This is one of the only things from the MoFo's past to survive this long...
Such nostalgia.
Nostalgia!! Nostalgia!!! NOSTALGIA!!!!
Happy Halloween!^^
Witty comment here.
GT seems fond of non sequiters lately.
Blast! Curse you Ari you have brought about my downfall!!!
Don't curse Ari.
She never did anything to anyone.
...on the internet.
I can't account for her real life since I don't have the surveillance equipment for that.
Stop doing that thing you do.
People should quit posting here and play some Flicky Turncoat DX.
That way we both win.
I like that idea! Let's start now!
The Siamese cat...
That time again.
No, guess again.
Christmas Time!?
Maybe? It's Christmas Eve!
Merry new years eve!
It's not very merry!
Yes it is.