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The Politics of Mobius (the fanfic)

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This story takes place right around the time King Max starts his world tour. The idea for this fanfic came to me as a question, Why do the Mobians not living on a floating island chose to have a Monarchy? Are their parts of Mobius, other than the floating island, that have different forms of government, i/e Parliamentary or Democratic? I asked this question in one of the other boards and now I'll make a fanfic about it.

It has been a few years since the end of the War with Robotnic.

"We did not create this new government to spite the king but rather we created it out of necessity and now depend on it..."

A year or so since the Nuclear destruction of Robotropolis.

"Whether the king likes it or not his family is no longer the ruling party on this planet anymore, and it is time he recognized it..."

Month since the King started his world tour.

"Now what my opponent is purposing is nothing short of a full fledged war with the Knothole Kingdom. Now I disagree with the King as much as the next person but I am not willing to go that far for acknowledgment of our Independence."

Speaking was a candidate for the President of the East Coast Provinces, Rebekah Jaguar-Allycat, former Mayor of the village of Cypress Knee and the City of River City in the southern Province. She later went on to be Governor of that Province and now she wants to be President. According to the latest polls that may happen. Me I'm her son, Jaxson Alexander Jaguar. I'm a former freedom fighter but now since we got our city back I have moved on to Bounty Hunting. I track down the war criminals and bring them to justice either here or in Knothole Kingdom. but now I'm helping with her campaign.
My step-dad works as a spokes person and my Half-sister is an active Volunteer. My step-brother and myself are more of poster boys. He's a good cop with a family and I'm, well the next best thing to a soldier. Anyway I worry about how things will go when the king arrives. We have been trying to get our Independence recognized for some time now. The Echidnas recognize us as a sovereign nation but Knothole still believes that we are still part of the kingdom.
The next couple of weeks will be interesting.

To be continued.

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Chapter 1

Later that evening at a post rally family dinner...

"Great speech honey, you really may have already claimed a victory with that one." Thomas said as he put his arm around Rebekah.

"Well I had a good writer. Jaxson you really should write for me full time. Your speeches really seem to connect with the audience." Rebekah complimented a seemingly distant Jaxson.

"Nah, I like my full time job. Besides when you've traveled between countries as much as I have you get a sense of what's going on." Jaxson replied as he sank into the restaurant booth letting his mind wonder.

Truth is writing those speeches come naturally to me. To be real honest I have been even more interested in politics than my mom. She's a good leader so people kinda pushed her into those kinda rolls. Me I actually did some digging and soul searching and came to my own opinions about Polotics. For example I actually discussed the subject with Princess Sally her self.

"MOBIUS TO JAXSON!!!" Vanessa, Jaxson's half-sister, shouted.

"Oh you are alive, for a second there I thought we lost you bubba." She smiled and took a sip of her soda using her cute to get away with nearly destroying Jaxson's eardrums.

"You know as much as I'd like to stay and continue to loose my hearing I got to go." Jaxson said as he rubbed his ears and got up.

"Jaxson, I would like it if you could help me with the meeting with the King. Plus it would mean even more if you could be there."
"Mom, the king will be tough. His convictions are strong and he can be very persuasive."
"That is why I need your help you have acctually met him."
"Acctually I never met him. I said I met with an Acorn. I met with Sally. It was that very meeting that strengthened my convictions toward independance."

To Be continued.

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Chapter 2

Two months since Knothole formally became The Knothole Kingdom.

"I would like to thank everyone of you who were able to attend this first ever Meeting of the Freedom Fighters." Sally stood at a podium in front of the ring pool infront of a crowd of Freedom Fighters from all parts of Mobius.

"I undestand for many of you it was hard to get away from your villages but I am over joyed with the knowledge that many of you have retaken the cities that were stolen from you. With that I'll open the floor to questions."
It seems like forever ago. I was among that crowd. The questions were the usual ones, How much longer till Robotnic is finally gone?, How's the King and Queen?, Could you send some help?, ect., ect. Now that I look back on it I wonder if I should have asked at a different time.

"Yes you in the hat?"
"Princess, my name is Jaxson Jaguar and mine is one of the Freedom Fighter groups that retook our city. My question is why do we need a Monarchy to run things? Where I'm from we have came up with a form of government where the people choose their leaders and we want to incorperate that into our new societies. The concept has worked really well for much of the East Coast so again, why do we need to be ruled by a Monarchy?"
The question just about knocked her off her feet.
"Well Mr. Jaguar I would be careful many people here to not share my fondness and love of free speech. But you do raise a valid point, one that I myself have contemplated more than once in my life. At the moment the best answer I can give you is that it is how it has been done since we first started. I wish I could best answer your question."

