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Wait, we have an IRC chatroom now?

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Reeeeally now. (Or if you prefer to use alternate clients, click here or boot up, say, mIRC and type in "/attach" and "/join #mf_chat". Either way.)

How old is this, this is the first I've noticed it

Posts: 1055
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I just noticed that too. Couldn't have been put up too long ago. o.o

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Brand spanking new... You can still smell that new plastic smell

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A noticed it a couple of hours ago. Figured it had always been there.

Edit: Is this thing Mac compatible? Or anything I have to download? (In short anything with exe=no) When I clicked it, there was this message that blah da blah assures me that there are no viruses and I cautiously closed firefox.

Posts: 4885
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Kitty may favor this one as it'd be easier to window Trillian than the bigass flashchat window.

That and, you know. Big Brother.

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You need an IRC client, GT. The one Lighty has on his server will do just fine, but if you'd prefer to connect to other servers as well (and this is assuming that Lighthead's Java thing can't), and you already have Firefox, you can check out Chatzilla. Alternatively, look into Mac IRC clients. For Windows users, mIRC tends to be popular.

Why, using things like those, you can even connect to such fine establishments as #srb2fun! *cough*

Posts: 917
Noble Member first internet experience back in 1995 was on IRC. My life has come full circle.

Posts: 1355
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lets enable ezchat too

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lets move shq and eb lighty's server! :crazy

Posts: 2438
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Okay, the whole "staff can read your PMs" thing I can understand as a valid reason to not like the Flashchat, even with the promises of the staff to not snoop on people's private convos. Formatting and window size too, convenience is a real factor.

But the reason this chat was created, as I discovered when I went there, is so that people can say the word for a male rooster - repeatedly. Or swear without letting the censor catch it instead of bypassing it. I was not impressed and will not be going there again (yes this means that all Geo and Wonderbat and all the other permabannees can go there freely without ever seeing your friendly neighborhood Tergonaut).

If you're going to make a new chat, at least attach a warning or something that the rules don't apply there like they do in the Flashchat. That way people who want to spend time talking about things besides male genitalia can do so in the Flashchat without being molested for it.

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When the flashchat was new, it was the same way. There's just no-one enforcing anything in there (yet?), and those who are in there are reacting to the new and exciting experience. That said, I don't know about the long term plans reguarding IRC Chat moderation, or if it will even remain linked.

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You could op me, if you wanted. I'm on relatively friendly terms with the ops at #srb2fun, so chances are I could learn a thing or two from them. Seriously, though, I've been waiting for an IRC chatroom for a while, so that I could be in both relevant chatrooms at the same time using the same program; thus, I'm almost guaranteed to be using this new one at some point.

And under my watch, the usual rules would apply. Capiche? I don't see why other mods/admins/ops/whatever shouldn't follow suit. If this thing's gonna be official, it's gonna have to stay relatively close to what we already have, rule-wise. No sense in making an official "break the rules here" chatroom.

And yes, nobody can read your PMs (ie: /query ShadowHog, for instance). So that'll make moderation a bit more difficult, but should eliminate that unease from your mind.

Posts: 3756
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Quote: first internet experience back in 1995 was on IRC. My life has come full circle.

Now you can die happy?

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

I don't see why anyone would get their panties in a twist about what people chose to say in a foreign chatroom.

This is obviously an unofficial chat and thusly people can be themselves there.

Sure, you may feel "oh my, the people I surround myself with are crude, rude and loud when they're not in the office." but if people wanna do that, let them.

No need to get in such a verbal strop about it, Terg.

The thing which concerns me is which the majority chose. Do people enjoy being in a boundless environment with the ability to act as they wish or do they enjoy controlled environments where everything is PC and nice.

I'm not sure either way.

Tonight I'll use both chats, though with Trillian/IRC flashing with each new message and being in a tiny window, I think it'll be my favored.

Still, this could be an interesting psychology lesson for the group mentality, without any negative repruccusions or the staff getting involved.

