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A Good Idea

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I think Tergonaut suggested it to me but I don't recall quite so clearly.

The talk of my potential ban from this forum - I want in. I know it's going on in that secret little room and obviously I want to appeal.

So tell me, why should you be allowed to ban me (besides the obvious "this is the internet" thing)? I'd like hear the reasons and then either grind them into dust or tell you why I disagree. All of them. Don't feel like you have to make anything hidden on account of me. I'd like to deal with them all, and this is the only place to do that.

Posts: 1758
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You have:

Intentionally tried to cause problems by sending fake complaints to staff through Box, even if your intent was only to make Box look foolish.

Flamed people.

Banjumped by hacking into another person's account. You deny this despite massive evidence that is virtually impossible to explain away, and I don't like to ban on a claim of innocence, but it has to count for something with this kind of evidence. Oh and don't say it's "hearsay" because 1. we don't have to follow court laws and 2. it is not hearsay because it is Nuchtos' account of what he saw, plus what he says is a text copy of your IP.

Actively tried to engage in a campaign of dividing people on the MoFo for your amusement or whatever. You've done it by your own admission to Box, and some people suspect you are doing it to the staff in general, which seems to be supported by your trying to put this in public, though that could also be interpreted as another way to continue discussing it now that you've been locked out of the staff forum. This is a difficult accusation to interpret, but many seem to be convinced of it.

Let's try not to turn this into public drama.

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Intentionally tried to cause problems by sending fake complaints to staff through Box, even if your intent was only to make Box look foolish.

I won't be a Matt Hayter in this topic. The only reason I quote this is because it's directly related to something I am about to point out. Your logic in this sentence is nonexistant. I cannot intentionally try to do something if it was not my intent to begin with. I allocate you a free rewording.

Now as for the actual content of that quote, I never tried to cause problems by sending fake stories through Box. I I intended to send progressively inane and obviously silly stories through him, to you, so you would realize everything he was saying since the beginning is a big cloud of nonsense. I have made this clear several times. Do not mistake it again. As I have also explained, the only controversey this caused was one of the long-winded speeches Tergonaut prepared which in turn turned a few other heads. However, I never expected Box to tell Tergonaut anything. I only expected him to talk to you. In essence, no. No, I did not intentionally cause any "problems" (I know you're reffering to an overflow of staff drama).

Flaming: I disagree that I have flamed people. I admit to gossiping about people behind their back wherever I may be, sometimes even negatively. While I was an admin I never once counted anythign as a flame unless it as a FACE to FACE incident with the person involved in the comment. I don't know how valuable that is because it can only be valuable or not to you. However I will also point out that the same thing happens everyday, by the typing fingers of almost everyone. Some popular topics include Ultra Sonic and Rico.

Ban-jump: You are correct. I do deny this. I don't attempt to provide explenation simply because I do not have it. However, I do look down on using incomplete "evidence" against someone. I never once did this while I was in your position.

Some interesting facts:

  • The account of what someone has seen is infact, hearsay, when not paired with physical evidence.
  • This may or may not matter. It's up to you.
  • This is text. I typed it right now. Alot of people can do the same thing. (Pair this with Nacho's list)
  • Division of the MoFo: No. I lie to Box all the time, especially lately which was made clear at the top of this post. If what I am doing is in your opinion, dividing the MoFo, I disagree entirely. My situation is blown entirely out of proportion, yes, but it's completely recoverable.

    The only reason this is in public is because yesterday you revoked my Staff Forum access. If this were not the case, I would appeal in there as I have been doing. However this is now my only option.

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    There's no such thing as physical evidence on the internet. The closest thing to physical evidence is what a person has seen for themself. After that, there is only what someone considers to be most likely based on the situation.

    Actually, your staff forum access was revoked in late December, not yesterday. Perhaps, it was only made clear to you yesterday. 😉

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    It was taken away to a degree which I could not get it back, yesterday. <-- That along with what you provide is moot given that the point of the my mentioning it is entirely to explain why I am in this forum today instead of the Staff Forum. All that matters is I have no access to it today.

    Allow me to replace "physical evidence" with "photo evidence" for the purposes of the internet, since that is what we've been doing since before I can remember.

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    I disagree since you are discussing "facts" and it is a fact that it was revoked in December. It is a fact that it was made clear to you yesterday.

    Since I know a thing or two about what is/isn't used as evidence over the years, I can tell you that things don't have to be a photo. Text has always been acceptable. I always accepted it and so have many other admins/mods over the years even if you may not have. Whether evidence is considered acceptable depends on the situation (re: the people involved). This is the internet after all. 😉

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    My Staff Room Access: If you would like a lot of facts instead of what is relevant to why this topic exists, it was only just brought to my attention Vector officially revoked my access, like you said.

    Text/Screenshots: I was always told as a user and as a staff member by Vec and other staff that sufficient proof for action requires a photo. It certainly would have been useful to know this was false at any point in my 5 and a half year venture here. However this does not affect what I laid out previously about my feelings for using such evidence.

