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Cursing in the Content rule

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I am just confused over the Cursing section in the Content rule. Now I understand that this is a forum/site that mostly adults use, but there are kids like me and other kids that could find some 'mild' words offensive. I've seen people change letters with * all the time, and nothing gets done about it. I've seen people talk about sex, and say the f-word, and some of it was the cause of my temporary quitting from this site.

I mean, seriously, isn't 'mild' cursing just as bad as anything else? I've seen sites so strict... Like one time, on the Chat Room of a Toontown message board, a poor kid got banned for trying to say 'sunk' and his finger slipped, accidently typing 'suck'.

Some people have said that there aren't many mods left, but why?

Posts: 1044
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The rules about language and content here are pretty much self explanatory, read the rules for lawyers as they explain things in greater level of detail.
"Do not attempt to dodge the censor. Any word that is caught by the censor is unacceptable. Self-censoring must involve replacing more than half of the letters with letters or symbols that do not resemble the letter being censored."
So f*d is acceptable as the word has been self censored. And if a censored word is caught it will be replaced by nonsense */$% etc. Any words later found out to not be on the censor list will be added

I've seen people talk about sex

(in b4 let's talk about sex baby) Talking about sex =/= sexual content. I assume by now you have had some level of sex ed be it from family/parents schools etc.

and some of it was the cause of my temporary quitting from this site.

I thought it was because you got warned so many times (4 or 5 times) by the mods (mostly in carni) that you were close to the edge of the cliff and leaving for a few months (if you can even call that quitting the site) .

isn't 'mild' cursing just as bad as anything else?

not really. DAMN! DAMN! GREAT SCOTT! aren't really that bad?

Like one time, on the Chat Room of a Toontown message board, a poor kid got banned for trying to say 'sunk' and his finger slipped, accidently typing 'suck'.

thank goodness this isn't toontown.

Some people have said that there aren't many mods left

Some say that his face looks like a steering wheel and that he has car has 15 reverse gears, but we know him as the Stig!

Posts: 841
Prominent Member

I am a little confused by your post as it seems to contradict itself a bit, so I'll try this bit by bit.

I am just confused over the Cursing section in the Content rule. Now I understand that this is a forum/site that mostly adults use, but there are kids like me and other kids that could find some 'mild' words offensive. I've seen people change letters with * all the time, and nothing gets done about it. I've seen people talk about sex, and say the f-word, and some of it was the cause of my temporary quitting from this site.

To be fair I think the filter has been playing up sometimes, so you might have caught the odd word or two by accident. The mods do try and fix that when they can!

Lately if I feel the need to swear (mid to severe curses) I tend to self censor it by getting rid of all the letters in the offensive word, such as *. * could theoretically mean anything after all and isn't that offensive alone. Also note that saying "f***" is basically exactly the same as saying "f-word", as they both use the same amount of letters from the original word.

I mean, seriously, isn't 'mild' cursing just as bad as anything else? I've seen sites so strict... Like one time, on the Chat Room of a Toontown message board, a poor kid got banned for trying to say 'sunk' and his finger slipped, accidently typing 'suck'.

Mild cursing isn't that bad in my opinion. Generally mild curses aren't that offensive at all. In your example, I don't even think the word "suck" is offensive in the slightest! Of course I know what it means, but it's never used in the negative way that other curses are, even when in a similar context. It's a matter of taste. As you're so young you're probably very sensitive to such words while many older people aren't so much.

The fact is that we need a rating to aim for to try and balance things out, and this board is PG13 rating iirc. I reckon that's about right, as a large portion of the forum is older than that but we do have a couple of people such as yourself whom are younger. So we need a rating which allows a tiny bit of leeway for the older forummers without being too offensive to the younger forummers and that's what PG13 allows. Anything lower will become too strict. Anything higher becomes too offensive. Mild cursing is allowed in PG13. Sexual content isn't of course, but generally we try to keep that one down to much more milder levels. Tend to use innuendo and in-jokes instead. You've probably never heard of this series, but it's sort of in line with the Carry On films. Full of innuendo without being directly offensive. We're sort of like that. Of course some people push the rating a bit...

Some people have said that there aren't many mods left, but why?

