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Revenge of the Sterling Shogun (MoFic)

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In Sega City, there are many marvelous places that leave both travelers and residents breathless in awe. There is South Island, a free-floating amusement park in Sega Lake centered around the Sonic the Hedgehog video games. There is the Roleplayers Guild, a small yet technologically advanced virtual reality arcade boasting the most advanced in first-person simulation experiences. There is Central Square, with its verdant lawns and trees dispersed by well-maintained gardens with the flora of many different worlds.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But Sega City is literally a nation unto itself, and for such a nation to operate, it must also have a place for those who have committed crimes. And in a city such as this, where citizens often have extraordinary powers, it is necessary to have a place that can contain such criminals that would use their super powers for ill-gotten gains. So, built within Sega City was a maximum-security prison of the highest caliber, the Sega City Special Containment Prison, a massive building nestled inside of Sega Citys industrial district away from the residence districts. Within its bright red walls, the most dangerous and powerful criminals are locked within to serve their time for crimes against the city.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And in the middle of one particular cell, set aside in a special section of the complex, sat a man. He was short, slightly stooped from the age that bore itself on his aged and balding brow. He was wrinkled enough that it was hard to distinguish his features as Oriental in origin, and the ambiguous white jumpsuit he wore only made it harder to tell any other features of his body. Yet, sitting cross-legged with eyes closed and hands pressed tightly together, there was a strength inside this man that belied the outer appearance.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Outside of his door, with a small opening underneath it for the guards to send him food when it was mealtime, he heard a sudden burst of activity. Glass shattered as the hallway outside was thrown into darkness. Gunfire rattled the silent prison. Grunts and moans sounded as several human-sized thumps struck the ground. And then it was still again, but only when a pair of shadowy feet stepped up to his door did the old man crack his eyes open.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Do I speak to the Sterling Shogun? asked a deep voice, distorted as if the speaker wore a mask close to their face. But just the same, there was a sternness held within it that demanded respect, though the voice was young and vibrant.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You do indeed, stranger, answered the old man, his words dry with lack of use but his thick Japanese accent coming as strong as it ever had. What allows me to have the pleasure of a visit this day?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I bring you the chance for vengeance, ronin. I bring you the ability to free yourself and regain your honor which was lost at your defeat.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes, my defeat, rasped the old man bitterly. For such I should have committed seppuku, yet I was not allowed to do so. And I have stayed in this prison for three years, wishing for the death that I could not have.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then allow me to give you the chance to redeem yourself. If you take it, the only thing I ask is that you kill the one who did this to you. After that, you may do whatever you wish.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp an acceptable offer, stranger.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Very well. The old man saw a hand reach down, and a shining silvery butter knife slid across the smooth cell floor until it came to rest just in front of the old man. I trust you capable enough to procure additional weaponry and arms to accomplish your task, after you escape from this plastic prison.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It shall be done, said the old man with finality as he reached forward and took the metal knife and stood up at his full height, holding the weighted handle of the knife in both hands and shifting to a wide stance, as if riding a horse. He let out a piercing cry and leapt forward, slashed with such speed that the only indication of movement was the glimmer of light that danced along the blades movements. The door fell apart into several hundred neatly-divided pieces, and the man stepped through into the shadows to get his first look at his mysterious benefactor.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It shall be done, repeated the Sterling Shogun, who then carved the knife into the wall and opened a way out into the night-draped city itself.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The shadowy figure responsible for this, and for the dead guards and shattered cameras in the hallway, let out a deep laugh as the old man descended into the city. Tergonaut, are you ready for your next challenge? Are you even aware of what is at stake here? We shall see.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With a flicker of transparent insect-like wings, the figure was gone.

* * *

TergoCorp. Industries proudly presents
A Mobius Forum World Fiction
starring Tergonaut and Cookirini (Gingersnap)

Revenge of the Sterling Shogun

As always, questions and comments are appreciated. More posts coming soon!

Posts: 4336
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It's the Sterling Shogun! Sweet!

Posts: 3291
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wow, and only armed with a butter knife. oo; nice!

*suddenly reminded of her sensai. "widen your stance! bend those knees!"*

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Yes, the Sterling Shogun as Ultra remembers was the villain of my second "TergoRP" - where Tergonaut first revealed his alter-ego as Matt to Cookirini. The events of what happened during that incident are recorded on my site. Read THIS and scroll down a bit to find it.

I created the Sterling Shogun to mix MoFo madness with villains that would appear to face Tergonaut. In this case, I based it loosely on the Silver Samurai from Marvel Comics, though most of the reference is in the name; I don't know enough about the Silver Samurai to know how related their powers might be. The Sterling Shogun's ability to channel incredible amounts of "chi" through metal is the basis for all of his powers. You might even say that he's like Magneto in the sense that he had to be put inside a cell with no metal at all! Certainly one of the most powerful villains Tergonaut ever faced, and he is now free once more.

We'll be seeing more of the other shadowy figure over time as well, but this fic's focus wil be more on Justin and "Cookirini" (as "true believers" will remember, this is actually Gingersnap, the evil demon princess who is pretending to be Cookirini to get revenge). We'll also get to see more locations in the MoFo, maybe even get to meet Justy's landlady.

So there we go! That's actually a "prologue," so the main story will begin in my next post.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Intresting, do go on.

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

XD Wow, talk about a throwback. I read Sterling Shbogun, I had to go get a new diaper. Sweeet!

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Ooooh. Kickass as always, Terg. Continue or be destroyed.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

I remember Sterling Shogun, thus I feel old... =P

Mental note to self: Finish MoFic....

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Aah, wonderful. I can't wait for the rest to come up. 🙂

Posts: 166
Estimable Member

Interesting stuff, Terg, though "Chi", as it is known in the Orient, can only be channelled within the person himself/herself. It it one's life-force, and thus cannot leave the body, or enter another's body. ^^

Continue, or I will personally nuke you. :D

EDIT: Relax, Terg. XD

And yesh, this is just based on what I remember, know and think. Don't take my word for it; I'm no expert on the topic. >>;

At any rate, keep going. :3

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I realize that my use of "chi" in this case is not the most realistic use of it; rather, I'm using a combination of DBZ "life force" pseudophysics and comic book pseudoscience. I.E., I just made it up. 😛 However, thank you for that information, Victor, I'll keep that in mind as I develop the story and the Sterling Shogun's powers.

Generally speaking, I'm going to post the next part of the story later today, so if this is still the last post by the time I get to that, then I'll just edit it in here.

Minor general note though, try not to threaten me into oblivion. 😛 I know you're joking about it, but there are kinder ways to let me know that you like my stories. And if you AREN'T joking, then I'd really prefer to live long enough to complete the story, however long that might take. I'm sure that other authors/artists would appreciate the same.

