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Posts: 349
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Welcome! You have entered [MF Chat] at 8:46 pm
Zei (8:46 pm): *puts them on*
Seventy Force (8:46 pm): If I say anything about another tropical storm forming in the Atlantic
in this chat.
Deckman (8:46 pm): o.o
Zei (8:46 pm): *turns into a sexy russian with overly large boobs*
Litianqueen (8:46 pm): I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
Mr Creosote (8:46 pm):
Litianqueen (8:46 pm): Tell Terg that I replied.
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:47 pm): And now your pregnant.
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): and....
Deckman (8:47 pm): PEN ISLAND
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): SALLY SUCKS!
Gunstar Lucid (8:47 pm): uh.....what?
Mr Creosote (8:47 pm): #o.o#
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): uhhh...noooo....
Seventy Force (8:47 pm): I know, I'll be doing a topic on Category 1 Hurrcane Wilma, if it ever
becomes real.
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:47 pm): Hrowl
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): Who's pregnant?
Zei (8:47 pm): I am a sexy Russian. :D
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): You are? :p
Zei (8:47 pm): Well.
Zei (8:47 pm): Now.
Deckman (8:47 pm): Zei is.
Litianqueen (8:47 pm): Oh ok.
Zei (8:47 pm): Since I put on the boxers of seduction.
Deckman (8:47 pm): She's a sexy pregnant Russian.
Zei (8:48 pm): It matured me a few years. :D
Litianqueen (8:48 pm): Ew. *cowers*
Gunstar Lucid (8:48 pm): yay russian accent
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:48 pm): Exactly.
Zei (8:48 pm): Well, yeah, wait.
Gunstar Lucid (8:48 pm): in soviet russia, ds touches you, hohoho
Zei (8:48 pm): Who got me pregnant...
Litianqueen (8:48 pm): pregnancy. *shudders*
Zei (8:48 pm): ....this time?
Deckman (8:48 pm): Pregnancy scares you?
Litianqueen (8:48 pm): *hides* xx
Zei (8:49 pm): Touching is good. :3
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:49 pm): Tough one. Could be me, could be you, could be Barry White
Litianqueen (8:49 pm): that and babies *cowers*
Gunstar Lucid (8:49 pm): >_> touching is bad
Mr Creosote (8:49 pm): The uk DS ad with the dog turd was wrong
Zei (8:49 pm): Yes, I got myself pregnant.
Deckman (8:49 pm): o.o @ Creo
Gunstar Lucid (8:49 pm): i havent wached tv in years. cc
Deckman (8:49 pm): linkplz?
Litianqueen (8:49 pm): *high pitched girlly scream at the sound of the p word*
Zei (8:49 pm): This is a perfect example of the asexual crap we learned about in Science class
last year.
Mr Creosote (8:49 pm): It was on tv a while ago
Mr Creosote looks
Zei (8:50 pm): I'm going to make a bunch of little Zei clones by myself!
Litianqueen (8:50 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Deckman (8:50 pm): PREGNANCY
Gunstar Lucid (8:50 pm): *beats pitch of scream* <_<
Deckman (8:50 pm): ZEI IS ABI'S LONG LOST SISTER
Litianqueen (8:50 pm): *runs around screaming like a freak*
Litianqueen (8:50 pm): *climbs up onto the cieling*
Zei (8:50 pm): And by the way, Magenta, you're going to have custody over them. :F
Litianqueen (8:50 pm): xx
Litianqueen (8:51 pm): *shivers*
Zei (8:51 pm): All of them. Every little sexy Russian redhead.
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:51 pm): Oh no, they arn't clones. They will be random in species and
genetic makeup. I'll just dump them on Lokki.
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:51 pm): Or Mau
Gunstar Lucid (8:51 pm): REDHEAD?! *turns*
Zei (8:51 pm): 😛
Zei (8:51 pm): Fine.
Litianqueen (8:51 pm): *suddenly Mau's claws are in Magenta's face* You wouldn't dare D:{
Gunstar Lucid (8:52 pm): i have an inxerable <3 for redheads >__>
Zei (8:52 pm): Yay. LOVE!
Litianqueen (8:52 pm): G-give them to Lokki....keep the little demons away from me xx
Litianqueen (8:52 pm): >.>
Zei (8:52 pm): o.O
Litianqueen (8:52 pm): <.<
Litianqueen (8:52 pm): *hides in a cardboard box*
Zei (8:52 pm): You. Litianqueen. In the pink.
Litianqueen (8:52 pm): PERFECT
Magenta Darkwolfe bears teeth "Yes I would honeykitten"
Zei (8:52 pm): You're weird. :F
Deckman (8:52 pm): Give them to Acrio for dinner.
Litianqueen (8:53 pm): Nuuu! I mustn't touch them xx
Zei spins around in chair.
