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>.> I feel as if I'm hated.

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Yes, I feel as if everyone is against me. FIrst of all, whenever I post a topic in the SPA, Geo comes and always posts something unpleasant. Also, according to BassX3, there is a /mega command in the chat that says "stop being mean to me!" Now to some of you this may seem funny, but honestly I feel somewhat insulted. Why is it that everyone seems to pick on me everywhere besides the RP section? Could the mods possibly do somethign about this? I really just feel uncomfortable with all this.

Posts: 2928
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Hello Mega, thank you for contacting the SHQ message customer service team. I'm CSR RicoU

I understand you had a confrontation with Geogwe. Unfortunately without documented incidents there is nothing the CS team can do to help this situation. If you know of instances currently on the board please post them here by using the "link" button to the side of your reply window.

The chatroom has many "slash" commands, many bearing the name of our more popular members. If you do not wish to participate in this board event please contact Doctor Lighthead and the command will be removed.

Please note that all events on the board are to promote a more light hearted mood and not to belittle any members. Also note the QotW section is randomized and also features our more popular poster's quotes just as the slash commands in the chat do.

Again if you do not wish to take part in these board events please contact an administrator or our event coordinator Doctor Lighthead and it will be removed.

Again thank you for contacting Sonic Headquarters Customer Service, if you have further questions please add them to this thread.

SHQ Customer Service Repersentative.

Posts: 1583
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How about doing this very simple thing and not make commands/bots concerning a person without the knowledge and okay of the person?

I am getting tired of seeing posts like these, particularly since when it comes to the chat stuff those that complain are more in the right than anyone else.

Posts: 1631
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Hope I'm not intruding on Mod space here...if I am I appologise, but I just felt I had to say:

Mega, as far as I'm concerned you're cool man! I cartainly don't hate you, and I'm pretty sure most of the other MoFoers don't either. There are some who may sometimes make mistakes in what they say and/or do, but I believe the majority of us think you're a nice guy and have no problem with you. I know I do ;)


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Mega, about the whole "Geo" situation.
As far as I'm concerned, anything Geo (Or I, for that matter) says is to be taken with a grain of salt.
If you're thinking about getting offended by something he does, don't. He very rarely personally attacks a person, and most often is just out for some laughs (The whole "Line the Hedgehog" thing comes to mind). Granted, his idea of a joke may be mean-spirited at times, but it's still just a joke, so ease up, K?

Also, like Rico said, chat commands are just harmless little in-jokes. Do you see anyone else complaining about their /[name] commands? No. You're just embossing certain people's image of you as a crybaby into their minds, so just lighten up and people will stop thinking of you like that.

Sincerely Yours,
Wonderbra... Er, bat.

Posts: 1583
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Also, like Rico said, chat commands are just harmless little in-jokes. Do you see anyone else complaining about their /[name] commands? No.

Just because you don't see doesn't mean it doesn't happen. It's NOT a harmless joke unless EVERYONE sees it as harmless. If Mega (or anyone else) who has complained--and he's most definitely not the first--doesn't find it funny, then it's not a harmless in-joke. It's an in-joke at someone else's expense. I don't like jokes like those and I'm tired of them.

Posts: 1631
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Do I have a /name command...?

I've never heard about them. They only work in the chat right?

Might I suggest running these commands by the person they are about before putting them in? I don't know if I have one or not, but if I do I would certainly like to know what it says, and I must admit it would upset me somewhat to know there was something like that going on without my permission, even if the message itself was harmless...

As I said, I wasn't even aware they existed :0o


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I couldn't tell you as I'm not in the chat often enough. Though I long ago expressed my displeasure with them when I was in the chat once. This is the second public complaint toward commands. The third public complaint about the chat if I count bots.

Posts: 110
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Every command that has the potential to offend the original user has been removed. I will remove ALL of the 'individual' commands if preferred.

