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>.> I feel as if I'm hated.

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Stop whining Craig, you knew it was too good to last.


Posts: 4336
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My goodness Rico. You're so...callous and insensitive. o.o

~Captain Obvious

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Wait till he starts crying. He knows all my weaknesses.


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This topic scares me...

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Wait till we start adding food.


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debug mode activated

-New Craig
+Lackey Craig

omg i hax

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-bad Ultra
+good Ultra

I'll leave the decision between lackey or new Craig up to, well, Craig.

Posts: 4336
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But Lackey Craig's more fun...;.;

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I love craig no matter what... form... what the hell am I saying? *nuerolyzes everyone*


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(is wearing sunglasses)

(at night)

What? Don't accuse me of using a convenient plot device. o.o

Posts: 5772
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When I restarted, I restarted, all in-jokes and titles = redundant.

I see your avatar remains very much the same. I fear the old Lackey Craig is still in there somewhere, screaming to be free.

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Rick. I've decided to become a tattoo'd, skin pierced mormon with poor dental hygiene and a birthmark shaped like Florida.

Do you still love me?

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Craig, this saucey new attitude of yours although fresh and new is naughty enough to have you over my knee for weeks.

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*Whimper* Would you prefer me to be a spineless lackey seeking love and attention and being super weak?

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Maybe I should force you to do that and script your postcount to have +29387498 or whatever your old postcount was. o.o

Posts: 4885
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:( wai is teh Akkie-poo so mean to me :( is he jealuz of Ricky stealin all the lackey love?

Posts: 1583
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I swear, this thread needs archival. This is arguably the most zany I've seen a topic get in a good while.

After seeing this topic go for a few more days, I wholeheartedly agree. ^_^

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Acrio is a jealous foo. *collars the craig and runs off with him*


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"I pity the fool who uses 'foo'!"

Posts: 419
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OK see - I didnt want to do this, but this thread has officially gone too far.

HAVE AT THEE MY PRETTY !!!!!!!!! :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy :crazy

Posts: 4885
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*CRIES AND RUNS AWAY* He's everywhere! There's no escape *hides under bed* Can't sleep... doll'l eat me... can't sleep... doll'l eat me...

Posts: 4336
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Holy crap Dub, that's hilarious. XD

Perhaps he's more zombie than doll.

Posts: 131
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Tails Doll: If you should die before you wake, SCHLURRRPY!


Posts: 276
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Yes, I feel as if everyone is against me. FIrst of all, whenever I post a topic in the SPA, Geo comes and always posts something unpleasant. Also, according to BassX3, there is a /mega command in the chat that says "stop being mean to me!" Now to some of you this may seem funny, but honestly I feel somewhat insulted. Why is it that everyone seems to pick on me everywhere besides the RP section? Could the mods possibly do somethign about this? I really just feel uncomfortable with all this.

Yeah. Geo does that to alot of people. You learn to live with that anoying little pest. I'm sure he's really a good guy deep down though.

As far as the rest of the post goes, I like the way you went about your troubles. You came here and din't go to the SPA to blubber and whine about it, like "OH NO! EVERYBODY HATES ME! OH PITTY ME! I WISH I WAS ACCEPTED". You asked for help. Good job. More people should do that.

Also, stand up for yourself. Don't mouth off and get yourself into trouble, but put your foot down some of the time and let them know that you don't like what they're doing to you. But again, don't mouth off and don't cry about it.

And we like you. Believe it. Some people just give other people a hard time. You'll get used to it.

And I probably got into Mod space, so I wanna take this time to let you know I am not a Mod, I don't pretend to be, and I don't try to do their job. That's just my advice from one dude to another.

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.... Uhm, do you know anything about
A) Me
B) Mega
C) Thinking before crapping wrods out of your mouth

Just askin, SS70. I dont think I know you, but I mightve forgotten you along with all those other kids with "shadow" in their name.

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The "Cheer up! Believe in yourself!" card isn't part of our job, so go ahead. =X

The little bit of the original topic that should have been brought to the staff's attention has been taken care of.

Posts: 276
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Listen you friggin smartass, I don't need to know anymore about you to come to the conclusion that you can be just plain annoying sometimes. I really don't care for your smartass attitude.

And as far as Mega knows, I don't think care for you too much because, from what I understad, you don't make him feel at home.

Also, when I joined the Mofo, I didn't realize so many people had Shadow in their name.

Oh, and as far as 'crapping words out of my mouth', you're no better. You spelled words, 'wrods' and your punctuation isn't too great either.

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... you ... smart..., I don't .... .. know any[thing]... ... you can be just plain ... your smart... attitude.
Why, thank you, though I dunno how you can say I'm plain yet attitudepunkrock in one paragraph.

