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Sonic Armageddon
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Sonic Armageddon

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Well, I suppose some of you are excited for the new Mortal Kombat game: Armageddon. Which was lauched on to the world with this picture. Well I decided to try the same sort of thing with the Sonic characters. Seemed like the right sort of thing at the time. The only rule was if they had appeared in a Sonic game. Including Spinball. I'm not going to go completly anal about this.
I've decided not to do that now. Mainly because I can't colour with the computer and main because I'm lazy. But now I've just decided to throw most of the characters I've scanned so far onto the internets. Photobucket might hurt me.
In alphabetical order then, Because the alphabets are a serious buiseness:
Aiai The Monkey
Amy Rose
Bark The Polar Bear
Bean The Dynamite Duck and Bomb The Bomb
Bearnger The Bear
Big The Cat and Froggy
Black Doom
Blaze The Cat
Bunnie Rabbot
Carrotteia The Rabbit
Chao Collection (Chocola Chao, Hero Chao, Neutral Chao, Omochao, Dark Chao)
Chaos Zero
Charmy Bee
CKY Characters (Rocky The Walrus, Locky The Eagle, Pocky The Rabbit, Pecky The Penguin, Kucky The Chicken, Wocky The Monkey, Picky The Pig, Ricky The Squirrel, Tocky The Turtle and Becky The Bear)
Cream The Rabbit and Cheese The Chao
Dr. Eggman
E-101 Beta
E-102 Gamma
E-123 Omega
Egg Robo
Emerl The Gizoid
Espio The Chameleon
Fang the Sniper
Fockewulf The Wolf
Gemerl The Gizoid
Gerald Robotnik and Maria Robotnik
G.U.N. Commander
Heavy The Weight
Honey The Cat
Jet The Hawk
Knuckles The Echidna
Lord Eggman Nega
Mecha Knuckles
Mecha Sonic
Mechanical Sonic
Metal Knuckles
Metal Sonic (CD)
Metal Sonic (Heroes)
Mighty The Armadillo
President's Secutary
Ray The Flying Squirrel
Robot Sonic
Rouge The Bat
Shadow The Hedgehog
Silver The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog
Storm The Albatross
Miles "Tails" Prower
Tails Doll
Tiara Boobowski
Tikal The Echidna
Vanilla The Rabbit
Vector The Crocodile
Wave The Swallow
Who I am not going to draw. Can't be bothered, No pictures, No point.
Babylon Guardian: Might not bother Scanning becuase he is a final boss a la Perfect Chaos, FinalHazard.
Various Character Chao. Technically Endless.
Chaos Gamma. Its Gamma with two hands.
Sonic Advance 2 Special Stage Robot. (Tain't Zero) Meh.
Phi. Grey Emerl clone.
Chao Walker. Meh
Dark Chao Walker. Meh
Super Sonic.
Hyper Sonic.
Super Tails.
Super Knuckles.
Hyper Knuckles.
Super Shadow.
Mean Bean Machine Enemies.
Shadow Recolours.
Heroes Enemey Robots.
Adventure 1 + 2 Animals.
Guard Robo. Grey Chaos Gamma clone.
Delta. His highlight was looking at Gamma as he was teleported.
Eggman Badniks/Robots.
G.U.N. Soldiers/Robots.
Illumina Flowlight.
Professor Boobowski.
Black Arms Soldiers.
Chaos 1, 2, 4, 6, Perfect.
Devil Doom.
Metal Overlord.
Biolizard/Final Hazard.
'Kayloveyoubyebye. Feel free to comment on anything/anyone.
Elise = Done. Actually thats me up to date. Unless the new hedgehog is revealed soon. If he exists. Think about it. I believe most of what OCB says but maybe he has a way of knowing what is what he said is official and what isn't official.

The Rows for the wallpaper thing are planned.

Posts: 889
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how long did it take you to do all of that?

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Well my PSU died Jan/Feb. I started it then. So about 2 months for most of them and for the ones left over I've only just finished.

New Version of Chaos Zero up now!

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WTF did Witchcart come from? o.O

It's the only one on the list I've never heard of >__>

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Tails Skypatrol.

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I'm suprised that he's never heard of Witchcart (well not really) but has heard of Bearnger, Fockewulf (lol) and Carrotteia. >_>. Oh yeah the process of the mother of all Sonic wallpaper things is up and running. No colours though. Well not yet.

Great I edit the top post because all the HTML was buggered and I bumped it. :(

Posts: 72
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This. Is. Freakin'. AWESOME!

I love how you threw in minor characters like Carrottia! My fav pics are of all the girls :)

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Thank you.
Unfortuently there are other examples of all characters in one shot pictures. and looking under art.
So I don't know what to do with this now.

Posts: 72
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Make it a comic!

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Don't know about that. I'm not extremely good at drawing consistantly. Maybe some sort of a fan fic with some pictures every now and again. Got a few ideas. Just need to get motivated again.

Posts: 72
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Ok :)

Posts: 504
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I love you in a non romantic way, Jhon. It so rare to run a crosss fan art of the -cky, Tails sky partrol and Tails advture. Too bad ya didet color them. Keep up the bad (as in good) work! (Waits for story)

Posts: 262
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Trying out my new black fine liner. I don't know why he is doing that but... yeah. Also with the awesome power of Necro bumpage this thread is now where I store my arts.

Posts: 2016
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You're improving, man.

And also, lolz, it looks as though his mouth has been sewn shut.

Posts: 262
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Thanks Spiner.


"His name is George and I will love him and hug him..."

Posts: 72
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Got to agree with sonic candy, it's really nice to see the Tails' Sky Patrol villains. Talk about some of the most abused villains ever (along with the Tails Adventure villains).

I've been trying to figure out the names of the other three animal villains for sometime now. Where did you find this information?

Posts: 1827
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Topic starter and look under Tails Skypatrol.

The names are in the minor villains section on Wikipedia as well.

I UNLEASH SegaSonic Rouge and Chibi Shadow on you all!

YEAH. Do what Chibi Shadow says...

I had a go making a SegaSonic styled Rouge. Not sure about it really. And I'm not sure where I got the "pinky out" idea at all.

During my early days on the internet I read a few sprite comics, but on the bottom on one of them was Chibi Shadow with a random slogan generator, That slogan stuck in my mind really.

Posts: 509
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Dude, you got Wave the Swallow and Storm the Albatross mixed up. Storm is the GIRL!!! Wave is the PENGUIN-LIKE THINGY!!!

Posts: 1201
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What? No. Wave is the girl, and Storm is the albatross (or penguin-like thingy, if you prefer)

Posts: 2354
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Listen to Deck: he speaks the truth.

Oh, and you need to improve your take on Ulala and NiGHTS (then again they're tough to draw, given they are human)

Posts: 509
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Then... WKIPEDIA LIES, MAN! What's a SWALLOW, Anyways?

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Posts: 1827
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Wave is definatley the girl because she wears clothes. Whereas Storm struts around nude.

Also, yeah at DoN. Might have another go later.

Posts: 509
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I wonder if its comfortable strutting around nude... (joke)


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Every now and again. I like to think I can draw. Humour me.
