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Posts: 462
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1. Where did you find out about Sonic HQ / Mega Man HQ / The HQ Board?
I googled "Sonic hedgehog" years ago and the SHQ popped up. I read all the editorials and reviews and lurked on the boards for months before getting up the nerve to post.

2. What caught your interest?
The humor, the comaderie amongst staff and forumers, and the fact that I could talk geek all I wanted without getting strange looks.

3. What do you like most about the site?
Carnival Isle. It's great fun to see other people's projects (be they fics or pics). Criticism is usually metered in a non-threatening way, which makes more willing to put my stuff on display as well.

4. What do you like least about the site?
EliteChat. Like all chats, I find conversations hard to follow at times, and my sluggish typing skills make me reluctant to go there.

5. What would you like to have added?
I'm not sure, it seems pretty good as is.

6. How often do you plan to come?
I come most every day. I don't post unless I think I have something useful to contribute, hence my modest post count.

7. What's your website's URL? (for fanart) (for comic scans etc.)

8. Any more comments and/or suggestions?
Just a quick thanks for maintaining great sites/message board and bringing together Sonic/SEGA fans the world over!
