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Posts: 182
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im new and people havent been very nice, making fun of me calling me pat l hedgehog and being really smart, i thought i was gonna enjoy my time here but i think i was wrong lay off of me please i have done @#%$ all to anyone yet i seam to be public enemy number one, who cares if i dont have proper F_cking grammar who cares if i like sega consoles

LAY OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE, its really starting to piss me off and if something isent done about it im gonna get in contact with the site administrators its gettin F_cking ridiculous so leave me alone.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I doubt many people will.

Calm down for a few minutes, then tell us coherently and specifically what the hell is going on.

Posts: 182
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go to the sega sonic forums and look at the 2 nights into dreams topics.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

You mean this thing?

Really, the only person in there who was actually "picking on" you was Wonderbat. He's a cool guy, but he tends to be a cynical asshole sometimes. Don't worry about him. I guess that leaves...Shadow Hog? Um, sure. He was just making one of his silly, trademarked, forum-based wisecracks. Everyone else was was just contributing to the discussion.

Stop victimizing yourself. It would have been easier to PM the people that were upsetting you, or perhaps a staff member.

Posts: 182
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Topic starter

i did and they told me to make this! im not victimizing myself i just want to chat without someone making wise cracks at me!

Posts: 1758
Noble Member

They're both really making fun of Pat L, not you. It's an in-joke, and your best bet is probably to tell Wonderbat to stop calling you Pat L.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

Sorry if this is brash but I've already been dealing with kids all week so my tolerance for unnecessary whining is already very low. But pretty much what Deck said. I've been watching the topic and aside from Bat's usual @#%$ tendencies all I see is a few one liners about Pat L.

Step back and take a few breaths, not everything is centered on you.

PS: I just realized Vec posted too. So you've already heard from two of the "administrators".

Toby Underwood
SHQ Board Administrator

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

This topic has been pretty much finished up already, but I keep seeing your posts around and you seem to keep missing the point here, so I'll add something to the mix at this point.

1) Whoever you are, wherever you go, if you choose to state your opinion on a topic, expect it to be challenged by someone. You continuously talk of being picked on when you don't seem to realise that people are actually acknowledging your opinion and choosing to reply to it with their own thoughts on the issue; they're opening a forum of discussion with you, which is the entire point of an internet message board. Would you rather they ignored you and pretended you weren't there?

Many boards with more immature posters however appear to lack the ability to distinguish the difference between provoking a discussion and provoking an argument. A debate is not a flamewar; a flamewar is a degenerate debate - a (poor excuse of a) subset of debating. Here, and at the SSMB, intelligent debates are preferred so make sure you have something important to say before saying it in case you make yourself look like an idiot, otherwise people will call you on it because you're attempting to trivialise the argument whether intentionally or not, missing the point of why the thread was created in the first place.

2) To reiterate the point: you are not obliged to post in every topic you have an opinion on - save it for when you have something relevant to say; people will respect you for it.

3) People invented language for a reason - to make it easier for people to express their ideas and opinions to others. When writing it down, we need to maintain that level of clarity in what we say. Hence, we have grammar.

By not using proper grammar, you're making it really difficult for me to read your posts; in fact, I find myself spending so much time actually decoding your post and understanding it that once I'm done reading it I no longer have the energy to actually consider what you've just said.

In other words, it makes your post pretty worthless. By not using proper grammar, you're trivialising your own opinion by making people unwilling to pay it any attention because it takes an unnecessary amount of effort to do so.

If you want people to treat you with respect, don't post trivial irrelevant crap, and post in a manner that makes it look like you respect your own opinion, or no-one else will. :)

Posts: 2398
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Posts: 182
Estimable Member
Topic starter

well im gone ass_holes so any smart_ass replys wont be read by me!

toodle doo!

Posts: 1355
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Posts: 0
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Good night sweet prince.

Oh danny boy! Oh danny boy!
The pipes,The pipes are calling!
From glen to glen and down the mountainside!
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying. 'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.