Posts: 1583
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You don't have to remove them all, just clear them before making them. ;p

Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Oh, Mega. I like you, and as Wraith said, other people probably do too.
And just letting one person get to you shouldn't make you think "everyone's against you" especially as Geo only jokes around, as many other people has said.

Posts: 2928
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Geo lacks the finesse to use sarcasm. I just ignore him.


Posts: 125
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I mean... can you put it back, please? There are those of us who actually like our commands. D:

Posts: 2354
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Can someone list the commands available as of right now for the elitechat?

Posts: 100
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There should be a topic whereby people can request their commands to be removed/changed if it greatly offends them or to propose/ratify new ones.

Since we're on the subject already, I'll use this one for now, unless anybody thinks it's that big a deal that it deserves it's own topic. Personally, I don't like the current /lokki. It's not offensive (hardly anything offends me), but it's pretty useless, so I request that it either be removed or replaced with this quote: "White Shadow (12:41 am): Lokki mainly pays no atention and babbles about things nobody cares about". 's all good.

Posts: 2928
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It's not funny if you pick your own slash command. At least the majority of the time.


Posts: 1583
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You don't need a topic for that. Just tell Dr L. as he's around often enough. ;p

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Did I ever have one? o.o

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You were never important enough.

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Posts: 3468
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Can someone list the commands available as of right now for the elitechat?

People: vec, fexusfan, cj, craig, harley, drl, wb, bv, hsw, satails, vass, lokki, gt, lixing

: id, log, color or colour, eb, rules, forum, chat, welcome, displaybots, msgnum

: moo, bio, pizza, mojo, woojo, sex, mbq, lesbiankittens, png, cow, offend, roll

Mega, Geo does that to everyone he doesn't like. I'd say, just don't bother. Don't even respond to his post. And I'd consider it an honor to have a /SX...UNLESS IT'S "SX is more fun alone."!! @@ I AM NOT MORE FUN ALONE!

Ahem. Anyway, don't worry about Geo. And as for the command, if you truely are offended by it, do what everyone already said and tell Lightbeer. If not, it's just a joke. You're not the first who'se gotten ripped off on one.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hm, nothing of me? I stand insulted.

Mega, I'm sure you've heard this before (many, many times)... but your custom sprite bugs the heck out of me. I don't know whether to take an axe to it or lick it. o.o

Doesn't mean I hate you, though.

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I'd lick it, personally.

And *thwaps SX* You have no idea who Geogwe likes or not, so don't go spreading tales like that.

Posts: 2928
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Lightbeer is too scared to make a /rico, because I'm just that scary. Booga booga :3


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Nah. He just doesn't think you're important enough. o.o

~Ultra (is about to unleash the BMFH)

Posts: 2438
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So does that address the issue for you then, Mega? Assuming you're still checking up on this topic of course.

Posts: 2928
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No no. You don't understand here. You don't unleash a BOFH. They don't give out that kind of power. However I do give people a switch for my anger, but I only let them set it to "angrier".


Posts: 4336
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(scratches out the 'er' on 'angrier')

(draws 'est', forming 'angriest')

(sets the switch to 'angriest')

Is that okay?

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Posts: 178
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There is no angriest setting, the BMFH's anger knows no bounds.

It's like children's television that way.

Or something.

Posts: 4607
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BOFH? Bastard Ostrich from Hell?

Posts: 4336
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Maybe 'Officer'?

Posts: 11
Active Member


How about doing this very simple thing and not make commands/bots concerning a person without the knowledge and okay of the person?

I am getting tired of seeing posts like these, particularly since when it comes to the chat stuff those that complain are more in the right than anyone else.

I agree with True Red. (For once :p ) I feel that people should be notified before a "slash command" is made. It angered me when people made a "/mau" command without my knowing or consent back when "This greatly offends me" actually offended me. I say ask first. That way there's no hard feelings.
And on a personal note, I would rather choose my own slash commands. To be honest, I prefered "using the frying pan of doom" though Mr. Bayfield told me that someone else already used that a long time ago. So what though? I can always come up with someone else.