EDIT: I did not know it was on the mainpage as of my typing this post.

Posts: 1134
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At the time of the incidents Terg describes, I'm fairly sure the IRC chat wasn't official or even linked, it was merely being tested out to see how people reacted to it and how easy it was to use. At least that was the impression I was under. Issues such as moderation and rules interaction were secondary, so people ignored them.

Now that it's being linked at the top of every forum and thus has a degree of officiality, it stands to reason that standard MoFo rules should apply. As for moderation, just make everyone who is a mod in chat an op. Facilities exist for automatically granting operator status to certain users (such users have to have registered their nick with DALNet's NickServ first, but that's not hard to do). If an RP room was subsequently created, you could even have separate ops for each room.

Still, if people want to discuss this seriously, they'd be better off making a topic in EVC or Staff (preferrably the former so non-staff users can have their say).

Posts: 1044
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The irc chat will fall under the rules of the mofo that have been developed and adjusted to suit the needs for it's userbase and not the rules imposed upon the users by a server host (nb- i can understand a host wanting to ensure content remains within the law) . Also

"Okay, the whole "staff can read your PMs" thing I can understand as a valid reason to not like the Flashchat, even with the promises of the staff to not snoop on people's private convos."

People are being warned for their Private Messages (and people have been given bans for the content within pms) by the log searchers and those that are pro-actively seeking any minor "rule violation" to lay down the law through log searching.

Posts: 3666
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I have to ask what the problem is? People have been quite vocally against the new chat policy since they were announced, and since it's quite clear that we've no hope of achieving any semblance of middle-ground on the matter, i would have thought this would be the best alternative. I'm not saying that the IRC chat is intended for this purpose - that is, of course, down to Lighty and whomever he chooses to be ops on the chat server - but either way, it surely keeps 'trouble makers' away from the Flashchat were you would seemingly rather they wouldn't be.

Oh, and I disagree with a warning saying that "the rules don't apply here as in flashchat"; in actuality, the rules don't apply to flashchat as they do on the board (at current). I have no problems with IRC chat adhering to the rules of the board as they exist as current, which includes, as you so eloquently put it, usage of the 'word for a male rooster'. And don't tell me that it's censored on the board and thus is unsuitable; prior to recent events it was widely tolerated in chat.

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Y'know, if we're gonna have a serious discussion on this, maybe this thread would be better off in EVC or MFC?

But honestly, if it's up there next to FlashChat, then as far as I care, it's official. It's in its infancy so it isn't well-moderated yet, but you just need to give it time.

PS: For the record, I didn't notice this chatroom was up until it was on the main page, so no posts were made before that link was up there.

Posts: 2116
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But honestly, if it's up there next to FlashChat, then as far as I care, it's official.

I'll second that. If it has our name on, our people in and we're linking to it to associate with it, then I'd say it's ours.

Posts: 2723
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IRC, huh? I'll have to try it out later, because I've never used it before.

Also, since SH mentioned it, I'll be moving this topic.

Posts: 3666
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'Our people'? As in, MF forum members? I don't truly see how the populace is relevant to your point.

And there has been other 'unofficial' things we've had known under the MF name with differing rules. Netbattle, anyone?

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Perhaps... either way, we won't know for sure until Lighthead puts forth his two cents. Being that he registered it and all (I assume, anyway, seeing as it was through the chat client on HIS server that I even learned of this room), it'd be nice to know what his intentions are/were.

That being said, I sincerely doubt there'll be much controversy here... and it doesn't exactly seem like Lighthead to make a room just so people can go around cursing like drunken sailors, so I sincerely doubt that the lawlessness that may or may not exist at this very moment will be a permanent feature. Of course, that's up to him...

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Fair enough, Shads.

The only difference that made was "it wasn't" becomes "I didn't know", the spirit of my post heavily leans on it being unofficial, so the important fact is that I had no idea it was linked, not that it was or wasn't.

