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Tails Vengance
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Tails Vengance

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Anyone who was here about a year ago may remember a fan-fic I was working on called Tails Vengance before I suddenly disapeared. For those of you who are confused about what the hell I'm talking about, I am that annoying little Mecha Shadow. Enough about that though, here's the fanfic:


JULY 16th, 2006

It was one B-E-A-utifl evening. The blood-red sun was just starting to settle under the mountain-capped horizon to the east as I laid in my swimsuit on the beach in the eastern end of Central Island. Since about 5 o' clock people were avoiding the beach in fear of the darkness that would soon envelop the city of Chicago. But my girlfriend, a wonderful blue fox named Krystal, and I were not them. She had her hand, back forward, on my chest just gracing it across up and down. It was odd, I have to admit, but we didn't care. It was then that things started, um... , "Beefing up", if ya know that I mean, but I don't think I need to describe it... heh heh.

Sonic and Sally were also spending their week here. They had finally after all these rumors and false alarms tied the knot and were taking these first few days of marriage off to the western coast of Mobius. Chicago, Anaconda, Kearse, all the great cities of western Mobius they were off to. As they stood looking out to the ocean on the Amadeus Prower Memorial Bridge, Sally leaned her head over onto Sonic's shoulder, lovingly nudging his shoulder and slowly closeting her eyes for a few seconds. Sonic peered over, and smiled. He slowly lowered his head on to hers and reached behind Sally and drew her close to him. The two lovebirds glazed their eyes over the ocean before them.

They lifted their heads off each other and quickly Sally broke the silence.

"Ahh, I forgot, I need to get some groceries for the rest of the trip."

"Yeah we literally plowed right through them, didn't we?"

Sally faintly chuckled.

"Sal, why don't you go off to the Super One and I'll walk back to the hotel. I need a little more rest tonight."

"That's fine with me."

Sally started off to their new Ford Mustang while Sonic started off to the hotel. He wasn't running off at super-sonic speeds as usual anymore. Just getting old, he thought, even though he was only 24. He stuck his head up and glanced at the stars. His mind was racing with all that had happened in the last few months. So many things, so little time period, or at least compared to how it used to be.

Sonic noticed something weird happening, or at least what he thought was weird. Some person had been fallowing him since he turned onto 47th Street. He glanced behind and noticed he or she was pulling out something from their coat, but he just figured it was a cell phone or an I-pod and just continued on his path to the hotel. He suddenly thought he heard the sound of a suppressed pistol, but then two things pierced his back. A massive amount of pain then rocketed around his body as he fell to the ground. He weakly rolled over and noticed the person holding something in their hand, then it flashed. Another sharp shock of pain, now coming from his head, then nothing.

JULY 17th

I awoke in Krystal's apartment. Forcing my heavy eyes open, I glanced around the room, then realized that Krystal wasn't in the bed next to me. I leapt out of the bed and walked into the Living Room/Dining Room of her apartment expecting to find her sitting on the couch surfing through the channels on the TV or in the kitchen making breakfast, but nothing. I leaned over on the counter and slipped my elbow on something. It was a folded up note, which read Tails, Just so you know..." on the front. I quickly grabbed it and flung it open, nearly ripping it in two.

"I woke up at 6 and a phone call came from my brother. He said dad had just learned that he had cancer in 5 different areas and wanted me to know that the doctors said he had only 2 years left. I kinda was worried so by the time you read this I'll be on a plane to Ore Port. I was going to wake you and tell you but you wouldn't get up, so I just left. Sorry if I scared you.
Love ya,

Whew! Thank god it wasn't something more serious!

My mornings are spent doing the same things about 90% of the time. First, I'd crack open a box of mini wheats and pour some into a bowl. Then head off to the couch and turn on either the local news or the MNN channel. The channel that the TV was turned off to was closest to MNN so I pressed my way to channel 31. Perfect timing, the commercial break just ended with one of those Spy vs. Spy Mountain Dew commercials and the newscast was beginning it's bombardment of great or disastrous things.

"Welcome back, it is currently 9:30 so we will present you with todays top stories...
Yesterday at 10 o clock the body of world renowned hero, Sonic the Hedgehog, was found in a trash can in an alleyway just aft of 47th street. He apparently sustained gunshot wounds for there were two bullet holes on his back and one in his head."

