Since my last topic of this fashion got eaten by the EZhack, and since I've actually gotten a slightly different website since that time, I figured it was time to repost and start once again. is the latest version of the website, and lately I've been adding on to it bit by bit, mostly in the new Tergonaut section. It's a website for my Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction, Tergonaut backstory and information, and the various artworks that people have contributed to me over the years.
Now, before anyone makes requests of me, I'll be blunt, this is my topic to ask for requests, not for people to ask me requests. Just to make that clear. 😛
And as is my habit, I ask art requests here. I am always willing to accept any art contributions relating to my site or to Tergonaut, and the main thing I offer in exchange for this sort of help is to give you the due credit you deserve and gratitude for your services. I wish I had the money to pay for commissions, but I don't and I want to give the opportunity for artists to get in some practice with my free requests, if for no other reason.
Now, you don't have to wait for me to make my requests here; you can go to my website at any time and see if there's a story or other piece of artwork that inspires you, and submit whatever you come up with here. However, if you don't feel inclined to spend so much of your personal time helping me out, then I'll try to post specific requests here to save you time and to give more direct leads on what I'm looking for.
I have a few requests in mind at this point in time, but I'll need to get my info together before I put them down here. Generally I have a mix of human, robot and furry/Mobian requests, so hopefully I can appeal to most of the artists who frequent this forum and are of the sort who do free requests.
Also, this topic is for discussion of my website, whether it's discussing the Mobius: Second Tyranny stories and what you think of those, to the website's design and updates, to whatever else relates to the website, I'm not terribly picky.
will u draw m3 sonik and amj kising undr a tre3 with teh moon shineing on tehM1???/
Might as well post this one here...
Liked your fanfiction, Terg. Thought Tergonaut and Cookirini - Star-Crossed had a somewhat overused plot, but I liked them overall.
oO Wait...that wasn't a fic...that was backstory...
Oh well, I'll take credit for it anyway. 😛 But seriously, that was merely reporting the events of an RP that I ran before my mission to try to develop Tergonaut more. There is a little more story behind that event, but that's between me and Cooks. 😛
Thanks again for the sprite, I'll be sure to include it in the next update for the site. It should be sometime this week, I've got some other pics to upload in any case.
And son, if you're going to get all mushy with both Sonic and Amy at the same time, you're gonna have to move your requests elsewhere, my site's trying to be more or less PGish. XP
I found a picture I was looking for to use for comparison's sake for a request I have, just need to scan it and post it somewhere so I can use it. I'm planning on requesting pics for the Armada series of battle robots that my villain's company, Effective Cybertronic Unlimited produces, for Sailor Modesty after a short story I'm writing about her, and for a few of my characters from the Mobius: Second Tyranny series. Details to follow soon.
Hey Trgo, I was wondering. Since you are asking people for Art how about fanfics? Because if you are, I was going to ask if I could add my fics to the mix.
Sonic and Amy kissing under a moon lit tree isn't PGish? O_o XD
Anyway, I might draw some of these Armada Battle robots for you, Terg, if only to try and improve my Mecha skills. I'll have to fight off the laziness within me though... XD
Well, Dan, when I mean I'm willing to host art and stuff, I mean that it has some kind of focus on the stuff that's on my website. If I understand you correctly, you're wondering if I would host your Sonic fan fiction on my site. I admit, I haven't really thought about hosting other people's fan fiction before, but I'll have to be honest and say no for the time being. I just don't think I'm prepared to become a host for the works of other people when I'm hardly established on my own site as it is.
If you're talking about writing original fan fiction with one of my characters in it, then certainly contact me and we'll talk out the details. I'm willing to let other authors use my characters, but I tend to be a bit picky about how they're actually used. Of course, if you're just using my characters because you're lazy, I could just come up with new characters for you. 😛 In fact I think I might offer that as a service, "Characters Built While-U-Wait." Fun fun.
I'm putting in a link for SHQ's fan fic section where you can probably submit your fan fiction if you want; just be aware that the rules are near the bottom of the page.
Pach: Thanks tons, I'm going to put down a description of the Armada units for you here. And actually, I thought Wes was asking for a picture of him AND Amy AND Sonic all kissing under a tree...not just Amy and Sonic. ^^; My bad.
Rash: I already answered your question via PM, thanks for the submission but it's not exactly relevant to my stuff.
Okay, as promised here are some descriptions. I updated my website to help a little with this, so hopefully this helps. Also, if you feel you need more description, just ask and I'll be glad to provide input on any specific questions.