There are plenty of mods left, but a few have quit over disputes within staff. It's not really my place to say why individual members left, but rest assured that there's still quite a few doin' the patrols still.

I apologise for the monster-sized post.

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But yes, while you guys may think that Mild Cursing isnt that bad, you guys are all adults or young adults, and it said in an other part of the rules not to post anything thing that people woudn't want a 10 year old to see, and to keep things at a G/PG rating. If I were a parent, I would not let my 10 year old visit this site because there is alot of content that is inappropriate and vulgar. While you may feel the need to curse, why cant you just keep it to yourself? It was not exactly the cursing that made me leave... it was actually Rishi... but his behavior that made me quit falls under inappropriate content, which is what I am also talking about.

Honestly, any kind of cursing whether it be mild or severe can still be offensive. I've seen kids my age get in serious trouble for saying 'hate' or 'stupid'.

I've seen inappropriate artwork in the Carni Isle forum, even. Like a picture of a sonic character pulling down pants, and other things.

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...and it said in an other part of the rules not to post anything thing that people woudn't want a 10 year old to see, and to keep things at a G/PG rating.

Which part? I certainly don't see that in any part of the rules currently being used to moderate the Mobius Forum as a whole.
I'm not saying you're necessarily incorrect per se, but as Trudi said we usually aim somewhere around a PG13 rating for the board as a whole - that's been the case pretty much as long as I've been here, which is quite some time.

As far as anything that you term "inappropriate and vulgar"... point it out to us Mods and we'll look into it if you catch something we've missed. One thing I must note though.

I've seen inappropriate artwork in the Carni Isle forum, even. Like a picture of a sonic character pulling down pants, and other things.

Sonic characters usually don't even have anything underneath their pants - and most of them run around all but completely naked anyway. So unless said character actually had some discerning anatomy that we wouldn't want kids to see, then I can't really think how this is inappropriate. Tell me where it was and I'll check it out myself though.

Posts: 1044
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and to keep things at a G/PG rating.

all the uncensored words you have listed to date can easily be found in most U-rated cartoons.

If I were a parent, I would not let my 10 year old visit this site because there is alot of content that is inappropriate and vulgar.

I wouldn't allow a ten year old to use the internet unmonitored, full stop. But what's to stop them from typing sonic into google and opening a can of worms most users here would frown at?

While you may feel the need to curse, why cant you just keep it to yourself? It was not exactly the cursing that made me leave... it was actually Rishi... but his behavior that made me quit falls under inappropriate content, which is what I am also talking about.

If you feel that you cannot stand viewing content posted by users that fall within the rules then perhaps the mofo or in general the entire Internet isn't suitable for you? Also I don't recall any evc material posted by you with regards to Rishi and how he made you leave for a couple of months, but then again you may have pm'ed mods/admins etc and they would've decided the best course of action to take. Also naming names might cause you to be open to attack if the accusations you are making seem unfounded.

Honestly, any kind of cursing whether it be mild or severe can still be offensive. I've seen kids my age get in serious trouble for saying 'hate' or 'stupid'.

Define "my age" because i would dislike to be in your situation where the thought police were after me

I've seen inappropriate artwork in the Carni Isle forum, even. Like a picture of a sonic character pulling down pants, and other things.

Becca and other carni mods would normally pick up upon material that was inappropriate for users, however more often then not simple tags might be in place if a (for example) piece of literature covers issues that might be suitable for older audience or the use of links/urls for images that might not full within mofo rules.

Posts: 1758
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To be fair I think the filter has been playing up sometimes, so you might have caught the odd word or two by accident.

What Trudi said. The filter sometimes lets curses through, and doesn't catch alternative spelling like "bleepin'." Point out such things to the mods and we shall try to get to them.

I've seen people change letters with * all the time, and nothing gets done about it.

This is kind of an area of compromise. It's such a common style of censorship that it would lead to drama over frivolous warnings. However it might be appropriate to add as a recommendation or a softly enforced rule.

It was not exactly the cursing that made me leave... it was actually Rishi... but his behavior that made me quit falls under inappropriate content, which is what I am also talking about.

Oh, then you are like a lot of people here then. 😛

Honestly, any kind of cursing whether it be mild or severe can still be offensive. I've seen kids my age get in serious trouble for saying 'hate' or 'stupid'.

