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#155 Arrives (Here There Be Spoilers!)

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That's not really a plot development problem. That's just one of the reasons why we probably won't have the Antoine/Anti-Antoine plot resolved soon.

Posts: 462
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They were a couple for a couple of months, then seperated for a year. Afterward, they broke up. There's a huge difference. Archie is not SatAM and the 50 million things Archie has done throughout the series should have convinced people of that fact.

How much serious couple-type stuff have Sonic & Sally ever even done in the Archieverse?

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I'll try to straightin' this out best I can:

The situation between Sonic/Sally that Archie Comics is putting them though goes back to what I like to call "The ol breakup/put them back togehter after a year and 1/2 apart".

You see what creators and writers do to keep fans instrested and flocking back for more is by playing out this sicerno when a 11 months or a year of keeping them together passes. .

And I believe That's Archie comics is trying to do with Sonic and Sally and even if you will Bunnie and Antione.

But hey that's just my opnion, take as you will.

Posts: 462
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Except that's not what Bollers intended to do when he split them up, he was planning to keep them split up.

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sorry. still not over it yet.

but one question (actually a couple.) where's antoines scar?
if sally said "i do", then that means they're like 5 seconds away from being married so how would sonic stop that? if they do get married then would antoine take over the throne? (being the King?) or would Sally have more authority then him? (Doubtful.)

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I actually liked the first story greatly. Mostly 'cos of FRY. If Lim or someone had done it, it would have been much worse. (Tho Axer or Dub coulda done it well.)

Nice to see an actual CONTINUITY going into the continuity again. Backstory wasn't great. Actually, I don't think anyone has cared for Dulcy at all since MAYBE that two-parter in Station Square.

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Answer 1. Sometimes the scar is there, others it's not. Artists make mistakes and editor's don't always catch them.
Answer 2. Patch would have more authority than Sally (simply because he is male). However, it's unlikely that his reign would last long. At some point odds are that Sonic and co. will wise up to his scheme. Given how unobserving the cast is these days it'll probably take nothing short of Ant returning (how and when is anyone's guess).

Posts: 409
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Thank you! I, too, enjoyed this part of Line of Succession. I really wasn't expecting Fry to do this. What a treat! =)

I have faith in Ken that he'll end up giving the majority of us a happy ending. Right now, the comic is in a path of clearing up old plots, and I think everything will be settled by 175. We've got a lot of things coming for us, this love octagon -- or whatever it is, -- this Wedding, Anonymous, Egg Grapes and the Echidnas, Adam, the Source of All and the Sword of Acorns, and whatever else the writers have planned. -HOPEFULLY THE ROBODUCKS!- XD

As for Butler, I'm assuming that he's drawing Ian's "See Ya' Later, Chao!" story. We'll just have to wait until 157, or so. Something tells me that the art is going to start becoming really good, now that Fry's back, Axer's returning, Mawhinney, sometimes Lim, and good ol' Butler. And, Spaz doing those snazzy, spazzy covers. XD


Oh, wait, I forgot about Bigley. >.<

At least we won't be seeing any of his work soon, right??


Posts: 1269
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Is it occouring to anybody that the way Sonic treats girls and the way Evil Sonic treated girls is remarkably similar?

He's been heavy with pretty much every girl in the village. If a girl tried this she'd be a slut, but Sonic can muck around all he likes and nobody blinks an eye because he's the hero and being attractive to women is what heroes do best.

Posts: 61
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since this is the second time posting the same thing(and both were in this topic i think) I think we got what your trying to say.

Posts: 1321
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heh . . . heh. i wrote the same thing in preview of 156.

I dont know whats worse, Karl Bollers (ha! the geek has left. i will NEVER forgive him on what he wrote in 134). or the way Sonics going.

btw there is no LOVE octogon.

Posts: 61
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dont take things so literally shendu

Posts: 462
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Is it occouring to anybody that the way Sonic treats girls and the way Evil Sonic treated girls is remarkably similar?

