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If that's Super Sonic, how come his spikes are the exact same as Sonic's and his eyes are green?

Looks like someone just painted one yellow and put it on a little stand to trick people into thinking it's rare.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member


You read right this is a custom-paint Super Sonic exist only piece in the world. He is great conditon from "Sonic Advance" series & about 2.25"(5.9 cm) tall. Perfect. The figure is based on a prize Sonic from UFO catcher game machine in Japanese arcades. Copy right under SEGA 1998. Retired & out of production. It has a gentle custom paint job to turn out to be a real Super Sonic. It took me a few good days & stuffs to let him complete step by step with much of patience. I have decided to make one cause Sega never make one no matter how major he has been until now. The Super Sonic comes with a detachable black base with "Super Sonic" title logo. Made of hard plastic. ABS. It's very interesting to see the difference between the Super Sonic & other Sonic X chararcter figures. WELL DETAILED. A must have item for any BIG Sonic fans. You will LOVE him BEST!!!

if you'd read further down the e-bay page, you'd have seen the explaination for the figure. ^^

*hugs her collection of the tiny sonic X figures, she's owned most of them since last year*

Edit: there was no reason for you to edit out your trade. craig just pointed out what he saw, as you didn't make it clear in your post that the model is infact a custom edit instead of being a official super sonic figure. he wasn't 'picking on you', just asking the sort of question anyone would.

Posts: 4885
Illustrious Member

*Shrug* I read the topic which boldly sold this as SUPER SONIC and I went to the thing, excited to buy some Super Sonic merch, saw the picture and was like "damn"

Had you have made it clear in your post that it was a repaint, I wouldn't have bothered pointing it out.

I mean, seriously. This thread was 1 shade shy of having neon lights saying SUPER SONIC MODEL FOR SALE!!!!

and I was planning on bidding for the Big. Ah well. I'll find them elsewhere.

And Super Sonic has red eyes.

Posts: 2116
Noble Member

You didn't put the information in the thread that you put in the auction. You can'ty blame Craig for taking the auction at face value, based on what he read here.

And don't you think that that "CXXXX BXXXXXXX" business was just a bit on the petty side?

If you don't want to mention someone's name, then don't - and if you wanted to mention Craig's name, then you should've done.

But someone'd have to be either blind or stupid not to know what you're talking about, as Becca and Craig already have.