A wave of milk and chewed up Mini Wheats bursted out of my mouth. Sonic? Dead? This has to be some sort of dream. I shot off the couch and picked up the phone and called Sonic's cell phone. It was immediately picked up by Sally.

"Tails, what do you want?" That wasn't how she usually answered the phone. She usually greeted me with a "Hey Tails, whats up?" Her voice also had a discouraged tone. That was defiantly enough evidence for me.

"So, it is true..." I whisper as my swallowed cereal begged to come up because of the shock that had engulfed me.

"What? Are you talking about Sonic?"

"Yeah... I can't believe it, him, why him?"

Another news story pulled up on the screen of the TV. "We just have breaking news that a plane from Air Ixiom has exploded 50 miles from Ore Port. The plane took off in Chicago at around 6:40 AM, Western Mobian Time and was caring about 200 people. We have no confirmed survivors at the moment."

I dropped the phone onto the floor. I had no clue for sure, but I had a sense that Krystal was on that plane. It seemed like a melinum from the time I released my grip on the phone to when it slammed onto the shag carpet floor.

Krystal...oh god no!

I stared into the colorful void that was the TV. My mind was racing with memories of the two, some awesome, some forgetful. I had this oddball feeling that I had not felt in at least 1 and a half years, as if I could not feel anything, or hear anything but what was in my mind. Krystal... Sonic... why them?

I realized something, Sonic... Krystal... their deaths were planned... they had to be!. If not then how did two people that were close to me just mysteriously die within 24 hours? I grabbed the phone off the floor as my mind enraged with this crazy thought.

I yelled into the phone "Sally you to get outta there as quickly as possible! Your next, I know it!"

"Tails, thank god your still there."

"No, Sally you have to listen to me! Sonic and Krystal's deaths were planned and your next!"

"What? Krystal died too?"

"God Dammit Sally! Get Out Of There!"

"Tails, what the hell o.... you? Are yo.... zy?" She was breaking up. I had no other idea of what to do, so I hung up the phone and ran into one of the closets that contained Krystal's clothing and stuff, inside it was something I seriously needed. When she got her own apartment here, Krystal's dad gave her this Grundire Type 25 7.22 mm pistol (which oddly resembled a Walther PPK) just in case anyone ever tried to hurt his little girl. It was contained in a small cigar box along with two extra magazines (or clips, as Hollywood calls em') just in case one didn't do the job.

I found the box and took the pistol, shoving the magazines in my pocket and rocketed out the door to my 88' Corvette, my pride and joy. I took out the magazines and slammed them into the front cup holder. The hotel was fairly close so the need to speed was minimized, but that didn't mean I wasn't gonna do it. I jammed my foot onto the pedal and rocketed out of the parking lot at least 69 miles per hour and slid onto Cross Street and started my way onto one of the many bridges that crossed the Kamazi River. Because of the steep incline to the deck, my car went airborne and flew right over a small gridlock and onto the center of the bridge. I don't think I need to describe the rest of the trip since you can obviously tell I'm one hell of a crazy driver.

I finally got up to the hotel and noticed a black (03?) Chevy Impala in front of the hotel with the right front and back doors wide open. Two men were walking out of the entrance with some one struggling to get in the car with them. I whipped out my binoculars that I keep for sight seeing to get a better look. Dammit, it's Sally. I was right, she was next in the termination list. I wait for the car to start up and start driving before I get to following it. They apparently want to get out of here fast, since they just hopped on Interstate 96 and were just driving their marry way along like nothing happened.

This is my chance. I whip out the Type 25 and start pounding the car with bullets, and strangely, they just tear up the windows.'d expect that if your gonna kidnap someone you might want to install some god dammed bullet proof glass. I fire two more rounds at the car, this time shooting who ever was in the passenger seat. My knocks at the door are finally answered, but not with a friendly '"hello" but with a spraying of bullets from two MP5Ks. Sadly, they pierced my tires and caused me to have to stop on the side of the road. I leap out of the car and start shooting erratically at the Chevy Impala but no use.

