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Sweet cuppincakes: the price of sandy barbershops

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Our darling Stairmaster seems to be having troubles with posting, so I'm making this topic in here for him.

IE: Stairmaster is responsible for all of this, not meeeee.


Sweet cuppincakes: the price of sandy barbershops
The direct to video movie novelization
By righthand, stairmaster, or somebody you decide the name.
Chapter 1

The bright symphony of lights emitting from the coffee swamp could not even bright up the wheel chairs dark soul. Eh! Steve could not keep on his cheery grin as he was chased across the walkway. The only thing that met eh! Steves face was sadness. You cant run forever ever Eh! Steve and when you stop to gain your breath it will be the last thing you dooooooooooo! the wheel chair said with morbid enjoyment. There was only one thing left for eh! Steve to do and it would be the hard on him. He slowed down and faced towards the edge of the walkway, towards the coffee swamp and sucked as hard as he could.

The walkway could not hold together as the venomous coffee collided. Its lobster holders had snapped. The walkway was now sinking in anticipation. Eh! Steve and the wheel chair grabbed on for life as doom approached them. The only thing on the wheel chairs mind was understanding and regret. But Eh! Steve still had determination. Suddenly hair appeared attached to his eyes with a luminous glow. This was the only thing that will work, thought steve. His mouth open with bibical proportions as he chanted his sacred quote. eh- suddenly a coffee gyser erupted hitting Eh! Steve in the leg and things went horribly wrong. А! Стив was the last thing he heard.


Sherlock was never a big fan of vaction cactus, so he had never been been to a coffee swamp.In fact the only place he had ever gone to was the no tell motel. Or so he thought. He had confused a 1 by 3 by 9 black block for it. The only thing intresting about it was the fire work show it took sherlock too. And it wasnt even good. It was just a bunch of colored shapes and not fire works at all. This angered Sherlock so he was so preoccupied about it that he nearly had skipped a heart beat when Eh! Steve jumped out of his sleeping phone sweating. Eh! Danger! he shouted. Sherlocks eyes widned in shock. what have you done with Eh! Steve? he mumbled, something fowl was going on. But what, was the question. This triggered a minute of deep thought, and then Sherlock came to one conclusion. Hey look its the worm, the cow copter stated.

Eh! Steve had not been more disoriented. First that strange dream and now he wasnt speaking right. Eh! Steve quickly stared down at the reflective tiles to see what was wrong. He would of gasped in horror if he could when he saw that his mouth was upside down. Paranoia entered his mind. Oh no what if Ready for prime time knows about the decemberween box, what if the car wash is unlcoked, what if-, eh steve had little time to panic as the cowcopter flew into him throwing them both into the triangle triad off in the distance. Dang you worm I will not fall for your tricks next time, the cowcopter mumbled. Why cant the cowcopter tell the difference between the worm and some string, thought the steve in mid air. Suddenly a red glint entered the sherlocks view, is that the worm, in red edition? This left the rest of the flight doused in silence as great thought was taken.

Chapter 2.
As the wheel chair drank indention soda, he pondered what Eh! Steve was up to. Usualy eh steve would be by the loose leaf lagoon, or the command closet. It had been serveral days, perhaps eh! Steve finally had wisened up and hide in mexican george cloony. Still though what about sherlock? Had the worm, finally, after all this time made a bag transcation. Suddenly the mission impossible theme angrily started playing. Casio strong bad had gotten bored and wanted to go dumple jogging. Hold on one moment the wheel chair negotiated. Just where has Sherlock and the eh! Steve gone? Casio strong bad replied with the Mario theme. Yeah some opposition to non sequesters would be good, maybe well find eh! Steve too!

Eh! Stairmaster pleaded a desperate square. I am not giving up, I want to congregate the brochure, Sherlock and eh! Steve had been arguing for hours after they had landed. They were currently lodged in some xml coding. Neither one of them was elated enough to mention the worm, Red version. Both had their theories though. Perhaps it was a merchindising scheme for the adminster garage. Perhaps it was a covert bank. Whatever it was it was not prospecting off of the holidays. If it intentions were not cosmetic, then a political debate of epic porportions would ensure.