EDIT: here we go, the next section of the story!

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Now this is what Im talking about!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin Hobbes laid back in his hammock, his hands held lazily under his head as he closed his eyes behind his shades. The sky overhead was bright and blue and the air was warm, keeping him comfortable even in his teal swimming trunks and unbuttoned white Hawaiian shirt. Just above him were the wide leaves of the palm tree his hammock was attached to, which waved in the gentle breeze that played over Justins slightly tanned skin. Water lapped against the small desert island he was bunked out on, setting a peaceful tempo over the noise of waves farther off.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp This is the life, he thought to himself, swaying back and forth ever so slowly in the hammock. Sun, sand, and Ive got the day off! Stahlmansche hasnt tried to pull anything yet, and Vec and I have finished exploring most of the ruins closer to Sega City. Theres one tomorrow that well be checking out, but the scans say its small so its gotta be a cakewalk. But I can worry about that tomorrow, theres only one person Im going to care about toda
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A beach ball came flying out of the sky and bounced off his chest, and a giggling and screaming group of kids ran past, some of them crawling beneath the hammock even as Justin sat up and nearly got bowled over. Whoa, watch out there! he said, but his words fell on deaf ears as the kids ran past the island into the other side of the pool that his island sat in the middle of.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin shrugged and slung himself out of the hammock, getting to his feet and stepping out into the pool. Cookirini said she was going to meet me here at Hydro City, thought Justin as he swam past crowds of people splashing, playing and swimming in the water. But I havent seen her yet. Maybe she got delayed by something, maybe that construction on Main Street slowed her down...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He climbed out of the ring-shaped pool and stepped out onto the lightly-textured bright yellow ground. Looking about, he saw hundreds of people, of different species, sizes, and wearing different swimsuits of just as many variations. Against the background of banana and ultramarine colors was a rainbow of people and swimsuits. And there were still hundreds more to see up in the elevated sections of the park with water slides connecting all of the various parts of the park together. The huge platform at the top of the leveled amusement park had a plethora of striped tubes coming out like tentacles on a massive tropical octopus, some of them transparent enough to see the other swimmers sliding down them. All around the perimeter of the park was a massive yellow wall, outlined in blue, that stood above every structure in the park. Lights attached to the upper parts of the walls shone down with incredible power down onto the park, though angled well enough not to blind anyone.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirinis gotta be around here somewhere, thought Justin as he walked through the menagerie of people, often standing twice as tall as many of the parks visitors. He headed toward the inclined slope that led up to the slide platform, jogging up it as he put a hand over his shade-wearing eyes and scanned the entire park as he gained elevation. But how am I going to see her with all these people here? There are tons of echidnas here, I could spend the rest of the day looking for her!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin! There you are!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin put his feet out to stop himself as his ears picked out that one, beautiful voice from the noisy confusion of the park, and he turned around and his jaw went slack as he saw the owner of that voice. There she was, walking toward him with a gentle rolling sway to her hips. She was an echidna, with a distinct tan hue to her thin layer of fur. She was slender, but the revealing yellow polka dot bikini accentuated her curves well enough to turn the heads of several passing males, some of whom were walloped by female companions.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She walked up to Justin, the top of her head coming up to about the middle of his chest, and she giggled as she reached up with one hand to close his mouth. You like? she asked, smiling up at him with her gorgeous purple-hued eyes.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The brown-haired human reached up to his shades and lifted them onto his head, letting out a low whistle. A lot, Cooki, he admitted, but there is one thing wrong with it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirini blinked, then looked down at herself. What is it? she asked, her brow furrowed in self-consciousness.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin bent down to one knee, and Cookirini looked back up to see that he was eye-level with her, his turquoise eyes focused on her face as he leaned close to her. He smiled and said, It distracts me from your eyes...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Her eyelids fluttered as they leaned toward each other, and their kiss attracted a rowdy shout of approval from a nearby pack of teenagers who witnessed the event. Justin broke the kiss and smiled broadly as he put his arms around Cookirini and lifted her up into his arms.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What do you want to do first? he asked, beaming.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Lets go up to the highest water slide! exclaimed Cookirini cheerfully, her breath warm on Justins chest as her arms wrapped around his neck.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Bit of a line, said Justin, though he did not hesitate to move up the ramp toward the platform where the long column of other swimmers were waiting their turns to go down the various water tubes. You willing to wait that long?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I think we can find ways to pass the time, giggled Cookirini as she raised her muzzle back up to Justins mouth and pressed her lips to his.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wish the line was longer, thought Justin.

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Look above in my last post for the part that leads up to this; I don't want anyone missing part of the story in my edit.


