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Tergonaut: Triple Trouble (guest starring Electrawoman!)

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Okay, this is a Tergonaut story I've been working on these past couple weeks, and I'll start posting it up here. It'll take a couple sections to warm up to the point, but this is going to be my first Tergonaut action fic since I got back from my mission, so I'm excited to see how it turns out. This is also pioneering my idea to feature special forumer guest stars in my individual fics. I hope this can give an idea of the kind of action that Tergonaut will find himself in while trying to protect the Mobius Forum World from those who would use their powers for selfish purposes...

Triple Trouble
A story in the Mobius Forum World

written by Tergonaut

In the booming metropolis of Sega City, there is an apartment building on the corner of Sally Acorn Street and Amy Rose Lane. It is medium-sized compared to the towering buildings around it, standing at a mere five stories. But it is not the structure itself, made of old red brick and gray cement, that is truly significant. It is the people who live there that make it more than it is.
And in the apartment on the corner overlooking the corner, on the third floor, Justin Hobbes opened the door and stepped into his residence in the Mobius Forum World. Dressed in a green sweatsuit, he was making his clothing live up to its name as he wiped his forehead and went straight to the fridge. Popping open a plastic bottle of water, he downed a few mouthfuls before leaning against the counter and feeling more like a person again.
He looked down at the telephone-like device that sat on the edge of the kitchen counter, which had a blinking light on. Huh, someone left me a message while I was jogging, he grunted as he reached over and tapped a button on the machine.
The monitor screen that hung from the side of the ceiling-mounted cupboard flashed to life, and it showed the head of an alligator wearing headphones. Justin, this is Vector, calling from the lab. Ive gotten your equipment ready for your next dig, Ive located a site south of Sega City that looks promising. Give me a call back to let me know when youd like to start. Ill see you later.
Justin shook his head, his ruffled hair still unkempt though somehow retaining the distinct part up the middle. Another job, he said unenthusiastically. Those Segans sure were busy building places all over. But Im not leaving this apartment again until I get a shower and a halfway decent breakfast.


Fresh out of the shower, Justin had pulled on a light-gray T-shirt with the SEGA logo across the front in blue, a pair of baggy jeans and his red white and gray sneakers. He walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the remote laying on the counter, quickly tapping a few buttons to turn on the old television set that dominated the far corner of the apartment. Might as well see what the weathers like while I try to get past the family curse, he commented lightly as he left the remote on the counter and turned about, grabbing different ingredients for what would be a well-rounded breakfast. It was not long before he had two frying pans on the stove, one for pancakes and one for eggs.
For todays weather, were going to see some light clouds in the morning, but for most of today its going to be warm and bright, reported the weatherman as Justin puttered about in the kitchen, keeping his eyes on the stove. Tomorrow we should have a small rainstorm passing through the city, so you may want to get out your umbrellas and cancel any plans you might have had to go to the Hydro City water park...
Nobody knows when the curse first began, or how it came about, thought Justin as he allowed the weathermans voice to fade into the background, his eyes on the stove. All I know is that its been passed down from generation to generation, down to my father and then to me. Being unable to cook anything without it going wrong. I have succeeded in overcoming the curse to be able to cook a decent cheeseburger, but Ive never been able to cook anything else...until now, that is. Im going to have a balanced breakfast this morning! I can do this!
The strong smell of the food cooking only emphasized his desire for a warm cooked breakfast, and he added a couple of strips of bacon to one of the pans to start that going. The last time I had a decent breakfast was back when I was living on Inirikoocs couch back when I had just returned to the MoFo. She was actually a pretty good cook, but Im still glad I was able to get a place of my own. I just need my space, my privacy, and it was just awkward sleeping on another womans couch when Im already engaged...
His mind began to wander as he thought of Cookirini, the beautiful young echidna girl he was engaged to and in fact would be married to in just a few months. It seemed to be too good to be true!
We interrupt our extended forecast for a special bulletin, interrupted a harsh voice from the television that broke into Justins daydream. The First National Bank of Sega City has been robbed by three as-yet unidentified criminals. Eyewitnesses report that they attacked using hovering platforms and a variety of super-powered gadgets that allowed them to disable the security systems and break into the vault. Approximately one hundred thousand rings were stolen in the crime.
Say what?! exclaimed Justin as he whirled around, a spatula clutched in his hand as he turned his turquoise eyes onto the screen, which showed some additional information on the crime.
This is the third such robbery that has occurred in the city since last night, the other two robberies being made at other banks in the city. The only major bank that has not been struck yet is the Stockholders Union Bank. While there have been no serious injuries so far, these criminals have made it clear that any serious resistance to their crime spree will be met with violence. Police are mobilizing to protect the SU Bank, but sources at the Sega City Police Department say that they arent equipped to handle these criminals.
Something in Justins heart burned as he turned off the television, his expression hardening as his grip on the spatula tightened. This is serious, he said to himself as he closed his eyes. Those crooks cant be allowed to bully people into giving them what they want. Theyre robbing everyone in the city to line their own pockets. Well, that is NOT gonna keep happening! Theres one guy who can handle super-crooks...
The scent of burning food reached his nostrils, and his eyes snapped open and he whirled around again to see the black smoke rising from the pans on the stove. Aw dang it! I forgot breakfast! He scrambled to turn off the oven as the fire alarm went off, and he quickly took the pans from the oven and laid them on the counter, coughing as he went to the fire alarm and shut it off. Looking at the pans and their carbonized contents, he let out a sigh of longing as he got out a box of cereal from one of the upper cupboards. Looks like today is not the day for the curse to be broken, he said, admitting defeat.