Litianqueen (8:53 pm): they're vile and evil and they control the world
Litianqueen (8:53 pm): you don't understand they use adults to breed more of them xx
Litianqueen (8:53 pm): they're so creepy! XX
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:53 pm): This is prolly the solution that will end up anyway Decky, but let
us play with Mauy first..
Zei (8:53 pm): I'm so young. This chat is going to corrupt me. D;
Mr Creosote (8:53 pm):
Deckman (8:54 pm): How old are you?
Litianqueen (8:54 pm): *claws Magenta's eyes out* :"> /
Mr Creosote (8:54 pm): dog turd
Mr Creosote (8:54 pm): ad
Zei (8:54 pm): 13. :D
Litianqueen (8:54 pm): ich bin zwanzig jahre alt
Zei (8:54 pm): Doesn't it utterly surprise you I don't tlk liek ths?
Deckman (8:54 pm): So am I!
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:54 pm): Arg! My eyes!
Deckman (8:54 pm): We can be corrupted together.
Gunstar Lucid (8:54 pm): .
Litianqueen (8:55 pm): sprechen sie duetsch? ^^
Zei (8:55 pm): k
Zei (8:55 pm): Oops.
Zei (8:55 pm): O.o
Zei (8:55 pm): You guys like sex, don't you. :F
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:55 pm): Not willingly Mauykins
Mr Creosote (8:55 pm): How did they allow that ad through?
Litianqueen (8:55 pm): *claws his eyes out again* Don't call me that pink darkwolf :p
Gunstar Lucid (8:55 pm): no >_> im one of the few around that absolutely hates the idea of
sex and finds it disgusting.
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:55 pm): What? There has been no sex here Zei, merely boxers
Zei (8:56 pm): Good.
Zei (8:56 pm): *pulls out whip*
Seventy Force has left at 8:56 pm
Litianqueen (8:56 pm): *opens a new abortion clinic*
Ivius has entered at 8:56 pm
Zei (8:56 pm): I am your sexy Russian queen, fear me. 😛
Gunstar Lucid (8:56 pm): wheres the bomdage
Deckman (8:56 pm): Kinky.
Gunstar Lucid (8:56 pm): *bon
Litianqueen (8:56 pm): FREE ABORTIONS!
Litianqueen (8:56 pm): xx
Deckman (8:56 pm): Hi Lighty.
Zei (8:56 pm): *bombs Gunstar*
Zei (8:56 pm): Bomdage!
Magenta Darkwolfe (8:56 pm): Ow! Stop that! *transformation beams Mau into a kangaroo*
Gunstar Lucid (8:57 pm): ...k
Deckman (8:57 pm): Aren't you Christian, Mau?
Litianqueen (8:57 pm): *bounces the beam with a mirror* Hoo ha!
Zei (8:57 pm): My whip is magical.
Gunstar Lucid (8:57 pm): shes a christian with a free will
Litianqueen (8:57 pm): So what's your point? :p
Zei (8:57 pm): It has sparklez.
Deckman (8:57 pm): I thought Christians were the ones who don't like abortion because it's
against the 5th commandment.
Magenta Darkwolfe ducks
Deckman (8:57 pm): Or something like that.
Litianqueen (8:58 pm): babies aren't human :p
Litianqueen (8:58 pm): *twitch at the word*
Deckman (8:58 pm): I love your logic.
Litianqueen (8:58 pm): danke schoen ^^
Gunstar Lucid (8:58 pm): d*ck
Gunstar Lucid (8:58 pm): thou shalt not kill
Zei whips Deckman for no apparent reason.
Gunstar Lucid (8:58 pm): *glances at the wars over religion*
Deckman (8:58 pm): Quoi?
Gunstar Lucid (8:58 pm): thou shalf not kill
Gunstar Lucid (8:59 pm): *glance again*
Gunstar Lucid (8:59 pm): o.o
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): then thou shalt become a vegetarian :p
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): whether you like it or not you still kill to live 😛
Deckman (8:59 pm): Yeah, I know.
Gunstar Lucid (8:59 pm): just some the commandments supposedly dont mean a
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): unless you wanna eat dirt
Zei (8:59 pm): D: ZOMG.
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): o.o
Mr Creosote (8:59 pm): Dirt: That offends me }:0
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): *eats dirt*
Zei (8:59 pm): I EAT DIRT.
Litianqueen (8:59 pm): yum. taste like chocolate.
Zei (8:59 pm): It's freaking good, man.
Mr Creosote (8:59 pm): Dirt: *is eaten*
Zei (9:00 pm): Don't diss the dirt. :F
Gunstar Lucid slams hand on desk for fun
Litianqueen (9:00 pm): Oh no! I killed teh dirt!
Litianqueen (9:00 pm): ;____________;
Zei whips Litianqueen.
Zei (9:00 pm): Damn straight.
Litianqueen (9:00 pm): OW! That hurt. :"> / *claws Zei's eyes out*
Deckman joins HSW
Deckman (9:00 pm): HOT HAND ON DESK ACTION
Gunstar Lucid flips d*ck off
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:00 pm): Anyway, can I have my Boxers back now?