Well, on the one hand, we have Sonic who was going out with Sally, was friends with Mina & had some romantic tension there that he didn't act upon, and he just kissed Fiona now when he has no girlfriend anymore.

On the other hand, we have Anti-Sonic who's been going after everyone in Knothole who possesses boobs.

So no, I'm not seeing much of a similarity.

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Just because Fonia said he was too young for her, I think Tails as smart as he is should know that what he's going through is just apart of growing up, don't you all agree.

Posts: 1446
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No, I don't agree. As I said to you on Ken's board, it's virtually impossible to be objective when it comes to love.

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Cut to Sonic's house. He ponders his options while running... should he crash the party or wait and see if the one person who can help is willing to

I wonder who he means, could it be Elias or Zonic or Knuckles.

Posts: 61
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out of the three that you named I don't think knuckles could help,zonic?hmm maybe but as for if he is willing to help?he should thats his job after all is making sure stuff like this don't happen.

Posts: 1402
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woah, Shendu, you and me got problems.

First off Karl isn't a geek and it was considered a bash that you called him so.

second, So what if Karl stepped on your perfect Satam world?
it was a good idea (IMO) that they were separated because (even though ken's screwing this up to.) Sonic is a free spirit and they haven't been showing that side of him.
besides the fact that Satam DIED AND IS NOT COMING BACK EVER, the comic has virtually no relation to it besides the characters and SOME (not even a 1/4 of the issues at this point.) issues.

third, Have you even read RTAI? that was the Best story arc in the last two years. And guess who wrote it? Karl. he was a breath of fresh air that the comic Really needed. but now it's gone.

Posts: 1269
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Sonic is Knothole's whore now.

And Max... Max is a maniac. He makes even Archie's interpretation of Shadow (an angst obsessed psychopath with the occasional murderous rage) look relatively sane in comparison.

He knighted and respected Sonic, and then turned around and called him a "commoner", the guy who pulled him from the Zone of Silence, he trusted the fate of his kingdom to a halucinagenic pool of gold liquid, kept Julian as Warlord, tried to commit genocide on his own people, pushed his daughter around to rule like he wants her despite the fact that she was doing a fine job on her own, forced his inexperienced son to do the same...

Now Tommy is a super-powered nanite robot thing. Don't they get the idea when we say we want rid of him? No, we don't want to kill him, that's happened too often. Just stop writing about him.

And why have people accepted Snively so quickly?

I think what would be best for the comic now is to burn it and start a new one.

Which is why I'm trying out Sonic X for size.

Posts: 1437
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And Max... Max is a maniac. He makes even Archie's interpretation of Shadow (an angst obsessed psychopath with the occasional murderous rage) look relatively sane in comparison.

Yeah. It's almost as though Max is on drugs. Like, some kind of drug of unknown nature, administered by a known villain.


Posts: 61
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true,the comic has been going through...a rough patch.which has lasted a little too long. But I've been a committed fan of the comic since nearly the untill they have something like,oh I don't know rosie being the newest bad guy,lol I am just going to keep buying far as sonic x goes,you have to really like the show to want that to be your first choice.personally,I thought that the show was rushed(even more than some of the stories in archie coimic),had annoying voices,fight scenes predictable and boring(can't remember a scene where sonic ever throws a punch,if ever,and had sup par supporting characters like chris,emma,chuck,etc.but everyone has their limits on how much they are willing to take(said comic).

Posts: 462
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Sonic is Knothole's whore now.

What, for kissing Fiona once when he's been seperated from Sally for months now?

Posts: 1321
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chill hypershadow didn't mean too get you angrey let me say a few things.

i probably am being harsh to karl but i dont rate him.
also, i dont mean it was just 134 it was also what he had planned (see topic what it could of been)
i have never seen SatAM, the only reasons i like it is because its the oragin of sonic comic un and its sonic and sally and it has ixis etc.
i thougt rtai was great and its a classic but i dont rate karl.
tell me off about my opinions, people liked his work ill stop bashing him.