A lot of words may be considered curses by some people, but we tend to reserve the rule for words that are considered curses by a very broad audience.

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In the Board Rules, section 2, Content, bullet point two:

Keep posts at a G/PG rating
- Obviously, the definition of these terms is subjective. In general, don't post or link to anything most people wouldn't want a 10-year old to see. Besides, most of the older posters don't want to read (or see) "offensive" content either!

And I'm pretty sure most people with common sense wouldn't want their ten year old to be reading cuss words, sex based jokes, the word 'sex' at all, any other cuss words, or pictures of naked eggmen or rabbits pulling down their pants with a flirty look on their face.

Posts: 1044
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In the Board Rules, section 2, Content, bullet point two:

Keep posts at a G/PG rating

ok, i might be going blind here, but i cannot see that quote of yours in the mofo rules here, please can you link us to the rules you are reading before i book my next trip to specsavers...

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I cant link, but when you go to Sonic, before you see the forum list, you will be at the main page. Go to the far left of the page where it says Forum. Click it, and in the list that appears below it, you will see Board Rules. Click that. You will see 3 different things, the top being Rules and Regulations. Click that, then scroll down to 2. Content. Then it should be right in front of your face.

Keep posts at a G/PG rating - Obviously, the definition of these terms is subjective. In general, don't post or link to anything most people wouldn't want a 10-year old to see. Besides, most of the older posters don't want to read (or see) "offensive" content either!

Posts: 1044
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The current rules (updated 22nd-Jan) can be found in the evc and linked in my previous post. The rules on defunct sonichq are out of date and therefore irreverent, thus you should firstly read the current rules (+ the for lawyers part) before carrying on with this thread, and if at the end of the day you disagree with the rules you can 3 options, i. leave, ii. stay and put up with the rules, or iii. stay and perhaps help to shape the future direction of the site/forum.

Also using "Then it should be right in front of your face" as if i am incompetent and blind makes you look foolish.

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Well I was mad, because it sounded like you were suggesting that I lied about the rules, even though I copy pasted them right onto a post

There should be something clarifying this. As it already has, it can cause confusion. I dont understand why such things are allowed on a forum that I thought was for all sonic fans to go to. I guess it's not.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

There should be something clarifying this. As it already has, it can cause confusion. I dont understand why such things are allowed on a forum that I thought was for all sonic fans to go to. I guess it's not.

It should be clear by the url that the material on sonichq might be out of date: and links to the current rules can be seen on the mainpage of the forums. "I dont understand why such things are allowed on a forum that I thought was for all sonic fans to go to"
that statement makes little sense since the content on the mofo isn't that "vulgar", GHZ or stadium are sites/forums that all sonic fans can go to, but i think you'll find their content in a language department migt be a bit more colourful than to your liking. This forums isn't run or directly endosed by Sega (indirectly yes), so the yukuop and site owners can set whatever rules their like within terms of their hosting's tos and local laws.

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It isnt just the language that bothers me, like I said before. The pictures that some people draw on carni isle aren't always appropriate. To see what I mean, go to 'Man what is this crap' and there is a picture of either Cream, Rouge, or Vanilla pulling her pants down with a flirty pose.

Posts: 1044
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To see what I mean, go to 'Man what is this crap' and there is a picture of either Cream, Rouge, or Vanilla pulling her pants down with a flirty pose.

It's Vanilla and within mofo rules (see becca (carni mod)) has posted and not issued any warnings for hpa's material yet, also

The cream picture... is very... *twitches* nice

No, seriously, you should draw some more!

You complain that it's inappropriate and you are offended, yet you want hpa to draw more for your "twitches"?! what is the meaning of this?!

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I've seen kids my age get in serious trouble for saying 'hate' or 'stupid'.

What if those kids were talking about how Hitler had strong feelings of 'hate' toward Jews? Or how walking across a street filled with traffic without looking both ways is 'stupid'? 'Hate' and 'stupid' are very broad words with very broad definitions - so broad, in fact, that it can often prove challenging to avoid using these words if and/or when a certain context might actually encourage their usage. It ultimately comes down to context. Anyway, this whole thread is..... I have no words for it..... I really don't.....