Posts: 2438
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It's just that people are using pretty crude language nearly every time I go to the main chatroom - you'll notice that I don't often go there. And then when someone is told to back off, people get unnecessarily snarky, and why? Because they were told to knock off something they shouldn't have been doing to begin with. I've never liked or approved of the stupid overuse of "@#%$" (you know the word I mean), so I don't see why the common use of it before it was censored (and it was censored for a reason) should have any impact on the fact that it makes the user of the word sound immature.

I don't care if people flee to another chatroom for whatever reason - hey if it makes you happier, go for it. I'm not opposed to this, especially since I'm not going there myself. Especially since people are generally in agreement that the rules should apply there like they do in the Flashchat.

Just make sure that all of the ops are in agreement on how to enforce the rules. Nothing shows a lack of respect like Mods not even trying to enforce the rules they are responsible for.

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As of right now, the IRC chat follows the rules of a standard DALnet hosted chat. I don't think there's reason to believe that is temporary.

Posts: 1044
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It's just that people are using pretty crude language nearly every time I go to the main chatroom - you'll notice that I don't often go there.

I often go into the mfchat and often see the users obeying the rules of THE MOFO and the language used is not crude (self censoring of words as discussed in the mofo rules =/= crude). Perhaps you are logging into the wrong chatroom?

The use of James May's trademark has never harmed anyone, and is seen to be quite inoffensive to people. I find that people that whineing about the use of James May's trademark to be far more immature.


Nothing shows a lack of respect like Mods not even trying to enforce the rules they are responsible for.

Indeed, especially if the staff have total disregards for THE MOFO rules and decide to carry out actions, undermine the ezop etc based upon the wishes of a third party.

Posts: 731
Prominent Member

Damn. Library + IRC = no chatty. ;_;

I'll see if I can convince the library staff if they will allow IRC chat rooms, but at the moment, don't expect to see me in it. v_v

Unable to connect : : Connection refused

That's the error message I continually get.

Posts: 2438
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Look, I can respect that people follow the MOFO rules. But when they disrespect TR when she has been extremely lenient about the rules she set up, that's just rude. The only person who was banned for a PM was Len/Saff and that was for posting a disgusting pic of female genitals, which is against the MOFO rules as well as the chat ones.

And I find it just as hard to understand why people can't just watch their language as it is apparently difficult for them to see why I'm making such a big deal about it. It's obvious why I'm making a deal about it: because it's TR's server, and she set up the rules a long time ago, yet people still continued to go there despite their protests about her being a tyrant for not wanting that crud on her server. People were told up-front about the rules, and now they are complaining because TR is giving warnings - warnings, multiple ones! - based on the rules that the people agreed to by continuing to come to the chat.

Now that there is another option, I'm sure that argument will become moot as people shift over to the new chat.

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But when they disrespect TR when she has been extremely lenient about the rules she set up, that's just rude.

"If I catch you doing anything inappropriate, I'm kicking you out of chat" and "I don't care if (list every possible reason one could say to justify an offense)" are not lenient.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

Then if you're really so incapable of conducting yourself without being able to stick to a simple set of rules, you have a choice not to participate. It's TR's server, she can do what she likes with it and those're the rules.

We've already had this discussion and I don't see any reason to have it again.

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I'm confused that TR's server was brought up in this topic at all. Can it be in PM or in a topic of its own? That is, if there's even enough real discussion about TR's server to warrant such a thing.

Posts: 2116
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That it, Acrio.

This was supposed to be a discussion on the IRC chat.

Public discussion on TR's chat, unless you want to take it to PM or anywhere else, is closed. End of. No amount of off-topic posting about the fact that you don't like what someone does with their own generously donated server will change that.

Can we get back to the topic, if anyone actually has anything to say about that?

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Fair enough, that is indeed a different topic entirely, and doesn't have a place here. Sorry for dragging the red herring through here.