Posts: 4336
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And in my story I live in Sega City Apartments...on the 7th floor. XP

Maybe Justin's been blind to recent additions? Nah, just joking.

Would it be too much of a hassle if I would be the guest star? Doesn't matter if you use either Ultra Sonic or Ultra Shadow...heck, you could even use Sailor Ultra.

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Doesn't matter to me whether the building has five or seven floors, so we could just as easily go with seven for GMs and such.

And the guest star has already been picked out for this story, I should have made that more clear. We have discussed it and the reason I haven't pointed out who it is yet is because we figured it would be fun to see how people react. But it is another forumer, that's as much a clue as I can give out without giving the whole game away. ;)

Posts: 4336
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Understood. Still, it's an exciting prospect.

(Sits back to watch.)

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&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin leaned up against the wall of an alleyway near the Stockholders Union Bank, glancing at his watch for the umpteenth time as he tapped one of his feet impatiently against the ground. Ive been here waiting for two hours, he thought as he sat down onto the ground at last, stretching out his legs onto the hard concrete of the alley. Vector wouldnt want me to do this, but from the sound of the news report these crooks are more powerful than the SCPD can deal with. Somebodys got to stop them...but where are they? They should have hit this place by n-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp His thoughts were interrupted by an explosion from around the corner, and he scrambled to his feet and peeked around the corner of the building to see smoke erupting from a gaping hole inside the bank wall. Never mind, looks like they struck right on time, thought Justin as he ran deeper into the alleyway, looking both directions and up to make sure no one was around before spreading his feet and arms out.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ignition.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp A glowing spherical field of energy formed around him at this thought, and suddenly his body was entirely enveloped in blue metal. Additional parts soon covered this form-fitting armor, forming into orange metal as fingerless gauntlets, knee-length boots and knee covers, chest and shoulder plating, crotch and rear guard, and finally a helmet that formed a backward-swept helmet spike with a black V-shaped visor across the front of the faceplate. The light field dissipated as Justin felt the power of the suit flowing through him, his body perfectly joined to the armor so that he was no longer Justin Hobbes...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He was Tergonaut.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No time to savor the feeling, thought Tergonaut as he rounded the corner in time to see a blur dart up to the roof of the bank building. Whoever, or whatever, they are, theyre not getting away!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp With a thought-impulse, he had leapt into the air and blue-white energy poured out of the bottom of his armored boots, sending him flying up onto the rooftop where he touched down. Halt, criminals, he said loudly but calmly, his voice amplified and distorted by the omni-suit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There were three of them, a yellow hedgehog, a green echidna, and a white-furred two-tailed vixen, all women. They whirled around on the floating platforms that they rode on standing up, their hands gripping the slender railing that served as controls as well as a support against falling off. Each was dressed in bright colors, the hedgehog in a hot pink jumpsuit, the echidna in metallic purple leather pants and jacket, and the vixen in a light yet intense blue dress whose skirt reached down just above her knees.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Well lookie here, girls! exclaimed the hedgehog as she brushed back some yellow quill bangs back with a black gauntleted hand. If it isnt Tergonaut! We heard you were back, but I never thought Id have to face you again.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Electra Pink, snarled Tergonaut. Youve been defeated before, dont think Im going to go easy on you because you helped us capture the leader of the LAMER organization back then.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I only did that because I knew I would get an easier sentence for it! laughed the hedgehog. Then she gestured to her two friends. And now Im in business for myself! No criminal mastermind to boss me around, and one hundred percent profit! Meet Tomica Purple and Powder Blue!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut raised his arms warily, his armored hands clenched into fists as the three flew around him in circles, keeping him surrounded. His Head-Up Display tracked each one with holographic targeting reticles as they whirled around him.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So we get to meet Mr. Tergonaut himself, chuckled the echidna girl in a low-pitched voice that sounded like it could have just as easily been a boys. She scraped her knuckles together, causing sparks as she was wearing silvery metal gauntlets that bore black and yellow warning stripes across the fingers. I wonder if hes as good a fighter as they say he was?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Id rather know whether hes as handsome as they say he is under that armor, said the arctic vixen coyly as she bent over to blow Tergonaut a kiss as she passed close by him, winking at him with a giggle even as she revealed the mechanical backpack she wore with a hose that was strapped to her wrist.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Business before pleasure, Powder, warned Electra, though she said this with a smirk.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Return the money youve stolen, broke in Tergonaut, his voice stern.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And what if we say no? asked Electra mockingly as she put her hands on her hips.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then Ill bring you to justice, replied Tergonaut as he flung himself forward, his boot jets thrusting him at Electra Pink as she hovered in mid-air. He reached out to grab her shoulder, but a blast of wind threw him aside, chilling him even through the armor of the omni-suit. He tumbled to the ground, bouncing at an angle to see that the wind was coming from the hose that Powder Blue was now using to blow him back. But as a spatter of snow struck his visor, he realized why it was so cold - she was attacking him with a homemade blizzard!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That should cool you down, lover boy, laughed the vixen in a pretty voice.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut swept his visor clear and swung up his arm to point at Powder. In the time it took to raise, the arm was surrounded by a field of glowing energy which ran down the length of the arm, reconfiguring it into a different shape until it had fully reformed into an arm cannon. Youre very stunning, he complimented dryly as a purplish glow emitted from gun before firing a baseball-sized energy burst that struck the vixen on her bare arm. The blast exploded in a shower of sparks as she screamed, and Electra Pink veered her hover platform over to grab onto Powders platform to keep her from falling as she slumped over the railing.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You jerk! Dont ever hurt my friends! bellowed Tomica as she swung low across the rooftop at Tergonaut, who stood up only to be thrown backwards toward the edge of the building by the explosive force of the punch Tomica threw to his stomach. Though most of the impact was absorbed by the now-visible impact screens that served as a defensive field for his suit, the blow still threw him for a loop and he had lost his wind.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Too slow...she must be insane, wearing blast charges on her hands like that, thought Tergonaut as he struggled up to his feet, hardly hearing the damage report that TINNER spoke in his ear and showed on his damage display.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He had barely gotten to his feet again before a long snaking tendril whipped around his neck, and he reflexively reached for it as he saw Electra Pink on the other end of the line, the metallic tentacle extending from the back of her black gauntlet. You lose, Tergonaut! she shouted in triumph as she flexed the gauntlet, and an electric jolt passed through the tendril into the frame of the omni-suit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Electricity! thought Tergonaut in panic, feeling the very energy of the suit being drained even as he watched the energy indicator on his HUD flash red. It wont hurt me much, but itll drain my screens and Ill be defenseless!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As if on cue, Tomica swung back into vision, and Tergonaut felt the tendril unwrap from his neck as Tomica slammed her fist into his chest again. The last thing he saw was the view whirling around as he was thrown off the rooftop, plummeting into the alleyway behind the bank...

