Yeah, a similar thing is happening to me now. I sent my subscription in for Sonic X about as soon as I saw the ad, and it still hasn't come in. I'm thinking about buying it at Walden's, but I'm afraid it will come in with Sonic 154
That's exactly what happened to me. Both Sonic X #1 & Sonic #154 came together. ;p
That's exactly what happened to me. Both Sonic X #1 & Sonic #154 came together. ;p
Heh, consider yourself blessed Red. I got 154 yesterday but still no Sonic X. My StH subscription was almost up so I decided I would go ahead and resubsribe to it at the same time as my Sonic X one. Since then, I've gotten two issues of Sonic #s 153 and 154; is it possible that they think I subsribed to StH twice, therefore I get two copies of the same issue at once?
*holds the issue away from her at an arm's length, then buries it under more worthy things, such as the essay she's supposed to be writing*
why do i get the feeling that ken is desperately trying to find various ways to make us like tommy?
we've had tons of tommy-based stories, and the only one i liked was the one where he 'died' by saving sonic. that one was good, it had some emotion in it, some meaning.
next we'll find out he's some sort of back-up chosen one and tries to take over leadership of the freedom fighters. (okay, so i'm exagerating there. but i really find few reasons to like the character. ^^; )
but nanites? *foams at the mouth* @_@;
i found i flicked through the main story as well. i was pleased that it was given a good page count and had an actual story, but it just seemed pointless. i'd never have guessed that mina and ash are supposed to be together without the constant 'he's your boyfreind!' comments. it's all just..urgh. xx; talking heads. no emotion apart from ash being insanely jelous, let us see the poor guy's good side more often! (without him being hospitalised.)
Hospitalized characters are the best! I love seeine characters get hurt! It's more emotional! But what was with Quack's beak O_O
and plus, Ash isn't jealous- just overprotective.
Yeah right. I HATE him.
Uh... anyone get the seemingly Transformers-refferencing title for Tommy's story? Oh man... imagine this...
TOM-MY TUR-TLE! More than meets the eye!! TOM-MY TUR-TLE! Nanites in disgise!!
*Still beating head off of desk*
Seriously. This is getting lame. What happened to the good old days? RTAI? Heart Held Hostage? Love & Loss? And those aren't even the good OLD Good Old Days... Bring back Axer,(I know he's coming back) FRY (Who has made a cameo) Dubs (IS Dubs still working there?) and new decent talent and let's get back to business here. Heck, even bring back Galan.
While we're at it, WHERE is SPAZ? This Sanford guy just isn't cutting it.
RTAI topics are being put into action, soon. On Ken's board, they said that Egg Grapes, and Doctor Fin. are playing huge roles in upcoming stories.
FRY's making a few more appearences according to a few emails from Mike, and Axer is definitely coming back.
Spaz is returning in a BEAUTIFUL cover, for issue #157.
You mean that legionarre scientist, Dr. Finitevus right?
Yes, he's going to have a large role.
I nearly cried. Ash carrying bomb out of the room was so, so...forced. Why not just run away? Or would that have made too much sense? No, Ash has to pick up the damn thing.
The whole 'super' tommy is just about as annoying.
The art in this issue is just horrendous. Page one is a great example of this. Sonic's spikes are ridiculuously long. If he was truly like that, his head would snap off due to the weight, kinda like Barbie...
One other question...Is there anyone out there who is still enjoying this?
I loved this issue...
And 'why didn't they run away?'
Because, then, the bomb would've blown up the dressing room, and the stage, and everything nearby would be set aflame. Ash managed to run the bomb away from the stage.
I'll be happy only when Spaz returns with FRY and Axer.
Does anyone know for sure if Dubs is still on the comic? I heard a rumor that he wasn't, but that may be just rumor, though from the look of his site it seems he has a lot going on right now.
And EE, where did you get the floating chao avatar? LOL.
I wants one.
*Pokes the chao with mouse pointer*
Didn't you read 152? He starred there!
Actually, Instant Messaging him about it right now. He hasn't responded yet. I have his away message right now.