Justin and Cookirini both yelled their pleasure as they slid down the tube, Justin holding the echidna around her waist with his arms and looking over her shoulder. The water in the tube was cool but not uncomfortable, and there was enough in the tube to keep the pair rushing down the tunnel. The light filtering through the nearly-opaque plastic colored them blue and yellow as they rushed down the tube. The tunnel would go into a turn, and the twist the other way, and sometimes it turned so tightly that it created a wide spiral.
Sections of the tubing were transparent, allowing them to look down over the rest of the park. Justin looked over to one side to see people stepping out of what appeared to be a doorway of water, held up by a thin layer of glowing energy that kept the water back but allowed people to go inside and out. Thats the entrance to the underground poolsphere, he thought, remembering other times he had been at Hydro City. Theyve aerated the water enough that you can swim and breathe down there at the same time! Can almost pretend youre a fish or mermaid down there. Maybe Cooki will want to go there next.
He could see the front entrance, with its turnstiles and ticket-taking employees greeting the still-incoming patrons of the park. Over a little to one side, he could see the entrances to the changing rooms. And a small collection of realistic-looking desert islands dotted the largest of the layered pools below him, where occasionally a special vibration generator sent out waves that would gently lift swimmers up and down very quickly for a thrill. He even saw that one group of kids who had disturbed his relaxation earlier, continuing to smack around their beach ball with its large grinning Sonic the Hedgehog head emblazoned on one side.
There are so many people here! Amazing that this park can fit so many, and its all indoors with the new weatherdome they set up. Cant tell at all that its really November unless you go outside...hey, wait a second!
The sight of people scattering and the palm trees on the islands falling over sent a jolt of adrenaline in his system as he realized something was wrong. And in this same instant he saw a large silvery blur ricocheting over the islands, each palm tree it passed being sliced evenly near the base to topple over the tree and send it splashing into the water.
Hey, whats that down there? asked Cookirini as she too leaned over to have a better look.
The blur went to the last island, then zipped straight for one of the tall metal supports for the slide they were in, racing up its side to reach a point in the slide further from where Justin and Cookirini were. The motion stopped, and Justin saw what looked like a bulky pot-bellied set of samurai armor, completely made out of shiny silvery metal and accompanied by a wide Oriental straw hat and tall rain-walking sandals to match. Peering out from under the shadow of the hat were two glistening dots of white, which pierced Justin as if they had been arrows as he came closer. With one hand he held onto the slide and with the other he raised a wide-bladed sword that had to be almost Justins size!
Oh no, hes gonna-
The samurai chopped down with the sword, cleanly slicing through the tube. Another chop and an entire section of the tube fell away - leaving Justin and Cookirini headed toward empty air!
Cooki, hold on to me! shouted Justin, and Cookirini turned over and held on to Justin as he spread out his legs and arms, trying to brace against the sides of the slide. But the plastic was too smooth and the walls were slick with water, and Justin heard Cookirini scream as the two of them fell out of the tube and down toward the water below.
They hit the water, and Justin lost all track of Cookirini in the bubbling mist of the water, struggling to get to the surface of the water. His back and legs hurt where he had struck the water, and as he broke the surface he wiped his eyes and looked around desperately for Cookirini. Cooki, are you okay?! he shouted over the frightened yelling of the panicking crowd that was making for the exits.
The tan echidna came coughing and spluttering to the surface nearby, and he swam over to her. I thought I was going to die! she gasped. Who was that?
Dont you remem- started Justin, but then he caught himself. I nearly forgot, Cookirini has amnesia about everything back before I left the Mobius Forum World. Its a guy called the Sterling Shogun, but he should be in prison right now! Ill have to stop him! Get to safety!
But I dont want to leave y-
Swallowing her protest, Cookirini turned and started swimming toward the exit ramp.
Justin took one swift glance around, seeing that the only person nearby was Cookirini; nobody else would be looking this way. He dove back under the water, floating upright as he closed his eyes and concentrated on a single thought in his mind.
The water glowed brightly around him as energy formed into armor all over his body, first one layer of completely-sealed blue metal, and then a secondary layer of orange parts, including the helmet with the swept-back spike and V-shaped black visor. He opened his eyes as the power flowed as easily as water through the omni-suit, through him, and he was no longer Justin Hobbes...
He was now Tergonaut.
Bursting up out of the water, he flew on twin streams of light that fired from his boots as he gained altitude, his visor scanning the surrounding area. Sterling Shogun, you are under arrest for public endangerment! he said, his omni-suit amplifying his voice so that it echoed in the water park.
Ho ho ho!
Tergonaut whirled around, his left hand supporting his right arm, which transformed into an arm cannon pointed straight at the shape of the Sterling Shogun, who squatted on top of one of the tubes that crisscrossed through the air in the park. Thought you could wreak havoc like you did last time, Shogun? asked Tergonaut, his voice hard.
The Shogun stood, his eyes blinking from underneath the wide brim of the shadow-creating hat. So we meet again, Tergonaut-san...and so I am one step closer to achieving vengeance. The man underneath the hat had a voice that rang out like a hammer against steel.
Vengeance?! You call terrorizing innocent people revenge?
My honor was blemished by my defeat three years ago, stated the Shogun as he reached back and pulled out two swords. One of them the straight-bladed weapon he had used before and the other a long, serrated-edge nodachi, handling the two large swords as if they were knives though their handles alone were longer than any but the largest daggers. To restore my honor, there are but two commit seppuku, or to defeat the one who defeated me. I have chosen the second.
Youre not going to get that chance! roared Tergonaut as the arm cannon fired a burst of purplish energy.
The Shogun merely chortled as he raised both swords and wheeled them to deflect the stun burst. Then in a blue of motion he was running along the pipe, down to a closer position where he leapt across at Tergonaut with both swords swinging. Tergonaut barely managed to dodge to one side, firing another blast that followed the Shogun to his landing place on another pipe. But the burst dissipated harmlessly on the far wall as the Shogun instantly dashed quickly, changing his direction instantly as he touched down the pipe and once again ran along its smooth surface.
Hes so fast! thought Tergonaut, his own reflexes enhanced by the omni-suit but only barely able to keep track of the speeding samurai, much less acquire a target lock. Seems like being three years older hasnt slowed the old man down any. And hes still able to channel his chi through metal, so he can even block my plasma cannon. Stun blasts wont do any good, and hes too fast for up close
Tergonaut angled himself downward and cut his jets, dropping out of the way of another jumping slash the Shogun made at his head. Youre not going to get me that easily, said Tergonaut as he entered free-fall and headed straight down towards the water below.
Ho ho ho, you have improved your skills since last we fought, echoed the Sterling Shogun as he ran vertically down a support for one of the slide tubes. By this time during our first meeting, I had already broken one of your legs.
Ive gotten better since then, replied Tergonaut, aiming with the arm cannon once more. The cannon pulled in particles in both the front and in slots at the back, making them visible with energized light before he fired them out in a single burst of charged blue-white plasma. Take that!
The plasma shot shattered through the bright yellow pillar, causing the entire slide to lean over dangerously. The Shogun lost his balance and tumbled away from the pillar, but then he extended his two swords out and began to spin his entire body around at incredible speed. Tergonaut used his boot thrusters to land on the artificial shore of one of the islands as the metallic samurai used his entire body as a giant propeller to slow down his fall, looking like some mad giant top that had escaped from a toy shop. The ridiculously-bulky Shogun landed and balanced precariously on one foot on the yellow-and-blue ground of the park, his swords held at angles in front of himself.
You have improved, gaijin, said the Shogun with respect in his voice. But during my time in the prison, I had nothing to do every day except focus on my chi, build it up during the years through constant meditation. I have literally trained for this moment where I would be able to face the one that sent me to that prison, and you will not stand in the way of my final goal in this life.
Youre right, I wont be standing in the way after I take you down again! shouted Tergonaut, and his cannon erupted again.
Tergonaut barely tracked the blur of movement that brought the Sterling Shogun at him, but when the samurais twin blades fell at Tergonauts chest, Tergonaut had his left arm transformed and raised in the way. The swords sparked and shuddered against the glowing chainsaw blade that buzzed up and down Tergonauts arm. Yet neither the chainsaw nor the swords gave way to each other as Tergonaut and the Shogun strained against each other.
Why do you have to defeat me to regain your honor? asked Tergonaut, his voice tight as he used the omni-suits super strength to fend off the Shogun. You might have been able to get off for good behavior, you didnt actually hurt anyone during your first attacks.
I am a warrior, answered the Shogun, his accent sounding thicker to Tergonauts ears as he tried to press forward. Death before dishonor, and because of the nature of my defeat, I was denied death. My life is empty and meaningless now, save to remove you out of my path that I might have my revenge on the one who defeated me.
But how did you know I was still around? You wouldnt have been able to get your revenge if I wasnt around at the time.
The Shoguns eyes widened distinctly, and then he leapt back, chuckling as he landed on the shore opposite Tergonaut. Ho ho hoYou clearly do not understand my intentions, gaijin.
From outside Hydro Citys front entrance, Tergonaut heard the sound of police sirens and the screeching of tires. The Sterling Shogun looked over at the entrance and then back at Tergonaut, bowed deeply, and held out both swords at vertical angles like an airplane propeller. I must take my leave, for I seek a confrontation uninterrupted by others. I am sure that we will meet again.
The Sterling Shoguns hands spun around faster than Tergonaut could see, and the orange-and-blue hero braced himself as he was pummeled by water spun at him by the Shoguns swords! After the water storm was over, Tergonaut brought down his arms and found himself alone in Hydro City. The Sterling Shogun was gone.