Zei grows new eyes.
Zei (9:01 pm): No, go die. :F
Litianqueen (9:01 pm): *runs away from the boxers*
Zei (9:01 pm): *tapes boxers on*
Deckman (9:01 pm): LOL @ how that looks at first glance
Litianqueen (9:01 pm): *jumps into an army tank*
Gunstar Lucid (9:01 pm): : : :
Litianqueen (9:01 pm): You keep those boxers away from me! }:O
Zei jumps into a mecha.
Litianqueen (9:01 pm): They are of the devil!
Mr Creosote (9:01 pm): I'll beat you!
Zei shoots the boxers out of a bazooka thing at Litianqueen.
Gunstar Lucid (9:01 pm): told you she was an entertainer
Mr Creosote (9:02 pm): You think you can beat me?
Litianqueen (9:02 pm): *blows them up with the tank*
Zei (9:02 pm): BE SEXY, DAMMIT.
Deckman (9:02 pm): Indeed.
Gunstar Lucid (9:02 pm): lmao @ taileggman
Deckman (9:02 pm): GET A LOAD OF THIS
Zei shoots endless supplies of seductive boxers.
Deckman (9:02 pm): *fires a lazer at Creo
Gunstar Lucid (9:02 pm): nonononono~~~
Zei (9:02 pm): BE SEXYYYYY!
Litianqueen (9:02 pm): *shoots them all*
Litianqueen (9:02 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Zei pries self into the tank and tapes the boxers to her.
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): That greatly offends me. }:O
Zei (9:03 pm): MORE.
Zei (9:03 pm): SO THAN USUAL.
Mr Creosote (9:03 pm): Eggman: Breasts MWAHAHAA!!!!
Gunstar Lucid (9:03 pm): spam is naughty
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): NOOOOO!!! YOU ninny YOU GOT ME PREGNANT!
Gunstar Lucid (9:03 pm): OOOOO MAU SWORE
Zei (9:03 pm): YAY. =D
Gunstar Lucid heartulence
Litianqueen (9:03 pm): *rips Zei's fur off, sets her on fire and cuts her intestines out*
Zei (9:03 pm): O.o
Deckman (9:03 pm): I'M GOING TO SHOOT THE MOON
Zei (9:03 pm): I have fur?
Zei (9:03 pm): I have intestines?
Zei (9:04 pm): o.O
Zei (9:04 pm): Ya learn something new everyday. :D
Acriokun has left at 9:04 pm
Litianqueen (9:04 pm): *then kills herself* Nooooo I will never be forgiven.....*dies*
Gunstar Lucid (9:04 pm): mau prolly assumes you to be fury
Zei (9:04 pm): Pssh.
Gunstar Lucid (9:04 pm): *furrt
Litianqueen (9:04 pm): I have a boyfriend Zei
Gunstar Lucid (9:04 pm): ....****furry
Mr Creosote (9:04 pm): Try again
Zei (9:04 pm): I'm a girl...
Litianqueen (9:04 pm): I dn't like the idea of being pregnant before getting married
Zei (9:04 pm): ZOMG.
Zei (9:04 pm): O:
Zei (9:04 pm): I'm a lesbian.
Magenta Darkwolfe takes back The Boxers
Zei (9:04 pm): *kills self*
Zei (9:04 pm): NO!
Zei like, dies, and whatever.
Litianqueen (9:05 pm): *is merculously alive and impervious to the boxers because she has a
true love*
Zei is a lesbian...*tear*
Gunstar Lucid iis bisexual :o
Mr Creosote puts the boxers on Mau's true love
Litianqueen (9:05 pm): look if I have children someday....I want to be married and only have my
husband's children.
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:05 pm): Actually, that prolly won't work, but if you want, I have a rusty
Zei (9:05 pm): Well, not really a lesbian.
Zei (9:06 pm): I'm straight as an arrow. :D
Zei (9:06 pm): Anyways.
Litianqueen (9:06 pm): *Mau's true love is impervious to the boxers also*
Zei (9:06 pm): I realize this, Litian...didn't mean to upset you or anything. I was just messing
around. :F
Deckman (9:06 pm): Make up your mind.
Gunstar Lucid (9:06 pm): i'm about as straight as my leg
Gunstar Lucid (9:06 pm): and i slouch
Litianqueen (9:06 pm): Nope. Zei's a lesbien.
Zei bends Gunstar's leg.
Litianqueen (9:06 pm): :p
Zei (9:06 pm): NUU, I AM NOT.
Mr Creosote cuts of HSW's leg
Zei cries.
Litianqueen (9:06 pm): Yup.
Mr Creosote (9:06 pm): *off
Litianqueen (9:07 pm): but it's too bad for you I'm taken 😛
Zei cries, like, a lot.
Gunstar Lucid (9:07 pm): it was already bent cos of slouching >_>
Litianqueen (9:07 pm): so yeah that's another thing....
Zei (9:07 pm): Well, I bent it more. O:
Deckman (9:07 pm): mauxwesudiscussplz
Gunstar Lucid (9:07 pm): ...k
Mr Creosote hits The Desk with HSW leg
Litianqueen (9:07 pm): *claws Deckman's eyes out*
Gunstar Lucid (9:07 pm): desk: *CLANG*
Litianqueen (9:07 pm): Nuuu! My boyfriend's name is Bronzetitan
Zei is now Litian's new cheerleader. GO LITIAN!
Litianqueen (9:07 pm): at least on ez board
Deckman (9:08 pm): BRONZETIT
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): NO!
Zei (9:08 pm): XD