Edited to add:

pictures of naked eggmen.

You do realise that a MOD posted 'pictures of naked eggmen'?

Posts: 665
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Jeez, kids and their sensors. Y'know, I have to ask you, are you f**ki** serious? When I was 10, I really didn't give a sh** if someone ran around cursing. Actually, I thought it was fuc**** awesome. I can't imagine you legitimately being some kind of troll who enjoys censors, but the only other explanations are that you have some fear of people using curse words that causes you to be afraid of seeing parts of curse words together, or that your hardcore straightedge. And your not hardcore. I can f*ck*** guarantee you that. So seriously. Grow up. If you can't tolerate partial censoring, then your going to be in some deep s**t when you get to the real world. I would blast you more, but I've got classes to go too, be back soon though^.^

Posts: 841
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ummmm fangoram I'm pretty sure you're stretching the rules there.

The "ing" isn't the offensive part of the word, so I don't think it counts towards the more than half censored rule D:

And dude telling him to "grow up" just cause he doesn't like swearing isn't fair. Some people just don't like it, whatever the age.

Well when i was 10 I didn't know any swear words at all, although that is pretty unusual for where I'm from. Parents always made sure never to swear around me or my sister and even now we're not allowed to swear in the house. I once heard Dad swear when he cut his hand on a broken glass and Mum told him off quite badly. I was 17 at the time so I think that is a bit odd considering that by then I knew it all anyway and Dad had hurt himself. Mum still gets annoyed at me when I say "bloody", which is mild. I'm 20 in a couple of weeks time. D:

However I think parents who swear profusely in front of their kids, especially in front of young kids, are idiots. But that's something for another day.

Posts: 1008
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Yo fangoram.

Have a warning for breaking the censorship rule, and also for quite blatantly trying to offend another user.

If you want to contribute to this thread, develop some sentience and some common sense. Thanks.

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Nukeallthewhales, it was a sarcastic comment.

I dont feel like explaining myself anymore, this is my opinion, which I am entitled too. I guess nobody understands the point of this thread anyways. The point is that alot of the things that are done here, like cursing, *cough* fangoram *cough* and talk about sex, is allowed and often ignored by mods, even though all of it was against the rules that I read. I dont understand why those woudn't be the actual rules, that they were changed, but not put where it says the Board Rules are. Nukeallthewhales even said they were somewhere else. And for one, why have the rules I read on there kept if they dont count anymore, and for two, if they arent the rules they want you to read, then there should be something clarifying that, like for example a bold header at the top of the page explaining that "These aren't the current rules, and here is where you can find the new ones."

Fangoram, that comment was very offending. Have you realized that I am a young kid, I am only turning ten in like, 16 days actually.

Also, fangoram, its not that I'm all like, OH I CANT STAND PARTIAL SENSORING! Its that I just dont like cursing in general, because it is very low class. I am entitled to my opinion as I mentioned earlier, and if you have a problem with it, explain your problem, instead of cussing, yelling, and offensively telling me to grow up.

Posts: 1567
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I really hate to be mean but if you are 10, technically you aren't supposed to be a part of this board since it is a Yuku board and you have to be 13 to technically join.

Okay now you said you find cussing low class and all that jazz. That's cool, some hold that opinion (I don't consider it low class but I just don't want to cuss) but 90 percent of the internet doesn't care. Cussing has been apart of this board for years. If you don't like it, ignore it. Though it seems the lines you draw are pretty high. Nice you have standards but you come across as wanting to jam it down our throats about how cussing is bad and how low class it is. You think coming to a board, which has existed for years and complaining about a minor element of it, hoping to get it changed will work? If you don't like it, create your own community. The general age for this board is late teens and most are pretty familiar with cussing, sex (sex heaven help us!) and stuff. You aren't of the age (really shouldn't be here anyway) that the board has targeted (Or whatever). It'd be like going to DA and complaining about all the nude art. You want to not have to deal with this stuff? Don't get on the internet, sad to say. Heaven help you if you come across 4chan.

Oh and playing moral guardian and trying to shove it down the throats of others really doesn't go over well. Especially if you don't have the greatest of reputations either...