Posts: 4336
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Posts: 3468
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Kickass as always, Terg. Keep it up!

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Justin Hobbes closed the door behind him and walked through the front entryway of his apartment. Blazes, I nearly forgot, he muttered to himself as he saw the blinking light on the answering machine of his vidphone. Thats gotta be Cookirini. I hope she made it out of there okay.
He tapped a button and the machine came to life, the small vidscreen suddenly showing the head of the same tan echidna that he had the pleasure of being with at Hydro City. Justin ignored the screen, and he bent down to take off his red-gray-and-white sneakers as he listened to the audio portion of the message.
Justin, this is Cookirini. I just wanted to call you andand tell you that the wedding is off!
WHAT?! yelled Justin as he fell backward, which sent his shoe flying to smack against the far wall and drop to the floor.
I cant stand it that you keep pushing me aside to throw your life into danger! Dont you know how much you mean to me? I hate worrying about you, so dont call me back! G-goodbye!
The vidscreen flipped off with that last sobbing farewell, and Justin sat staring up at his white flat-paneled ceiling as the machine said, End of messages.
It felt like somebody had punched him in the gut. But the weddings only weeks away now, he whispered out loud as he brought his hands up to his face and rubbed his temples to try to relieve the onset of a headache.
Its been like this ever since I proposed to her after the Inferno incident, he thought as he numbly untied and pulled off his other sneaker before he pushed himself off of his kitchen floor. He unzipped his leather jacket, which he placed on a chair next to the kitchen before he walked over in T-shirt and jeans to the well-used tan leather couch. He relaxed and slumped onto the couch, nearly being swallowed into it. She had a little trouble remembering who I was in the first place. Somehow while Ive been away, she became amnesiac and its messed up her personality. She seems more emotional than I remember her being
He reached over to one of the arms of the couch and grasped a slim black remote control, which he used to turn on his old television set, randomly channel-surfing as he was bombarded by advertisements and silly sitcoms. The action, though not guided by true intelligence, helped give something for his body to do while his mind still rolled over the fact that his fiance had just ended their engagement.
I still love her, shes as beautiful as she ever was and Ive seen her as happy as ever. I just want her to be happy, to be safe. But, right now shes one of the only things that has kept me going since Ive gotten back, since Ive learned I only have a limited time left to liveI still havent told her that Im going to die in about a year now.
There was one channel that he flipped by, but then immediately went back to as he saw a picture of Cookirinis smiling face on the screen behind a talk show host, a glasses-wearing older red echidna woman. As many of you viewers know, Ive always been a fan of Cookirini, stated the host, sitting cross-legged in her chair as she looked through the screen at Justin. And so Ive watched her with interest these last several months since the return of Tergonaut. I watched with rapt attention when Tergonaut and Cookirini became a couple, back in 02, that was just before Tergonaut left for his homeworld in 03. However, now hes back and one of the questions thats been on everyones mind is, Why hasnt Tergonaut gone back to her? And who is this Justin Hobbes guy that shes now engaged to? We know Mr. Hobbes as a Moderator, as an associate of Administrator Vector in researching the recently-discovered Segan ruins, but there are still many unanswered questions.
Youre telling me, thought Justin. But at least the public believes that Justin Hobbes and Tergonaut are two separate people. Im not sure I like how this show is going, it sounds like-
But I have a guest today who claims that the reason Tergonaut and Cookirini have not come back together, is because Cookirini is actually not the same person and that an imposter has taken her place! Which makes sense that Tergonaut would quickly discover a fake, but is Cookirini truly a fake, or is this a theory that only proves that Tergonaut doesnt know a good thing when he sees it? Lets introduce our guest today, an-
Justin frowned as he turned off the television and placed the remote onto the seat next to him. And then theres this nonsense, he growled in anger, some people claiming that Cookirini is being impersonated by somebody else. Thats ridiculous! Why would anybody do something like that? Cooki hasnt been herself lately, but people change in two years. I dont understand why there are some people who have to mess with the lives of others by trying to cast them as fakes
He let out a sigh as he knew he wasnt going to stop thinking about this until he had talked to Cookirini herself. Ive got to call her and talk some sense into herI dont want to lose her again, not without a fight.
Nighttime hung in the air outside as he walked to the phone unit and used the speed-dial to ring Cookirini up. As he waited for the connection to be established, he noticed that it was later on the wall clock than he had thought. Time for bed, but I gotta make this call first, for better or worse
The screen activated, and Justin saw Cookirini standing there, holding the phone next to her head as she stood there looking at him with tear-stained cheeks. She was dressed in a pink bare-shouldered nightgown, and Justin realized that he might have woken her up to have her answer the phone. Cooki, sorry Im calling so late, but we have to talk, said Justin quickly. Im really sorry about earlier, and-
Oh Justin, thank goodness you called! interrupted Cookirini with such relief in her voice that Justin nearly fell down again with his socks on the smooth kitchen floor. I thought youd never call me again after I left that stupid message!
Any plan to reclaim Cookirini vanished from Justins mind as he was taken aback by this complete reversal. Wait, she changed her mind? thought Justin with a rush of excitement in his abdomen.
Can you forgive me for being so stupid? Im so sorry I said those things, I was just so worried that you might have gotten hurt fighting against that Sterling Shogun that I sort of lost my head!
Er, what message? blurted out Justin, thinking of the first thing that came to his head.
The one I She trailed off as she reached with one hand to hitch up a faltering strap of her gown. You mean, you didnt get a message from me?
No, lied Justin, I got home and thought you mightve been really worried about me, so I just wanted to call and let you know I was okay.
Im just trying to help her feel better, he told his stinging conscience.
S-so were still getting married? she asked, hope glimmering in those big purple eyes of hers.
Of course, why wouldnt we? asked Justin, careful not to sound too incredulous at the idea.
Im so glad youre safe, Justin! I was so worried, I thought I-
Hey, its okay Cooki, reassured Justin as he leaned closer to the screen. Were both okay, and thats what matters. Were still going out tomorrow night, arent we?
S-sure! To South Island! answered Cookirini with an enthusiastic nod. Well meet at six at the entrance to the teleporters, right?
Right, said Justin, though his stomach involuntarily cringed at the mention of teleporters. Ill see you tomorrow, then.
Okay. Cookirini also bent closer to the screen until her nose nearly touched it. Good night, Justin. I love you.
I love you too, sweetheart.
They hung up, and the screen went black. Justin felt the smile broaden across his face as he walked past the living room area into the bedroom around the corner. There was that same excitement in his insides that always fluttered and sparked about whenever he thought about that beautiful woman who was going to be his wife only a few weeks from now. As he dressed for bed, he thought of her, how she smiled and laughed and smelt.
Im the luckiest man in the Multiverse, he thought as he flopped into bed, and that was his last conscious thought before sleep overtook him, and he dreamed.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

