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#156 Arrives (SPOIL...
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#156 Arrives (SPOILERS)

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Posts: 1321
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When you say 'past year' hiro how far back are you refering to? Like, Just after Sonic returned from space or before Xorda bussiness.

If it was a dream then it is REALLY long, but i would like it (before the argument anyway).


You're the only person who can see it coz it's not happening.

SEGA can see it. (they are evil):evil


The guy can match him move for move?

Well Shadow would not be called The Ultimate Life Form if he has the same ability as a Fast, teenage Hedgehog

Posts: 462
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He's called the Ultimate Life Form because Gerald Robotnik and Shadow both have large egos. :razz

Posts: 2915
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By past year, I was refering to the comic sense...but it really doesn't matter...we could go back to pre-EndGame if you want...yeah it's a cheesy move, but it works...

Now, do I really think any of this is really going to happen? No, not a chance...Archie would only resort to this if comic sales plummeted...

Posts: 1437
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They'd have to know that the planet wasn't destroyed. Considering they left in #125 long before the planned destruction, they probably aren't aware that Mobius wasn't destroyed yet.

When Sonic visited Argentium in issue 129, it was apparently common galactic knowledge that Mobius still existed. Sonic was told that the Xorda were at war with Mobius, and he was prevented from going there.

Posts: 2915
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my reaction to Dirk's comment...O.o

I never thought about that...The only thing that could explain it otherwise is that the Bem knew about the Xorda's war before hand (when they attacked Earth the first time...). It depends on how long the Bem have been around...

Posts: 1402
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you've enforced it like maybe 3 times. and in each of those conversations the people you did end up banning had SOME valid points they just didn't really let it go. so long as it's not someone bashing another person for liking said couple, then there's really nothing wrong with it.

Posts: 1195
Noble Member

Finally got my issues, so it's time for "Neo Yi's two cents of the day."

~Like the multiple characters in the picture with a nicely connected yellow background....despite the fact that more then half of these characters either make cameo appearances or not at all, in short: more then half are useless.
~What HAPPEN to Sally's mouth? It's like she was punched in the face mulitple times and it puffed up or something.
~Who's that girl below Amy? Is that Fiona? If so, she turned grandma, I mean, her hair color and wrinkled looking mouth...
~Amy's arms are very spaghetti-ish.
~Apparently, Antoine traded his old sword for a katana-lookalike.

~Yay for Fry art! He does good here. Better then last issue where I felt he was slightly lacking.
~Is it just me or does the bottom panels of page 5 remain me of King Acorn in his time at the Zone of Silence in...was it #35 of Sonic?
~Ugh, I still don't like Sally's 80's big puffed wedding dress. ugh.
~Ahhh, nice outfit Elias has. Not too much different then his other royal outfit, but good enough.
~FINALLY Alicia wears something that doesn't involve those giant puffs on her shoulder. Lovely outfit, nonetheless and quite nice hair.
~I don't remember Sonic having that zone transporting device, but it's been a while since I read #150, so I'll just shrug and accept it for the time being.
~I've said it before and I'll say it again: Bringing back Elias was a bit cheap in my opinion. I was high set in belief that he'd be a woodcutter for the rest of his life. They couldn't think of another reason?
~So, Elias has a step-son and not a real son. Interesting. Either an error or something already planned a while back. I wouldn't put it pass it being the former, although Mr. Drazen earlier made a good theory on this...
~Well...I'll give it points that this story actually solved the damn Antoine problem and reunited Bunnie/Antoine (a couple I generally like), so for once, they have a happy ending.
~I don't care what anyone sez, Sonic needs to be whacked on the head. If he spent two issues crying over Sally and her marriage, then immediately hooks up with Fiona (whom he kissed last issue), then he has no heeeeeeeeeart or is the world's fastest recovery. Whatever it is, it feels dangerously rushed to me.
~And I have a feeling the whole Tails/Fiona/Sonic thing will eventually be played out. Oh, joy.

~Long story short, this one is pretty decent.

Posts: 5
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"Sally broke up with him and made it clear things would stay that way unless he stepped down, and Sonic is never going to step down. What did you think would happen?"

(Sorry for going back into the relationship thing prior to this issue, but since the quote ends in a question addressed to me, it's still partially to do with this issue...) Issue 134 was the one where they broke up. Sally said:

"Even though my parents are the official monarchs of the kingdom, I'll be overseeing the daily operations of the city. They've given me a tremendous responsibility and its going to be a big mantle to bear. That's why I want you to rule by my side while they're away."

She wanted him to step down because she wanted him to rule with her. Now that she doesn't have to rule anymore, however, since Elias is taking over (whether you agree with that decision or not) it might lead one to believe that she'd take that back, since it wasn't a problem for her before. Especially since this possibly also frees her to become a field leader again, and she'd be out there risking her life, too, anyway.

(If you feel the need, this will only count as one warning, right?)

Posts: 622
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So, Elias has a step-son and not a real son.

...Isn't Alexis a she?

Posts: 1195
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*shurgs* Apparently they changed their mind or something.