Gunstar Lucid (9:08 pm): leg: *vibrates, hover, and reattatches*
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): *claws his eyes out agan*
Zei (9:08 pm): Go Litian! Claw those eyes out.
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:08 pm): Mauxclawingdiscuss
Mr Creosote (9:08 pm): Bronze breasts? }:0
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): nuuuuuuuu xx *claws out Darkwolfe's eyes*
Zei (9:08 pm): O:
Deckman becomes more blind than he already is
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): That's not funny....
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): please nothing sexual xx
Magenta Darkwolfe has left at 9:08 pm
Mr Creosote covers eyes
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): ok?
Litianqueen (9:08 pm): seriously xx
Zei (9:09 pm): Alright.
Zei (9:09 pm): I'll be good.
Deckman (9:09 pm): It's entirely platonic, Mau. Trust us.
Magenta Darkwolfe has entered at 9:09 pm
Litianqueen (9:09 pm): Good. *gives her pocky
Mr Creosote (9:09 pm): rehoys
Litianqueen (9:09 pm): I don't trust you xx
Litianqueen (9:09 pm): You speak of the p word
Litianqueen (9:09 pm): *hides*
Deckman (9:09 pm): I know. :D
Deckman (9:09 pm): What word?
The Turtle Guy has entered at 9:09 pm
Zei (9:09 pm): Moo.
Litianqueen (9:10 pm): teh pee word
Deckman (9:10 pm): Oh, you mean PREGNANCY
Gunstar Lucid (9:10 pm): pregga
Mr Creosote (9:10 pm): BirdsxBees
Litianqueen (9:10 pm): xx
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:10 pm): Why did I get clawed for saying Mau likes to Claw things?
Litianqueen (9:10 pm): *twitch*
Litianqueen (9:10 pm): *cringe*
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:10 pm): And also ow
The Turtle Guy (9:10 pm): There have been 467 messages in the last hour. Chat Status: Very
The Turtle Guy (9:10 pm): Darg.
The Turtle Guy (9:10 pm): ...
Gunstar Lucid (9:10 pm): zei, i will hate you for 5 whole seconds
The Turtle Guy (9:10 pm): Dang, I mean.
Gunstar Lucid (9:10 pm): the whole rehead thing has reminded me of my old cruuuuush~
Litianqueen (9:10 pm): rip tear kill
The Turtle Guy (9:10 pm): Hewo, all.
Gunstar Lucid (9:11 pm): which still is a crush so isnt really old o.o
Zei has left at 9:11 pm
Litianqueen (9:11 pm): TURTLE SOUP! *turns The Turtle Guy into Turtle soup*
Gunstar Lucid (9:11 pm): oops
Zei has entered at 9:11 pm
Zei (9:11 pm): My computer's being an ass.
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:11 pm): Then kick it.
The Turtle Guy eats Litianqueen.
Deckman (9:11 pm): That's no good.
Zei is now the great protector of Litianqueen.
Zei (9:12 pm): DON'T EAT HER. :F
Gunstar Lucid (9:12 pm): .
Gunstar Lucid (2:10 am): the whole rehead thing has reminded me of my old cruuuuush~
Gunstar Lucid (2:11 am): which still is a crush so isnt really old o.o
The Turtle Guy (9:12 pm): Heh.
Gunstar Lucid (9:12 pm): e.e
The Turtle Guy (9:12 pm): [YTMND]
Magenta Darkwolfe devours Zei
Litianqueen (9:12 pm): Back off Zei. I don't need protection.
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:12 pm): *urp*
Zei gives Magenta heartburn.
Litianqueen (9:12 pm): *makes The Turtle Guy explode from the inside out*
The Turtle Guy (9:12 pm): THATS [vader]NOOOOOO[/vader] GOOD!
Gunstar Lucid (9:12 pm): yeah man thats real friendly
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:12 pm): =(
Litianqueen (9:13 pm): mew?
Litianqueen (9:13 pm): how d oyou make those commands?
Gunstar Lucid (9:13 pm): LOL WHICH KIND OF PROTECTION THASS SO FUNNY *choke*
Deckman (9:13 pm): And Mau wonders why people compare her to Harley.
Gunstar Lucid (9:13 pm): what command
Zei (9:13 pm): Protection...XD
Zei (9:13 pm): Okay.
Zei (9:13 pm): Sorry.
Zei (9:13 pm): I'm immature. O:
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:13 pm): type /me
Deckman (9:13 pm): Commands?
Mr Creosote (9:13 pm): Oh noes the condoms!!!111
Zei slaps self.
Zei (9:13 pm): Bad llama.
Gunstar Lucid (9:13 pm): you're 13, and thus excused :x
Litianqueen Kills Deckman
The Turtle Guy wonders how to do comands like this.
Zei (9:14 pm): Oh.
Wesu (9:14 pm): Oh Zei
Zei (9:14 pm): Cool.
Zei (9:14 pm): :3
Litianqueen kills everyone in Chat except herself
Zei (9:14 pm): Oh, Zei what?
Wesu (9:14 pm): I don't know if anyone has told you
Gunstar Lucid denies mau's request
Magenta Darkwolfe isn't dead
