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WT's Arts

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Posts: 35
Eminent Member
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As the artist hungers for comments and critique, I have thusly decided to put up some of my artwork here. I stopped doing furs a while back, but hopefully you guys'll like it anyway. I guess to start out I'll just put up a few profile pictures I did for a story a while back.

Wolfos Blazeheart -

Shade Silverblade -

Michael Sentarous -

Ean Rauzieun -

Abby Serratura -

And, as a bonus, I'll throw in a pic of Cora Blazeheart -

So, wacha think?

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

Good stuff man. I'm liking your style a lot. You've got some nice works up there, I could learn a thing or two from your art I reckon (like, how to draw clothing on characters realistically, muhahaha...).

Yep. All in all, good work man. I'll probably dev-stalk you at some point. =3


Posts: 2928
Famed Member

You've got to admit. He IS getting better.

I see you found SHQ finally. ;)


Posts: 35
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Yessir, I did. Well, shoved into it by Mike may be more accurate, but, whatever works, heh.

Here's some more stuff in my gallery I'd like to point out =3

A Hero's Fall -

Grand Stand -

Pure White -

Emotionless Love -

Enjoy =0

Posts: 1334
Noble Member

I am morbidily suprised no one else has replied to this topic yet. You know what I think WT, I think your current work is great- and I enjoy at seeing what you draw every time.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i'm a busy person, i can't comment on all the topics. 😛

as for this art, it's good. i like the details you put into the clothes and so on, with a nice use of inking.

but one question, why is everything you've linked to been uploaded to your scraps gallery?

Posts: 35
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Actually, I have no idea why it says they're in my scraps - because, well, they aren't...

But, hey, I'm glad you like my stuff. My inking really needs work though ^^;

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

*pokes* then do more finished pictures. 😛

yeah, inking can be a pain.. i'm happier working in pencils myself. sometimes it can depend on what you're inking with, i used to ink with horrible old biros before switching to fineliners.

Posts: 35
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I started out inking with pigma microns, but I just didn't like how messy they were so after that I moved on to digital inking with a wacom tablet. Works good, I just need to get more used to it. It's also so much nicer to use when you're coloring on the computer ^^;

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i'd kill (well, perhaps not literally. >>) for a tablet! i've gotten my tablet-owning boyfreind to ink one of my pictures for me, and the results were brillient. ^^

plus you've the advantage of tweeking any mistakes, previously only do-able with a ton of tippex. colouring with a tablet is sheer bliss!

*distracts you with cookies, runs off with your tablet* >>;