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    I already know the facts. Some of it better than you in some respects while you'll know it from your vantage point better than me. I'm just pointing out that it is inaccurate to say that it was revoked yesterday. It is also inaccurate to imply that only Vec has control over who has access (which is how it'll be read) as any admin has a right to revoke/grant access. If it was an incorrect action, he'd say why (or me if it comes from my end) and explain to the admin in question.

    If that's what you've believed in regards to only a photo works, then you're sadly mistaken--at least wherever my decisions came into effect over the years. It's always been preferred, not required. Everything has always been about the people involved first and foremost. Credibility always drove whatever I did.

    As for your feelings about whether it should/shouldn't be used, that doesn't matter because it's obviously going to be, but not in a vacuum as obviously Vec wouldn't use it by itself (I could & would've) and I'm sure you already knew that about Vec's thought process on this point anyway. ^_~

    While not related to this, my feelings about the chat room don't matter because it's obviously going to continue to exist in some form. I mention it because when you do not have control over a situation what you think/feel is just that. I doesn't mean things will go the way you think is best/right. Things happen the way they will and life goes on--even doubly so on the internet. 😉

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    Staff Room Access: I was not aware that at any point in time during my adminship, it was my right to remove you from the Staff Room Roster. o.o If you see the preceeding statement as lunacy, then I'll point out your post seems to be blurring the line between the "right to remove access" and the "ability to remove access". The way you continue on to say that "If it was an incorrect action, [Vec]'d say why" makes me understand that it is not an admin's right to remove access more so than the action being an extension of Vec's perogative; if it does not match up with Vec's idea, he would change it. <-- This implies it is Vec's final say. In that way, no, I feel it is indeed accurate to say only Vec has control over it since nothing is final unless it passes him. You might disagree, but we've explained both our view points for everyone to read over so whatever.

    Photo Thing: We Been Through it (check mark)

    The Weight of Text Evidence: This is boiled down to saying "we trust the mods more than you" which I guess is completely true, but I obviously think it's dumb, because from my vantage point, I did not do anything, so obviously something is up with the other end. I still deny ban-jumping, and I still press the flimsiness of the evidence.

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    As a side note, I nor anyone else ever got to see their ban thread in this forum, so I don't think Acrio should get to. There is no Habeas Corpus.

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    This isn't Acrio's real ban thread. Acrio's real ban thread is in the Staff Room. And there's a jacuzzi and free beverages. And a chocolate fountain too!

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    Posts: 1619
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    You want photo evidence instead? Ok.

    Here's the convo I had with you on December 28th:


    I think I'll also be putting up the screens of your convo with Vec concerning that banjump on here too. What do you think, Acrio?

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    I remember that convo. Why are you showing me a photo of it?

    Also, it's really not up to me whether you should be allowed to post Staff Room material in the public.

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    Acrio, you've been around long enough to know that if an admin did something that Vec disagreed with that he has said something. The fact that Vec said nothing in disagreement meant that he was okay with the action of revoking your access. It was not a secret or something he didn't know about. It's that aspect of "how things work around here" that you are ignoring to have actually needed it made clear to you yesterday that your access had been taken away a month ago. 😉

    Oh, and I can't have access revoked from that forum (and have it stick--but I don't consider it lunacy; I'd just find it funny) since I actually work here. It IS a site/board staff forum and I'm in charge of the site. ^_~

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    You know what? I honestly don't care anymore. If this is the only way to get people to see the evidence, if this is the only way action will be taken, so be it.

    You want a public thread about your ban? You want people to see why we're discussing youre ban? Here it is, Acrio. Enjoy the screens.

    Here's the logs of Vec talking to Acrio about the banjump that Nutchos found out (before Acrio deleted the IPs, I'll get that particular topic later). I doubt Vec would go through all the trouble to alter what was said just to frame Acrio. Also is the fact that Acrio was exploiting a bug to get access back to the Staff Forum, which I recall is illegal and is grounds for a permanent ban from EZBoard:

    I'm screening some more stuff, in case you're wondering. It takes a while to get it all done, so expect some more soon.

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    TR: I have a feeling you know what I meant so I'm not going to explain myself any futher on the subject. We just don't agree.

    Cooki: Again, why are you showing me these photos? I recall all of these events. I was there with Vec in that AIM conversation. Also, I've made no claim that he edited its contents, nor will I after now having skimmed over it.

    Furthermore, I've never claimed to want this public. The only reason I am discussing this in this forum is because my access to the Staff Forum is revoked.

    As for your photos, I won't anylize your evidence for you. You need to figure out what is important about those screencaps of yours and then tell me about it if you want any kind of a response. So far what you've done is post a list of Staff Forum screens out in the open, and completely ignored adding any kind of discussion.

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    It is apparent you didn't read my post. They are your conversations you had with Vector, where you admit to doing a variety of things, and it also shows how your being framed for hijacking Weresheep's account is extremely slim, even given that the evidence had initially been text.

    Would you like the above in simpler terms?

    Furthermore, I've never claimed to want this public. The only reason I am discussing this in this forum is because my access to the Staff Forum is revoked.

    Then why'd you post this thread in the first place? Sorry, Acrio, but you're getting what you asked for. You wanted to know why you're up for banning, well, now we're going to tell you and everyone else on the forum, so that everyone who has any misunderstandings on the subject can be better informed.