Zei survives lika COCKROACH.
Litianqueen (9:14 pm): wesuxzeidiscuss
Wesu (9:14 pm): But if an SX Kitsune tries to flirt with you or befriend you
Wesu (9:14 pm): run away
Mr Creosote lol
Litianqueen implodes
Zei (9:14 pm): SX. I've heard this name before.
Zei (9:15 pm): Okay.
Wesu (9:15 pm): He's very
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:15 pm): He is more fun alone
Wesu (9:15 pm): "popular"
Zei (9:15 pm): Horny?
Zei (9:15 pm): Oh.
Deckman (9:15 pm): I think Zei and Wes would make a great couple!
Gunstar Lucid (9:15 pm): LMAO POPULAR
Wesu (9:15 pm): And by that I mean we all hate him
The Turtle Guy (9:15 pm): Why did Bass leave?
Litianqueen laughs
Deckman (9:15 pm): I don't hate him.
Zei (9:15 pm): Why would we make a good couple? <3
Gunstar Lucid (9:15 pm): because he's an oversensitive idiot, ttg
Litianqueen lights the mofo on fire
The Turtle Guy (9:15 pm): Oh, okay. ^^
Gunstar Lucid (9:15 pm): that might sound like flaming, but its complete truth
Litianqueen rejects the accursed saying "This greatly offends me"
Wesu (9:15 pm): wtf?
Gunstar Lucid (9:16 pm): he has crazy basless theories and expressing them on forums gets
him humiliated
Litianqueen now talks in third person
Magenta Darkwolfe starts toasting marshmellows
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /Zei is a lunatic
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Command not added for this value. Type in /? or /list for available
Gunstar Lucid (9:16 pm): so he pissed of, eventually
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /?
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): User Commands are:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Announcing availability:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /away Sets user as away. Typing this command again sets user as
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /here Sets user as here. This reverses the "away" and "busy" states.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /busy Sets user as busy. Typing this command again sets user as
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Managing messages:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /back <number> Shows the last <number> of entries of the rooms
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /backtime <minutes> Shows the last <minutes> of the rooms chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /clear Clears the chat screen. This only affects your screen, not the
screen of other users.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /me <action> Issues an IRC-like "action" to the chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /msg <user> <message> Initiates a PM with <user> and fills PM box
with optional <message>.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /query <user> Initiates a PM with <user>
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Accessing rooms:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /join <room> Switches the user to <room>. For example: "/join The
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /part Logout of the chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /quit Logout of the chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /logout Logout of the chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Managing users:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /ignore <user> Ignores PMs from <user>.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /invite <user> Invites <user> to the room that you are currently in.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /names Shows a list of all user names in all public rooms
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /showignores Shows a list of users ignored by you and which other
users are ignoring you.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /sos <message> Alerts moderator in current room or all moderators.
<message> is optional.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /unignore <user> <message> Removes your ignore of <user> with
optional <message> to user.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /who <user> Profile page popup for <user>. If you are <user> login
information is added.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /whois <user> Profile page popup for <user> where <user> must be