"No, I caught you off gaurd maybe some other time."

There would be another time. Later that day I was enjoying a nice lemonade at an outdoors cafe.

"I'm surprised you haven't been arrested."
"Would you have let them?"
"I guess not. So is what you said in there true? Is the East Coast wanting to break away from the Kingdom?"
"Yep, many of the leaders of the variouse villages and now cities want to form thair own country. My mom has even been pulled into it. Me I want to find out for myself if their beliefs are worth supporting. But to decide that I must first ask, why do we need a monarchy? I have seen our form of government work and it is preety good, not perfect but good. But I don't know how a monarchy is so who better than to ask than a monarch."

She paused as if to find the right words, she seemed like that kind of person, but then again she also seemed like she wanted to slap me for dising her family.

"Well it's like this...

to be continued

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Okay I think I may need some help with this part. All of you think you know Sally very well your help would be greatly appreaciated. You see I'm haveing a hard time comming up with an argument for a monarchy that sounds like Sally. I mean I can think of somethings for her to say but they don't sound like her. So any thoughts?

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Chapter 3

"... To be honest I can not really explain why we need a monarchy to run things. Like you said the villages where you come from have been doing things a certaint way for years and it has worked out for you. Let us also, not forget the Echidnas and their form of government. Why do we need a monarchy? Well Mr. Jaguar like I said I can not answer that question."

It wasn't that she was doging the question but rather she really didn't know the answer. I thought perhaps she had asked herself that same question on many different occasions.

"I'm sorry I can't give you a more difinative answer. But I guess it was better you ask me than my father."

"Perhaps a different question then. If you had your way would you dissolve the monarchy and let the people chose their leaders?"

She leaned back in her chair and took a deep breath.

"Mr. Jaguar, if you only knew" sigh "If you only knew."

It took me a while to figure out her meaning. But it soon hit me. If I was faced with the ammount of responsibility that she was then I would probably turn it over to the people in a heartbeat. I don't blame her for thinking that. Despite the deep rooted tradition and the fact that everyone in the Knothole kingdom adored her family I can imagine it would be hard to give up a system that has at least worked for them for years.
On the last day of the meeting I ran into her one last time and asked her a simpler question.

"If the East coast decides to become it's own country would you support it?"

I didn't care if her father, mother or whoever would support it I asked if SHE would support it.

"Would I support it? Every Mobian should be free, of course."

After that I went home.

To be continued...

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Okay I'm gonna take this time to tell you about the United Provinces. Now knowing what we know about Mobius and how it use to be Earth the United Provinces are basically the east coast of modern day North America. To the north is the Overlander territory aka New York, and the southern tip is I believe one map called it the Mobian Jungle but it's Modern day Florida. Now the Western borders Would be just outside of Knothole, modern day Louisiana, and straight up. The Capital of the United Provinces is Safe Harbor Bay, modern day Chesapeake Bay.

Now a bit of history. Before Robotnic took over the Eastern Provinces were vital to the kingdom, making most of the kingdoms money through trade and other various commerce. It was housed many of the Kings blossoming Naval fleet, which after the great war was starting to really pick up in terms of recruitment and ship building. However Robotnic took over and you can figure out the rest.

The mountains and swamps that scattered the inland landscape of the Eastern Provinces provided exceptional locations for many freedom fighter groups to hide and launch their gorilla warfare against Robotnic. Fortunately as the years went by Robotnic all but forgot about the East coast and left the various cities to be run by his Lieutenants, i.e. mobians that were in the same situation as General DeCoullet. But once Robotnic was defeated the first time the local Freedom Fighters took the opportunity and stormed the cities defeating the Lieutenants and getting their cities back.
However once rumors started that Robotnic was back they started hiding in plain sight. Sending false reports back to Robotnic and not making any dramatic changes to the cities. This kept Robotnic out of the Provinces and the people free to an extent.

The political system they devised started not long after the individual villages were up and running. It was a simple concept someone needed to be incharge. The problem was that no one knew who to put in charge. It was finally decided to let the people nominate candidates and then chose which one to lead them. After they regained their cities the concept grew to resemble the style of government the Overlanders had. Once the Government and a constitutions was drafted the next step was to be recognized as an independent country.

To Be Continued...

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Okay class today we will be looking into the Political history of the United Provinces. As stated in the interlude the idea of a goverment for and by the people arose out of nesesity. Let's face it you can't have a large group of people in one space with out someone to make sense of everything. Esspecially when everyone is a refugee. So the most basic system was put in to play... We nominate so and so to run things. If the nominated person was endorsed by enough people they became the leader.