Posts: 2438
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I think it's pretty clear and understood by everyone involved that the new chat, if made official, abides by the board rules. And if it isn't official, then the people there can do whatever they want, although in that case I'd suggest that the new chat not be linked on the board or in the chat.

I am perfectly fine with all of that.

Posts: 2116
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Ditto. But it can't have things both ways and get SHQ's endorsement without any of the attached responsibilities.

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idk. The Mofo links to several other boards in it's ring doesn't it? Also, the Oekaki, Frappr, and dA Group (lol) don't seem to have that kind of moderation.

I could be wrong about the dA Group. I've never seen something happen there.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Ragh, it ate my reply.

Anyway, what I was gonna say was, anyone remember the Sonic HQ Emerald Chat, an AIM chat we used to keep open for any forumer who passed by?

Now, I may be wrong, as it's been years and I wasn't as frequent a MoFoer during my AIM chat days, but the AIM chat followed the same general rules as the board, but there were no moderators. It was a completely open chat on a client unrelated to the board and was a fun haven for those with AIM to gather. There were no boots or kicks or anything like that 'cause we couldn't do that. If there was a lamer, we'd pick up and leave.

But the point is, problems in AIM chat weren't reported on the board because AIM chat is NOT the MoFo.

Banned people frequented the AIM chat. People swore in the AIM chat, and those who had a problem asked to stop. If they continued to have a problem, they'd create a new chat and leave.

My opinion?

We should handle the IRC chat the same way. I don't know much about IRC, but if there's any kind of booting power or anything, it should only be reserved for obvious trolls (anyone remember "TheTrueSonic" of AIM days? Stupid things like that). IRC is NOT the MoFo. If you want to use IRC, by all means, go for it. In addition, IRC problems should not be reported on-board.

In return, I guess all I would ask is that you just use common sense in there. **shrug** I really don't see what the big issue is, here.

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

Posts: 2915
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That was beautifully put Sagey. I agree whole heartedly.

Self censoring/ modding will work. Most people have the sense to control themselves. If others have a problem with what is being said, most people will be more than willing to stop.

also lol @ Flashchat numbers vs IRC... I think the users have spoken.

Posts: 955
Noble Member

Thanks ^^; I'm glad it made sense to someone else besides myself. Anyway, I have no motivation to get another IRC client as my trial for mIRC ran out, so you probably won't find me there.

Now, I'm all for restarting the AIM cha-- **SHOT STABBED DIES**

~Shadowed Spirit Sage

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That's strange. mIRC totally bent over for me after the 30 day trial, and I could still use it. 😡

Posts: 1044
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i thought mirc works similar to that of the old winzip 'evaluation' trials. also have you tried the java based client link @ sagey? it seems to work for me now, but can be slow to initally load up.

Posts: 2915
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Chatzilla seems to be the best imo... Java worked too, but was slow loading, like Creo said.

Posts: 2928
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Only thing I have regarding this is to move the link to the EZboard ring or something. I guess the warning on the login is ok, but it just seems like a rather blatant, admin endorsed, board sponsored(link on the main page), way to dodge having to act civil in the real chat.

Why would any kid want to chat in a place were they can't swear like a sailor went there's a link right next to it where they can. Why use modded a chat when the board PROVIDES an unmodded one.


Posts: 917
Noble Member

I feel like posting just to mention that the AIM chat never died. It just horribly horribly mutated. (is in it right now)

Posts: 2438
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What Rico said. I'm all for providing a place for the people who don't feel it's important to watch their language to go, but it makes no sense for it to be given a front-page treatment unless it is covered by the same rules and moderated like the board is.

Posts: 2915
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You guys are just going to cause more freaking drama with this anti front page stuff.

Let it rest. As the numbers show, most of the forumers who frequent the MAIN room of the chat have moved over to IRC. I fail to see why a few mods who have a problem out weigh the rest of us.