Modesty: Caucasian human female, 5'10", athletic-type build (or just use the build of any Sailor Scout from the Sailor Moon anime), turquoise eyes, short brown hair with a braid in it (to help with hairstyle, I'll link you to ( ) <--this pic that Shadowed Spirit Sage did for me) ALWAYS wears modest or at least fully-covering clothing. One typical outfit for her is sturdy green/brown hiking shoes, baggy loose blue cargo pants, black long-sleeved shirt with red old-style Nintendo logo on front, green plaid (or simply green) shirt-sleeved dress/button-up shirt (can be left unbuttoned to show the Nintendo logo on the black shirt), slim rectangular shades (optional), black leather fingerless gloves (optional). Other outfits might be: a pilot's jumpsuit similar to the ones used in the Robotech anime, blue with a white stripe up the sides; an all-green sweatsuit with hood and running shoes; a blue or green swimsuit that covers everything all the way up to her neck except for her hands and feet; a white labcoat over the original outfit. Some typical poses may be typing in front of a computer, sitting in or standing near any number of vehicles (car, plane, whatever), working in a laboratory environment (especially appropriate with the labcoat), eating at a fast food joint, or practicing fighting with a sword (any type of sword will do) or merely doing hand-to-hand fighting techniques.
Armada series battle robots: eight-foot-tall humanoid robots with gorilla-like body construction, white armor plating, bulky structure overall, elongated head (take a normal head and stretch out the nose from the back of the head, and that's what I mean) with black visor that loops around the front and sides of the head, hardly any neck, faceplate (no human-like facial features), legs with thrusters that pop out from the sides of the legs to provide flight capability, arms that have three gray flexible talons (two for fingers, one for a thumb), the backs of the forearms have squared cannons (meson guns) that shoot explosive fireballs. These are mostly autonomous combat units used by Georgia Stahlmansche for infiltration and assault missions where stealth does NOT matter, and have slightly more advanced reflexes than humans while possessing incredible strength - enough to lift small trucks or smash through walls.
Characters from my Mobius: Second Tyranny series (I'm afraid I don't have too many special details with these guys; to get a better feel for them, just read the M:ST stories on my website, or ask me for more specifics):
Rad: male Mobian hyena, brownish fur, muscular build, messed-up black headfur held back by red bandana, black fingerless gloves, blue shorts, old gray sneakers.
Gyro: male Mobian cat, green fur, skinny build, wears wraparound shades, toolbelt, heavy boots, often found working on machinery or in front of a computer or using his wristcomp (a classic pic would be of him looking up from working on a machine, with grease and oil stains in his fur).
Claire: female Mobian skunk, wiry build, typical skunk black-and-white fur colors, white headfur, short-sleeved denim jacket that reaches down to just below her chest, large knife strapped to a belt around her waist, combat boots.
Bandit: male Mobian raccoon, medium build, gray and black fur with black "mask", wears knee-high boots, old worn leather jacket. Often found trying to sneak into places he shouldn't be, or running away from trouble he's gotten himself into.
no i am not perverted screw u
With this following picture, I introduce a drawing style mixing both Chibi AND Super Deformed...
I give you...
... Whaaaaat? >_>;
Whaddya want to be known by on my site? Silver the Hedgehog, Silver Hedgehog, Silver, or whatever?
And XD never had anyone do a SD/chibi version of Tergonaut before, closest has been TergoChao. I'll make sure to add it in the next update.
Silver the Hedgehog, and Yeah, I figured. XD
When I first tried to draw him, His head was.... GYNORMOUS. o.O
Like, twice as big as his body. XD
Woah. Terg's head is HUGE. Holy pile of mr bigglesworth sprites, Siv. o.o;
I hope you like this as much I has had fun making them, Terg. Your chars are really cool to draw, actually.
Of course they're allowed on your site, and I trust I can put it on my Deviant Art page?
Btw, is ImageShack okay or would you like me to use another hosting site like Photobucket?
Both are allowed to be uploaded on your site if you wish and if other people want a try at colouring the inks version in their own way they can do. ^____~
Okay, to answer your questions Pach, yes ImageShack is fine, I was able to save the pics from there and now they're on my computer, ready to load up with the next update. And yes you may go ahead and load it up onto your own site, as it is your work and so you get the right to show it off as much as I do. That's a good question though, no one's asked me that before and I've seen artists post it up on their websites, which is perfectly fine by me. Hope that answers that question for others who may have been wondering.
Love the title. ^^ And this is the first pic with Armada units, I like how you did their outlines and Stahlmansche's in the background with Tergonaut, Justin and Modesty up in the front. Really looks like the front of a comic cover!