In esence the original politicians were really just low grade mayors and their term was as long as they wanted it to be. A few villages decided that it may be best to hold reelections every year or so. Those villages closer to Overlander Territory were quicker to pick up on the more moder four year terms. In fact the northern villages had the more complex system of small government because they would often raid parts of the Overlander Territory and bring back with them not just weapons but literature. It was these raids that set the entire process in motion.

So it goes with out saying that information literally trickled down through the villages. Many dissmissed the new ideas because they strongly belived in the Monarchy and that the current system was just temporary. Other villages took to the new ideas quit well, esspecially the larger ones.
However, the villages were not without their conflicts. Early on the biggest problem was could someone run both the village and the Freedom Fighters? This was easily rectofied by having the Freedom Fighters them selves chose their leader. But then conflict grew between the Freedom Fighters and the regular people. This was not easily rectofied.
Some people wanted the leader to be appointed by the village mayor, others said the Freedom Fighters should chose their leader. It was soon realized that the problem was not with the leadership but with the laws of the town. It took awhile but compromises were made and the Freedom Fighters were incorperated into the Government. Thus giving way to what would later be known as the United Prvinces Military.

After the cities were retaken it was decided that the government would stay intact. Many belived this to be an act of treason against the crown. But by this point many people had long since turned their back on the monarchy. Those still loyal to the crown left their homes for the newly formed Knothole Kingdom. Those left expanded on the Overlander system of government they adopted. Provincial borders were drawn and a national captial was chosen. Representatives and Senators were elected at the Province and national levels as were Provincial Goveners and eventually a President.

That concludes todays lesson I hope everyone was taking notes because their will be a test on this later.

In the next chapter the story will resume and I promise it will not be in a first person narative.

To Be Continued...

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Chapter 4

President Lobo sat out on the balcany of the Presidential mansion in Safe Harbor Bay. In a few hours he would be having the most important meeting of his two terms in office. He would be sitting across from King Acorn to discuss a posible peace between the Knothole Kingdom and the United Provinces.

President Manuel Lobo is the first offical president of the United Provinces. The first president was selected by the city and village mayors to oversee the drafting of the government and the constitution. He even co-wrote the United Prvincees Decleration of Independance. As soon as the new government was in place he was asked to run for president but the old horse decided to retire from politics and put his energies into being a ful time father, grandfather, and husband.
During the first presidential election Manuel was upagainst the former Mayor of Safe Harbor Bay. His resume included being the mayor during the liberation of the city. He was also serving as mayor during the drafting of the constitution and the drawing of the borders. During this time he kept the protest peaceful and the meeting of the village leaders went off without a hitch.
Manuel was fighting an uphill battle during most of the election. It seemed as though the election was going the other direction until the last debate. Many believed that the final debate between the two really showed that Manuel had a long term plan for the Provinces where as the mayor just handled things as they came. All and all it was a very close race and Manuel bearly won.
The second election Manuel won in a landslid victory. His apponent was a one term senater who had an edge at the begining but lost. Many people believed he didn't have enough experience.

Manuel Lobo's political career actually dates back to the Great War. During the Great War King Acorn was unable to fully run his kingdom and fight a war. So with the help of his aids he devided his kingdom into Provinces, (two of which would later be merged to make the United Provinces large enough to be it's own country and be seperated into smaller Provinces). the King then appointed "lords" to watch over the variouse provinces. Manuel was chosen by one of these lords to run the second largest city in the Province and was not only good at it he was also very well liked by the people.
After the war things went back to normal, Manuels position was dissolved but the Provinces aand the lords who ran them stayed intact. When Robotnic took over these lords were turned into super Robians, also called Lieutenants. Manuel was a Freedom Fighter leader and a village mayor. He would later reduce his roll to just mayor. When the government was formed he became a congressman then a senator. His popularity and excilent record made him an obviouse choice for President.

These days, in the last few months of his presidency, he takes things a little easier. Most of his energy is spent either helping his wife get their new home ready for his retirement and tossing his support behind presidential candidate and fellow Democrat Governor Rebekah Jaguar-Allycat. A person whom he declaried to be the most qualified person to ever run for office. Today, however, he is putting all of his energy into what maybe the most important moment of his or any other President's career before or after his. Today he will meet with the most powerful man on Mobius to negotiate a peace between the United Provinces and the Knothole Kingdom.