"@#%$!!!" I throw the pistol on the ground and start slamming it with my foot. I was seriously pissed off, as I yelled and stomped my foot on my gun. I had failed, and now my image of Mr. Crazy Man was being displayed out all over the highway. I kicked the pistol so hard, it flew across the median and into the path of an incoming 18 wheeler. That was the moment that my rage grew.

"Trust me," I said to myself "whoever killed Sonic and Krystal and did this will pay in BLOOD!!"

JULY 19th

Security cameras lined along the streets usually are just used to spot gangs or street racers here in Chicago. Me being a "living Q", using them for evidence on Sonic's killer is a synch, or at least I thought it might be. Apparently this idiot really knows how to keep silent, for all that is in the database is Sonic walking out of a large shadow at the bottom of the screen, then dropping to the ground as two holes are punctured in his lower back, with drops of blood shooting out that are only visible when you slow down the tape to about 1/4th speed. Later in the tape, though, you do notice the shadow on the bottom of the screen grows an odd appendage, then a flash.

The picture now moves into the shadow in its every 5 minutes arc. A flash breaks the shadow's darkness, and then the picture is all but a mangled bunch of static. I noticed something though when the flash occurred, that there was something close to the flash. I rewind the tape and set it to 1/4th speed. The flash, then I pause the tape... a face... I press the PRT SCR button on my keyboard and save the picture in MS Paint so I can get my brother optimize the quality of the picture later to see if I can get the killer identified. I had already looked at the cameras at the airport, and yes, someone planted a bomb on the nose gear of the plane... and yes, Krystal was on that plane. Dammit, and now Sally will join em'.

"Hey! You look familiar." A female voice I have never heard before encounters me as I walk out of the apartment complex. I look toward the direction of the voice and notice a wolf standing there looking at me with a surprised face. Damn, another one of those freaks that are surprised to find me walking on the streets of their town. God, I just hate those types of people.

"Yeah yeah yeah, Im Miles Prower, nice to meet ya', yadda yadda yadda. Hope that saves you the time," I sarcastically sneer. "Please, I just need to get a few things done without the fricken' paparazzi on my tail." (No pun intended)

"Don't worry; I'm not one of those."

"Yeah, that's what they always say." Now, hopefully I can go off on my marry way to do some errands in the peace of my Corvette... that is, once I change the bullet riddled tire.

"So... you really hit hard with Sonic and Krystal's deaths?"

What the Hell? How does she know!

"I just asked since I..."

I quickly shoot around and intervene, "How in the hell do you know about Krystal? How do you even know if I miss her? How do you even know if I know her?"

"She is your... was your girlfriend. How do I know, you ask?" She now had a more desperate look on her face, with me now noticing her blackish color. "I was a friend of hers in middle school, and we've been pretty close ever since."

Whops, I think I did something wrong here! "Oh... sorry, erm... ehhhhhhh, usually people don't come up and surprise me like that, umm... I kinda thought I was in deep @#%$.

"You don't have to apologize, with a guy like you I kinda expected you to act that way." She walked closer and held out her hand, "The name is Sarah Nightshad. I'm guessing you don't need to introduce yourself."

I grab her hand and give a firm shake, cautiously; you never know what these people could do to you. Now, after a small conversation and an introduction, she didn't seem that bad. She, a not so bad looking wolf dressed in dark red colored light fall coat (it was getting pretty chilly that summer) with black-gray jeans, seemed to be different than all the rest.

"You might be wondering why I stopped you."


"I know who killed Krystal."

What? She knows who killed her? Hot Damn! It's a good thing she stopped me on the sidewalk! I reply with a puzzled look, "You're kidding, right?"

"No! I met her at the airport after getting off my plane. We had a bit of a conversation then she realized her plane was leaving soon, so she bolted for Gate 16. I passed there just outta' curiosity and noticed someone placing something on the landing gear. That person looked right at me, and then ran."

The bomber... the killer...

She continued: "I remember the face exactly... I was wondering if you wanted to know, that's all."

"You know Sarah... that is exactly what I need..."

JULY 20th

Sarah and I sat in my Corvette overlooking a good sized Manson in the Chicago Heights district of town. According to my "source" the man who did what he did to tick me off lived here. Sarah sat right next to me with the binoculars in hand scanning the massive home of this guy. Sheesh, this place looked like it coulda' fit five of my... Krystal's apartments inside of er'. I handed the binoculars over to her since she knew a lot more about this guy that I knew, so it was safe to give her the helm.

