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Me Sign The Book n_...
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Me Sign The Book n_n

1 Posts
1 Users
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Posts: 5
Active Member
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1. Where did you find out about Sonic HQ / Mega Man HQ / The HQ Board? Actually I've been soming to sonic HQ itself for a long time,since I first joined with tsf about 6 years ago I think ^^

2. What caught your interest?

3. What do you like most about the site?
I like most everything about it

4. What do you like least about the site?
Not enough fan-art,as well as I dont like how the fan-art archive is displayed,it could be offense ^^;

5. What would you like to have added?
Hmmmm....maybe just making the fan-art archive a little better like I said before

6. How often do you plan to come?
As long as I remember my name and password XD

7. What's your website's URL? (I'm not positive that last one is correct ._.)

8. Any more comments and/or suggestions?
Thats about it,except to mention I accept trades and requests most anytime and you can reach me on AIM at UberDar or email me at or if you have a devart account,look me up! My name is Dardar16! :read