So, what should I refer to you as on my site? Pachamac, or Ash, or what?
Also, I make mention of AbiJay Echidna, who delightfully sent me a pic of Sailor Modesty via e-mail. Her pic will be included in the next update.
Great work guys, I'll work on updating the site tomorrow (Saturday, August 20th of 2005) so that all of these pics can be included. I may not get Abi's name right since I just e-mailed her after getting this pic and she hasn't responded about that, but we'll see how it goes.
Oh, and a note about names: I CAN change your online handle or however you want to be known on my site, so if you are taking on a different identity and want to get away from your old name, I can change it if you like.
Anybody got questions about this?
Next up for the next update: besides all the pics, I'm going to be putting up my two stories that I wrote and posted here on the board right before my mission, the story explaining the final battle between Tergonaut and Terrornaut, and the story telling of Tergonaut's departure to his Earth for two years. I've left them mostly unedited to reflect my writing style from back then, and while it doesn't fully agree with the retro-conned background for Tergonaut that I've made, the stories are still good and hopefully that can give people a better understanding of the events leading up to Tergonaut's departure.
And here's a question for you: what would YOU like to see in Tergonaut's background? Would you like to see the full stories of how Tergonaut became Overkill, or the Tergobot incident? Or are you more interested in the present version of Tergonaut and in seeing his adventures now that he's back in the MFW? I've got a lot of twists coming up and there will be a few stories with major plotlines running through, but I'm wondering if people would like to see more of Tergonaut in action.
Of course, questions and comments about the rest of the site are always open.
Well, since I'm not much of a fanfic reader and that all the MoForummers here have such complex and diverse characters of their own and such, I don't really know about any of the various stories, such as Tergonaut's adventures, unfortunately. :/ But I might be interested in reading some of his more interesting stories because he does seem like a breath of fresh air. He seems a bit like a typical super hero character, but one more developed for a more modern auidence, and not something as corny as the oldern day comic heroes. I shall have to see.
The letters are the initials of your characters. I was gonna draw them, but I was pressed for time. I hope to draw the rest next time though. ^^
P.S: Pach- great drawings! ^^
OOC: Thanks very much, Abi. Your pic was amazing, too!
Thankies ^^
Hey I had this posted on the original version of this post.
Hey Terg! I found your old website. o.o
Is there a time limit on submissions for art? fan fiction? any submission that is either related to your characters?
Terg, there was also the one I done of Megan Lapine. If you don't have it anymore, I'll gladly resend it to you.
Also, for my absence from the RPer's Guild, there's a good reason behind that which I'll explain another time.
Bloocheez3: Thanks for re-submitting that, I had tried to contact you about what you would like to be known as on my site, but I didn't get any replies. Goes to show how well EZmail works, eh? But anyhow, if you happen to drop by again, I'd like to know whether you'd like to be known as your current screen name, or by the initials in the pic you provided, or whatever.
Funny thing is, I have uploaded your pic to the site; just didn't put a link onto it yet because I didn't want to post it up without knowing what you wanted to be known by first.
Dreamer of Nights: Ohnoez, you found my old website! How did you do that by the way, I thought I'd removed all links from my message board and from my profiles everywhere. Not that it'd be hard to find it doing a search on "Tergonaut" though, I only have just a little over a hundred entries on Google...
But to answer your questions, there is no time limit whatsoever on submissions, either of art or of fan fics, although as stated earlier I'm a bit pickier about my characters being used in fics. And heck, if there was another kind of submission being made, I would be willing to try to host it, though I can only upload certain filetypes to my current website due to it being free and there being restrictions and so on. So if anyone ever wants to do any of the requests I make in this thread, or come up with a submission of their own, they are certainly free to. If people want to do something but aren't sure exactly what, I can provide ideas for specific characters.
Spiner: I still have the pic, I didn't really think about putting it up onto my website because you didn't specifically mention it. But I'll add that in under your name, again I do think it was a great pic and I appreciate you going out of your way for that.
And it's cool, Spiner, Crossover Heroes is still moving forward, though you're certainly welcome to join back up whenever you're ready, no pressure. I hope it's all right that we've been NPCing Spiner for you in the meantime.
Next time on this topic: I'll probably put in another description for Georgia Stahlmansche like I did in my other topic before it got scooterbombed. Hopefully I can also get the scanner working so I can put up the pic that inspired the Armada design. Also, I plan on writing a Tergonaut fic to give a demonstration of the sorts of adventures that Tergonaut will be having his second time around in the Mobius Forum World, where he'll have to go up against a Triple Threat of bank-robbing super-criminals!
