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[Sticky] The Mofo Glitch Topic

36 Posts
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Posts: 328
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Well, now the background image is just a large, black... nothingness. Anyone have any idea?

EDIT: Problem is now resolved.

Posts: 202
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Have you tried turning it off and on again?

Posts: 2438
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Dr. Lighthead mentioned last night in the chat that he'd be doing a backup of the server sometime early this morning, so that was probably it.  It looks fine now in any case.

Posts: 328
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It's been happening all the time though, for a few days now.

I just now mentioned it is all

Posts: 1044
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maybe it's a dns issue? perhaps this topic would be better suited for evc? (also no problems on my end).

-> moved

Posts: 481
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I was having horizontal scroll-bars in some of my RP posts. Not sure if that's related, but...

Posts: 1866
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I would like to note that the photoexchange has been eaten... again...

Posts: 663
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weird o.o@photoexchange...It's as though the latest post is now on page 76 of the topic, and then the topic is just blank for the rest of the pages.

*trying to check into that, since I think something like this has happened before* Not quite 100% sure yet, but I think it's because all the posts made by "Unknown" (you know, all the "this post is missing and can't be restored" posts) were made hidden, so the topic ended up reacting strangely to that.

Edit:  Made all the "Unknown" posts visible again -- looks like that did the trick.

Posts: 1055
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All of those are unrecoverable posts? Jeez, may as well hide them again. XD

Posts: 663
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I agree with the idea of hiding them in terms of post content, since there's no real reason for them to be visible (aside from being some sort of historical reminder of the EZHack of '05, perhaps?^^; ). But if hiding them creates issues for topics that have a bunch of them within them (like the photoexchange), then I figure it's best to just leave them visible instead, even if that means there are a bunch of pointless posts hanging around within older threads. *dunno if there's some way to both hide them and not have issues happen with said threads -- would be nice if there were some way to do that o.o*

Posts: 880
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Does this only come up when in topics with "Unknown" posts? @ Leraku

Posts: 328
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Happened all the time. Is fix now.
Just made backgrund images pure black.

Posts: 2398
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Ezhack.. Ezglitch...  Ezbake.  :3


Posts: 1866
Noble Member

This is probably being caused by a caching error which is causing the data to record the empty space as still containing something of value. It happens sometimes and can be a pain to fix. :-/ Although, you might be able to just go into the source data and delete the extra pages. Although that doesn't always work.

Posts: 328
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SATails had been working on the HTML a while ago... maybe that was it. No matter, it's done now.

Edit: Someone close topic please!

Posts: 1055
Noble Member

Actually, I only tried to fix the scrolling on the front page(which apparently isn't there anymore. wtf), which I reverted from a backup when it didn't do anything.

Posts: 1866
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Leraku, this thread was a good idea. I opt for it being made into a sticky as a way for members to report glitches and trouble shoot.

Posts: 328
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Ah! allrightie then - Let me change the title.

Posts: 528
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-"Post Reply" and "New Topic" graphics are missing [FIXED]
-Login/Password bars use white text on a white background, and thus you cannot see what you are typing [FIXED]
-No indication of quotes beginning or ending aside from "So and so wrote:" .
-The Character ' being replaced by &#$1
-Certain smileys replaced by a series of random code

-IMG BBcode not working (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10385&start=40) (And on that same topic is a weird post by Mada that seems to include all of her profile information, so check that out on the second page because I think it was a glitch rather than put there on purpose.)

Will Edit if I see more

Posts: 880
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Can you post links to examples of the last 3 you mentioned?

Posts: 528
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As for "No indication of quotes other than the "so and so wrote" line" part, it actually seems like it's been fixed... but not entirely, because instead of just plain text, it actually shows the quote BBcode, but that appears to be broken. You can see an example in one of THS' posts at (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=10357). And, it happens the exact way I described it HERE (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10792) in the very last post by Shigeru Akari.

Right now I can't find the posts that contain the last two, and if I can find them again, I'll edit that post with the links. You'll also noted I added one along with the thread that it happened in, (IMG BBcode isn't working)

Posts: 132
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Youtube BBcode doesn't work. Example and observations chronicled in this topic. [FIXED]

Posts: 880
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Posts: 132
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Son of a....

That idea didn't even occur to me. Not to mention that the /v/ address was the one used in that bit of HTML that I used and stated right in the code...and that's why I don't program anything more complicated than shell scripts. Thanks Lighty!

Posts: 917
Noble Member

This isn't a big thing, just weird. When I click post, I get a message saying that I've already posted in the topic, and I should review it before posting. When I review the topic, the post I already had made is already there.

It's not a big deal, just a little weird.

Posts: 149
Estimable Member

Not really a glitch, but custom names now appear under the date, as opposed to right under the avatar. Probably means nothing to most people. However, some of us had our titles to be in sync with our avatars...


For all your lightgun shooting needs and some other insanity too.

Posts: 520
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I noticed that when I accessed the members list and clicked on the link for last really doesn't sort them by that. It seems to work for the other links but last visited column...not so much.

Posts: 2232
Noble Member

Not a glitch so much, but I'm about 500 or so posts short on my postcount now.

I wouldn't normally be arsed, but I was at 4800+ so my 5k was getting pretty close. And I had plans BEFORE kilos were coming back into fashion =V

Posts: 92
Estimable Member

Tiggerkiddo: That should sort itself out once people start visiting this new location.

Crimson: ! We can fix that for you! What was your post count again?

Posts: 1008
Noble Member

When searching through posts made by yourself, or just searching posts in general, there are no navigation links to go through pages of results. So, you can only view the first x amount of results. [FIXED]

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Not really a glitch I suppose, but my joined date is listed as 6/14/04 when Yuku lists it as 03/05/04. [FIXED]

Thanks! :biggrin

Posts: 679
Honorable Member

I've finally got round to checking my new profile. The join date seems to be wrong - according to Yuku it was "12/10/02" (I leave it to you to decide whether that is US date or UK date!).



Posts: 880
Member Admin

This isn't a big thing, just weird. When I click post, I get a message saying that I've already posted in the topic, and I should review it before posting. When I review the topic, the post I already had made is already there.

It's not a big deal, just a little weird.

I've found out this is actually a feature. Basically when someone posts in the same topic while you're making a reply to it as well, you have the option to edit your post in advance while seeing what was posted.

Posts: 1381
Noble Member

Yeah, Ian has that on his board, which as I said earlier in the EZEVC is also a phpBB board, and it's very nice!

Edit: Not that it's that big of a deal but one of the post from my NGP topic in the GA is missing.

Posts: 981
Noble Member

So, just a few minutes ago while randomly browsing the forum, this message popped up.

Any particular reason why this would happen?

Posts: 880
Member Admin

The board is set to show that when there is a CPU load of 2 or above. I think an update to my server's backend software was updated caused it to go above 2. I've changed it to 2.5.