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I really hate to be mean but if you are 10, technically you aren't supposed to be a part of this board since it is a Yuku board and you have to be 13 to technically join.

AMEN! AAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also LWS, you're no paragon of virtue yourself. You made several snide comments about me last year even though I didn't say anything directly to you (at least most of the time, as far as I can remember) and I ended up letting those comments slide.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

Nukeallthewhales, it was a sarcastic comment.

Being sarcastic in written text on a forum can be difficult to pull off, especially with an art forum encouraging critique, and you didn't pull it off.

Nukeallthewhales, it was a sarcastic comment.

I dont feel like explaining myself anymore, this is my opinion, which I am entitled too. I guess nobody understands the point of this thread anyways. The point is that alot of the things that are done here, like cursing, *cough* fangoram *cough* and talk about sex, is allowed and often ignored by mods, even though all of it was against the rules that I read.

You were reading the wrong rules from an archived site, therefore the material on said site would be out of date. And yes, you are entitled to your opinion but going to the UAE and downing a bottle of vodka on the streets would be frowned upon. The current rules are clearly linked to on the forum.

And for one, why have the rules I read on there kept if they dont count anymore, and for two, if they arent the rules they want you to read, then there should be something clarifying that, like for example a bold header at the top of the page explaining that "These aren't the current rules, and here is where you can find the new ones."

Rules change and adapt to met the need of the current userbase/site/forum or whatever the yukuop wants to do. And the word "archive" should've been more than clear enough to suggest that these might no be the current set of rules without having to explain the term archive to people.

Fangoram, that comment was very offending. Have you realized that I am a young kid, I am only turning ten in like, 16 days actually.

As already mentioned the yuku terms of service state that you have to be 13+ to register and even then should have parental permission, as you do not met tis criteria yuku could terminate your account. And in all honesty you parents should really be monitoring your activity on the internets.

Also, fangoram, its not that I'm all like, OH I CANT STAND PARTIAL SENSORING! Its that I just dont like cursing in general, because it is very low class. I am entitled to my opinion as I mentioned earlier, and if you have a problem with it, explain your problem, instead of cussing, yelling, and offensively telling me to grow up.

The issue here isn't that we have the problem, but it seems most likely that you have the problem with the rules. At the end of the day if you believe the rules are being broken then you report the posts.

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But wait- There is one thing that I dont understand. If it's an archived site that I am going to, then where is the new site? Google is taking me HERE.

Also, most people here have known that I am a -13 kid. Nobody told me this was a problem. And if you want me to leave, then fine, have it your way. From now on, I am officially OUT of here. Have fun.

Posts: 1191
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He didn't say you should leave he said that lying about your age so that you could register on this site was wrong and illegal. Also, you leaving, again, will not ruin any of our fun, as you closing statement seems to assess. We will have plenty of fun until you feel the need to return, in 6 months.

Posts: 1044
Noble Member

But wait- There is one thing that I dont understand. If it's an archived site that I am going to, then where is the new site? Google is taking me HERE.

Also, most people here have known that I am a -13 kid. Nobody told me this was a problem. And if you want me to leave, then fine, have it your way. From now on, I am officially OUT of here. Have fun.

Any site can be archived, basically it means it's pretty much dead or not updated frequently and is being kept for possible future reasons (relaunch, history of SHQ etc).

Also the mobius forum does not care what age you are and welcomes all users of any ages as long as you are willing to follow the rules (no mention about age within the mofo rules). However yuku has set down a terms of services which says that users have to be 13 years or older, which during the sign up is pretty much down to you being honest with yuku and will have no reflection upon how you are treated with accoradance to the mofo rules. No staff on the mofo will be running off towards yuku because of your age and that you shouldn't feel that you need to leave for age reasons alone.

The choice to leave is down to you alone, if you wish to leave then goodbye, if you wish to stay then welcome back.

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AMEN! AAAAAAAAAAAAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also LWS, you're no paragon of virtue yourself. You made several snide comments about me last year even though I didn't say anything directly to you (at least most of the time, as far as I can remember) and I ended up letting those comments slide.

That is because you are such an easy target.

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I dont know, do you WANT me to leave? Because if you want me to, I'm outta here. If you don't, then I'll stay.

