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[Sticky] Ban Announcements

44 Posts
15 Users
0 Reactions
Posts: 1583
Noble Member
Topic starter

Squishie - Permanent Ban

Inappropriate chatroom behavior

Posts: 880
Member Admin

Repeated flaming in the chat.

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Angel of Chaos
Cyber Echidna
DJ Hedgehog
Final Cosmos the Ultra
Forbidden One Exadia
Geisha Jeannette
Goujin Rules or Ali
Harumiko Chan
Lord Exor
Lothar Hex
Main Man Knuckles
Miles Tails Prower Fan
Rika Chou
Sonic Rules 321
Titanium Knuckles
White Ash

**will edit in any possible forgotten ones later**

Posts: 73
Trusted Member

Bypassing the censor constantly
Purposely disrespectful

Posts: 1583
Noble Member
Topic starter

Ignoring instructions

Posts: 880
Member Admin

- Mass board spamming

Posts: 880
Member Admin

- 1 track attitude
- constant double posting

Posts: 1583
Noble Member
Topic starter


Posts: 1583
Noble Member
Topic starter

Continuing forbidden relationship discussion in Knothole despite repeated topic warnings

Posts: 43
Trusted Member


Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Repeated censor dodging and flaming

  • Extended from 2 weeks to 3 weeks after ban jumping.
  • Extended from 3 weeks to 4 weeks after ban jumping again. nN
    Posts: 1583
    Noble Member
    Topic starter

    Constant spamming via unnecessary topic creation despite repeated warnings to stop.

    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest

    Random spam attack throughout the forums

    Posts: 2928
    Famed Member

    Spamming, Flamebaiting, Lacking the Sentience to use the board (IE being a flaming bigot)


    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest

    WonderBat - 1 week

    • Flaming and Flame baiting[/list:u:72c99b8c1c]
    • SX Kitsune - 1 week

      • Refusal to keep private matters off board[/list:u:72c99b8c1c]
    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest
  • This[*]And similar actions in chat
    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest
  • Flaming
    Posts: 1583
    Noble Member
    Topic starter

    Posting inappropriate pictures/links

    Posts: 880
    Member Admin

    - Ban jumping

    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest


    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest
    • Constant and harmful script abuse[*]Disreguarding Staff Members[/list:u:9e5e5e76d2]
    Posts: 0
    New Member Guest

    Generic Advert spammer.

    Posts: 2928
    Famed Member

    Flame Baiting, excessive vulgarity, and just being completely out of control.

    Lets just make it perma for that little stunt, mmmk?

    aka OMGIMBACK (No he's not lolz)


    Posts: 2928
    Famed Member

    RP guild spam troll.

    Deleted posts because they were filled with myspace garbage.

    Posts: 2928
    Famed Member

    Same as usual. He actually lasted like 12 hours this time though!


    Posts: 2398
    Noble Member

    Account hijacking, harrassing users, ban-jump, abuse of powers, flaming

    Continued abuse of power, ban jumping, hacking threats.

    Posts: 1758
    Noble Member

    Shadowshomeboy17 - 1 year, or until a major Sonic game without Shadow comes out

    Flaming, ignoring mod warnings not to quadruple post, spamming and threatening to spam more, sexuality bigotry, age bigotry, racism, etc.

    Posts: 2116
    Noble Member

    Spamming (again).

    Posts: 2398
    Noble Member

    Spamming and failing to moderators.


    EDIT: BassX3 - 1 week

    Asking to be banned

    stairmaster - 1 week

    Asking to be banned
    Censor dodging
    Chat warnings

    SonicRules321 - Unbanned

    Has been banned over 2 years and asked for another chance

    Posts: 2116
    Noble Member

    For ignoring staff, flaming, trying to blame everything on the staff when he gets caught and generally trying to pee on anything and anyone he doesn't like from a great height.

    Posts: 2116
    Noble Member

    For more of the exact same behaviour that led to him being banned last time.

    Posting copyright violations
    Spamming tons of topics about the same thing

    Vec: Pregga Zexas (flaming) - duration under review.

    Geogwe (flaming and some inappropriate descriptiveness of sex) - duration under review.

    Spectre the Hechidnabat: Posting torrent links; threatening/insulting behaviour. One week.

    Posts: 2438
    Famed Member

    Geogwe - permanent chat ban for breaking the rules on content (yes this means the jokes about hiring someone to beat a pregnant woman to cause a miscarriage, among other things), and personal attacks, with board permaban upon Admin review.

    EDIT by Sam: Permabanned from the board.

    Posts: 2116
    Noble Member

    For deliberately inviting a ban, insulting staff and other posters and a general complete lack of desire to be a member of the forum.

    Posts: 880
    Member Admin

    For posting over the top material... and oh yeah.. rudeness.

    Posts: 2398
    Noble Member

    And whatever other alts he/she has. Be been rude, flamebaiting, ignoring mods, and making me leave Fallout 3 to deal with them.


    Posts: 1055
    Noble Member

    Racist, anti-Semitic shenanigans.

    Posts: 1758
    Noble Member


    Posts: 565
    Honorable Member

    dfdfdfdfddfdfdf - an obvious spam bot and or just random spam account.
    Locked and edited post to remove links.

    Posts: 1055
    Noble Member

    Ichigo Kurosaki - Forever

    Flaming, trolling, harassment to users, harassing an admin.

    Posts: 1008
    Noble Member

    LWSRocks / Quiksilver09: Stalking, harrasment, spamming all over the place.

    Banned for a week or however much longer it takes for you to learn some self control.

    Ban extended by a week for ban-jumping.

    Rishi: You were warned.

    Ihris - Rishi ban jump

    Posts: 1008
    Noble Member

    For spamming the living hell out of Fang's Trading post, and continuing to do so even after an official warning about it. Banned for a week to learn some self-control.

    Ari Edit:  ban removed due to decision that ban in this case was unnecessary

    Posts: 663
    Honorable Member

    For continuing to ignore warnings about spamming/posting habits.

    Posts: 1055
    Noble Member

    shadow1996/isaacluv/ITSLICKKONVICT/kari1996 - duration under review

    Spamming classifieds in Fang's Trading Post when one post with edits could have sufficed. Multiple warnings were given but were ignored.

    The accounts isaacluv, ITSLICKKONVICT and kari1996 are alts and are banned as well.

    [Ari Edit:  shadow1996 and alts unbanned on 03/04/2011 -- she's been banned long enough for what she did]

    Posts: 1058
    Noble Member



    Ari Edit:  re-banned; and gonna make this post hidden in attempt to avoid any potential drama from members who see this topic

    "wether we try to avoide it or not we all ate insects."-sonicsfan1991
