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TSTW&TW: Kairus Sidestory (COMPLETE, Read & Respond)

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This story takes place during the months before tthe wedding in Terg's fic. It's literally a side story involving Kairus and Pharoah. Warning. This will have a lot of horrid graphic violence later on.

TSTW&TW: Kairus Sidestory
By Cy Kairus

--the day after the "wedding"--

I had personally gone downtown to see how repairs were coming at the chapel. After helping to half destroy the place, I felt a moral obligation to repair the damage that transpired. God forgive me, I was hoping for a faster fight with less collateral damage. I had enough moral issues with launching my attack in a church in the first place. The destruction here, however, was nothing compared to what COULD have happened. I suppose in a roundabout way, I should have thanked Gingersnap for sending me to Tau. As I watched my drones install the new pews and fix shattered fixtures, I reminisced about recent events.

The night she tried to kill me, through a strange twist of fate and energy attack colliding with energy attack, a dimensional rift opened up, echoing a piercing scream-like noise. It happened so suddenly that I couldn't brace myself, I was pulled in.

For those of you who haven't done it, interdimensional travel SUCKS. You get spaghettified, then reconsolidated. It HURTS. Imagine your body is pierced by turning knives. Now imagine the knives are on fire. It's something like that if you do it without proper protection. I wasn't anticipating a planar jump that night, so yes. That was the most pain I'd felt in millenia.

When I woke up, I felt like i'd had too much to drink. For one thing, I had a headache and the world was spinning around my head...wherever I'd landed. Was it spinning? The dizzy feeling was there, but the world was darker than a starless night in a new moon. Faint light was off to the horizon. Whee. I actually pondered if, after over three and a half thousand years, I had finally died. No...this place was too dingy to be Heaven. Felt more like hell than anything. My psionic sweeps only produced a few sentient life forms on the entire surface of the world, more than I'd expected. Life forms=not the afterlife. I was still alive. Good. I could still exact my revenge on that infernal b****.

I took off towards the first one, when something slimy grabbed my leg. Turning to look, I looked into a set of red, glowing eyes; oh goodie. I was grabbed by a tentacle monster. A green flash emitted from my hand, and my mindblade cut through the tentacle; it responded with a psychic blast.

Big mistake. Never use psionic attacks against an arch-psion, kids. It never ends well. The monster swiftly found itself at the recieving end of its own assault and was blown away.

Anyway, onward! I found several more of these things, and dispatched them with incredible ease. I came up on a field, and a set of vines. My sweeps were telling me I'd come upon the closest sentient life-form here. They didn't lie: Coccooned in vines was a red-haired girl. Producing a mindblade again, I poked the vines. She stirred slightly, then her eyes shot open as she looked at me. "Who are you?" she asked. My reply was curt and simple. "Cy Kairus. Now, where the hell am I?"


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The lady looked at me intently, as though I'd grown another head. "Come on, red, I told you my name, it's only fair you tell me yours." She stood up from the vines. "My name is Eudial," she said, "and you are nothing but a trespasser on the Tau system! Prepare to die!"

TWO times today. The monster things began to rise up around her. "So, these little ones are yours, eh lady? I suppose the adage about apples and trees is true!" I let my psionic power flare up around me as I summoned two mindblades again, their blue light dancing on my face. As I was busy cleaving these things in two, she produced a staff.
Oh great, a mage. She aimed it at me, shouting, "Fire Buster!" as a blast of fire rocketed at me. I sliced into the fire with crossed mindblades, and drove straight for her. She deflected my blades with her staff and some of her little minion things, which turned to dust upon being sliced in half. "So, I see I can't one-shot you. Good! I'm bored walking through this desolate hellhole of mutant freak-babies."

I was ready for anything...anything but her reply. "I'm level 88! Once I kill you, my level will be higher!"

...WHAT. What was this Tau thing? A bad RPG? Where's a d20 when you need it?

"Okay lady...yeesh." By the time she'd fired off another Fire Buster, I decided I didn't like her anymore. She tries to kill me and then talks like a bad videogame character. Oh yes childrens, it's time for her to die. Blue psionic energy swallowed the fireball, slowing it down to a dead halt.

