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This Is My First Post And I Am Ready To Get Down To Business

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Posts: 6
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Hello, everyone. My name is Izzy Campbell, and I'm in Austin University. Studying about writing. I know a man who works for pixar, and we were discussing on how pixar evolved. We ended up talking about a new animation film, and I said what could look better on screen the a fast pace Sonic movie. I know it seems funny, but I already started writing the script, and once u read it you'll most likely be blown away. What I came here today for, because once I am finish with the script, I will send it in, and if it is 3 stars or over. It will most likely be in pre-production, and Pixar will handle the copywrite agreements with Sega or Nintendo.

Really, I know once this gets released, which probably won't be until 2010, but once it does. I know you guys don't want this to flop, so I need a pro to give me quick advice, on the questons that I will ask them... on AIM. So, I'll post the script on here, the person who knows most about this character could give me their AIM, so we can chat, and I will give you more infomation about myself, and the script.

I need...
Sonic Pro
Movie Goer
and Comedian who can help with the humor of the film, so it won't be too dark, and can make the film more colorful.

If you help, I will of course give you credit on the script, and if this goes in pre-production you will recieve a sallery, as well as me. If ya don't sue me. Believe me, this is not a joke.

Posts: 2234
Noble Member

Carni Isle, surely?

And don't be surprised if I don't have high hopes for this, since I really doubt this will be made into a film.

And when I clicked on that link, the thing froze for me and didn't work, so uh... yeah. >>;

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

carnival island does seem to be the best place for this. *shoves it over there*

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

I'm sorry, your link crashed my computer. Also sent a bazillion popups, as I was using IE for once. But to be fair, I was loading about fifteen other pages, I do not know that this link is the one that made them. Also, I'm going to assume this is a hoax until I see a bit better info.

Posts: 3666
Famed Member

I've had a read through it...the premise is alright, but it seems to be a bit...lacking. I'm not entirely sure how best to describe it, but it seems as though there's something that really should be there, but isn't yet (And no, I'm not referring to Sonic. =P)

Judging by what you've done up to now, I presume it's either a movie adaption of Sonic 3 and Knuckles, with some elements of Sonic Adventure thrown in for continuity's sake, or an original story altogether...while on the topic of coninuity, I understand what you mean when you refer to 'Pachacamacs', but in actuality Pachacamac is actually the name of the leader of the ancient echidna tribe in Sonic Adventure, and not of the entire race. *shrug* Oh, and Robotnik's name is spelt with an I, as opposed to an E. Robotnek sounds to me like someone who has a mechanical throat. =P

I presume this is a first draft, as well...there are quite a few points lacking correct spelling, punctuation, or generally don't make sense (Good example of this is the line 'The kings to be in shock as one of his nobles is panic'). It's not a major problem when it comes to understanding the script, as you can pretty much derive the meaning from the context, but it's unlikely that people will take it as seriously or understand it as easily as they could if all these errors were corrected.

That's pretty much my initial thoughts...if I look through it again I might come up with some more things that could be improved, but for now I'ma leave it.

Posts: 6
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Half of you haven't even read the script, and judge, lol. It's ok. Can I have some AIM'S, of whoever is willing to help. Remember, this is a movie. I must let the audiences who aren't a fan of Sonic, get attached to the characters without playing the games or anything. That is why I started it with showing the background of Emeralds, and that is why I showed the dark world of Robotnik.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I thought i saw a hoax!
I did! I did! I did see a hoax!

You're not the first person to make a thread to the effect of "Hay im makin a sonic movie n people in hollywood r goin 2 make it 4 me"

I HAVE read the script, and the whole thing reeks of 'unofficial'.

The only people who will EVER be making a Sonic movie are SEGA themselves, regardless of what you "friend" tells you, And they haven't expresses any interest in it thus far.

*Eats IzzyBurn's hopes and dreams*


Posts: 276
Reputable Member

Geez Bat. A bit harsh huh? Though I have to agree with ya.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

It's been done way too many times, and a lot of people don't really have faith in a Sonic movie. Like the former said, the only way this work if you truly got Sega's permission and even if youre adding other continuities in.. that's more permission rights. And thats more disappeared profits. Personally, a movie script is fine and all but I doubt this thing will get running.
Sounds tough, eh? Well in truth, its that. Hollywood isn't easy, and whatever ones movie-making mind is not easy nor will ever be.

Oh, and you'd want pixar to do this? More money, poof.

And I'm sure when a Sonic movie is made, animated in 3D or live action.... Sonic fans in majority will dislike it.

All I can say is good luck.

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Folks, since he hasn't posted again in his defense, and since his only post seemed to be dedicated to advertising for this one thing to get people's AIM addresses, I think we can safely say that this is a project that isn't really going anywhere. I looked at the script, it was honestly poorly written but might convince less critical readers that he was sincere about the effort. My gut tells me this is just some cheap way of getting people's AIM addresses, if this guy was serious he would be more willing to discuss it here and have more credible sources to back himself up.

So, for those of you who were tempted to AIM him, I'd really discourage you from that. Unless he comes back and proves otherwise, this was a hoax intended to get people's attention and nothing more.

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

My AIM is never private, so it doesn't really matter - Terg.

But interesting theroy there. =P

Then again I'm not on AIM every day like I used to. *smacks school and friends that consume time and energy*
