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EDITED: I'm now looking for drawings of Chao SX. Any medium is okay. There's previous drawings of him a few posts down, and a sprite sheet of Chao SX is here.

If you want other pictures of SX or have any questions email me at or IM me at the following SNs. Or EzMessage me, but there is no guarantee I'll get it quickly.

Y!M: sonicx667
AIM: SX Kitsune
MSN: email.

Serious attempts only, please.

EDIT: Updated a link and bumped.

Chibi edit: *fixes it back into HTML*

Posts: 407
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Has anyone tried drawing him? If not, I could take a stab at him. He looks cute. =)

Here's my art so you can decide if you want me to try or not. ^_^ Good luck finding an artist if I'm not what you're looking for.

Posts: 407
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Here you go SX Kit! Do you want me to change anything?

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Beautiful. Thanks a lot man. You ever want a cheap sprite edit done, youy let me know. Heh...

Posts: 2234
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Sunset, your pics never cease to amaze. Just pure brilliance. Well done.

Posts: 407
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Haha! Thanks man. That was fun image to do as all my pics have been... recently. ^_^

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Here's one you can try:

this one:

Sally and Sonic on Stage singing a duet of "Always Come back to You", with Sally in a Scarlett everning grown (shoulderless) and scarlett high heels along with her naturally beauty, and Sonic in a Sliver Tux.

That's all from me for now.

Posts: 407
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I'll try the chao for you! He looks adorable! You want him to look like an official chao then, like he's straight from the game?

Posts: 2234
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bw1979, the hell? This is SX's request topic so that HE can request images from other people, not that he DOES requests.

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Yes, he looks just like a Tails Chao, Jet K.

THIS is a Tails Chao.

Posts: 407
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Whoa! I see I need to spend more time in the chao garden. I didn't know you could get a Tails chao on the game! XD He's so cute! I'll draw one up for you then. I'll show you the sketches I drew earlier a bit later. ^_^ K. Should be ready sometime tonight I think.

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You can't get a Tails Chao by raising one from an egg. There was some random promotion in Japan that gave them on memory cards, or summin, or you can download them from Sonic Cult.

There's a way to get Tails Chao via PSO, but I don't know it.

And you can download to VMU, for DC owners.

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Here's your chao! ^^

Posts: 1367
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Great as always, Sunset (or Jet. Which do you prefer?), but there's something that's been bugging me...

There's an edit button, you know. You don't have to post again when one messes up, just edit it. =.

Posts: 407
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Well, I used quick reply for the first one. Quick reply wouldn't let me link to my pic. X(

Posts: 1367
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Ahhh... did you have it set to Plain Text or what? o.o

Posts: 407
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Haha! I guess I did. Oh well. XP

Posts: 1367
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Eh, what's passed is passed. It really is no big deal, sorry to bring it up.

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No need to apologize. Just something for me to remember. That's all. =)

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Holy sh*t Jet K I love you. o.o

Seriously. Awesome. *hugs the chao pic*

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^_^ You're very welcome man! I'm glad you like the picture.

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No. Honestly. I'm going to stalk you and hug you to death.

You're a very talented artist, in any case.

EDIT: Oh yeah, one minor detail, nothing much. SX's chao ball is emerald green. Sorry for not clarifying. It's still awesome.

Posts: 407
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Oh! XD I'll have to fix that later then. =3

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You don't have to. o.o

Posts: 407
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Oh yes! I do! I need to fix that man! =3

There you go. All better. <3

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Jet K I am going to stalk you and hump your leg. Seriously, I just love that chao pic.

Well, okay, I said about the same for them all, but just look at his cute pose! ^^

Posts: 407
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Well, I'm glad you like it. =3
