This game is easy. Just say three, and ONLY three words. No more, no less. Keep it PG obviously.
Yesterday I saw...
elephants regurgitating nineteen
little pieces of...
hair from a...
incredibly old piece...
of Latino ass
that has been
Sitting in the
burrito shop for...
three years of
horrible shaving torture!
of inflatable cardigans
that eat crap
and cry diamonds
that dissolve into
little French people
who wish they
could always asphyxiate
the British! O.o After...
something wierd happened
due to cataclysmic
things that happened
to three agoraphobics
that like to
eat cake with
anorexic old men
who eat the
shrimps that squirt
stuff out of
their enormous abdomens
that are covored
with chocolate rain
while waving matches.
at innocent bystanders! D:
Unfortunately, the giraffes