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    This isn't Acrio's real ban thread. Acrio's real ban thread is in the Staff Room. And there's a jacuzzi and free beverages. And a chocolate fountain too!

    I know. And when Acrio said he wanted to see his thread, I believed he meant the real ban thread.
    Which I say is bulls**t, cuz the rest of us couldn't dream of that option.

    Posts: 1619
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    I know. And when Acrio said he wanted to see his thread, I believed he meant the real ban thread.
    Which I say is bulls**t, cuz the rest of us couldn't dream of that option.

    Agreed. I'm just showing the evidence we have.

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    I obviously posted this thread because I don't want to be banned.

    On to the other matters, no, you were never clear in your post. I asked for the reasoning of banning me. You presented me with amterials I was already familiar with. Given that at the time of posting this thread, I did not understand why I should be banned, why show me things that I've already seen before?

    You pick out the parts of those photos which you think should get me banned, and tell me why. Otherwise you've made no contribution to this topic.

    If it turns out Cookirini is incapable of using her evidence to her advantage, I'd like it if someone could step up in her place and explain it to me.

    Posts: 1619
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    I don't know why I need to explain to you anything more specific, since the evidence is right in the chat log. You're just playing innocent, and it's not working on me, or most everyone on staff for that matter.

    Everyone else: I encourage you to read the logs. Ignore Acrio's "What specific lines" questioning since there are too many to list.

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    Cookirini it is clear from your several posts that you do not know how to use evidence. An attourney does not place a knife on the Judge's desk say "here" and then leave.

    Pick out the lines in those logs which prove my guilt in anything

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    Cooki. If people read that log, it will show them nothing I am trying to hide. I would say that same thing I said to Vec in that log, to anyone here. This is the reason I want specific lines which prove any kind of guilt on my behalf, because as far as I am conscerned, your logs give me credit, and not you.

    Posts: 1583
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    I personally don't see any disagreement. The point of admins/mods is that Vec can't do everything, especially not as fast things happen around here. I just think you weren't acknowledging what should've been blatantly obvious to you in that regard. 😉

    Posts: 1619
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    Ok. Where would you like me to start?

    How about feeding Box stuff in order to throw Tergonaut off of your trail and cause chaos?

    (6:08:25 PM) Acriokun: Then Box came
    (6:08:31 PM) Acriokun: And I told him alot of funny fake stuff
    (6:08:34 PM) GameMusic: it could include a broad definition
    (6:08:36 PM) Acriokun: Which he ran off to tell you and Rico and Terg
    (6:08:46 PM) Acriokun: And that was hilarious and that is the only reason I needed to do that


    11:41:17 PM) GameMusic: essentially your actions have only reinforced what box said about you
    (11:41:37 PM) Acriokun: I don't believe that.
    (11:41:48 PM) Acriokun: Unless you are about to get very specific with some very new material.
    (11:41:54 PM) GameMusic: i increasingly believed his claim that you were trying to collapse the forum and set everyone against each other
    (11:42:01 PM) Acriokun: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
    (11:42:07 PM) Acriokun: Aren't I awesome?
    (11:42:20 PM) Acriokun: I am the only person who could pull off making that believeable
    (11:42:28 PM) GameMusic: yes well it seemed outlandish when he said it
    (11:42:36 PM) Acriokun: Though my real purpose in doing so was to make you distrust him.
    (11:42:49 PM) GameMusic: yeah, well it almost worked
    (11:42:58 PM) Acriokun: I wanted to make his claims more and more outlandish so you would notice he's an idiot and drop all claims he's made since the beggining.
    (11:43:06 PM) Acriokun: You know
    (11:43:16 PM) GameMusic: i started to believe he was on a witchhunt
    (11:43:34 PM) Acriokun: For an entire day I had him ready to tell you that me and Kaze chao were teamed up with a dream of destroying EB and reverting the forum to the way it was pre-hack
    (11:43:42 PM) Acriokun: And that this is the reason hiring Kaze means death
    (11:43:51 PM) Acriokun: He was going to tell you this I swear to @#%$ God


    (11:47:22 PM) GameMusic: so basically if you had acted slightly differenly you would probably be the deputy co-web r whatever name i come up with for #3, and have the site the way you wanted it, and had none of this suspicion
    (11:47:54 PM) GameMusic: i'm glad you didn't now that i see how untrustworthy you are
    (11:48:20 PM) Acriokun: I'd also have a cramp in my style dreading my ideas having to be debated.
    (11:48:27 PM) Acriokun: I'm not sure I'd choose that over this mess.
    (11:48:53 PM) Acriokun: And so what is it you are saying makes me untrustworthy?
    (11:48:56 PM) Acriokun: My fickleness?
    (11:48:57 PM) GameMusic: i had that to start, and it resolved itself rather quickly
    (11:49:02 PM) Acriokun: That just makes me unreliable.
    (11:49:31 PM) GameMusic: umm, lying constantly, deleting things, purposefully trying to start chaos with box
    (11:50:01 PM) Acriokun: I'm very open about what I did with Box and told you plain to your face since the beggining
    (11:50:08 PM) GameMusic: i ask you what you would do in my position?
    (11:50:15 PM) Acriokun: I'm ver yopen about why I deleted my stuff and told you plain to the face since the beggining
    (11:50:21 PM) Acriokun: I don't know
    (11:50:37 PM) GameMusic: actually you claimed he was making it up because he was mad about being bisexual
    (11:50:49 PM) Acriokun: That was a one liner that I admitted I was joking to
    (11:50:51 PM) Acriokun: I think
    (11:50:53 PM) Acriokun: Wait a second
    (11:51:13 PM) GameMusic: you didn't tell me you were intentionally leading him to make stupid reports until now

    Or the fact you deleted templates and denied doing so at first?