Posts: 4336
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I remember Electra Pink! She was Ultra Shadow's wife in an alternate future RP. 😛

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Yes, Ultra - and now she's back in business, and she's brought along friends! It's a Triple Threat of super-powered femme fatales!

But here's the next part of the story.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sir? Excuse me, sir? Are you awake?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin slowly opened his eyes, his head throbbing. He found himself looking up at the face of a young human girl, her brown hair hanging down around her head. She had glasses on, but he could see her green eyes clearly through them.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Man, feel like Ive been hit by a truck, groaned Justin as he carefully sat up on the ground. He coughed, and his entire body felt like one big headache.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Do you need an ambulance? You looked like you were out cold.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin turned and looked at the girl, and now he was able to get a better look at her. She looked to be in her teens, wearing a black loose-sleeved blouse, blue jeans, and brown and white sandals. She wore a backpack, and Justin guessed that she was a high school student. There was also a keychain that she wore at her belt, a tube-shaped charm that seemed to have a both blue and gold contained inside of it.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The omni-suit...TINNER must have shut it down automatically once she determined I was out of harms way. There was probably enough charge in the screens to protect me from that fall. This girl mustve found me after the suit disengaged, meaning my secret is still safe.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Naw, Im all right, replied Justin as he slowly pushed himself up to his feet, and he found that he was only a few inches taller than this girl.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Are you sure? she asked, her eyebrows pressed together in worry.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Im sure, answered Justin with a friendly smile, his mind working quickly to explain his unusual circumstances. I think I just slipped and bumped my head on the ground. I was running when those crooks hit the bank...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wow, you mean those robbers whove been on the news? You saw them too?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yeah, they were headed... Justin trailed off, then darted a glance down at his watch. Oh man, Ive been out for almost an hour! Ive gotta go and report what happened...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I saw them too, just before I found you here, said the girl, her eyes bright with excitement. Two of them were helping the third one off, and I overheard them saying something about a parking garage.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Righteous! If theyre hiding out at a parking garage, theres only one big enough where they could hide, so I can still catch up to them, thought Justin, trying to hide his excitement at this unwitting information he had just received. Wow, that sounds like thats where their hideout is! Maybe you should go and report it to the police...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The girl shook her head suddenly. Nno, uh, Ive got an...appointment to get to. And then tons of homework. Could you go tell them for me?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp There was something about the way that she was stuttering suddenly that gave Justin the impression that she was lying, or trying to hide something. But he wasnt complaining; this gave him the chance to get away so that he could transform again.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sure, he responded with a thumbs-up, and he turned away to run off. Then he whirled around and waved back at her, shouting, Hey, thanks again! Im Justin! Whats your name?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tricia!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cool! See you around!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Not entirely sure why he had said that, Justin dashed out of the alleyway, dead-set on his newest objective. So set, that he did not notice the strange blue and golden glow that emanated from the alleyway...