logged in to the chat.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /whowas <user> Profile page popup for any registered <user>.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Other:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /motd Displays the Message of the Day.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /topic Shows the topic or welcome message for the room you are in, if
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /version Shows which version of the chat you are using.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /welcome Same as /topic.
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): Some IRC commands are disabled:
Litianqueen (9:16 pm): /broadcast
Deckman (9:16 pm): Sx is ok. But as Crims said, he's more fun alone.
Gunstar Lucid (9:16 pm): his rabid ninty bias really didnt help
Zei (9:16 pm): I thought that was Pat L....whatever. Oh, he's the Ninty basher. :F
Deckman (9:16 pm): THE XBOX 360 IS A SCANNER
Zei (9:17 pm): O:
Gunstar Lucid (9:17 pm): bass is the anti-pat
Wesu (9:17 pm): rofl @ Turtle Guy's blatant disregard for the rules of the MoFo Masterpiece
and posting more than one drawing a day
Gunstar Lucid (9:17 pm): they're both just as bad as eachoother, too :x
Litianqueen (9:17 pm): /msg Zeg is a lunatic
Litianqueen (9:17 pm): User "zeg" was not found in any Room
Wesu (9:17 pm): Oh wait Turtle Guy's in here.
Acriokun has entered at 9:17 pm
Wesu (9:17 pm): Is he idle?
Wesu (9:18 pm): I hope he is.
Acriokun (9:18 pm): #><#;;
The Turtle Guy (9:18 pm): ....
Wesu (9:18 pm): I can't talk behind someone's back if they're here.
Acriokun (9:18 pm): I fell so far and landed so hard!
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:18 pm): Webas Criobun
Wesu (9:18 pm): Acrio.
The Turtle Guy (9:18 pm): I was unaware.
Mr Creosote (9:18 pm): the ps3 can grill your meats
The Turtle Guy (9:18 pm): I need to pay more attention.
Wesu (9:18 pm): I posted it in the main post, TTG. o.o
Litianqueen (9:18 pm): how do you say things about other users?
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:18 pm): But who ever listens to yea Tenksies
Wesu (9:18 pm): rule number oen
Gunstar Lucid (9:18 pm): like this:
Gunstar Lucid B*TCHES
The Turtle Guy (9:19 pm): Yes, Wes, I skimmed the thing.
Gunstar Lucid B*TCH B*TCH B*TCH
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): Ok, now show me how you do that :p
Gunstar Lucid (9:19 pm): ^-^
Wesu (9:19 pm): :[
Zei loves Wesu.
Gunstar Lucid (9:19 pm): you know how
Gunstar Lucid (9:19 pm): you use /me
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): no I don't
The Turtle Guy (9:19 pm): But I didn't......READ it, persay.
Wesu wtf i have no idea who you are how old you are or any of that crap
Gunstar Lucid (9:19 pm): yesss you doooo.
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): /Username blah blah?
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): Command not added for this value. Type in /? or /list for available
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): _/username blah blah?
Litianqueen (9:19 pm): (without the dash)
Gunstar Lucid (9:20 pm): oh no
Zei (9:20 pm): 😛 I was kidding.
Litianqueen (9:20 pm): I have no idea -_-
Gunstar Lucid (9:20 pm): you have to cheat for that
Litianqueen is lost
Magenta Darkwolfe bobs Mau by using /me
Mau gets concussed
Wesu (9:20 pm): TTG I changed my mind
Litianqueen (9:20 pm): Yes how do you do that!?
Wesu (9:20 pm): I'll let it slide this once because the picture is magical
Deckman does something
Mr Creosote (9:20 pm): yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah
but no but yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but no but yeah but!
Litianqueen (9:20 pm): how do you use my name without
Gunstar Lucid moo
Litianqueen does OOC things! ohnoes!
Litianqueen loves Bronzetitan and ONLY Bronzetitan :"> /
Deckman (9:20 pm): Shift + enter, Mau
Gunstar Lucid (9:20 pm): you pres shift + enter after /me-ing
Litianqueen (9:20 pm): Oh ok
Wesu (9:20 pm): oh lilianqueen is mau rofl
The Turtle Guy yuG eltruT
Acriokun observes this
Bob Mama laughs from the shadows
Litianqueen wonders how long it took Wesu to figure that one out :p
Wesu dies.
Litianqueen mourns sadly.
Deckman (9:21 pm): LOL BOB MAMA