And as far as Mega knows, I don't think care for you too much because, from what I understad, you don't make him feel at home.

So your just assuming from what 3 other people said?
And im sorry for not making someone feel the intornetz is there home =(

..... your punctuation is... great .

Thank you! I study!

Posts: 276
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Your sarcasm is what makes you so damned unpleasant. Why do you have to be such an ass all the time, huh Geo? Don't you have a freakin' life? I mean, do you stay up all night on the internet and be mean to people? I guess you have to find someone else to make your insecurities go away for a little while.

Posts: 2438
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SS, Geo, break it up now. You have officially gone and done made this thread start to stink with this negativity.

SS, do not call anyone an ass just because they make you angry. Flaming and flamebait do not a happy mod make, and you're just crossing the line by calling Geo names. You can tell Geo you don't like his attitude without throwing out bait to him to continue to annoy you.

Geo, do not aggravate people who have made it clear that they can't take a joke. Doing so qualifies as flamebait in my book. Maybe they shouldn't take you so seriously, but you should be responsible enough for yourself not to troll for trouble when you know a person will get angsty about it. So just stop being so persnickety, especially since that's a part of why this topic was created in the first place.

Posts: 2928
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Ok, screw Mega, I want GEO to have my children!


Posts: 4336
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Tergonaut stopped it all. He's the superman! THE SUPERHERO OF THE MOFO!

(trumpets blare)


Now if we could just find a woman to bear his children...

Posts: 2928
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*raises hand*

Posts: 2232
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Rico: Is there anyone's children he won't have?

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George W. Bush?


Donkey Kong?



Posts: 2928
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I think he covered 'em.


Posts: 4885
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*Types an article for the Weekly MoFo News*

BMFH proposes to father spawn of Satan

In the Emerald Visitor Centre this week, Mobius Forum moderator Rico Underwood, 24, was said to have propsed his desire to father the children of all except a few select individuals of particular hate.

Speculation has run rampant that the love/hate relationship the Guild mod shares with a young roleplayer Harley Quinn Hyenaholic, 20, has cumulated to the point of which fruity mod has given in to his repressed nature and was quoted to say "Will you bare my children?"

Weekly MoFo News reports that the sham relationship between ex-Mobius Forummer Eon Squirrel, 19, was abruptly brought to a cease when Quinn, pyschotic feline, was proposed to by Underwood.

TheCjTails, 21, lifelong friend of Underwood commented that he would rather not see his friend waste his life on a delinquant such as Quinn, however he is confirmed to appear at the wedding to consume the back-up wedding cake.

Humble journalist Craig Bayfield, 21, was unavailable to comment. It is said he is cutting his wrists and listening to Linkin Park due to constant rejections from his advances on Quinn.

The wedding will take place on Valentines Day 2006.

Posts: 4336
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(throws newspaper away) Wasted dollar.

(browses Internet article for free)

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Ok, screw Mega, I want GEO to have my children!

Wait, wait. I don't think you know quite how these things work!

Posts: 4607
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*looks at bolded text*

"Desire fruity delinquant wedding cake rejections", eh? No, I can't say as I DO desire fruity delinquant wedding cake rejections, and I don't know anyone who would.

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Your sarcasm is what makes you so damned unpleasant.
Thank heavens, I thought it was my crabs.

Why do you have to be such an ass all the time, huh Geo?
It puts joy in my otherwise exciting and hilarious life. Also, did you notice how you actually insulted me many more times than I did you?

Don't you have a freakin' life?
No, I'm undead. Munchin' on an arm as I'm jivin this.

I mean, do you stay up all night on the internet and be mean to people?
Great way to pass sleepless nights, mate. That and fragging n00bz.
So you stay up all night on the internet and find people to take offense at?

I guess you have to find someone else to make your insecurities go away for a little while.
Yup... And that's why I have a girlfriend.
But I guess if you want to fill that void I can take you out for a trial run.

Ok, screw Mega, I want GEO to have my children!
Sorry, compadre, biologically impossibly and morally wrong.

Tried that once. Got less fish than the mayor does vredit ratings!
Eh? Eh? ... No laughs for bob hope humor? Fine.

Posts: 2928
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To bad this isn't Artail. I'd just rename Geogwe to "Introspective Emo Ranger".

~Rico (Now cutcutcut it out you mighty moshing emo rangers. XD)

Posts: 276
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I'm done with you Geo. My sarcasometer is on empty. I'm done. Call it a truce and pretend it never happened?

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I'd ask if people knew when to can it, but then that's why we're supposed to lock topics in here when they've been taken care of, and we've been neglecting that. So in the interest of those who don't know when to shut up about something that's already been taken care of: *lock* ^.^

Yes, sadity. We shall migrate to a cozy, pudding dripping area of the SPA now.

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