Posts: 4336
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Hmm...where've I heard that name before?


Is that Shadowed Spirit Sage's character?

Posts: 3468
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Sweet. o.o *musses Justin's hair* A crisis is afoot. o.o

Keep it up Terg. Whoo.

Posts: 1241
Noble Member

Very nice work so far Tergy.

I like the amount of detail you put into your writing. Its detailed without being boring, which keeps the readers attention.

Keep it up. ^^

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Thank you all for your commentary! Helps me a lot to keep motivated, and thanks to that and the encouragement of the player of the guest-star character, I've finished the fic! Here's the next of the final two parts!


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Deep in the downtown area of the city, next to the triple-block-sized Sega City Mall, was the one-block-sized Sega City Mall Parking Garage. Built with multiple entrances all along the street, and ranging from its height of three stories to its depth of six sub-floors, this was the largest and best-organized parking system in the city, allowing the waves of mall-goers free reign without worrying about where they had parked. Though constructed to appear to be the same grayish concrete that would be used in inferior buildings, it hid the advanced technological construction that would allow this garage to survive fully-intact through a nuclear explosion.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But for mall-goers, this was an afternoon of terrible inconvenience, for many of those who had just returned from the mall proper were unable to return to their vehicles. This was because the Sega City Police Department was establishing a blockade around the entire structure.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sarge! Weve received visual confirmation of the suspects, they are definitely in that garage! reported a female raccoon officer to her superior, a gruff-looking older echidna whose spines were turning gray, though he still boasted a rich red color on the parts that werent covered by his large brown trench coat.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Are the anti-aircraft batteries in position? demanded the echidna, his eyes sharp and revealing a calculating mentality well-suited to his career.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Yes, sir! The snipers are in place too, but the suspects have entrenched themselves in section two-bee of the complex. There are enough girders and supports in the way that they cant get a clear shot.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The echidna raised a hand to his half-shaven face, but before he could make a decision of what to do next, he looked up at an approaching pink two-tailed vixen and her black-furred cameraman of the same species. Oh no, not that Truly woman again, he muttered grimly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sergeant Prickle, Im Yours Truly for Sega Citys Channel Twelve News, the vixen introduced herself graciously as she approached the echidna, microphone in hand. I was told that I could meet you to help our viewers get an update on the bank robbers situation. Are there any hostages yet?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Prickle turned to the raccoon and looked her seriously in the eye. Taffy, get this reporter out of my sight. If she whines about her right to compromise our plans to the enemy, arrest her. Tell her well give a full report of what happened to her after the criminals have been caught.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Now wait just a moment! The public has the right to know whats going on! spluttered Ms. Truly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I wasnt talking to you, Ms. Truly, and if you call making the police look like idiots cause they havent caught the highly-dangerous criminals yet letting the public know whats going on, then thats exactly what your trashy channel is aiming to do, retorted Prickle coolly. Taffy, if youd please escort Ms. Truly away from the line of fire, we wouldnt want her to be used as a hostage if the situation turns that way. The way he said this last part, it was almost as if he hoped the very opposite but wasnt allowed to let his true feelings be known.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Come along now, Ms. Truly, well give you a full-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Look, up there!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The cameraman pointed up where he was also pointing his camera, and everyone turned their heads to look up in the air. There, flying with a streak of blue trailing behind him, was an orange-and-blue armored figure, his fists forward as he flew at the parking garage.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Its Tergonaut! shrieked Yours Truly in absolute scoop-chasing reporter glee as she turned toward the camera and put on her most professional reporter expression. This is Yours Truly, reporting live from the street outside the Sega City Mall Parking Garage! What youre seeing right now is Tergonaut, the mysterious armored superhero who reappeared months ago during the FLAME invasion of Sega City! Hes obviously on the scene to deal with the trio of criminals who have been robbing the city blind and are now holed up in the malls garage.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Prickle pulled a radio out of his coat and turned it on just in time to catch a distorted yet clearly masculine voice coming through. -geant Prickle, Id appreciate it if you asked your men not to shoot at me, I can see the AA batteries you have in place.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Dont worry about it, youre getting a clear flight path as we speak.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Thank you, Sergeant. I wont let you down.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Prickle switched the radio signal and barked an order to the anti-aircraft batteries, and Tergonaut flew directly through an open section of concrete into the garage.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sergeant Prickle, is it true that Tergonaut has not officially registered back as a Moderator since his return to the Mobius Forum World? Doesnt that make him a vigilante? Why havent the Admins released any statements about him? asked Yours Truly, clearly enjoying every moment of this.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Vigilante or not, hes good people, stated Prickle bluntly. Saved me once back when I was just a beat cop. If the Admins havent put out anything for his arrest, hes still good in my book.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Look, up there! Its somebody else!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Everyone looked up at where the cameraman was pointing once again, and another figure, a woman in blue and gold, swooped from a nearby rooftop and entered the parking garage as well, her cape flowing behind her.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The AA batteries are back online now, said Prickle. Whoever that was who followed Tergonaut in, hopefully its something good.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Ive seen her before! I think its-