    I have greatly overestimated someone. This person, up until the day he quit, was putting up a nice-nice routine to me and building up my trust. He is going to do the same with others, and has already started flaming me in the chat. I do not want to let anybody else be misled by him.

    (3:32:39 PM) GameMusic: what did you do to eliteboard?
    (3:36:56 PM) Acriokun: Nooooothing
    (3:37:01 PM) Acriokun: All I did was delete a coupel styls I made
    (3:37:16 PM) GameMusic: you deleted templates and edited some files
    (3:37:30 PM) GameMusic: styles, really?
    (3:37:50 PM) GameMusic: oh, u see, practically all of them
    (3:37:54 PM) GameMusic: i*
    (3:39:20 PM) Acriokun: nonsense
    (3:39:22 PM) Acriokun: just mine
    (3:39:25 PM) GameMusic: you certainly didn't make the spa theme
    (3:39:37 PM) GameMusic: did you delete any templates?
    (3:45:46 PM) GameMusic: salachicha?
    (3:46:53 PM) GameMusic: mfc isn't working either
    (3:47:02 PM) GameMusic: and that's lighthead's theme


    (4:26:01 PM) GameMusic: the themes on eb were built gradually by the group and included considerable work by me and lighthead
    (4:26:21 PM) GameMusic: i know this because every new variable was first put in the themes by me
    (4:26:42 PM) Acriokun: I did all the new forums and the CSSes. I left you with what was there before I came
    (4:26:54 PM) Acriokun: if there was something else it was lost a while ago after I made it better
    (4:27:23 PM) GameMusic: then why isn't default topics view working?
    (4:27:35 PM) GameMusic: you deleted the default topics template
    (4:29:13 PM) Acriokun: Yes
    (4:29:14 PM) Acriokun: That one was mine silly
    (4:29:15 PM) Acriokun: I made it
    (4:29:24 PM) Acriokun: All you did with it was name it


    (5:42:34 PM) Acriokun: Now it seems like you'r just getting pissy because I'm taking back what's rightfully mine
    (5:42:44 PM) Acriokun: Don't do that to yourself in front of me, save it
    (5:43:35 PM) GameMusic: what's rightfuly yours doesn't include leaving eb non-functioning, since i'm pretty sure it was functioning before you were an admin


    (5:44:44 PM) Acriokun: I idn't bother deleting all the forums I created because of all the stat stuff it would have messed up,. That was yoooours not mine


    (5:59:57 PM) GameMusic: well it started with you deleting that site
    (6:00:03 PM) Acriokun: It was mine
    (6:00:04 PM) Acriokun: Next
    (6:00:09 PM) GameMusic: that made me considerably annoyed
    (6:00:14 PM) Acriokun: Bing
    (6:00:15 PM) Acriokun: Thanks
    (6:00:16 PM) Acriokun: Next
    (6:00:32 PM) GameMusic: lots of people have made things and NOT deleted them
    (6:00:46 PM) Acriokun: Fantastic


    (7:55:00 PM) GameMusic: how did you get staff forum access?
    (7:55:12 PM) Acriokun: Allll by myself!
    (7:55:52 PM) GameMusic: oh and you also deeted the post template
    (7:56:03 PM) Acriokun: The whosawhata
    (7:56:07 PM) GameMusic: now i KNOW you didn't make that originally
    (7:56:18 PM) GameMusic: lighthead added the curved borders


    (7:59:25 PM) Acriokun: Don't you have a working knowledge of HTML?
    (7:59:36 PM) Acriokun: Do your own work.
    (7:59:37 PM) GameMusic: because that is the current version of lighty's design
    (7:59:47 PM) Acriokun: I know you remember what it looks like.
    (7:59:52 PM) Acriokun: And if you don't, I'll tell you.
    (7:59:56 PM) Acriokun: A box with curved bottoms.
    (8:00:27 PM) GameMusic: do my own work? you did some minor tweaks of lighty's and called it yours

    Or your thoughts on other admins/mods (and others for that matter)?