President Lobo sat out on the balcany of the Presidential mansion in Safe Harbor Bay. In a few hours he would be having the most important meeting of his two terms in office. He would be sitting across from King Acorn to discuss a posible peace between the Knothole Kingdom and the United Provinces. He used his time wisly resting his body and mind. He has already gone over mountains of paper work and worried about what to and what not to say. All that was behind him, now was the time to relax, focus, and maybe reflect a bit.

To be continued...

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Chapter 5

The Jaguar-Allycat minus two members hovered around a wall mounted Television in the lobby of a hotel in downtown Safe Harbor Bay. They had just arrived when coverage of the King and the Presidents motor-cades advanced toward the capital building where the King and the President were to have a debate in front of a joint session of congress. Before that, however, they planed to meet behind closed doors to discuss a possible peace. Or at least the President would give a good opening and calm argument.

The debate itself would have some town hall elements, buisnessmen and average citizens would be given the oppertunity to ask the King and President variouse questions and to possibly convince either person why one system is better than the other.

Also attending this event were the presidential candidates Govneress Jaguar-Allycat and a Republican Senator from the Southwestern most Province. His Province was considered the gateway between the Knothole Kingdom and the United Provinces. The current Vice-president was not running because, like President Lobo, he was looking forward to retirement as well.
So while Jaxson's mother was at the capital and his family was at a Hotel, Jaxson and his team of Bounty Hunters were prowling the streets in search of two wanted assasins. One assasin was an imperiallist out to kill President Lobo, the other was a revolutionary out to kill King Acorn. Both had large Bounties on their heads from both sides of the border. Jaxson knew the possible political potential if he and his team, a team comprised of people from all walks of life and both sides of the border, could capture both of these assasins at the same time and bring them in alive.

Meanwhile in the Presidents limo his aids were amazed at how calm and relaxed the old wolf was.

"Mr. President, we must go over some of these notes. The King as you know will definatly come out swinging not to mention what the people may ask." Ms. Mouswitzman, she started out on the Presidents staff as an intern for the previouse aide. She replaced the previouse aide after she was given a chance to prove herself to the President during a press conference. Her honesty and personal strength in the situation solidified this young mousets position in in administration.

"Nancy..." He said in a soft but deep voice that had a hint of a latin accent.
"... I know what King Max will throw at me and I have always done well with town hall meetings. It will be alright. Tell me how is that boyfriend of your's? I don't mean to pry but if you ask me he better hurry and pop the question before some other lucky young man comes along and scoops you up." He said with a smile and a laugh. That was his way. He had a fatherly demenur about him and perferd to talk about more simpler things. Simple conversation helped him relax and acctually prepared him more for political events than most people thought.

"Mr. President, how do you do it, how are you able to distance yourself from such important things yet when the moment arrises you snap back to ful political mode?" Nancy asked taking off her reading glasses and sitting back into the seat.

"Nancy my dear, if you ever get fully into politics you'll realize that once you've found the one thing that makes you the most relaxed and focused you'll want to surround yourself in it. Once you learn that you'll need to learn to use it to your advantage and not let it distract you. In other words relax when you can and be ready for anything.

"Well given your history Mr. President, I'd say keep doing what you do so well."

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Chapter 6

"Mr. Speaker, The President of the United Provinces and the King of the Knothole Kingdom." Announced a member of the Presidents secret service.

President Lobo and King Max walked into the main chamber of the U.P. congress. At the last minute the two chose to adress the people before going into private negotiations. The two leaders approched their podiums to a standing ovation. Behind the scenes Jaxson's Bounty Hunters had hid themselves in positions they belived the assasins would perch if they were going for the sniper move. They were also embedded in the crowd should either assasin try to be bold.

"Your highness, I understand that the last thing you were expecting when you decided to make your world tour was to find a country that had already established a working system of government. I also understand that you want to restor your kingdom to the grand luster it was since the days of your fathers. You have every right to do this and I personally respect the fact taht you personally are making this tour. However your highness I must say please consider what we have accomplished and grant us our independance. We have worked too hard and sacrificed too much to have it all be disolved." President Lobo's words drew a rousing ovation from the crowd. King Max, however stood firm and still like a statue.
"Mr. President, I have seen your city and I have seen your people. I have also seen your country. But it is not your country and they are not your people. This land is still part of my kingdom and your people are still my subjects."

"Are you accusing us of being traitors?"

"Far from it, I understand that people had to do what they deemed necissary to not only survive but also maintain order. That is why I commend each and every mayor, senator, governer, and you Mr. President for keeping the peace and helping to defeat the tyrant Robotnic. But the war is over and there is simply no need for all this anymore."

