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I like this site al...
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I like this site alot

2 Posts
2 Users
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Posts: 8
Active Member
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1. Where did you find out about Sonic HQ / Mega Man HQ / The HQ Board?
Eh, The Sonic Stadium :)

2. What caught your interest?
That the site lets your keep up with the comics so you'll be ready when you finally subscribe and the forum lets you discuss it ^^

3. What do you like most about the site?
Hmmm.... the information and comic scans.

4. What do you like least about the site?
The fact that they take a long time to update 😛

5. What would you like to have added?
More comic scans!

6. How often do you plan to come?
'Bout three or four times a day

7. What's your website's URL?
don't have one. sorry

8. Any more comments and/or suggestions?
Update more often, but if youre busy with other things, I understand. Your updates and news are worth the wait ^^

Posts: 11
Active Member

You ROCK,DUDE!!!!!!
