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Could you delete an innapropriate post in my topic?

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Posts: 721
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Seriously- in my "Wrath of the Time Squirrel" topic, I SPECIFICALLY stated that posts were to be rated PG OR LOWER. So what does the first poster do?

Why, Hybrid Project Alpha, in his own words, well, he..

um, er,...

"whips it out"

Could you please delete the post? Or at least WARN him?

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It's only above PG if you emboss your GIANT AND PERVERSE MIND over it! #^.^#

I won't warn him because what he did falls under a style normal for this board. Your "Keep it PG" is basically reiterating one of our rules, and it's never been used to stop the otherwise normal activity.

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Actually, I almost puked when I read it. I honestly can't STAND that kind of stuff.

I wanted to start a topic where I could just be crazy, but not have to worry about encountering anything like that.

...maybe I should edit the first post to note that the "keep it PG" rule will be more strictly enforced in that topic...

What do you think?

Posts: 1355
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Oh, so you want a topic with no innuendo or sexual stuff whatsoever? There's no harm in that, but you should have made it clearer in your first post. I'll keep it moderated for you; just don't complain if it gets little activity.

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Thank you! And I'll edit that first post right away!

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So if posters can make up specific rules in their threads (Even if they are not whatsoever in the rules) and they have to be followed?


I think I'm gonna make a thread in the SPA and not let Jews post in it.

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That would be against the board rule that says "No bigotry" 😉

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My offer to moderate the topic has nothing to do with any rules or obligations; I'm just being nice.

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Thanks for understanding.

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DUDE! Geo made me lol. XD

I should like, edit ALL innuendo's on the board! Cya when I retire!


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HA! I'm gonna run with this idea. XD

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Thanks everyone, for completely missing my point. =)

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I never miss.

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Actually for once Geo I didn't. But I'm too tired to argue with them.


Posts: 4336
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Didn't miss it. But hey, you started a momentary fad! Be honored. :crazy

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I guess I'm "everyone" that Geo's thanking, then. I'm not afraid to say I was taking him seriously even though his point is way off the mark because sonic332 is asking for stricter reinforcement of an existing rule and not making up entirely new rules, and HSW responded not because of any obligation but because he wished to do so of his own accord.

You're welcome. *bows*

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HSW is being helpful. She must be sick. :(


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That's not very nice, Rico.

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Where does it say I'm nice?


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Who's ever heard of a NICE bastard, anyway?

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oh yeah, I never changed my title back... *does so*

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About the titles... I know that some forums have a minimum post limit on custom titles... Is it the case here?

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On this board software, the staff needs to change your title. We had a request topic, but closed it after last Christmas since we moved to EliteBoard in February. :crazy

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Oh. I was thinking that, since I'm the most outspoken proponent for the return of Mighty and Gamma, that I could go by, "The MoFo's Official Mighty and Gamma fan", but...

(sigh) Oh well...

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I was taking him seriously even though his point is way off the mark because sonic332 is asking for stricter reinforcement of an existing rule and not making up entirely new rules,

Do you need everything served to you on a platter?

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Who, me?

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I guess I do, Geo. Maybe I just don't have this whole subtlety thing down yet.

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That's okay! I happen to be blunter than the broad side of a barn.

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If Geo didn't use subtlety, then he couldn't get away with the stuff he does.


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Yes! That damned Geo! He sure is ruining the unity of this fine community with his jokery that actually isn't offensive to anyone in particular!

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How accounts are you going to make?


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Damn, that citizen seems awfully concerned.

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You're always concerned. I'm begining to worry we're going to have start medicating you. :(


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Pins in the hip.

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Whatever floats your boat.


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Ummm.... some of us actually DO have to be medicated, you know.

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I had not heard about this.

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(looks at the second half of his sig (which is an actual quote from me) but says nothing)

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Well you better get started.

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Started with what? I already TAKE Ritalin, you know.

...or did you mean the "come up with a Quote Of The Whenever" part?

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You shouldn't take it. You'd have better chances at QOTW.

I have a document that proves this.

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Ah. I think I've done a few worthy of QOTW in the SPA section lately...

Posts: 3291
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isn't there any way to make your sig smaller and shorter? it's getting way too big.

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I suppose I could eliminate some of the spaces between lines...

Posts: 3291
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making the font size smaller would work, as well as that.

Posts: 5772
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Check this out:

"If you know you're going to make an idiot out of yourself in public,
you might as well have fun with it!" (Grins idiotically)
-My philosophy on life
NOTE: I DID come up with this on my own.

Me to myself: "One of these days, I'm gonna go without my Ritalin so I can come up with a Quote Of The Whenever."

Avatar by ZeroSky

^ See what I did there? Reduced font, priortized some lines with italics to help differentiate the texts and make it easier on the eyes and a nice big line to seperate your posts from your sig. Perty and concise, ain't it? Here's what you need to copy and paste:

gah code tags not working >:o

Posts: 3291
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try one half in html, the other half in ezcodes there, psx? 😛

Posts: 4607
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[font size=1]"If you know you're going to make an idiot out of yourself in public,
you might as well have fun with it!" (Grins idiotically)
-My philosophy on life
NOTE: I DID come up with this on my own.

Me to myself: "One of these days, I'm gonna go without my Ritalin so I can come up with a Quote Of The Whenever."

Avatar by ZeroSky

He's probably using ezCodes anyway.

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