"So you're saying that you can run an entire planet? That you can equally represent every corner of the globe? Your highness with much due respect one man cannot rule a planet."

"My father did and his father before him did."

"Things have changed your Highness. At one point in time your fore fathers reigned over the Echidnas before they took to the skies. Also your fore fathers have never reigned over the Humans both in the Overlander territory or in Station Square."

The debate went back and forth for some time. Each leader making his own point and counter point to the issue. Soon the town hall meeting started. The first speaker was a veteran of the Great War and a former Freedom Fighter from the Knothole Kingdom. The second was also a veteran of the Great War and former Freedom Fighter but she was from the the United Provinces.
As this was going on the Bounty Hunters had intercepted the assasins trying to infiltrate the capital through a window on the dome. Word of this filtered inside and the fights were being brodcast on jumbo trons in the main chamber.
The Imperiallist had been taken down but Jaxson was still fighting with the Revolutionary.

"Why do you fight me? We are on the same side. If I don't kill him we will never be free." The revalutionary asked from behind a vent shaft on the roof of the right wing of the capital.
"I fight you because if I don't stop you there will be war. I will not fight a war against other Mobians. Not when the possability of peace is there." Jaxson said trying to reason with him.
"What do you know about war? The last one was his fault. He trusted that filthy human. He let that fat monster take over his kingdom, enslave the population and almost destroy this word. HE HAS NO RIGHT TO LIVE!" Screamed the revolutionary.
Jaxson did not say a word, he drew a pistol and raced toward the revolutionary. The Revolutionary spun out of his hiding place and fired a pump action shot gun. Jaxson dodged to one side but the shot gun pellets hit his right arm shatering it revealing a prostetic arm that was hidden by artificial skin and fur. At the sight of this everyone stopped and held their breath.
"This is my sacrifice. It pales in comparison to the sacrifice my father made. But regardless I lost this arm in the war." Jaxson pulled out what looked like a screwdriver from his belt. He inserted it into a slot that connected his arm to his shoulder, pressed a button and he gave out a scream as the arm detached itslf. He got over the pain quickly and picked up his pistol.
"I told my mother not to mention this in her campeign. She agreed saying that it would be wrong to use my war record for her political gain. I'd tell you how I lost it but I have a feeling my mom will have to explain it in a press conference anyway so till then... Freeze Federal Bounty Hunter your underarrest. Drop your weapon and place it on the ground."
The sight of his prompted the revolutionary to do just that. Well that and the fact that Jaxson's back up had arrived while he was giving that speech. The revolutionary was arrested and led down to a waiting police van. As Jaxson led the prisoner down people applaued.

Meanwhile at Senator George Steer's political headquaters the Senators staff was hard at work to counter this new development. Here you had the son of a Presidential Candidate who was curently ahead in the polls. This development could make him the hearo of the hour and surely give his mother the edge in the polls. The staff began diving into mountains of research to smear Jaxson and knock him off his enevitable pedistal. The smear campaign was about to begin.
At the same time the current President still had to negotiate the future and lasting indepence for the country. The action for the time being was over. The politics was about to go into full speed.

To Be Continued...

Please fill free to e-mail me your questions and/or comments concerning this fanfiction. I need to hear feedback and critiques of my work and ideas. So again please feel free to e-mail me.

P.S. The spell check is messed up so I'm sorry for the bad spelling.

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Is the Edit button REALLY that HARD to reach? Double posting is usually frowned upon... But this @.o;;;

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*now back to our regularly scheduled fanfic*
Chapter 7

After the debate the president and king were transported to the Presidential mansion for a closed door session with the king. President Lobo felt the debate and town hall session went well but King Max seemed to cocky almost as if he was blocking out everything those for the new country were saying. When the people tried to ask him question and also convince him that the U.P. were good he seemed to avoid questions and spit propaganda. All this gave President Lobo an unwaivering determination to convince this man that he was not just loosing a part of his kingdom, but possibly gaining a very good and loyal ally.

"Nancy?" President Lobo asked as he looked out the window of his limo at the stream of supporters.
"Yes Mr. President?" She answered stairing up from a small pile of notes and official documents.
"What was your impression of the procedings today?"
"Well I believe that you were the clear winner of the debate but I also believe that the king is stobourn and will never give us what we want." She responded setting her papers aside.
"Strangely I know where he's comming from. Look at it like this, if someone was trying to take something from you that your father gave to you you would fight to keep it." He said shifting in his seat now facing her.
"I see, but no one person can and should run the world. It's the people who should run their own lives."
"Nancy Mouswitzman you've spoken like a true politician." He said with a smile.
They soon arrived at the mansion, the president met with his staff and they wished him luck as he entered the circle office. Once inside, for the moment he was alone. He took this time to tidy up his desk, pour some drinks and set the thermistat. The King had just arrived and made a bee line for the office. He walked with a purpose and he had a look on his face that said, "You are not taking what is mine". As the king entered the circle office President Lobo stood up as the king entered. Negotiations start now.