You need to switch to Ezcodes.

Continue on. :blackthumb

Posts: 3291
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carry on with it terg, it's well written. ^^

Posts: 3468
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Terrrg write the chapters faster. I demand it.

So this Shogun person will attack on the next date, then? Can't wait.

Posts: 2438
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Just a quick question, true believers: SX brought up in chat that he felt that I didn't put in enough transitions into the story, and I just wanted to bring that up here. Are there any suggestions that might help me improve in that, or do other people feel that it's good the way it currently is at the rapid pace I've set? I try to keep things moving quickly, but sometimes I miss the lush detail that I used to fill my stories with. Let me know if there are things I can improve in, I'm always looking to get better.

As for more speedy section output, heh, I'm going to have to rework what I have now to make it better, as I'm terribly dissatisfied with the lack of detail I've been putting into South Island. I want to try to make it as real a place as I can while keeping it interesting and not dilineating too far away from the plot, which will most likely be wrapped up in about three more sections.

I'm counting on a flashback sequence this next round, so this next part should be a little longer.

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut laid on the grassy ground of Central Square, gritting his teeth to keep from screaming in agony. The orange and blue armor surrounding his left knee was crushed on both sides, a mangle of metal that laid at an unnatural angle. The Sterling Shogun stood before him, sheathing his incredibly huge swords and turning to walk away. Over the ringing of pain in his ears, Tergonaut could barely make out sirens in the distance.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You are a worthy opponent,
gaijin, boomed the gruff Japanese voice of the Shogun as he walked off. However, I could sense you were not putting your all into the fight. Meet me at midnight at the abandoned power plant in the Industrial District. There we can fight without fear of harming the innocents that you seek to protect. If you do not meet me there, I will begin another rampage through the city until either you, or another warrior stands against me. I hope you will not disappoint me.
Tergonauts body felt so painfully weak, even despite the power of the omni-suit that thrummed through him, and the shock of his broken leg prevented him from saying anything as the Sterling Shogun vanished in a silvery blue. The police cars and the ambulances arrived on the scene just as he passed out from the shock.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin? Are you all right?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin snapped out of his daydream as he heard Cookirinis voice, and he looked down into her purple eyes as they continued to walk together along the boarded sidewalks of South Island. In the darkness of the night around them, her eyes were like beacons to him. Oh, Im sorry, said Justin sheepishly as he put an arm around Cookirinis shoulder and hugged her close, I was just thinking about when we first realized we loved each other.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cookirini put an arm around his waist, returning the hug with a warm smile as they entered one of the open-doored arcade centers that dominated the Entertainment Sector of South Island. Justin heard the familiar sounds of the first three Sonic the Hedgehog games inside, and inside it was dark with neon lights and luminescent spray paint providing illumination along with the dozens of stand-up machines whose screens lit the air. This was where a variety of people from across the Multiverse gathered to play the classic SEGA games of past generations, games which somehow reached into the primal core of the citizens of Sega City.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Theres an open machine, Justin lets play Sonic 3 and Knuckles! said Cookirini with excited glee as the young couple walked over to the free machine, a streamlined blue, yellow and red arcade machine with authentic original controllers for the SEGA Genesis system plugged in the front.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Do you want to play as Sonic or Tails? asked Justin.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ill play as Tails, youre better at these games than I am.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin bent down and kissed Cookirini on the cheek. Okay, whatever makes you happy, he responded warmly as he stood up and took his position in front of the first player controller. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a matchbox-sized device that looked like a tiny remote controller. With this in hand, he plugged one end of it into the slot and pressed a button on the device, and suddenly the arcade machine responded. Three rings for each play, it droned in a stately feminine voice.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin pressed another button three times on the device, and with each button press there was a similar tinkling sound to the ones of the video games around him as players guided Sonic to collect more rings. Thank you, answered the machine, and it opened up the menu for Justin and Cookirini to choose their game of choice and the game options.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But even as he selected Sonic and Cookirini chose to play as Tails to assist him, Justin found himself being caught up in his memories again, thinking back over the events that had occurred when he had first revealed his feelings to Cookirini. Its not just important because thats when we first got together as a couple, but because it happened the same day that the Sterling Shogun arrived in Sega City. Back during the first time I was in the Mobius Forum World, I wasnt trying to keep my identity a full secret but I wore the omni-suit in public most of the time so most people knew me as Tergonaut. I finally got up the courage to try to create a separate identity as myself, as Matt, so that I could approach Cooki about my feelings but not put her in harms way like she would be if she knew that Tergonaut and Matt were the same. We had even set up our first date together that day, but that was a date I had to miss out on because the Sterling Shogun broke my leg and I was in the hospital
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin took a sideways glance at Cookirini, who was laughing and enjoying herself as the two of them defeated Robotnik at the end of the first zone. He couldnt help but smile and laugh with her, though his thoughts were on two separate things at that moment. She arrived at the hospital after she thought Id stood her up, and she actually fainted from the surprise of seeing me there when the room had been reserved for Tergonaut! She came and visited me because she had secretly had a crush on me, as Tergonaut, and to her pleasant surprise she found out that we were one and the same. But, I still needed to meet the Sterling Shogun that night or he mightve ended up doing some real damage to the city, and so she helped me get over there to the power planet with my broken leg. Thank goodness Vec was able to repair the suit and give it back to me before that happened, I never could have done it without him and Cooki.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was still something that bothered Justin about the present situation with the Sterling Shogun, something that he felt he should remember. But his thoughts were interrupted as the screen suddenly went blank in front of them, and he and Cookirini jumped away from it as it sparked and fizzled.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Oh no, we got so far too! moaned Cookirini as the sparks died down, her shoulders drooping.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What happened? Machine went out? asked one of the employees, a twin-tailed fox dressed in a blue uniform with a quilled hat set between his fox ears. Blasted thing always is breaking down, sorry about that.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Mind if I take a look at it? asked Justin, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Im pretty handy with machines, maybe I could find the problem. He looked over to Cookirini. You dont mind waiting a little, do you?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Oh, no! I could just wait outside for you, I think Im done playing games. But if you want to fix this, thats all right.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As Cookirini stepped outside, the employee rubbed his furry chin thoughtfully. Well chum, if you can fix it, go ahead itd take days to get the technician here to fix it, and if you can do it, that might save us a few rings here.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sure, no charge, said Justin with a smile as he took off his jacket and put it aside. He then got behind the machine, and with the tools that the employee brought him, he found himself engrossed in the task of fixing this game machinebut his thoughts went to the past again, and of what the Sterling Shogun had meant in his cryptic statements
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Help!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin snapped out of his thoughts and stood up in time to see the entire arcade suddenly empty, the arcade-goers running out immediately. Without thinking, he dropped the tools and went to the back door and ran around the building, where from a shadowy corner he could look at the scene before him.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There, in the middle of the street, was the Sterling Shogun, standing over Cookirini with his long serrated nodachi drawn high above her, the light of the moon shining down onto the sides of the metal blade. The crowd gathered around, stunned into horrified silence at this turn of events.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So, woman, I am finally able to get my revenge, said the Sterling Shogun slowly, deliberately, his armor shaking ever so slightly. For humiliating me and forcing me to spend three long years in dishonor, I give you death.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With those words, Justin finally put the pieces together in his mind, the memories of that night rushing back. Ignition, he whispered forcefully as he stood with feet part, feeling himself become sheathed in power radiating from the second skin that formed around him, as his memories played out in his mind during those moments of exaltation