Posts: 5772
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I dont know, do you WANT me to leave? Because if you want me to, I'm outta here. If you don't, then I'll stay.

I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

Posts: 1191
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I don't know where you keep getting this idea that we hate you just because you broke the Yuku rules, we don't hate you and your welcome to stay.

Posts: 874
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The issue at hand isn't just that you're underaged (for pretty much all things internet, honestly), it's the fact that you barge in here and go "I AM A SMALL CHILD WITH A SENSITIVE CONSTITUTION AND I DEMAND THAT YOU ALL CHANGE HOW YOU DO THINGS TO ACCOMMODATE ME."

This internet was not made explicitly for your personal enjoyment. This board was not made to cater to your every whim. This is a conglomeration of many peoples of many backgrounds and many tolerances. This is a collaberation. A melting pot in digital form.

You're perfectly welcome here if you can understand that you will have to coexist with us and put up with our little quirks, such as occasional indecency and potty-mouth. If you're unable to cope with such a thing, then I really can't help you out here or in the real world, which is far more diverse, far more profane and infinitely less accommodating than we are.

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The issue at hand isn't just that you're underaged (for pretty much all things internet, honestly), it's the fact that you barge in here and go "I AM A SMALL CHILD WITH A SENSITIVE CONSTITUTION AND I DEMAND THAT YOU ALL CHANGE HOW YOU DO THINGS TO ACCOMMODATE ME."

This internet was not made explicitly for your personal enjoyment. This board was not made to cater to your every whim. This is a conglomeration of many peoples of many backgrounds and many tolerances. This is a collaberation. A melting pot in digital form.

You're perfectly welcome here if you can understand that you will have to coexist with us and put up with our little quirks, such as occasional indecency and potty-mouth. If you're unable to cope with such a thing, then I really can't help you out here or in the real world, which is far more diverse, far more profane and infinitely less accommodating than we are.

You, sir, are a veritable god on this planet. I love you.

Posts: 1573
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We're actually tame compared to the likes of Sonic Cult and the GHZ.

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Well, CastorTroy, the original point of this thread was actually that I had read a rule that I had seen was often broken, but now that there is an explanation I was just mentioning that any 10 year old like me could stumble upon this forum no matter what the Terms of Service say. If it came off like I was trying to make you change the rules, that isn't what I meant. Ok?

EDIT: And by the way, even if I WAS trying to get you to change the rules, you would still technically be false. Because I AM NOT the only child on the internet who is a sonic fan and can stumble across here at any time. And I am probably not the only -13 kid either.

And I'm pretty sure someone is also going to say eventually that there is ALOT of stuff on the web that could be inappropriate for kids under 13 such as porn sites, and a kid with a good common sense can stay away from those, because they would KNOW it would be a porn site. But when you go here, you'd think it's just a plain Sonic forum that is perfectly suitable for kids under 13, and it isnt.

Then you're going to say that kids with a common sense would read the rules before joining, and the thing is, like had happened to me,

There is nothing stopping someone from reading the rules from an archived site. So there.

Posts: 1008
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There is nothing stopping someone from reading the rules from an archived site. So there.

There is also nothing stopping someone from noticing that they are reading an archived set of rules.

That said, clicking through the route you took, I can see how you got confused in regards to the rules.


If it were me in your situation I would have noted that, first of all, rules appear to be being broken, and then perhaps had a check to see if the rules had indeed been updated anywhere. Like, for example, the thread in bold at the top of this forum. Anyone with their wits about them would quickly notice that the date these rules were last updated supersedes that shown on the archived site, and would familiarise themselves with the current rule set.

In fact, nuke kindly linked you the current rules no less than twice over.

It's now getting to the stage where frankly you're just being argumentative for the sake of it, so let me help you settle this matter.

The rules you initially read were not the rules as they currently stand. We apologise for any confusion this may have caused, and ask that you would familiarise yourself with the current rule set, and adhere to it.

I shall raise the matter of confusion with an administrator, so that perhaps some form of disclaimer can be added to the old rule set to avoid any further confusion, and of course help protect any other impressionable young minds out there.

I am now closing this thread. No further discussion shall be entered into regarding this matter.