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cops are surrounding the place, growled Tomica as she stepped back behind the concrete girder, turning to face Powder and Electra in the open space of a central parking lot. The only vehicles located here were the hover-driven platforms that they escaped in. The green echidna frowned angrily. They figured out where we were going, so now were trapped here. Brilliant hiding place.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It IS brilliant, shot back Electra Pink, her gauntlet-covered hands planted on her hips. All we have to do is make our way down to the tunnel that leads between the mall and the garage, and then well use our hover-plats to fly through there. The cops cant use anti-aircraft guns down there, there isnt enough space.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And WE wont have enough space to maneuver around in! bellowed Tomica. Theyll have other guns down there, and we cant take on a full squad when theyre expecting us!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Maybe we should just give back the money, said Powder quietly, sitting on one of the sacks of rings they piled against a wall.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp What? After everything we went through?! You know we have to pay for these super-toys, Powder, and well need your blizzard blower to distract the cops downstairs while we break through! exclaimed Electra, taking Powders collar in one hand and raising the snow-white vixen to her feet. You have a better reason than either of us to make sure we get out with this cash!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Powder closed her eyes, looking downcast. I know, dont remind me...but, what good will it do?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Absolutely nothing.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The three girls whirled their heads around to see Tergonaut standing in the entrance opposite their position, his armor illuminated by the bands of cheap yellow lighting that dominated the garage complex, the light from outside nearly nonexistent this deep into the garage. Electra released Powder with a shove as she and Tomica raised their fists to face him. Its rude to eavesdrop, snorted Electra contemptuously.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp His helmet turned ever so slightly so that he looked at Powder, then at the other two, who were inching towards their hover-plats. Powders right, he said, his tenor voice echoing in the room. You should just give up now.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Were not giving the money back, metal-head! shouted Tomica, her fists cocked dangerously.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Even if you escape now, you wont be able to buy anything with the money because the police will be watching for you, continued Tergonaut. And now you trapped yourself in a place where you cant take advantage of your vehicles. The ceilings too low here. This is over, youre surrounded and out-gunned. Are rings really worth risking your lives?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Shut up! Theres too much at stake for us to stop now, and its still three against one! shouted Electra, and she and Tomica made a run for their hover-plats.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut raised his arm, but before it could finish its humming transformation, a bright bolt of lightning streaked across the room and crashed into one of the hover-plats, exploding in a shower of sparks that fried the vehicle. Tomica made it to the other one, and spun around along with Electra and Tergonaut to face the direction where the lightning bolt had flown from.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp For there, standing at one of the other entrances to the cement-clad room, was a young human woman. She had brown hair that reached just to her shoulders, and sparkling green eyes that shone out from the golden mask that she wore around those eyes. She was dressed in a form-fitting uniform of blue and gold, a lightning bolt emblazoned on her chest in bright silver and a golden cape fluttering behind her in the draft of the garage. Her gloves and boots were also golden, and on her face she wore a lopsided smile that was the epitome of confidence.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Who is THAT? thought Tergonaut.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Make that three against two! the girl exclaimed as she raised one hand up in front of her, the fingers closed in a fist as she smiled cheerily at the group. Electrawoman is on the case!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Electrawoman? Is this your girlfriend or something, Tergonaut? mocked Electra as she raised her hands, a tendril extending from the cuff of each gauntlet. Doesnt matter, this ends now! Tomica, you take Wonderboy, Ill handle Sparky!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Roger!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Whoever she is, she looks like shes on my side, thought Tergonaut as Tomica swung forward, her head nearly touching the ceiling as she skimmed forward at him. He kicked off the ground to the side, a brief thrust from his boots throwing him out of the way of the echidnas gloved fist. He spun around and raised his right arm to point at her as she rammed her fist into the far wall, and the room shook with the explosion that erupted from her hand.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut tensed as he saw Tomica turn to face him again, a mad grin on her face that only seemed to emphasize the blackened wall behind her. Killer punch, shes not holding back this time...I need to end this fast.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Scared now, arent ya? taunted Tomica as she rammed toward him again. Tergonaut jumped backwards, his arm cannon firing a series of small purple-white energy bursts. Tomica saw the blasts coming forward and raised her armored glove to block them.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She can block my stun blasts! he realized, but he grunted as Tomica slammed her fist into his chest and sent him flying backwards into the far wall. Falling down on his rear, he breathed raggedly as the impact screens flared just outside of his metal shell.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp No smart remarks this time, huh? jeered Tomica as she hovered down and reached forward, gripping the backward-swept spike of his orange helmet with one hand as she drew back the other one. Say your prayers!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cant let it end this way!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Reacting desperately, Tergonaut thought, and his left arm transformed. He raised it up, and Tomicas fist slammed into its wide smooth surface. He thought again, and he aimed with his right arm and fired, but instead of firing stun blasts, his arm cannon sent out a powerful jet of compressed air that swept the hover-platform out from under Tomicas feet. The control railing caught her under her rib cage, and she let out a groan of surprise as she released his helmet and tried desperately to regain control of the platform as it spun in the air. With a jerk, the hover-plat tipped toward the wall and Tomica crashed into the solid concrete, her eyes closed as she fell from the platform to the ground.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp One down, two to go, he thought as he pushed himself up to his feet, and he looked up at where the hedgehog and the human had faced each other down. Holy blazes, looks like shes in trouble!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Electrawoman was standing with a tendril wrapped around her neck, gripping it with both hands and straining to keep it from strangling her. Electra Pink laughed cruelly as she wrapped the other tendril around Electrawomans waist. Electrawoman? Hah! Dont make me laugh, kid, you dont have what it takes to have electric powers! Time to turn on the juice!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut transformed his right arm back to an arm cannon and raised it up, but he stopped as he watched the snapping lines of electricity that streaked out of Electras gauntlets down the metallic tendrils toward Electrawoman. At first it appeared that she was about to face the same fate Tergonaut had earlier that day, but instead of crying out in pain, Electrawomans eyes were closed tightly in concentration. You wont...get away with this...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Whats she doing? Why isnt that electricity frying her? he thought in confusion. But then he zoomed in using the omni-suits visor to see more closely, and he saw a different color of electricity coming out of Electrawomans body and flowing in the opposite direction up through the tendrils. Yellow battled with blue as the entire room flashed into full illumination, and Tergonaut reflexively closed his eyes though the omni-suits visor automatically adjusted to the flash. The crackle of electricity filled his ears, and he reflexively raised his arms in front of himself as he heard a womans scream and a popping sound, like two light bulbs exploding.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The noise and light died down almost instantly, and an eerie silence settled into the room. Tergonaut lowered his arms and opened his eyes. There on the floor was Electra Pink, her body twitching, the tips of her quills smoking, her gauntlets shattered and lying in pieces on the cold cement around her. Her chest was rising and falling, and Tergonaut determined that she, like Tomica, was alive but unconscious.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He looked up at Electrawoman, and he saw the young woman breathing hard but appearing triumphant with a tired smile on her face, her eyes shining. I, I sure showed her, didnt I? she asked, letting out a nervous laugh as she staggered sideways to lean against the wall.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Sure did, agreed Tergonaut, who cracked a smile behind his metal faceplate and raised his hand to give her a thumbs-up.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Great job, said a voice, and Tergonauts smile dissipated as he and Electra turned to look at Powder, who pushed herself up from where she had been sitting. But you still have me to deal with.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member



