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Avatar Help

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This is going to get its own thread since this seems to be the most common issue

To change your avatar, all you do is click ACCOUNT at the top (appears on every page). If there is an avatar already there (under Active Profile), all you do is click it and it will bring up the page used to change it. If there isn't an avatar, it should say something like USERNAME's Avatar. You should be able to click on that. That is probably the easiest way.

Keep in mind that you have to upload it and here, on this board, it will show it at the original size. I know it does say it will want to resize it to 100x100 but for here, it will show the original. This is because many don't want it to resize to that. So please resize your avatar to something suitable before uploading. If you had an avatar before that was massive but being resized to 60x60 back on ezboard, keep in mind it will show it at its full size.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

so it has to be uploaded, we can't link to something hosted on somewhere like imageshack?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

The is an option to link your yuki account to your Photobucket account. though I'm not yet sure what this achieves...

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

The is an option to link your yuki account to your Photobucket account. though I'm not yet sure what this achieves...

One of the buttons above the message box allows you to view the images from your Photobucket account without leaving the page. You can then add a picture to your message by simply clicking it.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

It's a magic button. Wuffy likes.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

A few questions from the ignorant one. My apologies.

1. So even though it says it'll resize, it actually won't?
2. Exactly how do I resize a picture on my computer?
3. Exactly what's an appropriate avatar size for this board, so I know what it'd be best resized to?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

1) Nope, it won't resize, it will cut the picture off horizontally if it is too big though.

2) Put the picture into an image editing program, like Paintshop Pro, or if your cheap like me, just MSPaint. And then find wherever the resize tool is.

3) About 125 pixels width ways I think, I'm not sure so if I'm wrong someone will prolly correct me. No limit vertically as far as I remember, but just make sure it's sensible and not redonkulously massive and will outshine every post you make.

Posts: 899
Prominent Member

Thank you very much.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

A good, free image editing program is IrfanView. It'll resize things a lot more nicely than paint. Also forcing you to resize before/on uploading is a good thing IMO as, say, a 1280x1024 image resized with HTML attributes to avatar-size still has the same filesize and costs the same bandwidth to download as if it were shown full size.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Quick question, does anybody know if there is a way to delete avatars from the ones you have uploaded to Yuku? (And/or bypass it's daft policy of not letting you use url links for avvies anymore, thats getting on my noives.)

Posts: 488
Honorable Member

Click on the Images link at the very top of the page (where the Account links etc. are) - there should be a folder labeled "Avatars"

Venture in there - there should be a recycle icon under each of your pictures that you click to make your pictures die.

Posts: 1984
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Posts: 2809
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Okay, I'm still not seeing how I get my avvie from photobucket and I think it's ridiculous that I would have to put the image on my computer than upload it to Yuku for it to work. I'm like Crimmie and think it's daft not to simply link an image from photobucket.

Posts: 8
Active Member

Well, this is Yuku you're talking about.
Right-click on the picture and choose 'Save Picture As' ... and then upload it.
It stinks, but it works.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

On the other paw, I do like the avvie holding area's granting me the ability to change my look more times then your average timelord.

Posts: 2809
Famed Member

So, whats the use of linking your account to photobucket if you can't directly use pictures from it? Anyway, is my avvie to big?

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

You can use the pictures in your posts directly, without the bother of going off through your photoboucet account to find them. Which is pretty nifty. Still makes the non linky avvies seem rather daft though.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

I'm starting to hit the Yuku limit on images uploaded to their server at one time. Looks like it's back to Photobucket for me.

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I think it's 30 MB

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

It won't work for me for some reason... I uploaded my img and everything. I just can't see my avatar when I post. I'm using Firefox on a mac.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

It's showing up for me. However it's coming up at a large size that is cut off by the tables - is that the size you uploaded it at? If so you'll have to resize it manually and reupload to get it to appear at a different size.

Posts: 2915
Famed Member

Nuch, I think Lighty did something that night to fix it actually... although yeah, it is kinda big

Posts: 608
Honorable Member

I uploaded the wrong file XD

But it showed up for me today. Thanx ^^

Posts: 481
Honorable Member

Is this where I test my avi? It was working before I changed it again, now it's doing something wierd...

EDIT: nevermind.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Honey, I Shrunk Your Avatarâ„¢.


no seriously yuku wtf?

Posts: 880
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One of the last yuku upgrades appears to be cancelling out the original size avatar script. Hm.

Posts: 1656
Noble Member

opsss never mind
i thought i didn't do it, but the avatar does work now...... changing the size of the image on photoshop helped.
