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When I'm not working on Chao!...

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I've been wanting to draw a pic like this for some time now but never got round to it. But, as you can see, I've managed to do it. Took me some time to finish, but I'm pleased with it. Wanted to share it with you guys too! :^^
I thought to post any pics I put effort into in here. What do you guys think? I've felt I've improved on my drawing technique.

This is a picture of Agent 47 from the 'Hitman' series.

Posts: 3468
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I wish I had talent EE. 🙁

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Very nice, Especially all the detail on the pistol, which is certainly the best part of the drawing. The lighting is stylish, and well pulled off as well.

The agent seems moody, aggressive, and sinister, and the lighting helps that, though perhaps some darker shadows under his jaw may help?

Excellent work EH

Posts: 1573
Noble Member

Wow. That's excellent art, EE. I love the pistol especially.

Posts: 286
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though perhaps some darker shadows under his jaw may help?

Now that you mention it, he does need shadow under the jaw. Oh well, thanks for the comments you guys. ">


I wish I had talent EE.

If you think I have talent, I am very flattered. But anyone can draw if they practice enough. I've felt I've improved through practice. You just need to approach it with the right attitude. Think, 'I can do it' and really go for it. Practice. :thumbsup

Anyway, I found this picture just yesterday and I had to submit it as it was my first EVER attempt at drawing a character in the manga form. Now I know this picture has a whole dictionaries worth of what's wrong with it but for a first attempt, I don't think it's too shabby.

Like I said, practice! :^^;

Posts: 513
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It's true that anyone can achieve greatness though practice, but if that's your first attempt, I must say that you have natural talent.

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I must say that you have natural talent.

WHOA! What a compliment! Thanks Mewtamer-san! :p

Drew this today. It's my second attempt at neko but first attempt for a pose so please, be gentle. :lol

Let us know what you think. The hand is embarrasing though. Didn't come out looking too good did it. Otherwise, I think I did a reasonably good job of it.

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Her arms are bendy and her breasts are disturbing, but otherwise nice job in general and-- WHAT IN THE @#%$ IS WRONG WITH HER MOUTH?

But all kidding aside, good first attempt at... whatever.

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Her arms are bendy and her breasts are disturbing

Yeah. Couldn't quite get the arms to work and the breasts...well, yeah they are disturbing! :lol

I have a new picture today. My first attempt at muscle here and drawing a character that is already in the manga/anime form. I've noticed that everything I've submitted at the moment is a first attempt at something.

Thanks guys! You've given me the confidence to try new styles and show them to you. :thumbsup

This is Chipp Zanuff from the Guilty Gear series. I thought since I'm cosplaying him soon, I might as well give him a shot. What do you think?

My new pic! Surprise, surprise! I know it seems to be all I draw but they are cute and flexible (and easy to draw lol)

I liked the colouring best. I think it really brought the picture to life. ">

Posts: 84
Estimable Member

YAY FOR CHIPP! "Hory Zen!" indeed. Anyway, lemme say what I think on this...

Good points:
Instantly recognisable to those who've played the games, I saw it and thought OMG Chipp!
You've got his costume down pat.
There's some promising looking shading going on there.

Bad points: (warning, I tend to be a very strong/harsh critic sometimes, so don't take all this the wrong way!)
The face. His eyes are a little too small, the bone structure is a little off. (Chipp's face is slightly more slender around his chin) His nose looks slanted a bit too much, and in the wrong direction. The eye on our right is a little too far over, and needs angled a little more to give the impression of perspective and depth to his face.
Arms: his right arm (on our left) is a little thick, and the elbow is a little far down the arm. If you take a look at your own arm, you'll note that your elbow is just above your hips and your waistline.
Overall proportioning on his upper body is a little off. You've made his collarbone visible which is a good point, but it's positioning is a little bit off... that, or overall his shoulders aren't quite wide enough.

With all that said, you're showing a good amount of promise here. You just need to work a little more on getting anatomical proportioning correct, which is a pain I know, but very rewarding. Keep practicing and you'll be producing some real fine stuff before you know it. :thumbsup

~LightStrike, aka SilverShadow, aka Ash Fox.

Posts: 889
Prominent Member

kinda cool but the gun is awsome!