(trumpets blare)

Posts: 1376
Noble Member

Electrawoman? XD! Man I had this bad Speed Racer esque drawing Just pop in mY head of those two xD.

But I'm loving the fic, good to see some life blood being pumped back into the regular life of the city.

Posts: 286
Reputable Member

It's like the forum has sprung to life and gained a physical form. I love it!:spin

Posts: 2438
Famed Member
Topic starter

Thanks again for your comments. And actually, Emerald, this as well as my other Tergonaut fics are based on the Mobius Forum's own roleplaying setting, the Mobius Forum World (or MFW for short), which is basically the forum come to life! I've loved this setting since I got to this board, as it has given me a flexibility and grounding for a character that would have been impossible otherwise.

Here's the final section, although there may or may not be an epilogue or "secret ending" of sorts to come.


&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp You? But you were going to give up the money, werent you? asked Tergonaut, keeping his guard up as he faced the shapely vixen. You dont have to fight us. This is over.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Powder shook her head slowly. No, it isnt. If you really overheard us, then you know that I had a different reason than the others. They just wanted to steal the money so that they could be rich. They were going to squander it all on expensive restaurants, jewelry, and clothes.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Powder reached up to the straps of the backpack unit she was wearing, and with a flick of her wrists, the straps came undone and the backpack fell with a clank against the floor. But all I wanted was enough money to keep me and my little sister from starving, she explained as she tore off the hose attached to her arm and tossed it aside. You think its always easy to find work in a city where there are always immigrants from other worlds, always more people coming in to fill places? My sister and I never had the chance to get honest work! We were separated from our family when we were trying to get to this world, so it was just the two of us. So what do you think I saw when I met two girls who offered me the chance to get revenge on the city that forced us into the slums?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Powder, listen to me. We can get you help. The Administration of Sega City is dedicated to helping all Non-Powered Citizens to-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Watch out! shouted Electrawoman.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut heard the shout right at the same moment he noticed the blue glow around Powders hand, and he jumped out of the way as the vixen shot a beam of intense blue light at the ground he had been standing on, ice instantly sprouting on the spot. Youre a forumer! he exclaimed as he landed on less-slippery ground. So then the pack-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The pack was only to let me use my condensation powers to create blizzards, finished Powder, her blue eyes glowing as the same energy formed around both of her hands. But guess what, even with powers like this, your wonderful Admins couldnt provide work for everyone. And because of these powers, my sister and I are considered freaks by the NPCs we have to deal with every day. How about that, Tergonaut? Should I have used them to fight criminals like you, use my powers to make myself famous, prostitute my abilities?!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Havent you done that already by using them to commit crimes? growled Tergonaut, his fists tightened.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp I had to...if it was just me, I would gladly have suffered, but not my little sister...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The tension was thick, and Tergonaut knew that he was up against someone who was ready to fight. He hated doing it, but he was ready to stop her. Maybe her position is unfair, and maybe she is justifiably angry, but she still did something wrong! Cant she see that shes only blighting the chance that she and her sister have of living peacefully in the city?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Wait! Can I please say something?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut and Powder both glanced sideways at Electrawoman, who had her hands clasped in front of her. Sometimes, I wonder why I have these powers, she began, looking directly into Powders eyes as she spoke softly, quietly. Why was I given these when others dont have them? Im no better than them, Im another person just like they are. And I dont think Ive found all of the answers yet. But this much I know, that because I have these powers, I can help people. Some people cant help themselves, and so I believe we were given powers to help them so that we could all live together in peace.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Tergonaut noticed that the room was very quiet, and he felt the truth of the words Electrawoman was saying penetrate his own heart. I didnt ask for this suit, he thought, remembering that fateful day at TergoCorp. Industries when he had accidentally stumbled upon it and used its powers to stop a rampaging criminal. But I have it now, for good or bad, whether its killing me slowly or not. I dont know why I had to wear this suit, but if thats my fate, then I will use whats left of my life to fight for those who cant fight for themsel
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Electrawoman extended a hand out to Powder, who was blinking rapidly, fighting back tears that seemed to surprise her. Powder, we can help you, and your sister. I dont know everything youve gone through, but if you let us, we could help you find the rest of your family. They tried coming to this world too, right? So, please, let us help you.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp For a silent moment, Powder looked with glowing yet sad eyes at the golden gloved hand extended out to her. But then she shook her head. Its too late now. Ive already committed crimes, crimes that I have to pay for.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp But we can talk with the police! We can-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Let me finish. Im grateful for what you just said. It actually gives me hope that there are good people in this world after all. But I know that if I go back now, Ill still have to pay for what Ive done. So Ill make you a deal.