eyes, looking at each other lovingly. It's set in the small mess hall. A small collection of tables and chairs are off to either side and they are standing in the centre of it.
The second one is of the abortion. If you don't want to do this one then I'll understand. Sonics lying on a bed (ontop of the duvet and both are clothed, by this I mean Sonic with his gloves and sneakers and Sally with her blue boots and waist coat) with Sally draped over him. Sallys holding Sonic close, her left arm is around the middle of his back her right is graspeing at his shoulder as she is resting her head on Sonics chest. Her face is visable. Her eyes are shut as she has just broken down and is crying uncontrollably. She is also slightly curled up. Sonic is looking down at her leaning against the head board of the bed., trying to fight back tears. It looks as he might breakdown in tears at any moment.His right arm is around her shoulders and his left is on her hip and he's holding her close as well. It's like they are both afraid to let go of the other. The bed is fairly lavish, with a red satin quilt (duvet). The head board is up against the wall and I thought the bottom half of some picture might make it. Up above though in a bluey black background is King Max. (I think thats the name of sallys father). He is looking over his shoulder but he has also partically turned so we can see his whole face. His face is devoid of any emotion and he is scowling. Like he's saying to the viewer, "What are YOu looking at? It has that snooty yet angrey. impatient scowl.
Whew, I think that shuold set you up for the next week or so. Take your time on them. I'm in no great rush. Once again, thanks Mon.
Yo guy's, sorry about being late, but if I do it at school I'm bound to get insulting crud in my direction. Ifinishedd the drawing last night. I found some pictures of Robotopolis
and also, Sally is in her Sonic archie style. I've also started coluring in coluring pencils to help with the shading. I'll be finished soon.
Brill i can't wait to see it. Yeah, me got Sally. Is their any way to freeze it so I can keep the Sally icon witghout losing it when I post to the next level?
I'd ask you to do some stuff for me, but I think I'll wait for you to finish all this other stuff.
(I need some art to go with my stories too)....
Dan: if you want to keep the Sally icon, head to the Emerald Visitor Center forum and look at the Custom Title Requests thread, reading the instructions on the first post. If you right-click on the Sally icon, you can select "Properties" and copy and paste the actual address of the Sally icon, which will help in creating the new title for you.
Pretty cool stuff Mongoosa, and that's neat that you're willing to do free requests like this. Don't overwork yourself though.
D My DocumentsFile0001.jpg
this is the finished product!!!!
Eh, you'll have to fix that link, Chaos. And if that filename is any indication, you might need to find a free pic hosting service online, since you can't link pictures directly from your computer onto the Internet.
Still though, look forward to seeing the effort you put into it.
Try photo bucket to host the pics. Then you can put the url link or img on the board. I use photo bucket and find it quite user friendliy."> I can't believe that I can't see it.
I look forward to seeing it.
To Bwnumberthingy:
I may take a crack at those covers/posters if I feel like it later for ya, seems interesting ^^
To Chaosxshadowyperson:
Thats some pretty cool work =D
Hey Chaos, thanks for that man. I really like it. What is Sally holding in her left hand? It looks like Nicole but I can't see it properly. Any way, thats cool. I really appericate that. I was thinking of putting you in my fan fic. How does leader of shadow operations (Spying) sound?
WICKED!!!!!!!THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!!!!!Plus, if you need some more picture's drawn, let me know man!!!!Thank's!
Well, I do have anothwer you can do. It's Eggmans Swat bot Mk2. It looks like a regular Swatbot but has square box-like, tube legs, a shield like chest and a box/shield like head. To put more easier, cross Zero from SA and a swat bot and that is the Mk2. For weapons, check mout tears of blood. once again thanks for the fanart. My bro says he liked Mongoozas art better but I'm behind you man. I liked how you did Sallys wounds and how blood is on the road. Look out for yourself in chapter 9.
Mongooza: I was wondering if you could draw the same as well. Iwas going to splice in the pics into my story. I can't use chaos as it will be the front cover. Once it was done, I was going to put it up like dust has done his comics. Sort of like a book. Once again thanks Chaos have a
Chapter 9 of what?
Chapter 9 of my fanfic hands of wrath.
I was hoping do one of them, please.
First off, a happy 26th birthday. (if it's early I'm sorry. I had a long day at work:"> ) and secondly, sure you can. In fact I had one just now;
It;s the final part of my fanfic tears of blood. Sonic (X style) has Sally (SatAM style) in his arms. Sally is resting her head on Sonics right shoulder with her right hand placed on his left. Sallys left arm is folded over her stomach. She has her eyes closed with flecks of tears in her eyes. (For injuries, see tears of blood prolouge). Sonic is walking toward the viewer with his head resting on Sallys and he's looking down at her with half closed eyes and smiling. Visable injuries are;
right knee skinned
left thigh cut
stomach briused and dirty
Left glove missing hand cut and dirtied
right glove missing middle and fore finger, glove dirty
big bruise over sonics left eye
Face dirty (not covered
Quills inj an untidy mess.
Thge background shows ruined robotroplis in the distance with smog. The sky above and up to robotropilis is blue. A transaprent face of Sonic and sally can be seen in the sky. (Mirrior image enlarged) of their faces in the main pic.
I hope thats enough to work withy. If you need more info or have any questions, and this goes to anyone who does fanart for me, DON'T hesitate to ask. If it's a pose that you can't see or a piece that you can't vizulize, then ask me. And once again, thanks.
That is perfect. OHMYGOD!!! You are a brill artist, thats just how the Swatbot looks. I praise your skills. Hopfully I should have another request soon.
I've got one. Could you do sonic after he has beaten the Swatbot Mk 2? Sonic (X style) is standing with his feet and hands apart. He's holding wires and circuit boards in his hands and he's dripping light blue coolant fluid. His face is one of pure rage. gritted teeth, furrowed eyes. I mean like he's just lost control. In the back ground the Mk2 is lying of to one sidfe with a split head and chest with a few wires poking out. The majority of the back ground is a wood as that was where they ambushed the convoy. (For more info, see tears of blood.)And once again, thanks for the pic. Chapter 9 with you init will be up this evning or after noon.