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Suggestion: A new R...
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Has this been suggested all ready? If it has, I appologize. I'm not in the Emerald Visitor Center, often.

I find it very annoying when users join the forum, spreading

"hay wat is up my name is pop i hat3 Rchey comix. They R dumb u know it. I'm t3h numbah 1 fan of sonic yo."

There IS a difference between a "Noob" and a "Newb." A "Newb" is a new user. A newb doesn't have to act immature, spelling terribly, purposely. A NOOB can be anyone, young or old, who likes to spam, doesn't read rules, etc.

Some may argue that spelling and grammar isn't an allowable rule. They may say, "Not everyone can spell perfectly."

I disagree. It is obvious that the person who says

"hay wat is up my name is pop i hat3 Rchey comix. They R dumb u know it. I'm t3h numbah 1 fan of sonic yo."

Is spelling that way intentionally. You know that the person knows to capitalize the first word of the sentence. That person isn't oblivious to the fact that "u" is spelled "you." That person probably isn't 3 years old, either.

Chances are, that person is only typing that way, because he or she is lazy. Taking a few extra seconds is all that it takes to change "R" to "are."

I don't mean to be disrespectful to the so-called "noobs" that invade our forum, but it isn't difficult to take the time to use punctuation, propper grammar, and correct spelling.

I'm not being strict. I don't mean for EVERYTHING to be spelled propperly. However, it is RIDICULOUS when EVERYTHING is spelled incorrectly.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.


Post Scriptum: Just so you all know, I was not targetting anyone specifically.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

I like the fact that this is one of the few big forums {in my experience there are few} that has no rules when it comes to sp&g.

There are people who just cannot spell. There's dyslexia and whatnot. The exampels you gave are of people who could use sp&g, though, yes.

I say just be glad a huge percentage of this community doesn't use 'n00btalk'. Speaking of which:

There IS a difference between a "Noob" and a "Newb." A "Newb" is a new user. A newb doesn't have to act immature, spelling terribly, purposely. A NOOB can be anyone, young or old, who likes to spam, doesn't read rules, etc.

I'm glad you understand the difference. Less and less people seem to know about it.

If it was a rule against unofficial abbreviations, such as ppl {which one of the admins uses, buy the way ;p}, asl, blablabla, then I'd be slightly closer to the fence. slighty.

I'm not being strict. I don't mean for EVERYTHING to be spelled propperly. However, it is RIDICULOUS when EVERYTHING is spelled incorrectly.

Uh...I don't remember the last time I saw a post like that on here. Does all this go on in Knothole or something? o_O Seriously.

Posts: 409
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The particular user could probably use a spell checker; most word processers have one.

I'm not trying to be harsh about this. If a user spells "dictionary" "dicshunary," there's no problem. That person could be dislexic, or "whatnot." I don't even want to be forceful about that. That's no problem to me. Sure, they could use a spell checker to fix that, but my real problem is not when the user CAN'T spell a word, but when they don't WANT to.

Quickly typing shorthand letters such as "u," "r," "m," etc. could easily be changed to "you," "our," "am," without having to look up in a dictionary or using a spell checker to correct the problem.

You can see the difference between spelling words incorrectly and using the "annoying," or "noobish" words. Right?

For me, I can see when someone makes a common mistake of spelling "dictionary" incorrectly. It doesn't bother me.

Chances are, the people who use the shorthand words, can probably take the time to spell them properly, capilalize the first words of the sentence, capitalize "i," add a period at the end of the sentence, etc.

They probably just don't feel like taking the time to change "u" to "you."

So, I'm suggesting to point this out in the rules. I just want the "noob-talkers" to take a bit of time to correct this.


Post Scriptum: I also want to point out that acronyms don't bug me, as ACRONYMS are propper spelling. "L.O.L.," also known as "LOL," is an acronym unfactored to "Laughing out Loud." I find this to be fine.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Yeah, I got your drift. I still don't like the idea of anything above a mild suggestion being slipped into the rules, tho. I just don't think there's enough people doing it...I suppose it not bothering me at all would be a factor too.

Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Some people can't type (y'know, the two-finger tap dance?). Does this mean they should be discouraged from communicating online because they choose the most expediate way for them to get their point across?

No, seriously. I'm asking.

The RL equivalent would be how some stutterers are looked upon because of their manner of speech, something they have very little control of.

Of course, if they do it on PURPOSE or from sheer lazyness... yeah, that's annoying. Kthxbye indeed.

Posts: 409
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Hmm, quick question:

Have you ever been to FUS?

I, personally, am against it, particularly because of the constant Archie STH bashing...