    (5:34:25 PM) Acriokun: The way Rico acts around me is so awkward
    (5:34:29 PM) Acriokun: Its like he will BAN me any moment
    (5:34:31 PM) Acriokun: I don't like it
    (5:34:33 PM) Acriokun: Do away with him
    (5:34:46 PM) Acriokun: You didn't want him as an admin in the first place, right? Admins are mods who code.
    (5:34:58 PM) Acriokun: Well he isn't and he's against what you believe in... go on, make your wishes known.
    (5:35:11 PM) Acriokun: It's your perogative, you can if you want. You shouldn't let him stop you.
    (5:35:21 PM) Acriokun: I know how you feel he's unstable.... but talking never helps, does it.
    (5:35:28 PM) Acriokun: Oh, Vec, I'm glad you can do this for yourself.
    (5:35:32 PM) Acriokun: Thanks for this talk.
    (5:37:29 PM) GameMusic: oh rico is unstable and talking to him does nothing
    (5:37:39 PM) GameMusic: that's an interesting revelation
    (5:37:44 PM) Acriokun: LOL
    (5:37:52 PM) GameMusic: obviously he is the only such admn
    (5:38:04 PM) GameMusic: nobody else has been like that
    (5:38:15 PM) Acriokun: Are you talking about Sam?
    (5:38:28 PM) Acriokun: Because she is always on the same thoughttrack.
    (5:38:35 PM) Acriokun: I mean she's a bithc but she's ALWAYS a @#%$.
    (5:38:39 PM) Acriokun: She has a head on her shoulders
    (5:38:49 PM) Acriokun: You?
    (5:38:55 PM) Acriokun: Not TR, she's nice
    (5:38:58 PM) Acriokun: Troop does nothing
    (5:39:01 PM) Acriokun: And WB isnt an admin
    (5:39:08 PM) Acriokun: And TL is like... lol
    (5:39:09 PM) Acriokun: Not one either
    (5:39:13 PM) Acriokun: Lighty/
    (5:39:14 PM) Acriokun: ?
    (5:39:20 PM) Acriokun: He barely does anything too I guess
    (5:39:28 PM) Acriokun: So do you mean you o0
    (5:39:33 PM) Acriokun: Talking to you usually gets SOME places
    (5:40:21 PM) Acriokun: I mean Rico lets his emotions dictates him and randomly talkis abotu family members
    (5:40:26 PM) Acriokun: Also you never wanted him onboard to begi nwith
    (5:40:28 PM) Acriokun: Lower him
    (5:40:33 PM) Acriokun: It was only temporary anyway
    (5:40:35 PM) Acriokun: It was my idea
    (5:40:38 PM) Acriokun: Why not revoke it?
    (5:41:30 PM) Acriokun: And if you are talking about me, you're just trying to be mean.
    (5:41:38 PM) Acriokun: Because it could never logically fit on me.


    (11:37:55 PM) Acriokun: I bash everyone all the time if I think they are bashable.
    (11:37:58 PM) Acriokun: Because i am a gossip

    Or your exploiting a bug to get into the Staff Forum?

    8:05:51 PM) GameMusic: how the BLEEP are you adding yourself to the staff forum without it showing up in the security log?
    (8:06:00 PM) GameMusic: now i am rather intrigued
    (8:06:02 PM) Acriokun: Easily
    (8:06:07 PM) Acriokun: Because
    (8:06:08 PM) GameMusic: you've done it twice
    (8:06:10 PM) Acriokun: it was easy
    (8:06:14 PM) Acriokun: Yes
    (8:07:29 PM) GameMusic: must be some ezbug
    (8:07:45 PM) Acriokun: It might be


    (12:04:50 AM) GameMusic: when you wouldn't tell me how you got into the staff forum, i reported the bug to ezboard
    (12:05:01 AM) Acriokun: lol omg
    (12:05:04 AM) Acriokun: What did they say>
    (12:05:05 AM) Acriokun: ?
    (12:05:13 AM) GameMusic: they haven't replied
    (12:05:24 AM) GameMusic: but i did use your name, so who knows


    (12:06:50 AM) Acriokun: Do you mind doing me the small favor of going back and clearing things up in a light which will NOT get my ezboard account permabanned?
    (12:07:16 AM) GameMusic: since i have downgraded my estimation of your capacities i was rather annoyed that you found a bug i didn't know about, but it turns out you didn't
    (12:07:23 AM) GameMusic: i guess
    (12:07:33 AM) GameMusic: but since you did abuse a bug
    (12:07:35 AM) GameMusic: umm
    (12:07:41 AM) GameMusic: what do i tell them?
    (12:07:51 AM) Acriokun: I happened upon a link to a second page
    (12:07:56 AM) GameMusic: he abused a bug, but i figured out how?
    (12:08:08 AM) Acriokun: Jus tsay I unintentionally did it
    (12:08:10 AM) Acriokun: Lets see
    (12:08:21 AM) GameMusic: oh but you didn't
    (12:08:24 AM) Acriokun: Say we were having an AIM convo and you linked me to the second page of a topic
    (12:08:36 AM) GameMusic: what was that about someone being a bug?
    (12:08:45 AM) Acriokun: Which I clicked and to your astonishment, I had someonhow seen what you did not expect me to

    And the hijacking, because we all know how much Nuchtos loves to joke about banning people!:

