Been really digging the new Archie Sonic comic storyline post 200. I really like what they have done with Eggman and it's great to see Snively getting the spotlight. I've have drawn up some fan art for the 200+ storyline, my favorite "cracked Eggman" pic.
Snively and Regina sitting in tree...
Some SMB movie art. The movie's so bad it's good.
Some really old art of Nate Morgan.
A gif I did for Toby awhile back.
Thats all for now, enjoy.
Awesome pics!
Got some new art to post up. First up a parody cover...
Next is just some general Sally/Ken artwork made with reversed images from the above picture. See. I can pull a Spaz and make new art with old reused artwork.
And now for a costume that I recenly finished a few months back...
Do the Mario!