(Taken from the Find The Computer Room Forum)
Sonic fans just love to make weird crossovers. If you can think of it, chances are there's already a pic of it on DeviantArt. So here's a game I entertain my friends with sometimes:
1. Go to the search bar on Deviantart.com
2. Type in "Sonic the Hedgehog"
3. after it type in the name of any cartoon/anime/game you can think of. Try to go for the non-obvious ones.
4. Post a link to what you find
5. Er, try and steer away from any x-rated stuff. If it's a little racy put up a warming.
For instance I put in Sonic the Hedgehog Lion King and got this
EDIT: Given the subject of this game. I wonder if it should be moved to the South Island Forum...
can I link my own artowrk? o.o
Sure if its a crazy crossover with Sonic in it. But thats not how the games supposed to be played.
XD @ some of these. The pony one is quite amusing.
Eggman is a sexy Jill Valentine.
The Sonic Wright Ace Attorney pic is epic!
XD @ Likes/Dislikes of JediSonic
In Jedi Sonic's defence, I'm not a trekkie either.
<strong class="quote-title" B Vulpix wrote:
They weren't the ones to start the game. It has been around the internet for a while. Other searches include "Family Guy," "Naruto," "Lion," "Furry" (or just the anthro tab), OC, and Fat among other things.
Sonic the Hedgehog and Shadow of the Colossus returned nothing! I ween!
(I've actually already composed crossover fanfiction of the two, but since there is no art...ha!)