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Weirdo nerd questio...
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Weirdo nerd question

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Posts: 5
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I kind of avoid writing fanfics because, I'll be honest, I suck at them. I have trouble taking other people's characters and writing them while remaining true to their given personality. It's a really odd problem I have. Instead of practicing to fix it, I just throw up my hands and stick to originals.

However, I'm a huge fan of Sonic and the gang, so I tried to think of something. I came across a thought, but I wasn't sure if anyone would accept it. I have a website and I'm trying to decide what to do with it, and I'll probably shove a bunch of fiction I could never have officially published.

What if I wrote a story that didn't necessarily have Sonic in the gang in it, but it was part of their world and the characters were somehow connected to them? I could do my Sonic fan girlness without worrying about butchering characters that already exist.

If I were to do this, how well received would it be, depending on how well it was written or original? (Well, as original as it can get being part of a universe created by someone else.)

I just thought it might be fun to do, and if it'd be appreciated, I might post it on a website or something instead of hoarding it to myself. :^^

Thank you for your time and opinions.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Personally, I say go for it. After all, it's pretty much all I do when writing fanfics, It's far more fun to twist a setting or scenario to your own ends, I feel. When I tend to write fanworks, they will either barely touch the original characters, working at a complete tangent to the established stuff, or will feature the main characters, but in a universe that has been bastardised beyond recognition. Why do I like to pick apart universes so?

*shrugs* Who knows.

Either way, I can't tell you how well it would be recieved, since yesterday was the first time I've actually got round to writing something in ages, and my previous readers all seem to have wandered off, but if it's well written, they will come.

Write it, and they will come.

Posts: 2016
Noble Member

Well, I don't see any reason not to. Sure, you're not be the first person to do it, you defintely won't be the last, but as long as that's the most comfortable way for you to write...

Posts: 201
Estimable Member

Hey go for it. If you want a good example of Fanfiction the n check out my fics Tears of Blood and Hands of wraith. I included a few of the people on this board in a few and they have been pleased with the results. I'll give you a few tips if you want.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

People always receivec my stories well, and the last couple had zero to do with the sonic universe other than having anthro's and looking for some planet called "mobius" the rest occurred with my characters and in what I know refer to as the "Warden" universe.

So yeah, I think you'd be well received by most people.

Posts: 3468
Famed Member

But Rico, you don't suck. o.o That's why they're so well recieved.

Kid, don't write worrying about if they suck. If you do that, then they will suck. Write for yourself and yourself only. As Frank Jeager once said... "Snake, we're not tools of the government, or anyone else!"

...Not that that has anything to do with the topic, but I like the quote anyway. =D

Posts: 407
Reputable Member

SX makes a good point. You should be writting this for yourself and not just to please others. Take your time and write when YOU want to write. I'm sure you'll do fine. =)

Posts: 2915
Famed Member


Kid, don't write worrying about if they suck. If you do that, then they will suck. Write for yourself and yourself only.

I agree totally with SX and Jet. Write for yourself. If you don't enjoy writting about something, then chances are it won't be your best work.

And if people do thing you suck, don't worry about it. Maybe listen to what they are saying and take it to heart.