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Powder crossed her arms in front of her, her aura ethereal with her light blue eyes and body glowing with cold energy. Were going to fight, because I know that if I still run with this money, youre going to try to stop me, and Im not going to give up now when Im so close. If you beat me, if you can stop me, then I will gladly testify against these two when the time comes for us to face justice, she gestured disgustedly at the prone forms of Electra and Tomica.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And if we dont beat you? asked Tergonaut.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Then Ill take some of the money and escape with it as best I can. I dont want to just give up now when I still have the power to continue, not when Im so close. But if I lose, Ill pay my debt to society in full.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp This doesnt make any sense at all, thought Tergonaut. Its two of us against her, even if shes powerful she knows that what shes doing is wrong. Why not just give up and make it that much easier on herself?
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Its a deal, agreed Electrawoman. I think I know how you feel.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The two girls turned to Tergonaut, and he realized that he was on the spot. But then again, what good will it do anyway? Even if she beats us, someone will stop her, she has to know that. But Im not going to let it get that far...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Fine then, we agree to your terms.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp We have a deal, said Powder, a smile coming back to her face as her arms uncrossed and she shifted into a fighting stance as she flicked her fingers to reveal a small golden ring held between two fingers. Then well begin as soon as this ring hits the ground.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp She flipped the ring up into the air. Tergonaut readied himself, committing himself to this battle as much as he wanted to end it there and then. The three of them watched carefully, each preparing themselves in their own way as the ring rolled over and over in the air, topping its arc and then coming down toward the ground as gravity overcame its flight.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp It hit the ground, and the room echoed with the distinctive tinkle of metal against cement.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Breaking News with Yours Truly! chirped the television set as a damp Justin sat on a fraying old couch, eating cold cereal as the gray clouds outside pelted his apartment window with rain. The Triple Threat robbers have been captured and put on trial for their crimes! After their capture late last night by heroes Tergonaut and Electrawoman, who both mysteriously disappeared before they could be interviewed, the three criminals have been sentenced to serve time in Sega Citys maximum security special prison. One of the three criminals, a forumer named Powder, testified in court early this morning and provided evidence convicting herself and her two compatriots in crime. She has received a reduced sentence due to her willingness to help the authorities, who also were able to apprehend the black market crooks who had sold the trio their special weapon technology which they used during their crimes.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Glad to hear that she kept her end of the bargain, thought Justin with a smile as he emptied his bowl and walked over to the sink to wash it. Now that was a fight! She certainly gave us a run for our money, if it had just been me by myself I dont think I could have done it. I dont know who that Electrawoman girl is, but shes some fighter.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And in related news, it turns out that Powder has a little sister! Though not involved in the crimes themselves, the media has revealed her connection to Powder, and their sad story of being separated from their family has hit the newspapers. It is this reporters great pleasure to tell you that because of the media attention, little Snowy Blue has been reunited with the rest of the Blue family. They eagerly await the time when Powder can come to live with them on parole.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And so things work out after all. I hope that after shes served some time that Powder can become a productive member of society. But at least her little sister is taken care of, I was worried about that.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp So while the spree of crime was a terrible thing, it appears that it has led to one family being brought back together. And, in other news, a high school student received first place from Sega Citys Annual Art Show for participating in a contest sponsored by the citys Cultural Development Council. Tricia, sixteen years old, happily received her prize, a gift certificate to the Sega City Mall and all of the stores there. When asked what she would spend it on, she replied, Ill probably end up spending it on more art supplies. Good for you, Tricia!
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin looked up at the television screen, where a picture of a green-eyed, brown haired teenage girl wearing glasses was smiling happily. Wait a second...thats that girl I met yesterday! Why do I get the strange feeling that Ive seen her somewhere else?...
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp He struggled with his memories as he tried to place where he had seen her before, but he gave up. Oh well, maybe its just deja vu or something like that, he thought as he dismissed the idea. This is a big city, Ive probably seen her before. She was a cool girl, too. Good for her, winning that contest.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Justin looked up at the clock and jumped, dropping the plastic bowl into the soapy sink with a clatter. Whoa, Im late! I have to meet Vec in five minutes! Weve got a big dig today to deal with, and hopefully he was able to repair the omni-suit after that battle.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And so, with his conscience salved to know that things turned out right in the end, Justin left his little third-floor apartment on the corner of Sally Acorn Street and Amy Rose Lane, making a mad dash for the SHQ Tower and toward his next adventure.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp And thats the end...of THIS story. Life and story go on; to the reader, Ill see you later.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member