Chu Chu sonic
March Seventh to March Twenty third.

Topics done now.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

chu chu, why couldn't you see that they're just trying to help you here? noone in this thread has been attacking you, or trying to be smartass-y.. they're giving you suggestions on how to improve yourself, and how you could change the way that you think and act so you can avoid any issues in the future.

but alas, it would seem that you've choosen to ignore that point. i told you to make a topic in here in the hopes that others would explain things more clearly to you, but that seems to have missed you compleately.

*returns your shoelaces to you.*

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Uh... He quit after so little?

Well, and I may lose opinion in the eyes of others, but I must say, good riddence.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want this board to be elitest, of centric of those who hold a certain opinion, far from it, I'd love to have far more diverse discusions, and views from new members.

But if he quits after something so soon, even if people explain to him that nothing has been an insult, and it's only been advice, and opinion, then perhaps he simply needs time to take a while out, visit other message boards, and grow, dare I say it, wiser.

I'm aware we are not the wisest of people, but we do seem to have a highly mature average age here, so perhaps if certain people can't take it, it's best they leave, untill they can.

Personally, I say farewell to chu here, and hope that one day he will return, maybe he will be older and different, maybe we will be older and different, even gone, but at the moment, I just don't think we are the crowd for him...

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

I thought this thread had been solved since I last saw it over 12 hours ago. That was pretty naive of me.

Does this post make me look like too much of a smart_ass? Really, I don't want to come across as an ass_hole here.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Decky, you've always been a smart arse, that's why we love you ;3

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

nope, just embaresses you like most of the rest

Posts: 125
Estimable Member

o_o Should have guessed that he'd see my post as offensive. Or maybe Rico's did it.

He reminds me of someone I knew iRL who repelled common sense like water repels oil. I actually let that guy bully me for a year; not my finest hour.

Last I heard of that guy he'd failed all his GCSEs (for non-UK people: they're really, really easy to pass) and made deals with drug dealers that he didn't keep so they got their money back by breaking into his house while his mother was at home and "repossessing" his stuff.

One born every minute, I guess.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

What? This is bullcrap! We were used for our vast Dreamcast knowledge and then thrown away like garbage. That... JERK! This was all a pretense to dump us so chu chu wouldn't feel guilty!!

*sob* ... imma gunna go now an mabe listen to sum linkin park...

Posts: 1827
Noble Member

No don't Psx. I feel your pain but Linkin Park is never the answer to these times.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

The only person with the right to find my post offensive was Boss. As it was a smartass remark at him. :3


Posts: 808
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ololz @ Psx

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I'm poring one on the curb for chu, who showed us that no matter how civilized we trick ourselves into thinking society has become, we still get ahead of ourselves.

Sail well, fair poet, into the sea of dreams.

Posts: 2398
Noble Member

At least he didn't start quoting Dio again.


Posts: 1358
Noble Member

Do you have something against Dio? Other than he's a metal dude and yet he's singing about being Hungry for Heaven.

Posts: 4607
Famed Member

I dunno which Dio we're talking about, but I like Dio Brando. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and such, see.

Posts: 1358
Noble Member

When I hear dio I think of Ronnie James of Dio/Black Sabbath(aka Heaven & Hell).

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

At least he didn't start quoting Dio again.

Rico, please, the basic theme of Holy Diver is the age-old struggle of traditional vs modern. The holy diver, being a man of Religion and morale, dives into the midnight sea, society, and gets trapped in there. Corrupted.

So tell me, fair moderator, how such a tale applies to our trainly* fellow?

*is now a word. adjective: related to in trains in any form.

Posts: 1201
Noble Member

What are you doing?

Posts: 2438
Famed Member

Geo, this isn't Marble Garden. I recommend that you please push your philosophical and poetic meanderings in that direction.

In the meantime, seeing as this topic has served its purpose, it's time for shutdown. As always, this may be opened by other Mods as deemed appropriate.