Oh, you like my chao? ^^ He's mine! I actually decided to upload that in honor of the upcoming Chao story written by Ian. ^^
One thing EE, Wouldn't mina be the same distance away from the bomb no matter what? Let's pretend Mina and Ash had five seconds to get away. The bomb will still be the same distance away from them regardless of whether they run away of Ash runs with the bomb...So in other words his 'sacrifice' was meaningless...
One more complain. I HATE ASH/MINA! Ash is an I D I O T! He just caried the bomb instead of chucking it! Why oh why did poor Mina (Who is awesome) have to love the jerk!
#152 was created months ago and has no bearing on the present. I would think anyone that's read his website would know whether or not Dub is working on the comic or not. ;p
Ash's sacrifice was as meaningless as Mina's sacrifice in #123. Both were "logically" unnecessary, but both had great "emotional" significance.
All it says to me is that Ash is loyal but stupid. Like my dog.
#152 was created months ago and has no bearing on the present. I would think anyone that's read his website would know whether or not Dub is working on the comic or not. ;p
Okay, TR. Apparently you know if he's working on the comic still, or if he's not. And apparently I don't know, and neither does Avian. So, why don't you share it with us?
He's left the comic IIRC, or that was the implication I got.
Yeah, I did mean post-152. I'm still annoyed they worked Bigley in halfway thru the issue.
I went to the site, and read all about his recent family reunion, but still didn't find anything about quitting penciling.
You're reading his journal, not the website.
Skipping past the stuff concerning his comics, his website says:
Located here is the logbook I did for my time at Sonic as well as my online portfolio. During 2003-2005 I worked on "Sonic The Hedgehog". It was an interesting experience being my very first pro job and I learned a lot of things about the industry both good and bad. (NOTE: This section hasn't been revamped yet and contains older work.)
That note has been there ever since he attempted to start having regular updates for his comics during the summer (winter for the southern hemisphere). ^_~
Interesting. I mean, I was just skimming his site and failed to notice that until you pointed it out. Looks like he's continuing his fan comics, another sign I didn't catch.
Whatever happend to that 'project' of his that was supposed to be included in #150? He gave me a look-see months before, I've never heard anything about it since. I still have a copy of it sitting on my hard drive. Good stuff, he should stick it on his site if he hasn't already.
Yeah, he said once that he MIGHT have something in Sonic 150, I was wondering about that.
His Deadjournal is a part of his site, which is where I (and I assume EE) read it from, Red. But the past tense he used on the Sonic blurb is part of what made me think he was done. I, too, check his site weekly, though Dub prolly doesn't know me from the average joe.
He IMed me a long time ago about that. He said he MIGHT be starring in 150. He never told me what it was, though. Do any of you know?
Whatever happend to that 'project' of his that was supposed to be included in #150?
I don't think that's going to be done at all. Something would have to change for that to appear.
His Deadjournal is a part of his site, which is where I (and I assume EE) read it from, Red.
Part of it yes, but not the only place for information. EE obviously hadn't read anything but the journal part. That was the point I was making. What I quoted doesn't come from his journal at all.
BTW, A new Chip&Walter just went up.
Hi !
Just as I promised last month, this is my little review of #134, in English. 😉
A European could ramble on the American fear of terrorism. Easy. I won't. Heavy and Bomb 2.0 are not very interesting enemies, as Sonic says. The story is pointed on the "Love Triangle". We could easily think Mina was still in love with Big Blue. Even if her songs didn't show it yet. Hard, too, to think Mina is really sincere with herself when she says she doesn't love Sonic (is it over or not with Ash ? Make up your mind). A little bit emotion in the comics, at last. And the story, closed in my mind since #134, is restarted. This issue is a promise for the future.
Lim's style was catastrophic. Now it's just insipid. Rather flat.
This is where the "nanites" story was supposed to drive us ?
"Birth of a superhero". One more. After "Super-Sonic", "Hyper-Knuckles", "Turbo-Tails" and their nemesis, Enerjak or Mogul, Ken Penders presents "Nano-Tommy". That's what I never liked in the comic book: more and more powerful characters. Usually at the expense of the story, dramaturgy and simplicity. For example, Enerjak had never been a so-good character than when he stopped fighting for... talking... thinking... question himself about him, about Knuckles, about his ideas... Tommy was an interesting character in "Out of your shell" (StH 146) speaking of his little faults or qualities.