I'd like to take this moment to explain one of the nicer things about being an arch-psion. I can mess around with energy types in elemental attacks. The red fire swiftly changed to a bluish ball of light which left vapor trails; I'd converted it from heat to bitterly freezing cold energy. "Yours, I believe." I heaved it into her, a direct hit. She grunted from the hit; evidently there wasn't much to these attacks of hers. She growled at me. "I suppose I have no choice then." She screamed as she transformed into one those monster things, which I'd later learn were called Daimons. I sighed in frustration, pointing a single finger at the thing. A blast of green light shot out, reducing her to dust in an instant.

Well...that was fast.

...or was it?

Strange singing began to fill my mind; a telepathic attack. Feh, I forced it from my mind. "STOP RIGHT THERE!" came a rather annoying voice. I'd already had two attempts on my life today; can't I have a break? Evidently not. A rather silly-looking girl stood there, looking at me. Psion versus arch-psion. You figure out what happens next. "I commend you for killing Eudial," she said, "I've been trying to do that for years." I put a hand to my forehead. "To whom do I owe THIS headache?" The reply came as though I hadn't said anything. "But this is where I, Level 40 Mimete, kill you!" Whipping out a staff, she aimed it at me and called out, "Charm Buster!"...a psionic attack. Just how stupid are people in this world? It washed over me like so much weak wind. She didn't like the fact I was completely unaffected; she ran off screaming for some guy named Magus to save her...right before I killed her with a well-placed psionic attack...imagine a few thousand swords being shoved into your psyche.

Well...nothing left here. My sweep was telling me where the next signature was. Great. More idiots who seem to think this is an RPG. I pulled out a snack bar and downed it, lifting off into the air and flying off towards the building which was rapidly coming up in the distance...

Posts: 2232
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O.o that seems an odd place to end up. That Mimete seemed a little daft though, going after somebody who just defeated a person double her level ;P

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I'm basing this after an online chat RP that happened during the time the header says it happened. Believe me. it gets weirder. And more graphic.

Posts: 1619
Noble Member

I'm basing this after an online chat RP that happened during the time the header says it happened. Believe me. it gets weirder. And more graphic.

Yes, it does.

*was in the RP chat*

Posts: 1376
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This is funny though xD!!! Keep it up Cyk.

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"Come on, I'm bored!"

I had been flying along without any event, not even those tentacled freaks with the psionic blasts bothered me now; I was now almost certain I had wound up in a world where they make those kinds of anime. You know. If not, you don't want to. ANYWAY.

After about an hour of musing what my next opponent would be, something finally broke the monotonous horizon; a lone building jutted up against the sky. I landed; maybe there was someone SANE here who DIDN'T think they were in Dragon Ball Z. One weaksauce opponent after another...was this some twisted version of Hell? Nah, I was still alive, I could tell.

Anyway, onto the building. Not very descript, unless you count the giant freaking computer sitting in front of me. BSOD, it seemed. I hit Ctrl+Alt+Del...strangely enough it had a Terran-model keyboard, because it reset itself. No jacks...looks like I'd have to answer mister password window the old fashioned way. After several failed attempts...did that thing just insult me?

[You're an idiot, Cy Kairus. No wonder you'll die soon.]

What? The thing knew my name. Freakin' brilliant.

"Yeah, funny," I said, charging up a ball of electrical energy in my hand, "see how funny you are when I fry every circuit in you." Loosing it, I watched as it...completely fizzled?! Then I heard the clapping. "Hehehehe...very good! But your attacks won't do anything to it, it's too far progressed!" "Right. And yet you still use keyboards. In that case, I opt not to give a sh*t. Look..." I put one hand to my face...the annoyed feeling was back. "...I'm sick and tired of kicking your sorry asses all over Cleveland and mutant freakbaby-land. Can't you yield just once?" Her replyindicated that she evidently didn't get my warning. "What's wrong," she said mockingly, "scared? You should be."

"Unlike Mimete and Eudial," she continued, I'm no pushover, I'm level 202...and I'm a scientist." I'd like to take the time to point out she looked nothing like a scientist. Looked more like a french maid reject. "We're going on what, DBZ levels?" came my reply, "You STILL drop like flies." "Darling," she said, "that is a silly show." Point taken, DBZ could get silly, but I'm digressing. "'s hard to be scared of someone who mistakes scant swimwear for a lab coat."

Electricity(or something a lot like it) coursed over my body. Not mine; she was trying an attack. I merely shook it off and shook my head. "Let me guess, electricity." "Perhaps...perhaps not. You don't have very good manners, do you?" "Not against hooker labrats." "I SHOULD tell you my name before I send you to death," she said arrogantly, "it would be unfair not to. My name is Viluy."

"Well, you're certainly vile, lady, I'll give you that much." "And don't think I'll be easy, either." Her clothes seemed to suggest otherwise, but whatever. She was attacking again, this time a silver wave. In an instant, I knew what it was: nanites. I let them wash over me as I felt them begin to tear at my skin.

I should take this time to explain something about myself. Being a Sandarian, I have two main abilities that come with being one. The first, obviously, is advanced psionics, the virtually-instant regeneration. This means I'm immune to disease, aging, and especially...wounds. My cells replenish as fast as I lose them.

Not to mention, I was now crushing every nanite that came at me with raw telekinetic force. And her throat, I was crushing that with telekinetic force. She tried more nanites, but to no avail. I simply advanced. "They're annoying them off NOW." She rolled her eyes. "Please." Cocky till the end, eh? I began slowly walking towards her. "Okay, don't. I don't care. Right now, all I care about is the sweet feeling I'm going to get from pushing your trachea into your brain stem. You're a scientist," I said, placing my hand around her throat and my thumb into the front of her throat, "you know what happens when one's trachea is crushed." "Go...ahead. I may...die...but there are others...stronger!" I drove my thumb all the way in, the feeling of her voicebox collapsing under my thumb and the delicious feeling of pressing it into her spinal column brought me relief to all this annoyance. To make sure she died, I also whipped out one mindblade and stabbed her through the gut, dragging it upwards toward my hand. Then I released my grip, psi pulling the blood off my hands and flesh from my fingernails, letting her limp form fall below.

I was busy doing my best to imitate Vlad the Impaler outside the building with her head and some rebar, when a familiar voice called out.
A figure appeared in front of me.
"It's me."
"Okay...that does nothing for me."
The voice rang so many bells, I couldn't figure it out until the next line.
"Cy, it's me, Cooki!"
".......since when did you get leave of your duties?"
"I'm not taking leave..."
I began putting up mental barriers. Last time I saw Cookirini, it was Gingersnap.
"I've had a sh*tty day. Please try to understand."
"I've been trying to communicate with you for three weeks now..."
Three WEEKS? It only felt like one day!
"Then why haven't I sensed...three weeks?!"
"Yes...I've been trying to contact you ever since Kenlo told me you dissapeared."
Ah, good ol' Kenlo. Once posed as my evil twin, now he's my direct subordinate and confidant/advisor.
"How the f**k long have I been gone?"
"A month and a half."
"Where the hell am I? What is this place called?...And most importantly, how long before the wedding?"
"Listen..." she began to fade, "You have 1 month....I'll do what I can to get you out of here...the place is named...Tau. Ugh, this is getting difficult."
"Stay with me, Cooki! Is there something I'm supposed to find here?"
"All I know is...there's a spirit here named...I'm breaking're in another plane of existance...beware of Pharoah 90..."
"I figured out I was on another plane awhile ago...Pharoah 90 you say?"
"...He's trying to enter into the MFW..."
"A 90 shouldn't be hard after a 202." I chuckled.
"You don't understand...he is the 90th...ruler..."
"Right. Still no prob. Thanks, Cooki."
I ran a Reasonance scan, looking for anyone big with a big-and-bad attitude...THERE we go. I decided it would be good to rest before I headed off there.


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Part 4: On My Way, Don't Know Where I'm Goin'...

As I flew along the vast expanse of blecch that was Tau, I noticed something. For the first time since Eudial, there was SOMETHING breakin the emo-y blackness of this world: would you believe an expanse of flowers had opened up in front of me? Feh, I had a bit of time to, wait, I didn't, but there was another signature down there. Time to waste me an underling.

I touched down and immediately noticed the flowers around me didn't look none too friendly. By the time I'd taken five steps, my clothes were covered in a fine, yellow dust. Yecch. Pharaoh better know a good dry cleaner. Anyway, I kept walking, and the flowers seemed to be actively spewing dust at me. Lo and behold, another one stood in front of me. "Lady," I started the conversation this time, "look. I want through to Pharaoh so I can kill him, go home and kill this demon I have a score to settle with. Lemme through or you're toast." "Feh, like I, Tellus, will ever let you through to do that!" Figures. I held out one hand, maybe she'd go down as fast as Mimete did. Time was NOT on my side these past months. Levelling one hand, I let my trademark energy ball fly loose, this one glowing a hellish red, a blast of sheer heat...which got sucked in by the plant things...WHAT.

just...WHAT. THE PLANTS ATE MY HEAT BALL. AND THE TEN OR SO I SENT AFTER IT. Then...they did something totally unexpected. They threw my own attack back at me. Caught a little off-guard, I was glad the attacks were still psionic in nature. My clothes only got singed a little. Okay...maybe an ice That got reflected too. Dammit, what was going on?

"Ho ho ho, I see you're frustrated, little Kairus! I control these plants, they serve me and protect me!"


Now I knew what I had to do. It was like someone had opened up a guide to killing her. I began sending psionic...static...into the area, filling it up. If she couldn't communicate with the plants, she couldn't cont...

I dove for cover as the plants instantly turned on her and caused her to explode rather violently. Evidently my confusion hadn't worked quite like I'd planned.

Within minutes, I was up in the air again, trailing pollen behind me. Another break in the monotony came up fast. Guess I was getting closer to the honcho, more concentrated activity near the core. ALWAYS more.

I touched down on the window of a building and looked inside. A sharp pain rocketed up through my body as I landed on a windowsill and peered inside. I knew the pain instantly; I hadn't felt this way in millenia up until Gingersnap tried to plant that seed in me. Black energy flowed over my body uncontrollably, concentrating and focusing on my back. It shaped into a long shaft with a wicked blade on the back, then turned from energy to matter with the sound of a thousand screaming souls. The calling was too strong, Dread Harvest had come forth. Far too many souls were nearby for it to hide within me. As the pain rocketed through me, my mind wandered back to one day...

The gaun figure in front of me held Dread Harvest in one hand, another, far older-looking scythe in the other. I only had my bare hands and my newly-acquired arch-psion abilities. "Very good," rasped the hooded figure, his voice eerie enough to strike fear into the most hardened person, his lips pulled back over bleach-white teeth, a pair of white orbs glowing at me from under the shade of the hood. He reached out a hand, cold as the grave, and held out Dread Harvest. "I have taught you all I can, my pupil. Take this as a memento of your training and never forget what you have learned from me. I, Death, vested in the power of Heaven, grant you the weapon, Dread Harvest and all the power it contains. Use it well, Cyriun Logan Kairus."

Yeah, I may have neglected to mention this. While I was training my arch-psion powers, I learned under the bony wings of my dimension's Grim Reaper, or rather, his human incarnation, known simply as The Phantom. He bequeathed Dread Harvest to me, and it gave me a few abilities, one of which was the ability to feel souls. I was sort of regretting this, it took a fair amount of concentration to push the feeling to the back of my mind. I smashed open the window with one hand and leapt inside. Inside, I saw a great, hulkign machine with a blue core. There, in the core, I could feel the souls being drained into...things...must've been the Daimon Seed factory. Only one thing to do now. With a clicking sound, Dread Harvest was in my hands, ready to smash the machine and free the souls. A black energy ray shot me in the back. No effect, really, but OW. See, Dread Harvest also makes me completely immune to necromancy and Dark-based energy attacks, as well as the ability to absorb and redirect necromancy, Dark energy and black magicks. But it still stung like no one's business. "So, a gnat has wandered into my domain?" Oh goodie, moron number five. I sighed. "NOW who is it?" A girl in what appeared to be a black tutu hovered behind me. "My name is Cyprene. I commend you for coming this...GAK!" I was through with speeches. Enough banter. Enough chit chat. These souls were giving me a headache and I HAD HAD ENOUGH OF IS MESSED UP WORLD WITH ITS MUTANT FREAKBABIES. I drove the scythe's pointy side into her abdomen, and with a quick twist of my wrist, pulled it upwards, cleaving her in two. She should have died, but luck hated me that day. The two halves of her merely laughed and began to finish the split where Dread Harvest had left off. Goodie, mitosis. Dread Harvest crackled as the two shot a necromantic field into the room. Glee, I knew right away what it was; a soul-draining force that would ebb my life energy away...if necromancy worked on me.

Time for my favorite trick. Okay kids, while my speciality is Psychokinesis, which is largely matter manipulation and energy control, one of my favorite tricks is a limited form of mind control I like to call Sensory Hack. I hack all five of your senses in order to make you see, smell, taste touch and hear what I want you to. And these two? Saw "me" hit the ground hard in the field and scream in agony as "my" life force was drained away. Now here's what really happened:

Simple. I clipped Dread Harvest back onto my back and summoned my Mindblades. The two stupids were close enough together that I could stab them both at once. Which, of course, I did. Rending them both in two with the Mindblades, I waited for what had to have been a half hour for the four pieces to become four new enemies. They kind of started stinking.

Time to give these souls a rest, I supposed. I raised Dread Harvest high into the air and crashed it down into the blue sphere. The sphere glowed red in protest as the souls were pulled INOT Dread Harvest. Now, don't get me wrong, it's no Soul Edge. When Dread Harvest touches a loose soul, it sends it to the appropriate afterlife. After about an HOUR of soul-sucking, the machine crumbled around me and Dread Harvest, I flew out and levelled a wave of pure heat energy at the building, melting it to slag and glass. Only one reasonance left now; I'd killed the generals. Time to face off versus the head honcho, Pharaoh 90. I took off at breakneck speeds, my gloom lifted by the thought of going home and seeing that abhorrent demon's head on a pike. Little did I know how hard it would be to get past this guy...

Posts: 45
Eminent Member

I've read what was here so far, and despite the violence, it's actually not bad. :)
I'll be waiting for the next part!

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The next part is prolly gonna be a final part. The showdown between Cy and Pharaoh will probably take up most of it, as well as Cy's return to the MFW.

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Cruising along, I had some time to reflect on the situation. The thing definitely registered as the most belligerent being I'd ever come across. I'd never ever quite felt such an almost-overwhelming force in my life since I met my mentor. Whatever. Dread Harvest was ready. I was ready. Time to go kick some ass. I rocketed over the horizon towards the figure. Touching down, I looked forward...then up. Pharaoh 90 had to be a height indicator of some sort from the sheer size of this thing. Big and wreathed in shadow, I couldn't make out any features.

"So," I said, "You're this big, bad Pharaoh 90 I've heard so much about. Sorry pal, but I can't let you invade the MFW, and I REALLY can't let you live, either." "Ah, the young Kairus appears before me at last." Young? I'm almost 4000! "I'm sorry, but it will be you who dies here today. My heh heh...are already planted all throughout your precious 'MFW', and no one knows it." "Yeah, you sound like Gingersnap." "Oh yes...she has been most loyal to me." "Yeah...she's about as loyal as Benedict Arnold. TIME TO DIE!" No holding back this time, my entire body was aflame with blue psionic fire. Fire which I concentrated into a blastwave directly in front of me. This move has toppled CITIES before, surely it could deal with this...