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:21 pm): Another triumph of Wes over intelligence!
Litianqueen (9:21 pm): /meing
Litianqueen (9:21 pm): Command not added for this value. Type in /? or /list for available
Litianqueen (9:21 pm): xx
Mr Creosote touches you
Litianqueen gives birth to goldfish
Litianqueen (9:22 pm): NO!
Zei (9:22 pm): XD
Acriokun (9:22 pm): I saw some REALLY fat goldfish oen day.
Gunstar Lucid (9:22 pm): XD
Zei (9:22 pm): So much for your morals. :F
Acriokun (9:22 pm): I wanted to bite it.
Litianqueen vomits
Wesu (9:22 pm): LOL @ annoyingly long EWW
Gunstar Lucid (9:22 pm): Maaaaau dont spam like that
Litianqueen spams
Deckman does something
Litianqueen kills the goldfish in a firey fit of rage
Gunstar Lucid gags
Litianqueen dies
Acriokun (9:23 pm): DING DING
Acriokun (9:23 pm): SX sent us a letter ,everyone.
Magenta Darkwolfe fries goldfish
Wesu (9:23 pm): OMG
Zei just watches haplessly.
Acriokun (9:23 pm): "Dad's wife hates me. Took my wireless keyboard and mouse o.o She
slammed my leg hard enough to make me have to limp. Then made me walk the dog! ^^
Anyway, I'll be gone. Seeya soon guys."
Acriokun (9:23 pm): =o
Wesu (9:23 pm): YAY
Magenta Darkwolfe (9:23 pm): o.O?
Wesu (9:23 pm): I mean
Wesu (9:23 pm): aww
Wesu (9:23 pm): ...
Wesu (9:23 pm): Okay I mean yay.
Mr Creosote gives mau a bucket
Litianqueen fills the bucket with vomit and more goldfish
Mr Creosote implodes
Gunstar Lucid (9:23 pm): wow gogo sh&tty parents
Litianqueen (9:23 pm): /me-ing
Mau hates you all
Litianqueen (9:23 pm): Command not added for this value. Type in /? or /list for available
Zei still watches haplessly.
hate you all
Litianqueen (9:24 pm): hate you all
Zei (9:24 pm): I WAS START THIS CLAN. D:
Wesu considers doing things.
Acriokun makes mad love to Litianqueen.
Zei (9:24 pm): Why do you hate meee?
Acriokun (9:24 pm): HSW, don't censor dodge!
Zei (9:24 pm): O.o
Deckman (9:24 pm): Am I the only one who feels sorry for SX? o.o
Litianqueen (9:24 pm): ACRIO!
Acriokun (9:24 pm): No.
Gunstar Lucid (9:24 pm): i dont hate you o.o
Acriokun (9:24 pm): I do toooo.
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): Hell no!
The Turtle Guy (9:25 pm): Who's Zei?
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): That's it
Gunstar Lucid (9:25 pm): Acrio, f**k you
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): Good bye mofo
Gunstar Lucid does so
Zei (9:25 pm): Zei's Zei. :F
Acriokun (9:25 pm): Anytime!
Gunstar Lucid (9:25 pm): o.o
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): Screw you all
Gunstar Lucid (9:25 pm): lmao cya
Acriokun (9:25 pm): o.o
Acriokun (9:25 pm): Wait
Sasuke has entered at 9:25 pm
Zei (9:25 pm): That sexy Russian ninny
Acriokun (9:25 pm): What's going on?
Mr Creosote is screwed
Wesu (9:25 pm): ROFL
Acriokun (9:25 pm): I'm so confused. oO
The Turtle Guy (9:25 pm): Ah, the ninny.
Wesu (9:25 pm): My prank made her mad.
Zei (9:25 pm): XD
Gunstar Lucid (9:25 pm): there goes the entertainer
Deckman (9:25 pm): Bye, Mau.
The Turtle Guy (9:25 pm): Bye.
Sasuke (9:25 pm): CHIDORI!!!
Sasuke has left at 9:25 pm
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): /list
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): MF Commands
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): People: vec, fexusfan, cj, craig, matt, harley, drl, wb, sam, bv, hsw,
satails, vass, lokki, gt, mega, lixing
Litianqueen (9:25 pm): Informative: id, hour, color or colour, eb, rules, forum, chat, welcome,
displaybots, msgnum
Litianqueen (9:26 pm): Fun: moo, bio, pizza, mojo, woojo, sex, mbq, lesbiankittens, png, cow,
offend, roll
Gunstar Lucid (9:26 pm): acrio, wes used shiftenter to make you have sex with mau
Deckman (9:26 pm): DON'T FORGET TO WRITE
Acriokun (9:26 pm): AH @ Acriokun makes mad love to Litianqueen.
The Turtle Guy (9:26 pm): o.
Litianqueen (9:26 pm): bingo
Gunstar Lucid (9:26 pm): said mau got greatly offended and has already closed the chat
Acriokun castrates Wes and eats it
Gunstar Lucid (9:26 pm): or not
Litianqueen (9:26 pm): and you're getting your ass reported buddy
Gunstar Lucid (9:26 pm): o.o
Acriokun (9:26 pm): You behave.
Wesu dies.
Zei (9:26 pm): O.o
Wesu (9:26 pm): OMG reported!!11
Zei (9:26 pm): Uhoh.
The Turtle Guy (9:26 pm): *revive*
Zei (9:26 pm): Don't report me.