I hope I'm wrong about this future I'm sorry to expect.
Of course, it is NOT a story. It could even be used as a simple flashback for explaining why Tommy had always got these powers. "More than meets the eye" (or "Introducing Nano-Tommy") reminds "Upgrade" in SSS 11. Without the emotion.
Nothing particularly good or wrong but Fiona's face (very "amateur") and a scale problem with the last page, first panel. (SMALL Tommy ?)
hopfully ash will stop being a jerk to sonic now. I heard that tommy is supposed to get killed in then near future and I forgot where I read that.It could very well be a rumor.Anyone hear anything about this?
Never heard that, but it doesn't mean we can't hope.
i didn't buy the issue yet... never got my #153.
but i did skim through it.
but nano tommy?
i can't believe that was a serious story.
Tommy: ahhhh! i'm being attacked by nanites!
Tommy: i gots superpowers know! i'll try them out! LOL!
Uncle chuck: instead of bunnie getting the nanites it was tommy! woah, what a crazy turn of events! i mean you know it being tommy and all. and you know bunnie already being a Cyborg,with metal limbs which would make scientific sense that the nanites would fuse with her Robot parts. and create a super cool Plotwise character.
but it was tommy instead! how funny!
Tommy urrr?
...I sure hope armycat is right, that Tommy is to die for real in the near future...preferably by flying into a wall or something...
this whole thing on Tommy dying just stems i believe from Dan Drazen's last review, where he speculated that perhaps Tommy might die soon. unfortunately, at this point, it is just that, speculation.
robotnik appears quietly. eggman: ill replace tommys apple with this bomb.
tommy eats `apple` and says goodbye
tommy: see ya.
tails and rotor wave.
shendu who was outside.
shendu: i wish tommy will die! tommy comes outside and he blows up.
shendu: cool!
Interestingly, Bunnie claims that they took out "all" the Bombs, although we later see that one remains. Since Bomb can regenerate an infinite number of times, it puzzles me that four Freedom Fighters were able to destroy an infinite number of bombs (well, technically, infinity minus one, which Douglas Adams says is "an irrational number that only has a conventional meaning in Improbability physics").
This is why having Bomb as an enemy presents problems. The only way to defeat him is to impair his regeneration.
its just a normal bomb.
Shendu, your story brought tears to my eyes. Really.
No, Dirk is right. The bombs they are fighting are supposedly based off the video-game character known as Bomb. Unless Eggman left out the "regeneration" bit from it's programming when he re-build it, Bomb should be able to make tons of copies and be virtually indestructable. Yet another plot problem that I hadn't noticed before (but now seems obvious).
ok, we have self-detonating bombs that can walk, blow themselves and everyone around them to little bits and then rebuild themselves to repeat it again an infinite number of times...how would that be defeatable now again?
Just stick a viral chip onto one Bomb.
Kill allteh otehrs.
That one will be all "IZ REPLICATEZ"
It'll replicate ad nauseum, but they'll all be virtually infected and cant do it anymore, so boom they go asplode and die.
I personally went under the assumption that there wasn't any regeneration ability just due to the fact that there were "hundreds" of them. Back in #102, it was explained that Heavy had the ability to create additional Bombs and that Archie was now using that as the explanation for how "Bomb" could reappear: he didn't really regnerate, Heavy just made a new one. The only difference, besides cosmetic, between the new Bomb/Heavy was that seeming Bomb's ability to work was not tied into Heavy. One could argue that since the only thing that happened to Heavy was being sunk to the bottom of the lake, that Heavy is still technically functional--just possibly stuck, which is why there could still be a working Bomb--and that Bomb's ability to work is still tied to Heavy's ability to be functioning. ;p
ok. . . . i understand that and EE why did you cry?
There weak bombs that can only hurt the most pathetic of lifeforms.
I just bought it yesterday, I was underwhelmed by it. It wasn't horrible though, it was just average I suppose.
What do you think of the fact sweet Mina and Ash the jerk were together?