IRC, just like TR's Flashchat, have a separate set of rules, independent from the MoFo here on EZBoard. Want an example? The rules of the forum state that a swear word may be censored by staring out letters. In TR's FlashChat, that is not the case. You get an email warning that you shouldn't self censor.

Posts: 2928
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Let it rest. As the numbers show, most of the forumers who frequent the MAIN room of the chat have moved over to IRC.

I would move over to if I had two choices right next to each other of:

"you have to behave here."


"You can do anything you want here."

As for your insult tossing? Thats pretty silly, you'd probably dismiss the million man march as "freaking drama" as well. Just like anything else you don't want to discuss and would rather just ignore.

I think you need to step off that pedestal of righteousness for a minute, Boston. If you step back for a second it's pretty clear you guys are causing the drama by not using the provided chat.

Think about these points. (*YOU implies people taking issue with the real chat.)

A) We built a chat for you to use. No Drama.

B) We set up standard rules like "No Vulgarity". Drama from YOU*.

C) Rules weren't enforced as they should. No Drama.

D) Rules start being enforced. Drama from YOU*.

E) Users goto single Admin and make new chat without mods, don't ask permission, and put in on the front page.

If you think that we shouldn't ask questions when this happens with no warning? Ummm.

This looks like a simple a case of users not wanting to act like they should. Thats normal, especially for a board with our audience. But generally the users will go make their own chat elsewhere. Unfortunately, Lighthead appears to be sanctioning this little rebellion (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't checked the logs to see who added that link).

This creates a problem most boards don't face. Users have the ability to circumvent the staff and the rules by having an admin in their good graces change something on their behalf.

I'm not going to try to explain why we don't want a second chatroom. If the reasons aren't obvious you probably don't want to hear them anyway.

I'm sure "the numbers show" that in *over-run war-riddled country A* there was great support *crazy anarchist government B*. Does that mean they all support firebombing churches half full of kids and puppies to fight 'tyranny'? Or does it simply mean they want to live?

I think you're being a little melodramatic with your statement on that my friend. I wouldn't have any problem with an underground chatroom. If I remember right I had a BOARD that was originally built just for people to complain about me on, it was a nice pat to the ego let me assure you. Heck I would probably VISIT an underground chatroom for some fun and relaxation away from where I have to act right. But the fact remains that such a board/chat should not be linked on THIS board. It's not underground if it's right there.

If you want it like flashchat? Easy. We mod all the staff there and it has rules they all agree on. If you want to do that I'm sure noone will have a problem with linking it, plus we can free up space on the server by removing flashchat. *edit* Of course then we're back at square one with Acrio as admin. No, it can't be official. Sorry.

I hope this a little clearer. Can we get some kinda info on this? Lighty? Vec? Whats going ON?


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Just remove the link from the front page, problem solved.

I doubt it takes the brains of a genius to type /join mf_chat after they get the server info.

Posts: 2928
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Now why didn't I think of that. Oh yeah, I did. I just have to figure out how. Dammit Jim I'm a network tech not a webmaster.

*edit* *pushes easy button* Unfortunately, apparently unlike some other staff, I have inhibitions about arbitrarily changing stuff on the main page. Not sure why, they'll hate if whether I do it or not.


Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

Sarcasm not appreciated for friendly suggestion. Talk to a webmaster, Lighthead even.

Though, end of the day it's the webmaster's decision given that you are his (their?) staff and as we've been told so many times, this place isn't a democracy.

Given that lunch time is the only time I use either chat, and for that I stick to FlashChat, I don't see why I'm even chiming in.

This said, even if it's only for 1 hour each day, I do use the chat more frequently than any of the people who seem so enraged by it's content.

Just request the frontpage change. Worst that can happen is you get veto'd and are powerless to do anything as the IRC chat's rules belong to Lighthead as the FlashChat belongs to TR.

I'd hate for that to happen as I hate people posting "bend over" over and over as much as the next guy, and I really do hate that, but given I use the chat about as frequently as you guys (next to not at all), it doesn't bother me.

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