Ohnoez, you found my old website! How did you do that by the way, I thought I'd removed all links from my message board and from my profiles everywhere. Not that it'd be hard to find it doing a search on "Tergonaut" though, I only have just a little over a hundred entries on Google...
Actually, I found the link in one of the topics in your message board, namely this topic.
There might be more links in there as well. o.o
Now, just to update, I haven't updated my website yet past the pics I already uploaded; I'm still waiting on Bloo's response, for which I'm ezmailing him and seeing if it'll work this time. After I get that, I'm planning on updating my site with his pic as well as Spiner's pic of Megan Lapine, a female rabbit character that he drew for me months ago after I had reworked the character.
As promised, I was able to get the scanner here working at last and am now able to present the inspiration behind the Armada series robots to you! Now, this pic is an online artist's, but it was printed out years ago and I can't make out the signature on the piece of paper, so if anyone could tell me whose artwork this is, I'd really appreciate it so we could give some props.
Looking at the pic, I've always imagined the Armada series looking most like the bigger picture on the left, but stripped down without the wing things, the shoulder cannon, or all the pointy things coming out of its head in the front and back. And Armada units don't quite have the same long armor covering their hips and crotch parts. But aside from that and replacing the mechanical fingers with those flexible talons I mentioned earlier, that's pretty much the Armada unit design, pretty much colored the same was as it is in the picture (yes I realize it's black and white XP).
I just copied and pasted my description of Stahlmansche from Wesu's request topic, just in case you were wondering why it looked so familiar.
My request is to draw Georgia Stahlmansche. She is Tergonaut's arch-villain, a 5'4" woman with crimson (definitely red, not this orangey stuff) hair, pale green eyes, and she's well-built from a physical regimen (not like rippling with muscles, but she's in very good shape). She is 30 years old, but she looks more like an older teenager in overall appearance. She has freckles which only emphasize this girlish appearance, and she sometimes wears small glasses (which she does not actually need, but helps her look older). Her typical outfit is a black business suit, white dress shirt, slim black European-style tie (just a skinny tie). Her hair up to you, as long as it looks businesslike (her hair goes down to a little past her shoulders in length if let down). I'd have said she wears it in a bun, but since people are having a hard time drawing it and it seems to make her look older, I saw be free with the hair. Oh, and she has a cane as well.
Another outfit she wears (which she actually wears underneath her business suit) is her savate costume: a tight sleeveless jumpsuit that covers all but her arms. It is black, with red stripes going up and down on both sides. She may wear padded gloves with this outfit during sparring practice, and she often uses her cane with this outfit as well.
I don't know whether you'd like to do any specific scenery or poses, but if she's in her business suit, putting her into some sort of office setting, perhaps scrutinizing a piece of paper, would be good. In the savate costume, it'd be appropriate for her to be working out in a gym-type environment, maybe working over a punching bag. But a simple standing pose would work fine as well, she'll look very self-assured, almost overconfident.
There you have it, folks! And last but not least, I'm currently writing that Tergonaut fic, in which I've included a guest star! No deadline just yet, but I'm hoping to be able to finish it in a week or two so I can post it up onto my website along with any other updates that might be along.
EDIT: Well, the fic itself isn't finished yet, but I updated the site with both Spiner's pic of Megan and Bloocheez3's pic of Justin Hobbes/Tergonaut.
EDIT2: Updated with not only the latest Tergofic, but an older Tergofic as well and the newest Mobius: Second Tyranny! This is probably the biggest update that my site has seen in along time.
I have also removed my message board from the links, and plan on locking it down soon.
And XD never had anyone do a SD/chibi version of Tergonaut before, closest has been TergoChao. I'll make sure to add it in the next update
Did someone say Tergochao!? o.o
Gotta love MSN paint artwork done in less than five minutes ^_^
Seriously though, I'd like to contribute but for some reason my computer doesn't recongnize my scanner when I plug it into the computer. And I don't care what you do with that picture I did out of complete randomness.
Been a long time, but I wanted to resurrect this because I've had a pic idea niggling at the back of my mind.
The idea is a picture of Modesty, dressed in some kind of long overcoat as well as an overall modest set of clothes (T-shirt with long-sleeve shirt underneath, jeans and sneakers), standing with her hands held one above the other. Between the two hands is a black sphere with the word "CENSORED" on it, swirling dark energies whirling to form the sphere which is ready to be launched. I imagine her facing the viewer with the kind of look over her square-shaped shades that says "You're toast."
Here's a link for Modesty's hair, and the second link for her usual/general type of outfit, though only the hair and a modest appropriate outfit is essential.
Full body: