I'm looking to create a Web Comic for my message board also known as "The Skylight."
No one has shown any interest in it so far though, and I was hoping it would become one of the Key elements of the board.
I posted a basic plot and outline at the board, but I also decided that perhaps I would allow my forumers to vote on whether they wanted to do something else...like a Randomness Comic or a completely different plot.
Or both.
What I'm looking for is some interested recruits. Not only am I hoping to bring publicity to the board, but create an Entertaining Comic as well.
Now...you might be thinking...why don't I just post an ad for the Skylight in the SPA in the advertisements thread?
Let me explain. You see, I'm posting this HERE because this is an Art Project!
Plus...I already posted an ad for the board itself in said section, and I'm basically promoting a certain part of the board to recruit members to join in on a project. Yes, a PROJECT!
Now, Silver Shadow said it was ok for me to post this here. And I wanted to make sure I was absolutely clear that this is NOT just an advirtisment for the Skylight.
What I'm going to need is Character Profiles of anyone interested in being in the comic...some talented Artists and Writers...to join a New Team. I will work with everyone involved to make sure their character gets some good involvement and storyline in especially if a storyline with a plot is pursued.
Yes it is going to be for my board...but since there will be Members of the Mobius Forum however will (hopefully) be involved.
For more information...Check out the Skylight Webcomic for those who are interested. Any advice and suggestions would be helpful as well.
For further discussion of said topic...post here and/or contact me via e-mail or instant messenger.
MSN and Hotmail: mauevigtheeternalcat@hotmail.com
AIM and YIM: Mautheeternalcat
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