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut laid on the cold metal floor, once again biting his teeth together to keep the pain away. The Sterling Shoguns massive metal bulk towered over him in the darkness of the abandoned power plant, and he held his massive wide-bladed sword above him, hands holding the hilt in reverse, ready to stab down into Tergonauts chest. Tergonauts left leg now had the same damage that his right had suffered earlier, and with both legs broken, there seemed to be no hope
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A worthy battle but now this ends with your death.
Sayonara, Tergonaut-san, said the Sterling Shogun solemnly as he raised the sword high above his head.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Is this the end for me? thought Tergonaut as he closed his eyes, his will to survive fading away with each throb of pain in his two broken legs.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terg, roll away NOW!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp His eyes flashed open at the sound of Cookirinis voice, and he threw himself to one side just as the lights in the plant flashed on, the sword dove downand Tergonaut looked up to see Cookirini at the power switch, as the Sterling Shoguns metal shell suddenly lit up with electricity, the sword having pierced through a circuit box.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Youhave defeated me, groaned the Shogun as the power was cut off and the old samurai fell backward onto the ground, lapsing into unconsciousness.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut looked up at Cookirini, his love for her bursting to new heights. You saved my life

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With a mighty kiai, the Sterling Shogun swung the sword down, the serrated teeth falling down toward Cookirini, aimed to split her right in half. She clenched her eyes shut and her scream pierced the night

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

Yay continue'd. ^^

Posts: 4336
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I like the fact you're using shorter paragraphs; makes it easier to read. CONTINUE!

Posts: 3468
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Just a quick question, true believers:"> I've been gone so I never got to bring this up, so I'll say so now...What exactly do you mean by "true believers" and why are you referring to me as one? Believe in the story?

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The term "true believers" was used by Stan Lee to refer to the readers of Marvel comics - he used to do voice introductions for many of the older Marvel cartoons, as well as write that in letters and stuff in the comics. The most recent example I know of with that phrase being used was in the Spider-Man game for the N64, believe they had a voiceover doing that.

I can't remember if I've been using it before now, but I just figured it was a way to pay homage to one of the first great creators of superheroes, which is appropriate since Tergonaut essentially is one.

Posts: 3468
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Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up.

...Now stop talking to me on AIM and get to writing. ^^

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Sexy story here >O

I agree-CONTINUE! I wana see lil echidna b--Err..wait too graphic. need to finish that statement. :D