The bastard absorbed it! He sucked it up like it was nothing! Fine then! He wanted power? I'd give him more power! Within my subconscious, my conscious was undoing my self-set power suppressors. Things I set in place subconsciously to keep from hurting people around me unintentionally. "Wonderful, such wonderful a power!" mocked Pharaoh, "You must be one of those Galactic Kings I've heard of!" the hell could he have known about the Sandarian Empire? He couldn't have...I'd have to look into these Galaxy Kings later.

After about an hour and a half of exchanging blows with him, we were at an impass. My regeneration healed any damage I was taking, but it was like he was GROUNDED against energy attacks. Dread harvest was having no luck either. Only one option left.

When I say one left, I mean one. This is my do-and-die attack, my ultimate. Uncontrolled is how it got its name.
It kills me in the process. I managed to stop it once, that's how I survived to give it a name.

"All right, it's come down to this." I began to forcibly push every bit of psionic power I had to the surface. Not even my hyper-regeneration abilities could keep up with the damage this was doing to my flesh. I fell to one knee as I coughed a goodly portion of blood and what had to be that spongy stuff lungs are made of. Wounds began to tear on my body as I forced myself to stand. "All bets now, ladies and gents, this is the final act." Here it was, my last stand. The Psinova lived once more as it, now controlled, rocketed towards him, white-hot and glowing like a nuclear explosion wished it could. "I...*hack*...impossible..."were the last words to escape my lips as my blurring, reddening vision showed me he had absorbed that energy as well...


All around me, nothing but whiteness. I couldn't feel anything, guess the Psinova really did its job. Oh well, I'd be back shortly enough. See, when it's controlled, my body hits a sort of ejector button for my soul while it catches up tot eh massive injuries it sustains. My body probably looked like bony, uncooked meatloaf right now. I never wanna see pictures. A voice called to me...was it my mentor, come to take his student to his final home? No...this voice was too feminine...


Oh great. Do I have to fight things here in the afterlife, too?

"Who's there?!"

Nothing. Then...

"Not an enemy, I assure you." A girl in a...Sailor fuku...appeared in front of me. Oh great. Was Expletive gonna take over the ground-kairus right now.

"Not an enemy? Finally."

"As you were then, you could not defeat him. As long as he touches the ground, he can absorb anything."

I was right! He was grounded like a frickin' circuit breaker! And he'd tricked me into killing myself by letting my frustration take ahold and trigger the Psinova! SON OF A...

"There is a way to beat him, though." She produced what looked like a cross between a polearm and a can opener. "This," she said, "is my weapon, the Silence Glaive. I am...was...Sailor Saturn. I defeated him once, but it killed me in doing so." "Hurry up, lady, my soul's warming up, it means my body's about to recall it."

"You must disconnect him from the ground. Take this, then strike it into the ground while crying, 'Death Reborn Revolution !'" NO. HELL NO WAY WAS I GONNA DO THAT. NO. Then...a voice came through my head.

"*^$*$% it, Kairus, don't you want to beat this &*^$er? We;;, ^&$#$it, do you? WELL, ^%$#it?" Ah, nothing like my Sailor alt to inspire me to do things. Thanks, Expletive.