I'm reporting these people who harrassed me in chat, after I've said a million times I don't like people pretending to "have sex with me" or "pair me unwillingly" with someone I don't care if it's a joke or a thrill but it has got to stop. After I've told them to stop they just keep on doing it. And after Acrio made that comment I just couldn't take it anymore. I think it's filthy and disgusting that someone would go that far to say that about me. These things are very offensive and sex isn't a subject I take lightly. I would like this to stop. Please and thank you.

Edit: One other thing, could someone please stop calling my boyfriend "Bronzetit?" That's really disrespectful. Especially after I've asked a million times for that to stop.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

That was Wesu using the CTRL + SHIFT break trick, Mau. I'll make sure he lays off of you. Others too.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member






I did it with like, magic.

So I get all the blame for a small joke on the internet!

Posts: 349
Reputable Member
Topic starter

Alright. I trust Acrio to this word. But I'd like Wesu to stop harrassing me, I'd like it if people stopped calling my boyfriend "Bronzetit", and that people would stop making comments about me being paired with anyone. Furthermore, don't blame Zei either...since...she didn't realize how I felt about that stuff. But I've told these people millions of times and the sick warped and twisted images of goldfish being birthed by humans has scared me for life. Ok I'm going too far but... Could someone please do something about this?

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

You posted the whole chat for one hour when you only got truly offended by the last few minutes? o.o

Posts: 349
Reputable Member
Topic starter

....yes. :p

Edit: But you forget that I'm tired of people calling my boyfriend Bronzetit too. xx

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

When was I harassing? Please, elaborate.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Since it's pretty much Wes who crossed the line here added to the fact this has just been building up for like ever now,

Wesu - Official Warning

Mau, there's really nothing we can do with what you've brought to us other than deal with what we would have anyway. Don't feel like you need to report everything here immediately -- especially when the thing in question went on in the presence of mods. If something's up, chances are we're already on it. Relax a bit, we'll take care of things.

EDIT Here's another nifty tip for everyone who's posted in here: Take something up with the specific person you have a problem with first. Coming to a staff member about someone should never be the first option.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member


Old Bronzey earned his nickname by hamming it up at Team Artail before getting banned several years ago. I believe I used our old nickname for his lamer days once or twice when he FIRST came here.

Why is it still going on? Stop using my artail antics as ammo on this board. Keep it offboard, or I kill. o.-


