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I Need a Moderator (again)

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Posts: 15
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Is there a mod here who can go to my thread and enforce the rules, please? I would really appreciate that. I don't want any more of Thunder1's "petty insults" in any of my threads.

This is a link.

Thank you.

Posts: 2398
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I don't go there, Acrio might get gay cooties on me.


Posts: 1355
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It's rather hard to tell whether you're serious or not but just incase you are all he did was tall a lie via an image. I don't see how it's much worse than SHOVEL GUY BUSINESS POWNE. Are my values out of line with society?

Posts: 814
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Eliteboard has rules? Well, okay. Which one am I breaking?

I deserve a time-out if I'm causing so much trouble. Ten minutes in the corner sound good?

Posts: 2438
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Thunder, I really do not like the sheer sarcasm in your message. Eliteboard's rules are the same as this forum's, which means less harassing. You DO have better things to do than harass Jonathan and give him cause to post here complaining about you, don't you?

And if you don't, then take your business off of Eliteboard. This is childish of both of you to keep this feud going for as long as you have in the public view; if you can't settle your business in private, that's your problem, but it becomes our problem when you use the board system to take dumb image'd potshots of each other.

Rules you broke? Let's see, personal attacks on another forumer, not keeping your problems with Jon off the board, and not listening to Moderators who have told you in the past to stop the first two. That's three right there.

But of course, the same rules pretty much apply to Jon, except his problems are not with Jon but with Thunder. So both of you need to shape up, this isn't some one-sided deal as far as I can see from the posts.

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After reading Tergonaut's message at the SPA, I'm still going to post this message because I took lots of time writing it:


"It's rather hard to tell whether you're serious or not but just incase you are all he did was tall a lie via an image. I don't see how it's much worse than SHOVEL GUY BUSINESS POWNE. Are my values out of line with society?"

"SHOVEL GUY BUSINESS POWNE" was just in case "Thundy" didn't read the entire message, like in another incident. It indicates the theme of the message. I was not trying to get even with him, or else I would have stooped low enough like someone else did in my topic and use profanity, or do other things that are useless, immature, and uncalled for. Speaking of useless, it seems a bit useless now to post issues on this board. But I will continue to do so, for I do not tolarate the wrongs that have been done.

Okay, so I'll go ahead and remove the images that say that Thundy got dissed, even though it's true. Thundy is actually showing everyone his level of immaturity by continuing his onset of "flame attempts." And every time he does this, he's making himself look bad.

I'm not removing the images because of what Hyper Sonic Warrior said, but for another reason.

And yes, I am serious. I'm not going to waste my time spamming by posting a topic like this. "You're making a big deal." Of course I am. I've been putting up with Thundy way too long. I have tried to reason with him, apologized for annoying him with my random messages (even though I post them on the SPA which is exclusively for absurd post), and this is my second topic about him. You may say, "holy f**king s**t jonathan lighten the f**k up," like SX did. But if the moderators here think that way like SX (even though he's not a mod) and will not do their job, then they are a bunch of slackers. I'm not dissing any mods by saying that, although you may think so, I'm just telling you the way it is, in plain english. And if there are mods out there who want me to "shut the [censored] up" like SX would like for me to do, then they need to get with the program.

It's that simple. It's not even as difficult as the highest math course in college. You can go to the thread and at least give an official warning. It only takes no more than five minutes out of the 24 hours you have each day. I know you all have other obligations and responsibilities and you're not on the computer all day, but c'mon people, let's do something right. The time you spend online is enough time to go to just one thread and enforce the rules because of a user who keeps being a pest. Not to mention that this user was already banned for writing a harmful script that crashed people's computer. And he ruined my thread(s) by using CSS and HTML until Shadow Hog gave him a warning.

By the way, this is another "official complaint." I would greatly appreciate it if a mod would go back to my thread and enfore the rules. Thank you.