"All right, I'll do it. By the way,I never caught your real name. I'm Cy Kairus." "My name is Hotaru. Good luck, Cy Kairus." She let the stave go, and it floated over to me. The whiteness faded to black, and my eyes opened, big ugly ol' Pharaoh looming up, laughing. "So you still live? Amazing!" "Yeah," I said. I felt AMAZING. If dying left one this refreshed, I'm surprised people didn't do it more often. Granted, there's that whole permanence thing, but still. My psionic batteries were recharged and my clothes were...what? I looked like some kind of weird priest with the scarflike thing over the shoulders of my cloak. I raised one hand. "It's gonna be over, NOW! SILENCE GLAIVE!" "'s impossible, she died!" Purple energy flowed over my stretched arm, and turned into the spear thing. "Never thought I'd hear myself yell out an attack, but hell. DEATH..." "No! You can't know this! "...REBORN..." "NO! I WON'T LET YOU!" He started charging...something, I donno what, up... "...RRRRREVOLUTONNNN!" I jammed the spear's nonpointy end into the ground, and even I was surprised at what happened next. Purple energy shot out of the ground in spiderweb cracks from the impact point, sending us both skyward. This was my chance, he was disconnected! "DREAD HARVEST!" Black energy flew over my entire body, flowing into my free hand, forming the familiar scythe. Black, blue and purple electricity danced between Dread Harvest, the Silence Glaive andmyself, they were reacting to each other. I crossed them, and they both began to glow. Dread Harvest took on a sickly black glow, if such a thing is possible, and the Silence Glaive took on a bright magenta glow. "OK, Pharaoh, let's rock! Now...while I'm still feelin' like it..." I raised both weapons into the air, falling back, "WRATH..." I brought down the Silence Glaive hard, sending a purple shockwave at Pharaoh 90, "...OF THE..." I brought Dread Harvest down, its ensuing black slashwave forming an X pattern with the Silence Glaive's wave, "...SANDARIAN KING!" Adding my own touch, I launched a blast of blue, raw, psionic fury forward in the form of a blast equal in size to an avalanche. The three attacks connected one after the other, a vicious one-two-three...

...KILL. Pharaoh exploded into dust in front of my eyes with fire and noise. I felt a delicious sense of accomplishment...then it hit me. Tau was now falling apart around me. The Silence Glaive was tugging to get free, I let it go, and it tore a hole open in space. I recognized that area; it was the Void Between Worlds! Forming a psionic bubble around me and mustering my strength to brace for the jump, I flew out and turned to watch the Glaive sink in.

"Thank you...Hotaru."

The voice came back, as though in broken radio. "You're welcome."

I floated there for what had to be an hour, pondering recent events. I'd just about singlehandedly saved the MFW from invasion from this Pharaoh fella, and I'd never get recognition for it. Good. It's best that no one knew about the Daimon Seeds besides a few, namely Vector and TBlood, who I'd try to contact once I got back. A Warp Ring with the word "Scooter their Daisy Heads" engraved a la the One Ring, the interdimensional signal of the MFW, was rotating in front of me. I shot through it post-haste.

Subsequently, I found out I had been framed for the attempted murder of "Cookirini", and had to stealth my way all the way to HQ Tower, where I managed to make my case known to Vector, who arranged to have the charges dropped.

Leaving the Tower, I looked up. The clock tower told me I had five minutes before the wedding. CRAP! With a sound resembling a shotgun or thunderclap, I teleported in front of the old chapel.

The ensuing fight with Gingersnap was a bit surprising, but the triple-team worked; Adara, Cookirini and I destroyed Gingersnap with minimal casualties.

I immediately announced that KairuCorp would assume responsibility for the damages to the port area and the chapel, and that it would oversee, handle and fund repairs.


So, here I am, a day after all this occured. The admins have found a way to safely remove the Daimon Seeds from everyone and are already on it. I can't help but wonder how close it got there, though.

I came back to my house that night, tired and haggard. The old bed never looked so good...

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

When I first started reading this, I have to admit that I thought it was going to be a lot shorter. But you relate the events well of what must have been an entire series of RPs done in IM, and I could actually see what was going on with each move and attack.

It's also nice to see resolution on the Daimon Seed situation. Though as I think about it...if Gingersnap DID manage to get married to Justin, would their children be like all of those super-powered individuals, except stronger? It doubly underlines the importance of why Gingersnap had to be stopped! It also neatly ties in how he barged in the front entrance like in my story, though as I think about it I could have written him teleporting directly on. But ah well, hindsight 20/20, eh?

Good job, another contribution to the growing number of MoFic writers.

Posts: 2723
Famed Member

I actually enjoyed reading this work. That Pharoah 90 guy seemed unbeatable until the last moment, but he got his just desserts. This is another great ending to a cool story, in my opinion.

Posts: 774
Prominent Member
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Thanks! I think this is the first story I ever collaborated on with anyone before XD