    10:38:46 PM) GameMusic: well you need to come up with some explanation for why nuchtos saw your ip
    (10:38:56 PM) Acriokun: It's innocent untill proven guilty.
    (10:39:04 PM) Acriokun: Unless things are more backwards thanI thought.
    (10:39:26 PM) Acriokun: How should I possibly know anything about the event if I was uninvolved?
    (10:39:36 PM) GameMusic: (9:33:08 PM) Ivius Lighthead: There isn't solid proof that he was in Were's account tho o.o
    (9:33:26 PM) GameMusic: yes there is
    (9:33:39 PM) GameMusic: the only way he was not is if nuch is lying
    (9:33:47 PM) GameMusic: even acrio won't say that
    (9:33:57 PM) GameMusic: he keeps saying nuch must be mistaken
    (9:34:09 PM) GameMusic: how do you mistake n ip and hostname?
    (9:34:25 PM) GameMusic: especially one that's deleted right after he used it?
    (9:34:35 PM) Ivius Lighthead: Hmm
    (9:34:50 PM) GameMusic: and there is no entry for whoever DID log in as weresheep
    (9:35:02 PM) GameMusic: a ton of people saw weresheep's account log in
    (9:35:10 PM) GameMusic: weresheep said it wasn't him
    (9:35:29 PM) GameMusic: whoever did it had ziggledex or sql access to delete their ip
    (9:35:42 PM) GameMusic: and nuch has text of that ip before it was deleted
    (9:36:12 PM) GameMusic: the deleting is more solid proof than the ip
    (9:36:29 PM) GameMusic: and we do have evidence of that even without nuchtos
    (10:40:03 PM) Acriokun: Where's yoru evidence someon deleted that IP?
    (10:40:06 PM) GameMusic: what nuch did is the equivalent of a photo of the act
    (10:40:11 PM) Acriokun: That IP was present right in my own user page
    (10:40:17 PM) GameMusic: that it wasn't there
    (10:40:24 PM) Acriokun: There's no evidence it ever existed
    (10:40:29 PM) GameMusic: somebody logged in as weresheep
    (10:40:34 PM) Acriokun: Maaaaybe
    (10:40:36 PM) Acriokun: Weresheep?
    (10:40:42 PM) GameMusic: why would ther ip not be listed
    (10:40:45 PM) Acriokun: That would be the first to come to mind
    (10:40:56 PM) Acriokun: Were's IP was lsited
    (10:40:59 PM) Acriokun: It was his page wasnt it?
    (10:41:03 PM) GameMusic: weresheep said he didn't and nuch had to go into his account and reset his password
    (10:41:17 PM) Acriokun: I am the Queen of England
    (10:41:19 PM) Acriokun: Omg
    (10:41:21 PM) Acriokun: It mus tbe true
    (10:41:34 PM) GameMusic: 01/10/07 5:18 pm 01/10/07 5:15 pm 11/19/06 9:03 pm 11/15/06 6:38 pm 11/14/06 6:06 pm
    (10:41:42 PM) GameMusic: nuch posted that
    (10:41:43 PM) Acriokun: Oh look text
    (10:41:48 PM) Acriokun: Yes, I'm fully aware
    (10:41:52 PM) GameMusic: easily faked
    (10:42:04 PM) GameMusic: but are you saying nuch lied?
    (10:42:17 PM) GameMusic: because that is the only way he would post that
    (10:42:18 PM) Acriokun: I don't think Nacho is a liar
    (10:42:22 PM) Acriokun: Maybe he was joking?
    (10:42:30 PM) Acriokun: Or maybe he lied


    (10:43:47 PM) Acriokun: You can't use that if I can;t use mine
    (10:44:50 PM) GameMusic: i don't even go into the zdex that much
    (10:45:07 PM) GameMusic: i don't even know the name of the table where ips are stored
    (10:45:31 PM) GameMusic: the only people who could fake the ip are you, me, and lighty
    (10:46:25 PM) GameMusic: and the ip was very rapidly deleted
    (10:46:51 PM) GameMusic: why the hell would somebod fake your ip just to rapidly delete it right after nuch saw it?


    (10:50:43 PM) GameMusic: fact, to a reasonable degree, i.e. not accounting for time travel or brainwashing, says that nuchtos saw your ip right after somebody logged in as weresheepm and it was deleted immediately, which could only, again ignoring aliens, be done by a ziggledex user
    (10:50:57 PM) GameMusic: or that he clamed that
    (10:51:02 PM) GameMusic: claimed*
    (10:51:20 PM) Acriokun: There are so many ziggledex users
    (10:51:21 PM) GameMusic: also ignoring the possibility that nuchtos identity has been stolen
    (10:51:29 PM) Acriokun: And there are so many things Nuchtos could say he saw
    (10:51:47 PM) GameMusic: but none of them could fake your ip besides a person with sql access
    (10:51:56 PM) Acriokun: Prove that ever happened o.o
    (10:52:07 PM) Acriokun: Prove my IP was ever there
    (10:52:08 PM) Acriokun: You can't
    (10:52:16 PM) Acriokun: I don't know why this isn't dropped right here.
    (10:52:21 PM) GameMusic: and they would have to time it just right to match their login as weresheep while deleting theirs, then delete the evidence they just made
    (10:52:21 PM) Acriokun: Vec, this is embarrassing.
    (10:52:47 PM) Acriokun: For someone who claims what I suggested is ridiculous, you sure do know how to do it.
    (10:52:53 PM) Acriokun: Perfectly.
    (10:53:11 PM) GameMusic: i would have no motive to frame you
    (10:53:22 PM) Acriokun: And I'd hav no motive to log in as Weresheep
    (10:54:00 PM) GameMusic: but since i am judging this, and i know with certainty that i did not frame you, you are at a disadvantage