Posts: 61
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harley-rocketboy is right and in 152 it looks like bunnie started the kiss with sonic which btw he has not acted on.since this is the third time that you mentioned that sonic was a whore or slut in this topic alone suggests that you have some personal issues around this subject,no offense.And about your comment in one of your earlier posts about if a girl has done what sonic has then she would be called such names.that happens both ways for male and female.since sonic has only shown interest in one girl since sally how does that make him a whore?

Posts: 409
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Yes. Evil Sonic is the player here. I only see Sonic interested in Sally, maybe Fiona.

Bunnie: Bunnie kissed Sonic for saving her. Sonic's a hero here, and Bunnie's about to die. Sonic considered it a "thank you," probably.

Sally: We know that Sonic has interest in her. Wait, we don't know that. I assume he does, after all, it was Sally that broke up with him. Actually, I'll keep my mouth shut here, because this is going to be difficult to talk about without getting in an argument with those who dislike Son/Sal. :^^
All that's fact right now, is that Sally loves Sonic, as she stated in Love and Loss.

Mina: She likes Ash. Hopefully there is no more Son/Mina in the comic, but there will always be fans to start "they belong together" stuff. Heh.

Fiona: Well, Sonic's single... A kiss isn't that bad, they're friends, anyway.

Oh... drat!! I forgot, after typing all of this, I remembered... No relationship discussion! :( True Red, is this acceptable? If not, I'll erase all of that ASAP. -Scared-

Posts: 85
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OH! I forgot to mention... Nice cover. Much better than Sanford's earlier two. Very nicely done. Not Spaz, but nice.

Posts: 1269
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It's true, I'm not fond of Sonic. But honestly, look at the way he's been messing with the girls. You don't seem to be twigging because there's a month between each comic.

In the last few weeks, Comic time, he's been making out with Bunnie, and Fiona, and hitting on Mina WHO ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND in case you hadn't noticed.

I forgive him Amy because she's always on his tail and Evil Sonic knocked that one up a notch anyway. He KNOWS Tails - his best friend - has a crush on Fiona. Didn't stop him doing some serious making out.

So it's not a healthy relationship. So what? That's no excuse. If a girl tried what he's doing, they'd be labelled as a slut. They would. Think about it, instead of giving Sonic your unconditional hero worship.

I'm starting to prefer Evil Sonic. At least the comic makes it clear he's a womanising @#%$. And he gave Rouge that gem and headed off with her.

Posts: 1583
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In the last few weeks, Comic time, he's been making out with Bunnie, and Fiona, and hitting on Mina WHO ALREADY HAS A BOYFRIEND in case you hadn't noticed.

The only correct statement is that Sonic was making out with Fiona.

Evil Sonic is the one who was making out with Bunnie, not Sonic. Sonic did not hit on Mina at all, but Evil Sonic did. Sonic did ask out Mina when she DIDN'T have a boyfriend in #154 and totally forgot about it when she took her boyfriend back at the end of the issue.


If a girl tried what he's doing, they'd be labelled as a slut. They would. Think about it, instead of giving Sonic your unconditional hero worship.

Only by those that think like you do. I wouldn't call a girl a slut for doing what Sonic has done and I don't call Sonic one either. Stop creating arguments that don't exist. When you find someone calling a girl a "slut," then you can have a discussion with that person. Otherwise, you're just making an argument where others are supposed to defend views that they don't share. If you want to have a silly argument over "labels" go to Marble Garden as it doesn't belong here.

Posts: 61
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yes,please get the facts straight.Anyways changing the subject now,what happened to Butler I thought he was supposed to be doing the art for 155 and 156.Don't get me wrong, I like fry's work but does anyone know the next issue that he might be doing?

Posts: 356
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I don't like Sonic as a ladies man, and I believe I would have this point of view even if I had no opinion on who Sonic could be with, because this is what I don't like about characters like James Bond. This type of behavior, even on a tame level, is serious enough for me to think less of Sonic as a hero.

About Archie not being Sonic Sat a.m., I know it is not. I think fans like me understand that, but the thing is we want the comic to be like Sat a.m. in certain ways, like with Sonic and Sally.