But, I pointed FUS out, because they enforce this, and it seems that the server hasn't been desroyed by angry mobs, yet.

(Just incase you were wondering.) :^^ :spin

We could point this out in our rules.

FUS said:


That's VERY HARSH, and OBVIOUSLY isn't the approach the "Sweet MoFo" wants, right? :^^

We could put a mild note:

"It is appreciated that you take your time whilst posting, and limit the shorthand to a minimum. The users of the forum won't eat you as much."


Is that good?


Posts: 622
Honorable Member

Definitely nicer than the first one ^^

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

Now, presuming in your twisted fantasy world, when the average n00b comes to this forum and does introduce themself with, "hay wat is up my name is pop i hat3 Rchey comix. They R dumb u know it. I'm t3h numbah 1 fan of sonic yo," I think I should ask the question.

What the hell does that have to do with you?

(btw text humpers newb/noob/n00b is all the same jive, it was started as gaming term and you all abused it like some baby, such as l337 text and whatnot)

Posts: 1583
Noble Member

Not happening. I don't discriminate based on spelling, punctuation, or grammar (or many things but those aren't the source of the discussion), particularly when we have many posters here who may seem "n00bish" but don't know English as it's not their native language.

I don't care what any other message board does as that has no bearing on here. Don't use it as a reference.

If someone's post is too bothersome for you, then ignore the poster. You are not required to read posts here. I don't even attempt to require that for the mods or admins, so I definitely don't care what posts users do or don't read that aren't by a mod/admin doing their job.

Yes it has been suggested before and the answer is always "no."

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

I can't believe I'm saying this.

What Geo said. The original term was "newbie", if you really want to call it a term.

I happen to know people online that are just bad spellers. I see nothing wrong with them. Just like with everything somepeople just can't do it. I deal with people everyday that just glaze over at the mention of computers, but I have to walk them through running one anyway.

I rarely see someone on this board whose typing is just unintelligible. Do I tease the people that spell like crap? No usually? Do I tease the l33t speakers? All the time. But I really do not think there should be a RULE about spelling. EVERYONE typoes, some just do it more than others.


Posts: 456
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Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i find the 'acceptable' way of typing too restrictive for me, i got used to using the internet via the use of chatrooms where proper grammer and sentance structure isn't all that importaint. i just can't express myself in the way i want to if i stick to that.

apparently i use proper punctuation and capitols when i'm in a bad mood, so i guess that says something?

i'm more for gently pointing out to anyone overusing '2' and 'u' and etc that their way of typing can be a bit hard to read then fully banning it.

(btw, i'd rather people to understand and accept that i'll make the odd spelling mistake then spending ages spell checking every one of my posts incase i've used a word i don't know how to spell correctly. ^^ i'm a busy chibi!)

Posts: 859
Prominent Member

>The particular user could probably use a spell checker; most word processers have one.

Spell checking everything is way too time consuming, you cannot ask people to check EVERY post...

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Not to mention the spellchecker hasn't worked since EZhack.


Posts: 4607
Famed Member

Eye agree! Whee should yous the spell checker, four it makes what ewe right spelled write, rite? U no what aye mien.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling exist for one reason alone: to make a post easily readable. It's all about communication. If a post can be read without too much strain, then it's probably okay.

That said, I created the "Sailor Grammar" alt just to have a bit of fun, correcting common errors that people make. So, you can call my a hypocrite, but it's just a little bit of fun.

Anyway, that's all I really have to say about that.

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

A rule against bad spelling and yadda yadda... that'd be a bad idea. Lots of people (if not EVERYONE) on this board at one time or another, like me, would break this rule.

Why punish people for not knowing how to spell a word, or forgetting how to spell a word, capitalize a name or having long sentences? It just ain't practical for modding.

Besides... if something is at least legible in SOME way, it should be alright. As long as it doesn't bypass the censor. >.o

Posts: 2928
Famed Member


you can call my a hypocrite

Yes, yes I can. ;)


Posts: 1367
Noble Member

u r a l0zxer and i h8 u go diwe

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

The Presbyterian Church like enjoys you not.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

I wish I could pronounce plesbitarian.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Just pronounce it as it's written. Or more simply, plez-bit-air-ee-an.

Posts: 1367
Noble Member

Thought so. So many things sound nothing like the way they're spelled so I wasn't sure. thxu.

Posts: 1818
Noble Member

Indeed, onomatopoeia is pronounced quite differently than it is spelled, thus making it the most ironic word ever.

Posts: 0
New Member Guest

I say we ban idioms like 'Could care less' instead.
FAR more annoying.

Or ban people TyPiNg LiKe ThIs AlL tHe TiMe.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Or we could ban you and call it good. ;)