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As has already been said, it really isn't funny if you pick your own /name command. You just have to be important and/or infamous enough to get a command made for you.

And I hereby start a movement for "and what are you some kind of cold man" to be added to the chat commands under /cold.

Posts: 127
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Topic starter


Mega, I'm sure you've heard this before (many, many times)... but your custom sprite bugs the heck out of me. I don't know whether to take an axe to it or lick it. o.o

Well, I actually didn't make taht Mega PA..... a friend did. Anyway, I'll just try to ignore Geo... the way he treats me, he's not worth talking to. If there was an ignroe user function for non Ezsupporters, I'd use it. >=D And yes, just putting /commands without permission of the user is kinda annoying. Also, I'm just sensitive, so me reacting in such a way is just a pet peeve... >.>


Posts: 2928
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Mega. I wonder if you'd be interested...

In bearing my children.


Posts: 2354
Noble Member

Mega, I don't hate you.


That is all. o.o

And what everyone else has had said.

o.o; @ Rico's proposal.

Posts: 4607
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Mega. I wonder if you'd be interested...

In bearing my children.

Mirico? What's next, Samgo, Chibbo, Itrue Redsha, Tergome and Kicrio? And who exactly would replace Naraku? Jinsoku or something?

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member


Mega. I wonder if you'd be interested...

In bearing my children.

In other news, sales of MoFo brand anti-groping system BUTT GUARD rose by 700%...

Posts: 2928
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I couldn't help but burst out laughing at "Tergome". Thats one Becca may get evil drawing ideas from. XD


Posts: 2438
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Well hey, wouldn't be the first time an artist got a Moderator into a skirt.


Posts: 4885
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Ah, I wonder who'll put the lampshade on their head THIS MoFo Christmas Party!

Posts: 3291
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I couldn't help but burst out laughing at "Tergome". Thats one Becca may get evil drawing ideas from. XD

eeeee~ don't tempt me, i've got projects to get done. :p

Posts: 3468
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Ah, I wonder who'll put the lampshade on their head THIS MoFo Christmas Party!


And Becca, I will pay money to see that. o.o

That's not the ONLY moderator in a skirt, Terg.

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Oh, you guys never tell me about anything. I get wind of this and its 2 pages in. This is just like all the parties no one tells me about and then I just stumble in by accident and Rico's like "HEY WHO INVITED THAT RETARD".
Odd howmy complaint topic only got 1-2 replies then got locked.

Yes, I feel as if everyone is against me.
Thaaats Paranoia!

FIrst of all, whenever I post a topic in the SPA, Geo comes and always posts something unpleasant.
Oh yea. I'm out to get you. Watch out, man, I'm like a f**kin FOX.
Actually I just reply as I would in any other topic: with my normal sense of humor, but I guess you're allergic to that. I'm allergic to moxicillin. We should be friends!

Also, according to BassX3,
That bassx3 taught me how Boo done dere stabbed his father and went right back to his scrapbook! Yall kids stay away form that house, yhere?

Could the mods possibly do somethign about this?
Nope. As Flavor Flav once said, 911 is a joke. And.. Well.. The mods are like cops.. And the EVC is like 911... So the EVC is a joke.

I understand you had a confrontation with Geogwe.

he jumped me in the alley and beat me up he did!

Geo busts in because you like mockable things. Contact him offboard and try having a chat with him if you can bear it. If not then he'll see the topic anyway.
I did. he blocked me and went back to over seeing his crops.

He does it to anyone when he's in the mood,
Oh, no, I single him out, hunt him down, and procede to make poor jokes that cant offend anyone but him. Much like the Predator in the movie Predator, or, later, Arnold. What was his name? Dutch? Man, lame.

How about doing this very simple thing and not make commands/bots concerning a person without the knowledge and okay of the person?

Hope I'm not intruding on Mod space here...
Foo you trippin.

