I win!
Ugh.....stop it.
I think its funny tbqh
Not the good kind of funny though. Still get a laugh out of it.
Nobody else post or else Rishi's last post will have been in vain.
...Aw crap.
Dont run away from your parents!Running away from home is the perfect way to rebel against parents when you're mad!
Dont be a fool! Smoking's not cool.Dont be a fool! Everyone smokes, why not YOU?
*wins again*
*Steals the win*
*steals the win back, gives Hukos a wedgie in the process*
*Is going commando*
^ Yeah, you go do that.
*Goes and does that*
You Lie!
Always and forever!
How many forums must a man post on before you can call him a man?
It's not how many forums, NelStone, it's the ones you post in!
You guys have given me alot to think about. *Sits on the tree stump and ponders.*
You do that. *Takes the win*
It's not how many forums, NelStone, it's the ones you post in!
The two or three Sonic forums, the two random music forums, that animation forum, and I abandoned IGN's forums four years ago, for all hope was lost.
Can I really, truly be called a man? Or am I merely part of this machine, glued to this screen?
MoFo, NFL/Metal/Toaster Oven forums on gamefaqs, a couple of misc. sites here and there to add to that.
What do I win
You win nothing because I've stolen the win from you.
*steals the win from Swanson*
Pfft, stealing is for losers. But, if you steal a win, then what are you?
... *Head ASPLODE*
There's no phonetic meaning to that one. You're just a win stealer. >:(
And every single poster on here is guilty as charged.
COURT DISMISSED! *bang bang*
But if the judge is guilty, then by what rights does he have to charge another man?
This trial is not about the Judge, good sir. It's the Judge's job to see if the defending party is guilty or not. Now the real question is, is the Judge part of the defending party as well? Write your answer and turn in your test when you're finished. This will go to 50% of your final grade.
The Judge is supposed to be a neutral party. Otherwise he would not have been the judge.
...This whole damn court is out of order!
The Judge is supposed to be a neutral party. Otherwise he would not have been the judge.
...This whole damn court is out of order!
The Judge is supposed to be a neutral party. Otherwise he would not have been the judge.
...This whole damn court is out of order!
I will do no such thing.
But the witness made me cry :'(
You deserved it.
no u
u um
u um?
oh noes
Noah knows no nose.
*Blasts shotgun*
And Noah is no more.
*Blasts shotgun*
And Noah is no more.
You shouldn't have done that in a court room.
(Oh crap, I guess one of you is gonna win this thing tomorrow night, huh?)
I'll win September - and easily too, since my time-zone is ahead of most of the rest of you.
I'll win September - and easily too, since my time-zone is ahead of most of the rest of you.