    (10:56:58 PM) GameMusic: the only logical option is that weresheep and nuchtos teamed up to frame you
    (10:57:08 PM) GameMusic: i find that extremely ridiculous
    (11:02:24 PM) Acriokun: So if Box wrote up an IP list and gav it to you, that would also be a case with evidence?
    (11:02:42 PM) GameMusic: no because he has no access to ips
    (11:02:49 PM) Acriokun: oright
    (11:02:54 PM) GameMusic: and besides the ip also includes a time
    (11:03:13 PM) Acriokun: Don't let the concept of time fool you
    (11:03:26 PM) Acriokun: Eve nthough it is tricky people still know about it enough to faaaake it
    (11:03:36 PM) Acriokun: I guess Nuchtos would have had to fake that list huh
    (11:03:44 PM) GameMusic: and you can't say that you were never told to get out of the staff forum because you were removed multiple times


    (11:15:09 PM) GameMusic: now he can only be lying if you ae innocent
    (11:15:31 PM) GameMusic: that is why the text is important
    (11:15:39 PM) Acriokun: Oookaaay
    (11:16:30 PM) GameMusic: oh and you have btcentral there instead of my host
    (11:16:37 PM) GameMusic: thats nuchtos' host
    (11:16:46 PM) GameMusic: nycap is your host
    (11:16:49 PM) Acriokun: Once again, you know what I mean.
    (11:16:57 PM) Acriokun: I have illustrated my point
    (11:17:01 PM) Acriokun: Stop teasing me >=.
    (11:17:08 PM) GameMusic: but you see that is a lot of information to fake
    (11:17:16 PM) GameMusic: he'd have to be determined
    (11:17:29 PM) Acriokun: Not really
    (11:17:32 PM) GameMusic: and i think you know nuchtos would not do that


    (11:20:43 PM) GameMusic: well it's unlikely but of the 2 options more believable
    (11:21:06 PM) Acriokun: Like I said before, there are't only 2 options
    (11:21:14 PM) Acriokun: Only the 2 options you think are most likely
    (11:21:17 PM) Acriokun: This is sooo duuumb
    (11:21:22 PM) GameMusic: well i'd love to hear another
    (11:21:26 PM) Acriokun: Okay
    (11:21:29 PM) GameMusic: time travel works
    (11:21:31 PM) Acriokun: Rico did it
    (11:21:35 PM) Acriokun: Rico put my IP there
    (11:21:41 PM) GameMusic: but is quite a bit harder to buy
    (11:21:50 PM) GameMusic: he doesn't have sql access
    (11:22:04 PM) Acriokun: Maybe he has an IP spoofer and sppofed it to mine
    (11:22:09 PM) Acriokun: And the chat automatically picked it up
    (11:22:18 PM) Acriokun: This is entirely possible

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    What about all of it? It's all true and I've never denied it. If your point turns out to be that you think this is all something I should be banned for, I disagree.

  • I still hold that I did not ban-jump
  • I can have any opinion on any person I want to, and express it in any verbal form I desire within a personal AIM convo
  • If the Staff Room asks me for a password, why should I think it's a bug? Furthermore, I believed I was suppose to have access.
  • I never deny deleting templates, infact I'm very open about how I deleted all of my work-- something I also do not believe is something I should be banned for.
  • For the record, I find it hilarious the amount of energy being spent bringing up how I sometimes speak negatively of people. This is especially so when its something I said in a personal conversation. Everyone talks crap one time or another. It's human nature, and if you look down on me for it and call me untrustworthy, you're being unrealistic.

    You basically comdemn anyone who has ever said anything negative about Ultra, Matt, Pat L, or anyone else in public.

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    I still hold that I did not ban-jump

    Which explains why you blamed Nuchtos, then Rico. Make up your mind, did Rico spoof you or is Nuchtos a liar?

    If the Staff Room asks me for a password, why should I think it's a bug? Furthermore, I believed I was suppose to have access.

    That's why you asked Vec to concoct that story about how you "unintentionally" linked to the Staff Forum. Yeah, after your access was revoked a month ago.

    I can have any opinion on any person I want to, and express it in any verbal form I desire within a personal AIM convo

    There is a reason I posted that, and that is because, for all of your claims of innocence, that you feel the need to rag on others you work with and call them "mentally unstable" (as well as try and make Vec de-admin Rico) says a lot about your character. Why should any of the mods or admins trust anything that comes out of your mouth when you say this about them?

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    The Rico thing was a fleeting example. I have no belief in my head it could have been Rico.

    Staff: Yes. After he told me he made a post about how I exploited a bug, introducing me to that concept for the first time.

    "Bashing": I edited my previous psot to encompass this, however I will repeat myself:

    For the record, I find it hilarious the amount of energy being spent bringing up how I sometimes speak negatively of people. This is especially so when its something I said in a personal conversation. Everyone talks crap one time or another. It's human nature, and if you look down on me for it and call me untrustworthy, you're being unrealistic.

