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Basically just press Ctrl + V to the last thing you copied. It's usually funnier when you can't recall the last thing you copied and then you pasted here. 😛

Yes, because we are plagued by railroad accidents?

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I'm not really a penguin. I've been lying to you my whole life...

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hot boys

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epoxy resin

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The One and Only

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also i hold pencils ****ing wierd @ status

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(I'll continue this post later. As of Now I don't know what Yoshimi's weapon is. Nor Yuichiro's Should I just give them one myself?)

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Lol. Remember when people used to say that DK 64 was racists? I thought that was so silly.

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If you don't read it I will curb stomp you again.

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Gwyneth Paltrow

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Bananaaaa Slammin!

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Its not everyone saying "NEXT SONIC WILL BE AWESOME", just the fans.

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Why does Nintendo hate Dixie anyway? Is she not politically correct or something?

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extreme human antiquity

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ITT: People who watch MSNBC

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Kill only Al Berric!

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It's love at first siiiiiiiiight...

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Things I love about the summer
2) Not having to shovel snow

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you're no fuuuuuuuun
tell him to strip naked and turn on webcam.

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Note to self: Remember to hide the bodies.........

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u mad.jpg

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Wait... what?

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Lol, pushed wrong button last time.
Lol, this is the ending to a story I posted on a toontown forum.

They slammed the door hard behind them and darted through Sellbot HQ. "We're almost done!" Snappy yelled. "Of course, it's never that easy!" "Or is it?" Derik asked.

They reported back to Flippy telling him the news. The Toontown Militia had just saved Toontown from the Cogs!

But, as my friend Captain Snappy Wrinklegargle always says… It's never that easy.

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de que pais tu viene?

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Are you all joking or are some of you serious ?

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Are you all joking or are some of you serious ?

Was that a real question or the last thing you copied?

Since I'm posting, I think ill do the Ctrl V again...

Wait... nevermind... *cringes at what showed up, and isnt joking, and this wasnt the last thing i copy pasted*

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i will take those credit card numbers and raise you a team of mexican bodyguards, they cant speak english at all but they sure can kickass, you seen that movie jack black does as a mexican wrestler? they're a bit like that but a little cooler.. they hide in the shaddows wherever you go and if you're in trouble you need not fear anything or anyone you just shout "hot sauce!" and they shall spring from the shaddows and pile drive them 4ft into the floor,

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123 4321 19409

Now gives me a Nacho Libre

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He's coming for you.

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One of the few good things about Kefka.

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Don't tell the cops.

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Even if it WAS sarcastic, it is still hard to detect sarcasm sometimes, because the main identification of sarcasm is in tone, and tone only comes from voice. When it's written, it can be hard to detect.

Its much better if you say things like "Not" or "Yeah right" at the end and bold, or capatalize things within the sentence that would normally be emphasized when speaking, or maybe ending with a smiley similar to the one in Creo's post.

Compare "Yeah, Sega will renew Choatix's copyright someday."

to "Yeah, SURE, Sega will renew Chaotix's copyright someday!

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Yes it did, surprisingly enough.

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