"Jaxson are you okay?" Rebekah asked as she entered his hospital room.
"I'm good, only my arm got shot. It's cool though I needed to get fitted for a new arm anyway." He said as the doctor examined the area where his arm conected to his shoulder.
"I'm sure you must know I have to explain all this. I'm thinking that maybe when I give my press conference you and Dr. Glades should be there to explain it better." She sugested
"Well I knew this would happen eventually so, ok I'm all for it." Jaxson said.
"If you ask me it's about time you went public about this." Dr. Glades said putting away his instruments. He was a middle-aged crane who specialized in robotic prosthetics.
"I know you both agreed not to use this for political gain but at this point it is unavoidable. But might I suggest you use this to raise money for the prosthetic research. We are making progress on Jaxson's sponsored project of making a prosthetic that can allow a person to feel but we are hitting major financial hurdles."
"Doc, that's a good idea and all but I can't help but know for a fact that mom's apponents are going to use all this against her."
"Jaxson you leave the politics to me you just get some rest. Oh and make sure you let Allison know what's going on, I'd like her to be at the conference also." She said refering to Jaxsons wife.

To Be Continued...

Again please fill free to e-mail me your questions and/or comments concerning this fanfiction. I need to hear feedback and critiques of my work and ideas. So again please feel free to e-mail me.

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chapter 8

"I'm going to give due credit Manuel, this region has blossomed into a shining example of what post war Mobius should be." Commented the King as he looked out over the city from the circle office.
"I cannot take credit for the accomplishment of past leaders your highness. I can say that if you take all that away from those people... It wont be pretty." President Lobo responded still at his desk as focused as ever.
"Are you proposing that the citizens would ignite war against the Kingdom." The King said as he sat back in a chair infront of Lobo's desk.
"Just so we are clear I am against war. I HATE it. I have seen what war can and has done to people. For example that young Bounty Hunter, he lost that arm in the war not to mention his father. His story is one of many many war stories that I have personally heard over the years. Some have even brought me to tears. Now I can not controle the people but rest assure I am apposed to any kind of war." President Lobo said leaing forward.
"The truth is your country, if truely motivated, could desimate the Knothole Kingdom. I have seen your military, I was honestly amazed at how far they have come along. Despite this..." The King paused for a moment.
"... I believe that the course to true peace is to eliminate borders, to fully unite the people under one flag. This I believe is the only way to peace." The King sat striat in his chair and puffed out his chest a little. This phylosophy was the conerstone of the Acorn family beliefs.
"That is a good phylosophy, but I believe that one person can not rule an entire planet. Also you maybe a good ruler, your daughter may be a good ruler but whose to say the generation after that will be good, and so on and so forth. Our system I know will work because their are limits to how much power one person can have and that their are people to over see the persons in power to make sure they stay true to the constitution of this country." President Lobo stayed firm to his ideals.

Both men were the same. Both unrelenting in the situation given to them, both fighting word for word what they believe in.

"Your Highness what will it take for us to leave this room with a better understanding of what the other wants and possibly a peace treaty and a formal recognition of our soverinty. We can be a loyal and powerful ally." President Lobo started to lay it down thick. He was about ready to lay his cards on the table but first he wanted to see the king's poker face.
"Give me your terms." The King sounded demanding, as if he wanted to just leave this deadlocked meeting.
"You recognize us as an indepentant and soverin nation and we will offer you military assistance at a momence notice and open trade. Of course their will be fees with the trade so that both sides of the border can make money but their will be no limit on the exports and imports of each country." The President was waiting for those words from the king and his response came instant as if he had planed what to say for years, well actually he did.
"I want a revised decleration and a full list of your terms. I will take the time to look over them and this meeting will take place again. I see that I will have to change but I will change on my terms and on terms I feel are in the best intrest of my people." The king said as he sat up and turned toward the door. "I look forward to what you have to offer President Lobo. Good day." And with that he walked out the door and made a bee line out of the mansion and to his limo.

To Be Continued...

Please feel free to email me with your questions, comments, ideas, and critisizms. Also the spell check is still not working so please forgive any and all bad spelling.