    You basically comdemn anyone who has ever said anything negative about Ultra, Matt, Pat L, or anyone else in public.

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    You basically comdemn anyone who has ever said anything negative about Ultra, Matt, Pat L, or anyone else in public.

    So I do. But you were also a admin, and quite frankly, you also intentionally egged people on to behave badly so they would produce a result that would make you laugh (i.e. Box). Ultra, Pat, Matt and others don't do that. That is the difference, and its a major one, especially since none of those people had access to the chat or are admins and none of those people hold the type of influence you have on staff decisions.

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    Acrio, do you honestly expect us to believe that you thought you were still welcome in chat? If you thought you were still welcome, you would have asked Vec to re-add you rather than sneaking in the back door.


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    I was a human admin. As such, in personal convos (public OR private) I would continue to act like I do now, as a human non-admin.

    Egging people to do crap: What? (I see now you meant Box. I've already explained that matter. If there's a detai lI missed, tell me)


    I'll assume by chat you meant "Staff Room". And yes, I do. Thusy, I disagree with what you suggest.

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    Egging people to do crap: What?

    I'll copy and paste what you said about Box again if I need to jog your memory, despite your claims otherwise.

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    Read my Edit.

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    yes sorry I need sleep my brain is the broken.

    But what I meant still stands.

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    I personally saw no reason to bother Vec if it was simple as pasting in the password myself. Rico was prodding me in PM playfully as he told me he took away my access so I assumed he was joking. I guess I'm sorry for the inconvenience? Although it certainly was not much of one.

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    I personally saw no reason to bother Vec

    You know, I can't put my finger on it but Vec seems a bit bothered by something lately.

    In any case, if you had staff forum access during the past month, then you probably remember the thread by the title "Let me tell you why Acrio should be banned." After all, you posted in this thread yourself. In any case, if you were reading this thread, perhaps you noticed the fact that Vec was ignorant of your staff forum access?

    12/28/06 9:48 pm EST, Vec said:

    Acrio didn't have staff forum access. Lighthead let him back in (maybe to let him try to explain?) and Rico just took him off the list.

    Maybe you missed this post because you don't care about "Let me tell you why Acrio should be banned." In that case, you shouldn't mind the ban you are soon to receive.

    I didn't take a screenshot because I thought it unnecessary. If you call for one I will be happy to provide.

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    Is that line really supposed to set a spark in the mind of someone who thought he had a right to be in there? I honestly don't recall that line, and no I don't agree with what you're implying.

    Looking at it now, I'm wondering why Lighthead is even mentioned. I don't recall ever asking to be let back in by him. I probably never did.

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    I'm disappointed. I thought you were smarter than that, or at least able to know the difference between when something is a joke or a serious action. 😉

    It's not often I get laughs around here during drama-time.

    And BBQ (as I forgot to acknowledge this before), thanks to you I won my over/under bet. ^_^

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    If you're referring to when I said I thought Rico was joking, it's always somewhat difficult to tell where he is coming from.

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    Yes. I think it's unreasonable to believe that you had staff access and were not reading that thread, and therefore it's unreasonable to believe that you missed that post. It's reasonable that you would by now have forgotten it, but that has nothing to do with what I'm trying to suggest.

    If you saw that post, and I've established the likelihood that you did, then you ought to have realized that Vec was unaware that your access to the Staff Room was anything other than temporary access given by Lighty and removed by Rico (why he thought this is irrelevant). And so you ought to have been aware that you were unwelcome in Staff, if the way we were talking about you failed to tip you off.

    Anyhow. I am getting tired of this whole affair and I will not discuss it again in this thread, most likely. In closing, I think Acrio ought to be banned, that's probably painfully clear.

    Filibuster away, Acrio.

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    Rico almost always says something as a joke. What do you think the "form letter" among other things he does are? The only times he doesn't is when he's upset--and he'll tell you in advance that he is. People's obvious tendencies aren't that difficult to read. ^_~

    I was referring to both that and what Dirk posted out of Staff with the frowning & the relevant part of my previous post just in case it's not clear. ;p

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    I don't recall having seen that line. Also, I fully believed I was allowed entrance to the Staff Room from May 1st, 2005 to January 27th, 2007. I'm not going to stop claiming that because it's true.

    Play with likelihood all you want. I'll tell you about my actual experience while you do that. My only concern is how Vec will digest these 40 or so posts since his first.

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    Hawt Air.


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    But nothing that's been "debated" in this topic directly relates to what is causing your ban--other than what you disagree with in terms of what constitutes good evidence. On that, you and Vec are just going to have to disagree.

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    That's not going to stop Vec from reading this whole topic and being impressionable.

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    Ooohhh, a new bet ^_^

    I've got a few Knuckles plushies to wager, before I head off for sleep. What do you have?

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    A Big the Cat plushie. However I really like it. So I'll wager my Father.

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    Not as attractive as a Knux plushie, but if it's a plushie, I can work with it. You don't have any basketballs?

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    I can make you a macoroni picture of one. :D

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