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Spectres of the Past

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Spectres of the Past

Fanfic by Alex Smith

Chapter 1

It began on a balmy day in Echidnaeapolis. The Guardian of the time, Hawking, could only watch as the Echidnaeapolis ICU took who seemed like his son into intensive care. "Take a seat, sir. I guarantee he will be fine!" one of the doctors told Hawking as he walked into the waiting room, with a grim expression on his face. He looked at the hat he had given Tobor before all this happened. It was soiled in blotches of blood and mud. Oh Tobor, how could I have let this happen to you? I could have watched you, but I thought you were ready. Hawking thought. He curled up in the chair, crying himself to sleep. He would not leave without his son. He awoke next morning to a doctor standing near him. "I have good news and bad news. The good news is that he will be able to go home in a couple days. The bad news is that his left arm is broken, and he has lost sight in both eyes permanently. We can fit a visor on him, however, we do not have the budget for cybernetic replacements right now, since the Dingo crisis has put half of Echidnaeapolis into the ICU." Hawking replied nervously "Go ahead with the visor. I don't care as long as Tobor can live to see another day."

Moritori Rex grinned smugly in his hospital bed. Perfect, now phase one is complete. I have analyzed Tobor enough so that I can convince them I am Tobor. Then, Haven will be destroyed!He was still getting used to the visor, however, he could see somewhat well.

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"Tobor" carved a scar into his chest with a hypodermic needle, in order to simulate a Guardians birthmark.

5 years later

"Don't you think you are being to hard on the boy, Tobor? He's so deep in training he never even talks! He's only six, yet he works harder than most of us." Mathias observed Spectre in the training hall meditating. Tobor explained. "Spectre is unique. He posseses a strength no other has." Suddenly, Hawking gasped as he saw Spectre levitating himself. "Preposterous,Tobor! The boy is not a man yet!" Tobor calmly replied. "Father, Spectre is blooming with energy. I will teach him how to use it properly." The aged Grandfather Steppenwolf hobbled from his hoverchair and rubbed his bearded chin thoughtfully. "The boy, I sense he has the greatest power of any of us...Train him well, Grandson Tobor! However, I must examine his potential first."
Steppenwolf stepped into the room and put a darked visor helmet on Spectre. Then, he pressed a button on a keypad and four holographic images appeared. Flashing in a pattern, the holograms floated. "Now young one, repeat the pattern with your chaos powers". Spectre's hands glowed and he pressed in the sequence in 3 seconds. "Astounding...the boy has telepathic abilities beyond any of us!" Steppenwolf walked away slowly.

Chapter II
Training Begins

"Son, this is the Chaos Chamber, where your destiny lies. Do you feel the energy? That is Chaos energy coming from the Chaos Emerald. The energy can be used to--WHAT WAS THAT???" Without warning, three robotic probes broke through the walls. "Stay back Spectre! I'll handle this!" However, one of the probes trapped Tobor in it's tractor beam, then several tubes prodded Tobor. "Dad!" Spectre gnashed his teeth, and began eminating intense energy. The probes began spinning out of control, then fell down. Spectre then destroyed the incoming probes with another pulse. Tobor regained consiousness, then ran to Spectre. "Son, you look strange! Your color has changed!" Spectre's eyes were red, and his body was turned crimson.