"Alright, now's your chance." What she was looking for was the delivery van that brought... brought... eh, I forgot what it brought to the house. At this time the security system was shut off so that the guards wouldn't blow the fricken' van up. This period of 30 minutes was the perfect opportunity to get in, blow this SOB's head off, and get out in time for the security system to start itself up as I leave. I grab the FN FiveseveN pistol in the small container inside the armrest and attach its suppressor and shoved the two extra magazines in my pocket, just in case a few slugs just won't do.

"So, uhh, tell me again. Who are we after?" I ask as I load a third magazine from the container into the FiveseveN.

"Alright then." She pulls a photo out of her pocket. "The guy you are after is Vorkovern Fradiski, a man from the ex-Kemaziian state of Mercantia, born April 23, 1972. To escape the communism of his country, at age 14 he ran from his hometown of Dragoon (famous for being near the "Land of the Dragons") and was able to reach Chicago by stealing a ticket for a flight directly to here. At age 20 he helped rejuvenate a failing company known as Grundire Industries that developed computer equipment for aircraft in order from becoming bankrupt. The company grew back to its former state and he turned into a multimillionaire. The reason he was placed on a police watch list lately was because of rumors he was funding gangs in the area. Now, you have to kill him for what he performed."

"Right." I opened the door, silently so no guards nearby would be alerted, and stealthily slid my way out of the car. I slide into ditch that leads to a pipe into the Manson, and now I seriously regret it. Scattered sewage all over the ditch, or something that looked and smelled a lot like sewage. Walking on, I start to do, making sure not to breath through my nose. I spot two guards, hesitating as I try to decide weather I should or shouldnt snipe them. Meh, screw it, its better if they dont know Im here.

I find a pipe, and so the 007 inside me comes out. I crawl on for about, say, 10-20 minutes until I find myself right under the basement. I crawl out of a manhole-type thing into the basement, un-holstering my FiveseveN, then cocking the slide to make sure theres a bullet in the chamber. Stairs in front of me, killer somewhere up there, guards all over the place, sounds like a good challenge. Creeping slowly up the stairs with gun in hand, the footsteps of people ahead of me, I reach the top.

There he is, standing there talking to a guard about something. This was easier than I thought, I think to myself as I raise the pistol and align him in my sights. TSOOOT, TSOOOT. Two slugs in the head for Vorko, TSOOOT, one in the head for mister guard.

A cell phone blares its little ring tone inside the Corvette. Sarah quickly flings it open and answers the call...

Sarah Nightshad.

A male voice Sarah easily remembers replies, Is Vorkovern being taken care of?

Dont worry; I have someone doing that for me. Sarah replies in her devilish tone.

Good. The man on the other line faintly laughs, Who is this new operative? Another small chuckle.

Whats so funny?

You never seem to be able to just do a job without someone doing it for you.

Until I kill them...

The laughing continues, Yeah, you do have a point there. So, anyway, who is this person youve hired?

Miles Prower, Sarah said with a smirk across her face.

Ah, the extermination target number four?

Thats him, alright.

Hes in for one hell of a ride, and I mean one bumpy ride, Yet, even more laughing, Yep, you make friends with em, you bang em, then you kill em.

Hey, its not my fault that I can hypnotize men, Sarah jokes along, adding a sort of cute-little-girl tone, Its just a gift that youve been given once or twice.

I know, but we should really discuss this somewhere else.


Come on, this is no place to talk about sex. You just need to go along with your job.

Sarah became a little more desperate, while still retaining the cute-little-girl tone, I havent seen you in a long time, cant we just talk? Just me and you, Geoffrey?

The mans tone grew annoyed, No, Sarah. We have an operation to work on, and we need to finish this in order for Operation Red Sky to be effective. You know that if any of the Targets are still alive, they could jeopardize the entire thing!

I know, I know. But you dont have to act so cold about it.

Sarah, I know we have a very deep relationship but it cant get in the way of these things. Just do your job an get it over with. The phone hung up seconds after.