(clap) A fine work of fiction, my fellow story-teller.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

**also claps** Like I told you over AIM, excellent story ^_^ You portrayed my character(s) perfectly! I'm positive if you write more stories with guest stars, the owners of those characters will be just as pleased with their stories as I was with this one ^^

You did a great job, keep up the awesome work! **hugs**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 159
Estimable Member

Most entertaining, Tergonaut!

*clap, clap*

Detailed, as was already mentioned, but certainly not boring! Kept my attention to the end, which is the best thing you can say about any work of fiction, and more than you can say about a lot of big-time writers out there.

Macte, amicum mium.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member
Topic starter

Thanks all - I'm always worried that I'm writing out the actions scenes too mechanically, not using the same descriptive flair that I had before my mission. But judging from the response, everyone understood what was going on and there was no confusion, which is of course a plus because then readers can focus on the story and how it plays in their mind instead of trying to figure out what's going on.

But yes, so that's complete. I may be coming up with the next story soon, so keep your eyes peeled and watch out to see what happens next. There's still plenty of villain ideas I have, and I have a huge plotline to introduce once GM: Inferno and one or two other things are done, perhaps the next GM.

But since the story is over, I guess a good question would be to ask, what sorts of aspects would you like to see more of in Sega City in general? I'd like to get some input, as one of my goals is to expand Sega City into more than just a setting for high-powered combat. It is a city, with specific districts that could be expanded on, like the Sailorness and Boredom Districts. Not to mention locations like South Island and the RP Guild, which were some of the best-defined locations back when the thread on MoFo World Building was unhacked, though I believe the same descriptions can still be found on the MFW info page located amongst the links at the top of every forum.

But yes. Anything you'd like to see more of? I'd also like to show off Stahlmansche more, and get into the Segan ruins (which might or might not be separate things).

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Definatly an impressive piece o writing Tergy, really enjoyable read. The chapters were of a nice length and everything flowed well. I could really see it in comic form in my head actually ^^

As for what I'd like to see more of, um, well, actually, I'd like to see more of Hydrocity, the water park from festival of fun.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


But since the story is over, I guess a good question would be to ask, what sorts of aspects would you like to see more of in Sega City in general?

Powder in the last chapter brought up a very interesting idea: NPC interactions. It would be very interesting to see how an NPC or a non-Forumer lives from day-to-day.

Also, you should show more of South Island. Tropical-ness. o.o