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Chapter 9

It has been three weeks since the meeting between the King and the President. Since then President Lobo and his cabinet worked feverishly to come up with a list of demands that the King would agree to. Another reason for the mass amount of overtime he and his cabinet were putting in was the fact that election day was drawing near and he wanted to get the demands approved before the new congress and new president took office.

Speaking of which the presidential race was starting to get ugly. Senator Steer had set out on a smear campaign against Rebekah. The idea was to make people think she was actually on the side of the King and that Jaxson was a traitor for openly doing business with the Knothole Kingdom. A major argument was that citisens of the United Provinces should not have to hunt down Knotholes criminals and also those who commit a crime in the United Provinces should face justice in the United Provinces not in Knothole just because their they are worth more. All and all it was an attack on Jaxson and his Bounty Hunters.
Meanwhile Rebekah was dilligently fighting back defending her polocies and her son, whom was still making regular hospital visits for his new arm. The press conference never happened, instead Jaxson gave a few interviews to some newspapers and a magazine. The low key approach to the whole issue went over well with the public acctually boosting public support for Rebekah and the Bounty Hunters.

The election is a month away and their will be one more debate between Govenoress Rebekah Jaguar-Allycat and Senator George Steer. This debate would be the fifth and final debate between the two. Many feel that while Senator Steer won the first two debates through sheer tenacity and wit Rebekah took the last two Debates by sticking to her ideals and unwaivering in the face of tough questions. When asked about how she did in the debate many people belive that Rebekah won hands down because she faced each question and speaking in a way that made people feel that she was talking directly to them.
Despite all this Rebekah was only holing on to a ten point lead in the pools, fifteen points in one poll. This final debate was key and would most likly determine the winner of the presidency. Only time would tell and that time was one week. One week to practice for questions, research topics, and answer back for any and all negative attacks. One week to find out who will be the next President of the United Provinces.

To be continued...

Please feel free to email me with your questions, comments, ideas, and critisizms. Also the spell check is still not working so please forgive any and all bad spelling.

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Acctually it's Chapter 10
Common did you acctually think I would go an entire fanfic with out a song or two?

Written by Trent Reznor

It's Election day in the United Provinces. Deciding to avoid all the political pomp and sercumstance Jaxson and his wife Alison decided to go for a drive out of River City. It is mid fall, it's starting to get colder but in River City this day was unseasonably warm. But as the day grew late it started to cool down significantly. Still it was going to be a nice nite, an even nicer nite for all the political winners that day.
The recent polls were still as close as ever. The experts were predicting that the Presidential race could go either way. Despite this many people felt Rebekah had the edge. Rebekah was in Safe Harbor along with Thomas, Vanessa, John, and his family. Jaxson and Alison had decided to stay in River City both having doctors appointments.

This day had put alot on Jaxsons mind.
Earlier that day Jaxson had gotten his new arm installed but despite the worry of if the new arm would work, the arm took a distant thrid in Jaxsons mind. Now of course Jaxson was hoping for the best for his mother but the number one thing on his mind was news he got not long after he got his new arm. Not long after his arm was installed Alison broke the news that he was going to be a father. So to celebrate the news Jaxson and Alison decided to spend the evening in the place they first met, in the old Freedom Fighter village of Cypress Knee.

Once the center of the fight to regain River City for her people, now a mamorial to those who served and died in the fight. Some of the old huts were turned into a series of museums and mamorials. Other huts were stillowned by the former residents.
Jaxson carried Alison into the hut and later started a fire. They had been listening to the radio but they decided to turn on some music. As they listened to the music and snuggled next to the fire Jaxson realized something he hadn't noticed before. Despite artificial skin, fur, and cushioning to simulate muscle mass for his artificial arm Alison decided to be on Jaxsons left side. Realizing this made Jaxson think back to the day he lost his right arm.
(Inserted between lines of the song are exerpts from Jaxsons interveiw with the River City Times Union newspaper.)

("It was supposed to be the last mission before we pressed on for the final assault against Robotnics regional Liutenant Edwin")

I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
The only thing that's real

("Un benoest to us Edwin was about to prepare a final assault of his own. But he wanted to stall for time and bring us down a few notches. His plan, to kill atleast one of us.")

The needle tears a hole
The old familiar sting
Try to kill it all away
But I remember everything

("The idea of killing us was never a plan of his. He, like others, chose rather to capture and robotisize them. On this day the goal was definatly to kill us and trust me when I say that my name was on his short list.")

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end

("He sent out three specially modified robotisized mobians out after us. They were armed to the teeth lasers, blades, poison, you name it.")

