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1 Posts
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Posts: 11
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1. Where did you find out about Sonic HQ / Mega Man HQ / The HQ Board?
Google search

2. What caught your interest?
The comics section and forums.

3. What do you like most about the site?
See above answer.

4. What do you like least about the site?
The links in the fan comics needed to be updated the last time I was there.

5. What would you like to have added?
More character profiles. (I know the story behind this, and I'm willing to wait.)

6. How often do you plan to come?
I come at least twice a day if I'm not busy.

7. What's your website's URL?
Don't bother going there now. It won't be up for a while.

8. Any more comments and/or suggestions?
This is truly the best Sonic site out there! You should be proud! ^^