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With a mighty kiai, the Sterling Shogun swung the sword down, the serrated teeth falling down toward Cookirini, aimed to split her right in half. She clenched her eyes shut and her scream pierced the night
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Followed by a resounding metallic clanging as Tergonaut caught the blade on glowing blue talons that radiated from the ends of his fingers, casting an eerie glow over his black visor and across the wizened face of the Sterling Shogun. You will not hurt her!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So you have arrived as wellperfect, rasped the Sterling Shogun. I shall exact my revenge on the both of you and have my honor restored to me.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Terg? gasped Cookirini.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Get out of here! shouted Tergonaut. Ill hold him off!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Confident in your abilities, gaijin, muttered the Shogun as Cookirini scrambled out from between the two ironclad warriors. But you are merely an obstacle to overcome, I shall emerge victorious.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut let out a frustrated grunt as he pushed the sword away and off of his claws as he punched the Shogun in the chest with his other hand. The Shogun crashed into the wall of the arcade, sending blue fragments scattering through the air. But quick as a whip, he bent down and lunged forward with his two swords, and Tergonaut only barely lifted his arms to deflect the blows again before the Shogun ricocheted off the ground and onto the top of another arcade building.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Running away already? asked Tergonaut with a sneer as he tracked the Sterling Shogun, whose legs blurred as he ran along the rooftops. No honor in that!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Shogun did not answer as he raced to the edge of another arcade building, next to a towering pole hoisting a neon sign of Sonic the Hedgehog in all of his cobalt-colored glory. With a single swipe of the wide-bladed sword, he chopped through the thick metal pole, which teetered and tipped over. Tergonaut didnt get it at first, but then he saw where the sign was about to land right in the middle of the crowd of bystanding forumers and NPCs who were still trying to get away!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp NO! he shouted as he jumped into the air, his mind sparking his suits boot thrusters with a single thought. He flew underneath the sign, and with his arm transformed back to normal he used both hands to catch the wide grinning visage of Sonic. His thrusters burned hotter as he held up the sign with a grunt, his strength amplified by the power coursing through the omni-suit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Shogun did not stop at this, for he leapt to the next arcade buildings hexagonal rooftop and sliced at another large advertising sign, which slammed on top of the one Tergonaut was already holding. And another massive weight in the form of another sign, and another, as the Shoguns blurring speed sent him scurrying like some freakishly bloated squirrel across the rooftops of the arcade structures. All of this weight continued to build up, and Tergonaut felt his arms shaking from the strain. Even with his muscles supplemented by the artificial flexors of the omni-suit, he saw the yellow energy level meter on the inside of his helmets visor dropping steadily.
Not much time left before the suit just runs out of energy, thought Tergonaut as he dared a glance downward, seeing only a few more people running for shelter out from under the colossal load he was keeping in the air. He knew Id try to protect these people! This was just a trap to catch me off-guard, and I fell right into it. But I cant let these people get hurt!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He saw the last person, an older hedgehog, step out of the way just as his energy meter glowed deep crimson and his ears were filled with warnings from TINNERs voice. The thrusters cut off, and he dropped to the ground still holding all of the signs up above him, the incredible weight crushing him down underneath it with a tremendous crash that shook the ground.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut could hear the Sterling Shogun chortling nearby, but he could not see because the unpowered neon sign blocked his vision. The omni-suit was the only thing keeping him from being smashed underneath all of the weight on top of him, and he was all too aware of the crushing weight above him that threatened to squish him to a pulp.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Sonic signs eye shattered as it was pierced by the wide-bladed sword that the Shogun wielded, and Tergonaut barely kept from flinching as the end of it dug into the ground next to his head. In the next blurring moment, sections of the wreckage covering him were removed, easily sliced away by the Shoguns blades. Tergonauts head and chest were now exposed, but the rest of his body was kept in place as the samurai chuckled to himself standing on top.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So this is how it ends, said the Sterling Shogun quietly, almost reverently as he raised his sword up, the blade pointed down in his hands toward Tergonauts helmet. Be it as it may, you fought valiantly for your beliefs. You were a worthy opponent. Now, die honorably.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No. Its you who will die this day, Shogun.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Both armored warriors turned their heads to look at the echidna girl who stood next to the wreckage. Tergonauts blood froze as he recognized her. Cookirini!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was no trace of fear on her face or in her eyes as she glared up at the Shogun, who chortled as he hopped down from the wreckage to stand in front of her with a soft metallic clank. It has come full circle, stated the Shogun as he held both swords behind him, crouched in a ready stance. As Tergonaut is incapacitated, I shall kill you first to ensure my honor is restored. Thus will my victory be complete and I shall be on my journey again for worthy opponents.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What in blazes is Cookirini doing?! thought Tergonaut as he struggled to get free of the wreckage, the power levels in the omni-suit raising slowly, far too sluggishly. Yet he had to try! Dont you dare touch her!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It is, too late, whispered the Shogun, and in that same instant the blades flashed forward-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And stopped in midair, the two blades trembling in place only inches from either side of Cookirinis neck as she held her gaze steadily at him. The Shogun gave a startled, strained grunt. Nani?! I amheld fast! I cannot move!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That is right, said Cookirini. I told you what would happen to you. Now die.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut didnt even realize his jaw had dropped open in surprise, and his muscles went slack as he watched this absolutely impossible turn of events. With a wave of her hand, the Shogun let out a pained cry as his entire body disintegrated from the feet upward, incinerating him and leaving only ashes to crumble to the ground where a living man in full armor had once stood.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The sound of sirens approaching now filled the grim air as Tergonaut found himself looking at his bride-to-be and wondering, for the first time, just who she really was.

Posts: 4336
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Tergo might just now find out who you really are.


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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Vector and I talked after we got back to the SHQ Tower. He reminded me that Cookirini had already displayed an incredible potential for energy manipulation an ability that was the only thing that had allowed me to stand a chance against Terrornaut when he had made his bid for domination. It made sense that this same power could be used in other ways, and Cookirini nearly saw me die at the hands of the Sterling Shogun. There was enough stress there that she might have tapped into it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But I still cant shake the image from my mind. I saw her face while she was doing it, and just after she had done it. She wasnt at all distressed by what she had just done. She had a look of malicious glee on her face such as I have never seen on the face of the girl I love. She had just enjoyed killing the Shogun, and to me in that moment I realized just how much has changed since I left the Mobius Forum after my first jaunt here.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Our wedding preparations are still underway, but I have some serious thinking to do between now and then. Vector wants me to get back to investigating the Segan ruin sites we found; I think hes trying to help me forget what happened. Good friend that he is, at least that hasnt changed. In the Segan ruins, fighting with only the strength of my wits and reflexes, it helps me forget for a moment that Im not living in a constant war with a madwoman trying to conquer this world Ive made my home
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I just hope those people arent right. The ones who say that Cookirini is an imposter. But it would be so much easier to justify to myself if that were the case.
~Justin Hobbes
Sega City, November 17th, 2005

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What were you thinking, Terrornaut? You could have gotten him killed!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That was not my intention. You and I both know that Tergonaut, despite his flaws, has a talent for surviving. My goal was to expose Gingersnap for who she was.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And you risked the lives of other people for that! He still doesnt know, either. Just dont ever do it again, understand?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I will respect your feelingsmy changed appearance does not change my care for you. But remember that I have my own agenda to fulfill.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As I have mine. Well meet again later, you should go back to Effective Cybertronics Unlimited. Good night.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Good nightCookarai.

And that's the end...of THIS story.

What did you all think? And what do you look forward to next? I'm hoping to somehow focus a story more on Stahlmansche's operations in Sega City, or finally actually go with Justin on a dig to Segan ruins - or combine the two somehow. Also maybe delve a little into Justin's past with the help of some NPCs. And finally, I really need to write the fic I have planned to resolve Tergonaut's Sailorness form, Sailor Modesty.

Oh yes, and somehow the marriage thing will get resolved as well - one way or the other. As you can tell from that last conversation in the fic, there are more players in the war between Tergonaut and Stahlmansche than just those two - and there are other factors that have yet to be revealed.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

You FINALLY finished this. Good boy!

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

Nice ending. Now...I was wondering if it would be possible to pair up someone else's character with Justin in the next fic (like you've done in the past two). If you decide to go on the path of Justin in the Segan Ruins, could Ultra (aka Redley) join you as a helper (Well, someone who actually sneaks along. 😛 )? If not (or you go for a different story), I'll be glad either way. These are good stories.

Posts: 3468
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Yeah, sneak someone else.

