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Whoever Posts Last Wins Too 4: monthly winners, no fads, READ RULES FIRST!

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*points out that while a loli was substituted for the win, I kept the loli and got my hands on the win again as well*

Posts: 665
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*points out that the loli snatched the win and is running away and i chase after the loli*

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*points out that while Fang was pointing out that the loli snatched the win and is running away and that he's chasing after the loli, I got the loli for myself again as well as the win*

Posts: 665
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*points out that what he has is a lose and that the win was given to me by sean connery*

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*points out that while Fang was pointing out that I have a lose and that the win was given to him by Sean Connery, I pointed out to him that Sean Connery gave him a fake win and that I regained the true win for myself*

Posts: 665
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*points out that when he got the true win, it wasn't really the true win because sean connery took the win back to the league of extraordinary gentlemen whom I persuade to give me the win*

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*points out that while Fang was pointing out that what I got wasn't really the true win because Sean Connery took the win back to the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen whom he persuaded to give him the win, I managed to get back the true win for myself, murder all of the members of the League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and marry the loli Fang introduced me to a short while ago*

Posts: 665
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*points out that the loli was actually a transvestite alien from transylvania who after sleeping with rishi stole the win and returned it to me*

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*points out that while Fang was pointing out that the loli was actually a transvestite alien from Transylvania who after sleeping with me stole the win and gave it to Fang, I found myself an even prettier loli who isn't a transvestite and who helped me get the win from Fang and have it returned to its rightful owner - myself*

Posts: 1702
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Good Lord, enough already!!!

*thwaps both Rishi and fang with a pillow and takes the win*

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* kisses you but steals your win *

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*regains the win for himself*

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I...wasn't aware you felt that way, DoN!

*steals the win*

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*punches Kayla in the face and regains the win for himself* Stealing is bad, m'kay!

Posts: 1982
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*Sues the win from Rishi... before taking a flame-thrower to his Avatar*

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*isn't sued and regains his win*

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What's this?

Rishi wanted in court ASAP?

** takes the win while Rishi looks confused **

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*evades going to court and instead grabs the win for himself again*

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DoN, he hit me!!! I wanna sue for mental and physical trauma! Somebody call Phoenix Wright!

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*hits phoenix wright over the head with a lamp and leaves him in a completely different court room and also pays his friends to make a batch of fake cases starting with a policewoman murder to distract phoenix for the duration of the case witch I win by bribing every single person in the court room and thereby claiming the win for myself. and then I go get smoothies. cuz I can*

Posts: 1702
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That is so Mary-Sue behavior.

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*wins again*

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*takes win back*

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* fangoram willingly gives me the win back *

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*points out that there was a yellow spotted lizard on the win which bites dreamer, gives me the win back, and rides of into the sunset on his anthropomorphic horse*

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*dies a slow and painful death*


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*Brutally murders hukos in the corner, then resurrects dreamer and gives him the win*

Posts: 1986
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*Ghost takes the win back and now forever haunts fangoram as he takes a crap on the con for all eternity. Enjoy*

Posts: 665
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*Brutally exorcises hukos in the corner, and takes the win*

Posts: 1986
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*Reveals that when you murdered me, the morgue put some weird anti-exorcism thingy on my body, and now I can't be exorcised and the body is at the bottom of Mt. Doom, so good luck finding it*

Posts: 665
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*casually walks into mount doom, removes the anti-exorcism thingy, buys a double shot from the starbucks, does an even more brutal exorcism on hukos, then reclaims the win*

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** 0.0 wins 0.0 **

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*mugs dreamer with the help of sylvester stallone and steals the win. then stomps on dreamer. then steals dreamers wallet. then uses the money to buy P'zones. then eats some P'zones. then pours the 400 degree insides of the P'zone on dreamers face. then stabs dreamer. Then shoves a large amount of Ice cubes in the wound. then drags dreamer to a street corner and lets a dog mark its territory on dreamer. then has stallone mug dreamer again. then covers dreamer with oil and lights dreamer on fire. then force feeds dreamer some boiled then pureed spinach and artichoke hearts. then rips dreamers nails off. then puts a nail through all the joints on dreamers fingers. then makes dreamer play sonic labyrinth. then pours battery acid on dreamers eyes. then drops dreamer of the empire state building. Finally, I finish dreamer off by slitting dreamers throat*
umm no offense for this. Don't take it personally, it could have been anyone.

Posts: 713
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Fangoram how could you do that to him?

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*mugs dreamer with the help of sylvester stallone and steals the win. then stomps on dreamer. then steals dreamers wallet. then uses the money to buy P'zones. then eats some P'zones. then pours the 400 degree insides of the P'zone on dreamers face. then stabs dreamer. Then shoves a large amount of Ice cubes in the wound. then drags dreamer to a street corner and lets a dog mark its territory on dreamer. then has stallone mug dreamer again. then covers dreamer with oil and lights dreamer on fire. then force feeds dreamer some boiled then pureed spinach and artichoke hearts. then rips dreamers nails off. then puts a nail through all the joints on dreamers fingers. then makes dreamer play sonic labyrinth. then pours battery acid on dreamers eyes. then drops dreamer of the empire state building. Finally, I finish dreamer off by slitting dreamers throat*
umm no offense for this. Don't take it personally, it could have been anyone.

That's F****D UP! XD

Posts: 665
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Im pretty sure I told everyone I was evil. *suddenly kicks kio in the shin*

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Im pretty sure I told everyone I was evil. *suddenly kicks kio in the shin*

*gives Fang a 5 dollar note* Here's 5 bucks, buy yourself something nice!

Posts: 713
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*Falls to the ground and holds his shin, trying hard not to cry*

Posts: 665
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*folds the 5 dollar note into a bong and sells it to a guy on the street for 10 dollars which i use to by another p'zone. then kicks kio in the face for no apparent reason*

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Posts: 1986
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*Casts a phoenix down on self and takes back the win*

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*regains the win*

Posts: 1986
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*Eats Rishi's soul to take back the win*

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*his soul is not eaten and he takes back his win*

Posts: 2354
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Souls are tasty

** eats the souls of Rishi and Hukos and wins **

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*his soul is not eaten and he takes back his win*

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** beats you silly, eats your soul (AND Rishi does not put a fight) and takes the win AGAIN **

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