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

("The one that got me was the one with poison. It was a special kind of poison. If left to flow in the blood it was instant. But it had a secondary effect, it had the ability to infect and literaly rot skin and bone.")

I wear this crown of thorns
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair

("I had a few open wounds on my arm so I was bleeding and that saved my life. That and the fact that I acted quickly to cut off circulation from my arm and to bleed my arm. I look back and I realize that I was extremely lucky. Even though I nearly bled to death. In fact I did pass out.")

Beneath the stains of time
The feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here

("I can't remember how long I was out they tell me days but it felt longer.")

What have I become
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know goes away
In the end

("The good news is that the operation did what it was supposed to do to set Edwin back a while. Also we made Edwin think I was dead.")

And you could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

("When I woke up from my coma they had already cut off my arm at the elbo. I looked at it and told them to cut it off at the shoulder and give me a new one. You know I was awake when they finally inserted my new arm. The attachement socket was installed with me asleep, but I had to have my arm installed with me awake inorder to make sure all the nervendings were working. Let me tell you I will never get use to that pain.")

If I could start again
A million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

("In the end we launched our attack and defeated Edwin. I will certantly never forget.")

Jaxson and Alison had just fallen asleep when they were awoke by frantic knocking at the door.
"Jaxson it's me Rhiannon open up!"
Rhiannon was a black fox with a light english accent. She was Jaxsons second in command and she was out really excited.
"Damnit Jaguar turn on your phone, your mother has won the presidency, but that is not why I'm here?"
"Rhiannon, chill and tell me what is going on?"
Rhiannon took some deep breaths and sat down.
"Jaxson... President Lobo is dead."

To be continued.

Please feel free to email me with your questions, comments, ideas, and critisizms. Also the spell check is still not working so please forgive any and all bad spelling.

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Ok I got to thinking and realised that my time line may be a bit off. since I base alot of this on the fall of Robotnic (issue #50) I thought about taking a look back to see how much time actually did pass between now and then. Turns out it has been 8 years since issue 50. This makes Jaxson 25 and his wife 24. Also that means Jaxson lost his arm when he was 18 seeing as how in my timeline Jaxson's Freedom Fighters took back river city a year after the events of issue 50.

Politicly this cause's a problem because I have stated that the United Provinces have had three Presidents. One did not serve a full term, one served a full term and one served two terms. That puts the history of the United Provinces at around 15 years. So you can see my delema. Now sure I can go back and make some changes but that might explode into a full rewrite, which may have to happen. Now I could cut my losses and run and leave the fic on a cliffhanger, but I'm not like that. So I'll see what changes I can make without making it seem like a full on rewrite. If anyone has some ideas or sugestions that may help please PLEASE e-mail me.

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Chapter 11

"As you all know it has been two weeks since President Lobo died when a bomb went off in his car." Jaxson opened.

Jaxson had assembled his team for a brainstorming session to try to get closer to finding those who are respnsible.

"Okay what do we know so far?" Asked Jaxson.

"As far as we know the more extremist arm of the imperialist movement has claimed responsibility for the assination. This happens to be the same group that claimed responsibility for the assination attempt at the capitol." Reported Rhiannon.

"The event itself was not with out witnesess however no one can recall a time when President Lobo's car was not under survailence. Also the secret service agents on duty that night were cleared as well as those off duty. The best lead we have is one of the mechanics who last worked on that paticular car has infact gone missing. Now his residence and background has been checked and their is no evidence to sugest he had anything to do with it." Reported a red fox named Nickolas.

"The biggest mystery is that the car was theroughly serched before it was used." Reported Jaxson wife Alison.

"Any theories?" Asked Jaxson

"I got something but it may sound too outlandish." A jackrabbit stood up and volunteered.

"Right now D.J. anything may help." Replied Rhiannon.

"Maybe the mechanic that went missing only prepped the vehical for the placement of the bomb. Perhaps he was forced to I don't know. Now the bomb itself could have been put on when the car stoped over a manhole or something like that. Now I know their are no holes infront of the hotel where the went off but I studied the route and found many spots that could have been where the bomb was placed." Theorized D.J.

"Wow, D.J. that was a very well thought out and plausable theory. I am impressed." Commented Nick.

"Cool, I saw that in a movie and seemed like a valid plan that could be translated to real life." D.J. said with a grin.

"Okay, we got soemthing to work with here. The inageration is next week and no doubt their we be another attack. We move then and I garuntee you all. We will make so much money we will be able to retire happy." Jaxson bringing the session to an end.

To be concluded...

That's right I said I will finally finish this thing.
