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The Origin of the Chaos Emeralds

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Posts: 509
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No, this is not a Fan-Fic. It is not a story, but it tells how the Chaos Emeralds were made.

P.S. if you happen to have read the Sonic promotional comic book, (or the scans of it here) this info will be nothing to you.

Dr. Kintobor was a great scientist. He was building a machine to prove his "Theory": "This machine is called the R.O.C.C. and it will absorb all evil from Mobius. Once i destroy the emeralds inside it, i will erase all evil from Mobius, FOREVER."

A strange brown spiny hedgehog came to visit. Kintobor explained about the R.O.C.C. and they became fast freinds. The hedgehog prractically lived there, but you will never guess who the hedgehog is.

SONIC the Hedgehog, that is. "Umm, Sonic? Could you get me some eggs-" Kintobor said, but he was cut off. Sonic was so fast he got him the eggs before he could say please. Sonic did not know he could run that fast.

Kintobor let him on a prototype super treadmill. "Lets see how fast you really are..." Sonic ran at 355 mph. "Wow Sonic, I thought THAT WAS FAST! The numbers are still climbing!" Kintobor said. The meter began to read 678 mph. "Careful Sonic, i dont't know how much it can handle!"

The machine blew up. Kintobors drink spilled on the R.O.C.C. and electracuted Kintobor. Sonic on the other hand, was to busy staring at him self in the mirror. He realized his abilities, SPEED. and realized his true self. Sonic was no longer a brown spiny hedgehog, HE WAS BLUE, AND HAD 6 QUILLS. "Woah! Im blue!" he said.

The emeralds were not safely contained iside the R.O.C.C. and spread out. Dr. Kintobor had turned into a mania named Robotnik.

Notice Robotnik is Kintobor spelled backwards.


Anyways, Dr. Robotnik turned evil and tried to find the Chaos Emeralds so that he wouldnt be absorbed.

This isn't a Fan-Fic, i just put it in story form to make it interesting.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

I've read exactly the same thing in a story form, actually. I think it was a publication by one of the UK publishers.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

I can't understand what sort of relevancy this would have. This is pretty much typical Sonic information that can found on pretty much any Sonic forum.

...why did you write this?

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

Also, this isn't canonical anywhere outside of the UK Sonic the Comic.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

I read the comic book as well.

And this shows good improvement in your storytelling style, LWS. For the most part, the action and story follows a recognizable sequence of events that are chained together with enough narrative to keep it flowing. Well done.

However, just from my memory, I believe the order of events is slightly mixed in the story. Sonic became blue after the treadmill explosion, then was using his super speed to assist the good doctor by fetching him things while Dr. Kintobor worked on the machine - including the egg and drink that he spilled.

Of course, it may have been told differently in the Sonic the Comic version, or my memory may not be sharp on this particular detail. But the treadmill explosion and the ROCC/juice malfunction were two separate incidents if I'm right.

EDIT: Yup, I was right. Here's a link to all of the pages of the comic for everyone. I think I read an edited US version though because I remember it ending on a positive but open-ended note right after the explanation/story was over with.
Sonic the Comic 1st

Posts: 509
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That wasn't a "Sonic the Comic" issue. That was a 1991 promotional comic to get people to buy the game, but you'r also right when you said That was the comic i used as an inspiration for this thread. I thought it was something that not everybody else knew.

I also thought it would be a exercize on my story-telling/story-writing, Cause next month i will be writing Chapter 2 for my "Master Peanut" story going on in my thread, and next week im writing the seond chapter for "Sonic X: "Saving Mobius"".

Oh, and thanks terg for your comment about how the two subjects i have been trying to improve on, have been improved on.

"If i cant get the signature to apppear, i might as well write it here.

The word "P'wned" is "P'verted"
