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We need to do something about TUS.

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More specifically, we need to stop TUS from making hundreds of posts consisting only of 'rofl.' and one or two other words by censoring 'rofl' to something satisfactorily degrading until he stops using it.

I've IMed him off-board about this and he adamantly denies the fact that he's doing anything wrong. This has to stop =(

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Just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean it has to be censored. Then again everything I post you have to sniker about something I say.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

Well, I don't really know what to say or do other than confirm that your rofl, er, "abuse" is VERY annoying, TUS. I have no idea why, but it just is. Multiple people would appreciate it if you stopped.

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The only person(s) that told me to stop was 'wonderbat', and because he thinks it abusive I have to stop!? Pretty soon you'll have me not saying o.o or lol... thank god hes not a mod or anything because he would prolly abuse it by going LOLOLOL ROFL, I DON'T LIKE HIM SO I TEH BANNAGE HIM LOL.
And you have no idea why because I've only started saying it today and you dislike me also HSW.

Posts: 428
Honorable Member

There's a difference between spam for a topic's sake and just plain spam. What is 'o.o' or 'rofl' supposed to contribute to any conversation, even an outlandishly humourous, nonsensical discussion?

I agree with Bats - or, I would, but Tussy would just think I'm out to get him again, because "I have something to say about his every post" and "he has a bone to pick with me" ^_~

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There's a difference between spam for a topic's sake and just plain spam. What is 'o.o' or 'rofl' supposed to contribute to any conversation, even an outlandishly humourous, nonsensical discussion?

Well rofl and o.o tells how you feel about the previous post duh.

Posts: 1355
Noble Member

The only person(s) that told me to stop was 'wonderbat',

That's because people are being quiet and nice to you.

And you have no idea why because I've only started saying it today

This has been going on forat least 2 days, and it's already really annoying.

and you dislike me also HSW. Unfair.

No, I'm quite indifferent toward you, like with 99.8% of people.

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

TUS is annoying me. So is Bat. And to a lesser extent Tibby.

When TUS logs into the chat and Bat says "Go away TUS" where a "hello" might be more appropriate, I seriously wish the mods and admins would follow through on their so-called new policy and it gives me another reason to leave the MoFo.

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I've IMed him off-board about this and he adamantly denies the fact that he's doing anything wrong. This has to stop =(

LOL silly no you havent.

Anyway, lets lighten up the mood and stop it. If HSW doesn't want me to say it no more then I won't and if I annoy dirk that much, tell me dirk what would like to be done? I will lighten up the mood if anyone else does.

EDIT: Nvm I cleared it up with him in chat.

Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Tussy, I doubt that bickering with Bat here in this topic is going to you much good.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

What Dirk said.

I don't know if this was posted before or after I told you all to stop whining around. But this is the last warning, the absolute last warning. Ben quit, why can't you two. Just put each other on ignore if you can't handle what each other say. I'm not a damn babysitter and you guys are too for me to sit you in seperate corners.

TUS hasn't been the only one over spamming that spam forum. So I advise not dragging the matter out lest it affect people you don't want it to affect.

Remember LAST warning about this crap.


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Dealing with the actual issues of the topic now~

Wonderbat's 1st post: Okay

TUS's 1st post: You're right, but in this case it's starting to border on abuse since it's repetative and overly pointless. Much like Ultra's "O___O" spam some years back which none of you remember so why am I mentioning it. Damn. :(

Anyway, I'm more interested in you knocking off the similar "rofl" messages you seem to spam the chat with more often than the board. So let it be noted that if you don't cease it in there at least, you will be banned from the chat. If your behavior escalates to what I see as similar to what I meantioned earlier of Ultra, then you will be dealt with appropirately.

Dirk's 1st post: I don't remember seeing Bat do that recently so I can only say the mods respond to what they see and that none of them must have caught the little incident you did. If it bothers you that much, PM one next time.

Everyone: We have an ignore feature, utilize it.

Posts: 800
Prominent Member


We have an ignore feature, utilize it.

Yeah, but then we'll sort of have 99 pieces of a 100 piece jigsaw, we'll be missing a bit. So I say the jigsaw should only be 99 pieces in the first place, if ya' no wot i am sayin'.

Posts: 4336
Famed Member


You're right, but in this case it's starting to border on abuse since it's repetative and overly pointless. Much like Ultra's "O___O" spam some years back which none of you remember so why am I mentioning it. Damn.

I remember that.

I did it for like 100 posts in the SPA which made Queen Saam go 'naught boy!' so I stopped.


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Thanks for bumping a semi-resolved EVC topic with nonsense =D

Posts: 2928
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1. It's not nonsense. For some unknown reason he thought he needed defend himself.

2. Putting a happy face on a post doesn't make it happy.

Posts: 3468
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It's not the same thing, but if it's a TUS topic I don't see the point in making a new thread - Could someone tell Tussy to either ignore me or leave me unignored? I'm getting tired of having a new ignore message every three days, which mostly consist of "rofl, you n00b" and "tool" and "rofl i pwned you" (All three are actual quotes - I don't have screenshots.)? Or if he can't bear to ignore me for more than two days, teach him /silentignore and /silentunignore? It's really starting to tick me off getting a lot of ignore and unignore windows.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Well, considering current problems with the server I can't retrieve the actual logs. And chat is down I believe.

TUS, if you would, either leave the man ignored or as he asked and please use /silentignore. We have had to temp ban people before for spamming ignore messages, if you need help using chat commands consult the help menu or ask one of the staff.


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We have had to temp ban people before for spamming ignore messages,
And take it from me, when you're banned and the triple-murderer to the right of you asks "What are you in for?"

You don't wanna say ignore spamming.

Posts: 2928
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Listen to the man. He's done some serious time. :3


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Wow, its the offical Anti-TUS thread, wow I can't believe someone made this so people can think of random ways to eliminate me.... keep it up guys. =)

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

He's asking you. Geo's being a nad as usual. If you were having issues with the ignore feature there is no problem. If you weren't then when the chat comes back up, do not do it again.

If I wanted to get rid of you, you'd know it. :3


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Oh I do know it. And i've seen the fact of it also.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member

Tussy, don't be paranoid.

First of all, as you know, this thread was made over a week ago. Back then, you were flooding the SPA and causing some problems. Then, you swore you'd clean up your act and you largely have. Most of us don't have a problem with you, at least not anymore.

Secondly, this was never about seeing you banned. It was about curbing the madness that was ensuing in the SPA because of your floods. And that has largely happened, as mentioned above.

Thirdly, as Rico said, if he wanted you out of here you'd know it. Because Rico kinda has clout. He's not out to ban you, nor are the other mods and admins. Even if they hated you, they wouldn't ban you unless you gave them cause to.

Posts: 2928
Famed Member

Right, mods can't ban anyway. Even if they could we'd need a good reason too. One incident of a few close knit ignores is not reason to ban, its reason to find the issue and resolve it.


Posts: 5772
Illustrious Member

Hm, is this where we all hold hands and sing "Ding-Dong The Witch Is Dead" or would that be considered bad form? Because, hey... I'm willing to risk it for a greater purpose.

It's not a bump (warranted or otherwise) if it's still top o' the page three days later, right?

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TUS is never really gone.

He's like Herpes that way.