Dusk had risen to a higher status as the wheel chair flipped over a tile. this oughta shake eh! Steve up the wheel chair then laughed evilly as threw some sapphire over mitts into the opened hole. Suddenly he heard words that sent a chill down his spine, left, right, left, right. no no you cant do that! he said as he fell into the hole. What had happen you asked? The mysertious worm, red version had started a flag auction. This surging amount of power had abruptly ended this chapte-

Chapter 3
What just happened? Somebody set us up the bomb. Not actually. It seems your younger sibling has turned off your vcr. He/She wants to watch her favorite show which is coming up. Botheredly you changed the channel to some channel broadcasted from free country usa. I guess this isnt really chapter 3.

We'll have an adventure, and several long trips. We'll make some new friends and maybe get a bite to eat!!! All 'cause we say, Whaddaya Know, Haddi-Man?

Oh its that kid show, you think to your self. You struggle to stay awake during the show. Soon the programing block is over and some new shows are playing. Which is pretty weird, its about this tr- here Ill explain it better

One day philip the train was waiting nearby the chemical plant. When suddenly andrew the rocket engines rocket malfuntioned causing him to speed into a bunch of cars. The car went flying into the plant causing a horrible industrial spill. Robert the steam engine was swept away and knocked over 5 narrow gauge engines, 7 cars and 1 house.frank the crane engine had paniced and got himself attached to a jet plane that was taking off. Luckily no one was hurt.

When everything was cleaned up, the generic controller drove over to the acident site. you have caused calamity and chaos, and caused our shares to lose value scolded the generic controller to philip. Even though it was the controllers fault for hiring a bad mechanic to work on roberts rocket, but hes an incomptent moron and unfit to take any role for acepting responsibility. Philip had been angered by this and decided to call a union meeting.

The engines gathered around the turntable to hear phils announcment. Unfourntnately since they had no mouths they had to talk telekenticly and I dont know what they said. It pretty much went along the lines of them planning to go on strike.

The first day of protesting had came. The engines rolled along tracks back, and forward nearby the generic controllers office. But then they heard a strange chopping noise. They looked off in the distance to see a generic black hawk, suddenly they remembered that the controller was also a corrupt military officer that could use forces for what ever he pleases . They black hawk started to ga-

You turn it off now at this point disturbed beyond belief. they show this stuff to kids?, you think to your self. Oh well back to the sweet cuppin cakes video.

Third chapter coming soon.

The real chapter 3

Darker and darker the world seemed, as the wheel chair plunged into the abyss. The red worm just stared down the hole, mentally smiling.he turned around and aporached the button of destiny. Carefully he plotted his reactions and relaxtions. When suddenly a fist went into (insert gender here posseive pronoun, such as his her, here)face. Casio strong bad had struck vengance right in the face. The worm, red version fell right out of his hole. The worm red version then ceased to exsist due to the paradox created. Casio strong bad stared at what he had just acomplished. He pondered how he could save the wheel chair from the sun set. As he thought, a 180 degree angle slithered out of the red worms hole.

Casio strong bad had only moments to look back as a sanity blast sperated the world in half. Eh! Steve and sherlcok stared off ine the distance in horror as they saw the blast aproaching them. The cowcopter struggled to create a syntax error as the brightly weaven beam of fate apporached them. The worlds pallet went blank as the division symbol hit them. The only direction left for them was to be down had not sherlock intervened. Though it was not enough to save his square comrade. Eh! Steve did not land on the plot hole sherlock created and was left to his own devices. Sherlock had exerted himself doing actions that were not explained.

When sherlock had recovered he knew fear like he never had encountered before. A personfication of all optimism was in front of him. He was in an encounter with a heptagon. Envy shot through him. He hovered back to the future. The end was beginning, and all the exposition in the middle had been skipped.



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Yeah stupid ezbark kept giving me an error message when i posted this. This was orignally posted on my clan forums. its near the bottom