Mega, as far as I'm concerned you're cool man! I cartainly don't hate you, and I'm pretty sure most of the other MoFoers don't either. There are some who may sometimes make mistakes in what they say and/or do, but I believe the majority of us think you're a nice guy and have no problem with you. I know I do 😉

lol yea wraith is the coolest kid on the block! if you listened to him before hsw and g cudve been friends! lol

I'd quote Wonderbat but he makes too much sense.

Do I have a /name command...?
Yep! everyone does! Yours says somethign about being knuckle's true brother and whatnot. And someone about testing HIV negative.

Might I suggest running these commands by the person they are about before putting them in? I don't know if I have one or not, but if I do I would certainly like to know what it says, and I must admit it would upset me somewhat to know there was something like that going on without my permission, even if the message itself was harmless...
Hey! You're protesting something you didnt even know existed a couple minutes ago! I love this country.

Every command that has the potential to offend the original user has been removed. I will remove ALL of the 'individual' commands if preferred.

Oh, Mega. I like you, and as Wraith said, other people probably do too.
Isaac Hayes probably likes you too. I was gonna join his fan club, but then I figured it's not somethign good to have on your transcript when the revolution comes around.

Geo lacks the finesse to use sarcasm. I just ignore him.
Ignore me under endless layers of observance.

BEHIND THE SCENES NOTE: I originally mispelled "endless layers" as "endles slayer" and then I wanted to listen to Slayer so I did.

There should be a topic whereby people can request their commands to be removed/changed if it greatly offends them or to propose/ratify new ones.

It's not funny if you pick your own slash command. At least the majority of the time.

Anyway, don't worry about Geo.
That's what the FBI ultimatly determined back in '96 when I was determined as 'mostly harmless'.
Oh, and you missed some.

A doo doo doo nothign to really quote. Not that i ever said anything of use. Dunno why Im bothering to write this. Everybody Hates Chris is on, and I love that show. Definatly one of the best on tv right now.

However I do give people a switch for my anger, but I only let them set it to "angrier".
Did you get that from a Disturbed lyric? I didnt bother to listen to 10,000 yet, mostly because from what I heard its pretty subpar.

I agree with True Red. (For once :p )
Your playful smiley reminds me of a simpler time, on the Polish countryside... Everyone had a pony... Soup was common and hearty... Good times.

F**k you Wonderbat stop making sense.

Hey, buddy just posted again!

I'll just try to ignore Geo... the way he treats me, he's not worth talking to.
A) You already did. WHY DONT YOU CARE!?
B) I dont treat you any special way. I said this too many f**king times before to give a s**t as to saying it again. You just have a nut rash for humor.

If there was an ignroe user function for non Ezsupporters, I'd use it. >=D
That emoticon surely converys nothing but torture and badness for me!
I'm thinking near-Jigsaw level torture. Not as unique, of course... Actually, probably more of a typical James Bond level torture. Yea. Thats more like him.

And yes, just putting /commands without permission of the user is kinda annoying.
We should have a petition!
Thousands of people every day are horribly affected by these slashperson commands... EVERY DAY! Its horrible.

Well, folks, I guess thats it for now. I didn't succeed in sayign anything of value.. But if you heed one thign from this, let it be this.

I really really f**king hate it when you get some normal hamburger buns and but on sloppy joe, so the bottom bun gets all nasty and tastes weird and ruins the joe. And the bun just gets all the flavor if you dont get enough meat. It's a horrible risk we're all willing to take.

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popularity contest

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Who's disturbed, is that one of those emo bands? :D

I got the parting about him wanting to do naughty things to wonderbat and had to stop due to lack of oxygen.


Posts: 1619
Noble Member

Who's disturbed, is that one of those emo bands?

The band is Disturbd, no E, Rico. :p

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Like I know, I just spelled the same way Geo did.

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Let'sa Seeya

hey I was right.
And they're not emo but i dont wanan argue with rico cuz hell find a way to twist by words into some kind of venus fly trap around my head.
that scene was f**ked up dude.

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