Someone like a certain mom of mine you keep HITTING ON. o@

For the lost among us read [link= ]this[/link] thread. o.O

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I've been pondering that very issue, Ultra. And in fact I've been considering getting a number of people's characters involved in this next story. However I'm also debating making it into the plot of the next GM after Inferno is complete. I'll give a general synopsis for everyone to get a better idea of my idea.

Justin Hobbes is getting married at the end of the week, and despite his misgivings he is still desperately trying to figure out how to pay for the huge wedding bash that "Cookirini" wants. Barely able to pay his own rent, Justin Hobbes is suddenly given the opportunity of a lifetime: to be paid millions of rings for infiltrating a Segan ruin dig site and recovering a certain Segan artifact. The problem? Georgia Stahlmansche, Justin's (Tergonaut's) arch-rival, is the one offering the job! And if she gets her hands onto that artifact, it will no doubt be turned to her own ends.

But Justin is desperate enough to take on the job, and with some support equipment from Vector, Justin puts out a call to any and all forumers who want to risk danger and death for the adventure of a lifetime...and several thousand rings per person. Whether a forumer is motivated by money, adventure, or research, or perhaps even other motivations connected to Stahlmansche or Justin, then there would be ample opportunity in this story. Other items of interest would be the Segan ruins themselves, revealing secrets of what happened to the ancient race that had once thrived in the MFW, and the wedding itself after the dungeon crawling is over.

This is a plot I had tried to run with a group of RPers in the EliteChat, and we actually got fairly far into it. But it didn't have the same depth that I had been meaning in terms of the characters interacting, overcoming a variety of puzzles and traps as well as the robotic sentries left behind by the Segans, and of course the possibility of revealing, for the first time since I got back from my mission, Terrornaut!

So you can understand why I'm thinking of running it as a plot for a GM. However, it would have to be a much faster GM than previous ones because many of my later stories are dependent on certain events I have planned. That's why writing it as a fic, using guest characters, might be faster in the long run and get me the more desired results. But using this as a GM plot, I could have the direct assistance of other writers in bringing this to fruition, developing the unique character relationships more fully between Justin, Stahlmansche, and the others.

I could also try this as a group fic, but whether as GM or group fic, it would have to be done on a schedule, quickly, so that I could then continue on with other stories. I have an overall plotline for Tergonaut, and frankly I'm behind in what I had been planning to do up to this point. But that can't be entirely helped and is more my fault than anything else.

Anyway, so what do you all think? GM, group fic, or just fic with guest characters? I of course would ask each character owner for permission and for plot developments using their characters.

Posts: 4336
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It would probably be best for a fic with guest characters in terms of quality control. If there's any issues that would arise in terms of characterization, it would be a simple matter of editing a few lines.

In any case Terg, Ultra Sonic 007/Jonathon Redley is ready for you to use. You read "Ultra's Return", so you know what Ultra/Redley's abilities are.

However...the trick is this. Redley knows that Justin is Tergonaut, simply from analyzing his body language and voice and how closely Justin's match those of Tergonaut's. However...Ultra does NOT know. Ultra would want to come along just to get to know his neighbor more (he lives in the same apartment complex as Justin, after all)...but Redley's motivation would simply be to keep an eye out for potential opponents that could present a problem in the future...and let's not forget that Redley's services are always open to Stahlmansche. ;)

It would be most likely that Redley's personality takes precedent over Ultra's during battles with whatever defenses they encounter in the ruins (if only because he wants to survive)...heck, for all we know, he may want to prove himself to Stahlmansche (thus creating a potential business relationship and opening a door for future jobs)...and thus would want to get the artifact and bring it back to her first by any means neccessary...

But that's just me talking. Do what you will with Ultra/Redley. I know you're an excellent writer, and will keep characterization an important priority. :)

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Great story, Tergonaut. :)

You know I'd be in a GM for the Segan ruins.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Love the story T. It was shorter than I thought it was going to be, but still good. ^_^

As for continuation, while a GM would be nice, I beleive that a Fic with guest characters would work best. And as I'm sure you saw coming, if you need Gyser (or any of my plethora of characters) in any way, shape or form, then feel free. ^^

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

I had a long post...

It got eaten. Short version. I love teh sroty, sharp yet flimsy ending.

I like both ideas, fic and GM. Could have the GM only be part of the fic so it didn't hold you back...sort of like those pick-your-path books :O.

For real depth though and to make this story work to the fullest,I suggest fic with guest appearances-as you can collaborate more.

Stupid Ezboard ;_; Still sad I lost 10 bucks

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Good ideas and suggestions, all. And with DL's idea, I think I've got it.

There is another Segan artifact that I'll need besides the ones I'm already planning to be acquired from the major underground ruin dig with/for Stahlmansche. While it would be simple to just throw in yet another one into that story, I had always imagined that Justin would have to find different components or parts in different ruins for this particular artifact. This quest to find the components for this item could easily be the basis for a Group Mission.

So we could have both, the story with guest characters, and the GM, perhaps even being run/written at the same time. Now, either of the two story ideas - that is, the dig with Stahlmansche for her artifact and this other quest - would make fine GM ideas. For now I'm assuming that I'll use the artifact quest for the GM, as there aren't as many specific requirements for the layout of the "dungeons" that will be explored and allow other participants to contribute in a reasonable way without expecting them to know my expectations and plans.

The quest with Stahlmansche will be a fic, given that it not only features more of my characters but I have very specific ideas for how certain parts of it will go. Some of it may change depending on whose characters I bring along - I want a good variety of characters who will bring interesting aspects into the gameplay. And there are other features as well, like the wedding that will happen after the quest, which will finally bring together some things we've been seeing in motion for a long time now.

But in both fics, we will finally get some explanations about the Segans. They have been briefly introduced in GM: Inferno, and all we know from that is that they were a highly-advanced race that inhabited the MFW before the forumers, led by Zifei, came and populated it. As we delve into the ruins, the reasons why they are still not around will start coming into focus. Who are the Segans? What legacy have they left behind? And what destroyed them, or drove them away? Secrets may be revealed that will directly affect certain forumers!

That is my current plan to go with. I won't start the GM until after GM: Inferno is complete (which it should be in the near future, i.e. within the next couple of months), and I have no timeframe for the story as of this moment; I'll need to determine whose characters I'm bringing in, how they'll be able to contribute in the face of traps and robotic sentries, and how their interactions will affect the expedition. Also, the move over to EliteBoard will be happening in the next month or so, so I may just delay it until after the switchover.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

This is the one we "practiced" in the RP room? IM me whenever you start it!!

Posts: 2438
Famed Member
Topic starter

Yes, that's the one we practiced that one time in the RP room. Which reminds me, you'll have to let others involved with that know if you can, I'll try to spread the word as well.