Also, it is like we Sonic and Sally fans can't win no matter who is the writer(I know Sega is a factor too). With Karl, it was possible we might never get Sonic and Sally back together, with Ken we get more of Sonic as a ladies man.

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DC I agree with you, but if you read some of my posts you might see why Archie does this almost after every year and year and 1/2.
(look for my posts on page3)

Posts: 61
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well,honestly,I think some people are trying to make something that sonic is not(ladies man)which has been proven by some of the people here that this is not the for sally and sonic being together,I have always supported that:] .but If I had to chose another for sonic it would be fiona.I think that they would make a good couple,not as good as sally and sonic,but good(I'll keep the couple talk short).But I think it adds something different to the story,and interesting to see the way tails and sonic act toward each other after all they been through.I guess you can't really expect the comic to be the same forever and still have the same stories slightly rehashed to stay fresh,so to speak.well,you can but its very very rare.

Posts: 462
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But honestly, look at the way he's been messing with the girls.

...Except he hasn't.


In the last few weeks, Comic time, he's been making out with Bunnie

Bunnie was the one who kissed him.


, and Fiona

So, that's one girl. When he doesn't have a girlfriend anymore. Not very damning.



Eh? When did he hit on Mina? He was serving as her bodyguard and being friendly because she's his mate, that's pretty much it.


I forgive him Amy because she's always on his tail

He hasn't done anything with Amy yet.


He KNOWS Tails - his best friend - has a crush on Fiona.

Does he? When did he know that?


Didn't stop him doing some serious making out.

Well, why should it? Fiona was never going to go out with Tails anyway.


If a girl tried what he's doing, they'd be labelled as a slut.

If a girl, who has no boyfriend, tried kissing a guy that a ten-year-old had a crush on without knowing about said crush, she'd be labelled a slut.

I'm not getting the logic here.


I'm starting to prefer Evil Sonic.

So you're attacking Sonic because you think he's a slut, then say you prefer the person who actually is being a slut? Hurm.

Posts: 61
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well actually sonic did know about tails crush from an issue very early in the series.but true red,myself,and a few others pretty much proven the other things that you mentioned,though I did like your take on the quote that she made about sonic making out with fiona.harley obvisouly has some unresovled issues and sexist views on generalizing the whole male species as the same.

Posts: 218
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I have to agree to a point. I don't know about beforehand, but Sonic knew Tails had a crush on Fiona in #153 and mentioned he knew about it in at least as early as #134.:read

Posts: 1269
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So you're attacking Sonic because you think he's a slut, then say you prefer the person who actually is being a slut? Hurm.

At least we don't have to watch Evil Sonic being a slut every issue. At least he's Evil Sonic, and it's been known for a long time that he's a womanising @#%$.

Sonic's supposed to be a hero and set an example.

Posts: 3291
Famed Member

i wans't aware that sonic was selling his body for money, so could you cut down on the 'slut' and 'whore' please? i'm sure they're common words on america from how you happily use them, but they're not used on polite speach in england.

but i'll agree that evil sonic is womanising, i hope they find a better reason for him to be in the current stories other then as an explaination for any apparent odd behaviour by sonic.

Posts: 218
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Harley, I've got two words for you.....

1) anger:">
2) management|I

Also, deep breaths now. They have groups out there that help people like you.

Posts: 61
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also harley @#$$ and such combinations aren't allowed on this everyone else- its obvious that harley is passionate about this theory is that she or someone that she cares for has been through some incident resulting in people calling her or other people that she cares for such words,that she now refers to sonic. Personally,I am not going to pay attention to her posts anymore untill she trys to be more mature than my 5 year old niece.

Posts: 1402
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i don't know what proper speech is in england, but americans aren't as barbaric as you label them to be as to use the words Slut and whore in casual conversation.

so don't label an entire continent (two continents from the way you used the Name America.) just because one person is using those words.

Posts: 85
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It's not polite conversation here stateside either. Some people feel the need to, however. 🙁

Posts: 462
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At least we don't have to watch Evil Sonic being a slut every issue.

