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Hello, bonjour, guten tag, hola, bonjourno...whatever language you're comfortable with, I suppose. Likelyhood is that you've stumbled across this thread through sheer bemusement as to its prupose...and likelyhood is also that I'm just writing all this as I'm not so good at intros. <<

So. What is Xeona, I hear you ask (or at least, those whom I haven't introduced to the idea before)? Well, Xeona is a series of stories/fics/whatever you wish to call them chronicaling the events of the planet of the same name. I began writing it quite some time ago, but never got around to introducing it here. However, seeing as I have some time and nothing to do...well, why not?

Xeona will be split into sections in order to make it easier to understand the chronological order behind it (or some reason like that, I suppose) - currently being worked on is the 'Beginnings' section, which, as the name suggests, consists of introductions to some of the major characters in the series. Beginnings is split into two subsections, each following a different character - one for Spike, another for THS. I'm not gonna give more away than what's already given in the stories. =P

Now, as two chapters have been written, and I've gone completely overboard with introductions, I'm not gonna copy 'em up here as I normally would - instead I'm just gonna link you along to the deviantART journal entry I made for it, which should send you direct to both chapters (hosted on dA). Any new chapters made will be posted directly into this thread.

Check 'em out here.
(Please note that while the linked journal entry should be clean, some aspects of my dA account may be above the board limit)

Additionally, I'm working on a site to host it as well, but that's still under construction - I'll update on that when it's done.

Comments and critique appreciated. ^_^