"Modtalk: Thunder, Jon, enough of your baiting each other. There is plenty of room in the spam forum for you both to have fun without antagonizing each other and dragging others into it. Keep it up and you'll both be sitting out for a while. You've been told to knock it off before, you are now being told to knock it off again. "

Now this is not fair. I keep telling you people that I have done nothing wrong to Thundy. (unless you're talking about the images that I posted even though I'm going to remove them) All of my replies to Thundy's stupid flames are intelligent replies. I guess no one understands, which explains why this board is probably no more than useless. I do not deserve to be banned. Any mod that will ban me now deserves to be banned.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I looked further back into things and it turns out you didn't return fire to Thundie as much as I thought. Like Terg said, both of you should start ignoring eachother on-board and take any further feuds away from public interwabs. Thundie, you know what I think of your restraint{well, lack thereof}. If you don't tighten your belt, you may end up offending more people. 🙁

I am a slacker, by the way.

Posts: 15
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The fire that I returned to Thundy were messages that needed to be posted. I was firm, but I was not rude.

"Like Terg said, both of you should start ignoring eachother on-board and take any further feuds away from public interwabs."

I think it's time for Reading Comprehension 101. How come no one can fathom this sentence? "I have done nothing wrong to Thundy."

We don't have to ignore each other in order to keep peace. I know it doesn't seem true, but I like Thundy, and I don't have anything against him. He just needs to stop being a loser. It is not impossible for us to speak to each other without him posting something that he shouldn't. He just needs to stop it and lay his flames aside.

Posts: 3
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lol. You need to stop caring so much what these people think about you personally right now and start being happy they told Thundy to knock it off. At the rate you are going now, Jon, you're likely to say something unfortunate and start a whole new mess. XD

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It's not about what people think (I've already earned a reputation of Idiotic Extremist). I want justice, that's all. Justice, I say; justice!

Part of the problem is when I come here to this board and I'm misunderstood. Maybe it's because of the unusual way I present the problem. It's also bad enough when they think I did something wrong, as though I am..."the Iblis Trigger." I have never "triggered" Thundy, or tried to provoke him.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

You've both been told what to do and Thundie's been told off more than you*; at this point I'd be most satisfied. What more do you want? Blood? I'm not budging on what I've said previously. You'll have to forgive me for not debating with honor; I'm using my toothache-fever-headache-exhaustion combo-situation as an excuse.

*I've been rhyming by accident alot lately.

Posts: 1619
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...Totally going off topic here, but there seems to be a newbie here. Hello, Pretty Flowers!

Are you new here?

*nibbles Pretty's hair* ^^;;

Posts: 3
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oO Cooki,you know me.It's Crystal Toad 😀

Posts: 1619
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....Oh, I see. o.o

*whistles innocently as she lets go of her hair and runs off*

Posts: 15
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"You'll have to forgive me for not debating with honor"

...I am definitely misunderstood. I'm not holding anything against you; there's no need for me to forgive you. You haven't done anything wrong...I guess.

Okay, so it looks as though I'm some kind of obsessive-random-justice-asetic. I know the problem has been resolved. Now I am merely replying to the messages of users.

Posts: 1055
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If it's been resolved, then locked it will be, unless another staffer wants to add anything.

Posts: 1134
Noble Member

I'm going to re-open this to add one thing:

"We don't have to ignore each other in order to keep peace."

This is true. However, it's the easiest solution and the one least likely to lead to further conflicts and is therefore, IMO, the best solution. You may think of yourself as being perfectly reasonable when you respond to Thundy's attacks, but he doesn't necessarily see it the same way. Chances are, you're just aggravating him further and making the situation worse. He's been told god knows how many times and hopefully with this latest incident he'll have gotten the message, but if he does keep up his crap, just ignore him and tell the mods. You're really not helping matters by responding and putting him down in those responses.

In closing, I'm going to check what his warning status is as I can't remember if he's had an official warning for this but if he hasn't already then he definitely deserves one.