We don't watch Sonic doing it in any issues, unless you're reading different issues to everyone else.


Sonic's supposed to be a hero and set an example.

I'm sorry, but how does kissing Fiona negate him doing that? Hell, STC-Sonic gets to insult Tails every other issue and be snappish & rude; I don't think kissing people is going to ever be worse than that.

Posts: 3291
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i'm sorry if i gave the impression that i was labeling all america, because that wasn't my aim. i'm well aware of the wonderful diversity you get in any country.
i'm glad to hear your views, as what little i see of the american race (on tv, internet) occasionally leads me to draw the wrong conclusions.

but we're taking this off topic. please PM me if you've something further to say to me on this, thank you. ^^

Posts: 1583
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Anyways changing the subject now,what happened to Butler I thought he was supposed to be doing the art for 155 and 156.Don't get me wrong, I like fry's work but does anyone know the next issue that he might be doing?

No clue. You'd have to ask over at Ken's board and maybe you'll get an answer there. They aren't always right about who ends up doing the art with the previews. They aren't evena always right in terms of the stories that end up in an issue. ;p

Posts: 1269
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Hey, I live in and was born in England, Chibi.

If the word isn't censored, why is it a bad thing for me to use it?

And if I see Sonic as handing out his body to every girl in the village, that's my opinion. If you still think he's a pure hero, that's your opinion.

As for Tails, at least he GOT a part in STC Fleetway. Archie treats him like an extra.

Posts: 61
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sigh..harley don't you see why this argument is not dying?for one,it seems you are not even reading others posts.If you did you would see that we have proven everything you said wrong about sonic.or maybe you realize this already but can't admit that you are wrong,for some reason.ego,maybe?I do know this,it must be very hard for you to be with someone if you have this kind of attitude.I for one,wouldn't want to deal with it.
bunnie-evil sonic kissed her and took a nap with her.the REAL SONIC-RECIEVED a kiss from bunnie and did NOT act further on it
AMY-evil sonic kissed her REAL SONIC- NOTHING
MINA-evil sonic hitted on her REAL SONIC- NEVER EVER let me repeat this NEVER hit on her.MINA asked sonic how could she repay sonic for saving her(and this was when ash broke up with her and and the gang ks new about it)he said to have chilidogs sometime.she WAS NOT WITH ASH WHEN THIS HAPPENED AND NEITHER ONE WAS HITTING ON EACH OTHER.I want to make sure that you read that last sentence because from your earlier posts its obvious you don't read the comic or you just want to label someone something to make yourself feel better.
FIONA-kissed her so that makes 1 GIRL he has done anything with since his breakup with sally.please actually read this post.I really would like to know why you keep making claims about sonic handing out his body when your wrong and probably know it.True red,was right.You're just trying to start arguments on this forum.I'm tired of this, trying to get you to show some sort of knowledge about the comic or any other kind so this is my last post regarding the subject.

Posts: 462
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And if I see Sonic as handing out his body to every girl in the village, that's my opinion.

And it's a wrong opinion. It is objectively and provably wrong. There is no evidence to support it. It's accurateness has ceased to be. It is a wrong parrot.

Let's look at the girls Sonic's been with in the last few issues:

Bunnie- she kissed him, briefly. That was it. He hasn't acted upon it.
Fiona- he kissed her. So far, that's also been it.

So, two girls, and one of those was the one kissing him. Yeah, that Sonic, what a slut.

Posts: 85
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Ah HA! After a day or two of sorting through issues, I finally have four words for the makers of the Dulcy backstory:


Posts: 61
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I guess the staff forgot about that issue.someone posted that the story shows sally with short hair(indicating the past)maybe it was supposed to take place before battle royale.I haven't seen the comic yet but if you can notice any differences in the characters appearance that suggest that this takes place now than it probably is the writers fault.example if sonic is in the story does his shoes have buckles?are his eyes green etc.

Posts: 1269
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I know Evil Sonic considers himself some sort of casanova. I know he made out with every girl in the village.

But Sonic's headed that way too.

I wonder what Shadow's like in Evil Sonic's universe...

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