Posts: 1583
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hypershadow77 - If you have comments toward board enforcement, you know where they go and its not in this topic. Continuation within the topic will result in a warning

Dragnergrifeene - continuation results in temp ban due to previous topic warnings


Yeah, Alexis is supposed to be a girl. Obviously this is called a "re-write of history" because Alexis was always supposed to Elias' birth daughter. ;p

Posts: 356
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As for Elias being king, I think he will do an ok job at least, as long as he listens to good advice, and he has good adviseors like Sally.

Right now, I would love for there stories to be someone's horrible nightmare, maybe going back as far as after endgame.

This issue confirms that unless Archie/Sega makes some changes, I am not buying an Archie Sonic comic ever again.

Posts: 2915
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haha...I can hear myself echo in here!

Posts: 1321
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Hiro, instead of the past year beingt a dream i got a better solution...

Sonic was in a Coma! It would make more sense because who dreams 100 issues, so Coma can be more likely.

Posts: 2915
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The coma leaves the opportunity for Archie f up a lot more though...

Posts: 1321
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Yeah, Penders... and Bollers! Ahhhh why god, WHY!

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I haven't gotten mine yet,but from the reviews I've read, let me say this;

BORR on penders site hinted that their trying to get back to where the comic was before (I could be wrong here), and two, just because Sonic and Foina walked off together, doesn't mean their toghther at all.

And I knew for some reason Elias was coming back as the "he" Sonic talked about.

Give more indepth opoion when I get mine.

PS. Miss Puar, I don't see no scans.;)

Posts: 1583
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I haven't been, but you probably aren't wrong in that regard. Still wouldn't get me to pick up the comic again unless they change the direction. As for the scans, she said:


But I've also managed to put up some scans so I hope it's been worth the wait.

If you look at the word "scans" you'll see that it appears differently than the other words in the text--that's because it's a link.

Posts: 1413
Noble Member

Hiro, instead of the past year beingt a dream i got a better solution...

Sonic was in a Coma! It would make more sense because who dreams 100 issues, so Coma can be more likely

Or better idea would be that the Metal Sonic from Sonic Heroes trap Sonic in a Matrix like place so that he could observe him, how he talk, how he walks or acts around his friends etc.That way he could become him,remember that movie "Single white female" well something like that. After all that version of Metal Sonic seems to be obsess with becoming Sonic in the game. But then again Archie wouldnt be that clever.

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This issue had to be one of the most biggest copouts ever in the comic. not only on Sonic and Sally's part, but Elias, and one could even argue queen Alicia. So many issues of development and continuity more than likely has just been thrown down the drain. And it only proves the point that the only way to "solve" certain problems is to make the characters OOC and as a result, ignoring and to a heavy extent losing a lot of their defining characteristics. This issue totally blew me away....and not in a positive way.

Posts: 337
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Building around canon and saving sanity: In the latest issue of Sonic The Hedgehog, to prevent a clearly bad out of the blue pointless plot point I shall say that Alicia saying Elias' child is his step child is a balled face lie to prevent Joe Q. Public from knowing the prince mixed it up with a commoner.

Posts: 1321
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WHAT! Just because they walked off together does not mean they are together! That's got to be the most Stupidest excuse I've heard!

How come Archie torment my 3 most favorite characters!?

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Go to Miss Puar Scans and read the lines. when Foina ask about them, Sonic repiles their young and there's no rush.

Posts: 82
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From the way the scan's look. I do believe that maybe Archie might be trying to hook Sally and Tails up just long enough to get Sonic jelly and as well as to get Sally and Sonic back together somehow. Plus get Fonia and Tails together officilly so in a way souldn't you say (It's not all that ends well yet) don't you mean. (So in a way I was right kind of about Tails and Sonic.) There defintely heading for a major fight possibly witch makes me think is the one reason to that why they started the Sonic X comic cuz I think Archie might very soon put an end to this verson Sonic the Hedgehog comic cuz I also think that their officilly burned out with working on this verson of Sonic anymore maybe!

Posts: 462
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I do believe that maybe Archie might be trying to hook Sally and Tails up

Ye gods, man, the age gap! :x


Plus get Fonia and Tails together officilly

Age gap again!


There defintely heading for a major fight possibly

Definately or possibly? I'm hoping for the option where Tails sucks it up and gets over it, the whiny git.


witch makes me think is the one reason to that why they started the Sonic X comic cuz I think Archie might very soon put an end to this verson Sonic the Hedgehog comic

They started Sonic X to make more money.

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Wouldn't you think that Sonic's line of "We're young and there's no rush", indecatied that they not togehter, because he did question Fiona when she asked about them, I mean in a way Sonic's telling her not to rush anything, enjoy life, and that hey they might meet others that fit their facy.

God Bless and Happy Hoildays!

Posts: 85
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The only reference to Elias' child being a daughter was in an ooold datafile on the royal family that mentioned Nooooooooothing about her being a stepchild.

In fact, I don't think anyone has mentioned this before in the comic.

The queen obviously knows...

I KNOW! It's one of those things they found out while Sonic was away but haven't bothered to tell us! Like where Ash came from! And why the royals of Acorn would send Fiona, Amy, and Mina on a mission before Knuckles, without whom this entire story wouldn't have made sense.

...just like I'm not making sense. Aye, I'm tired. I'll elaborate later, too exhausted.

Posts: 1583
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I KNOW! It's one of those things they found out while Sonic was away but haven't bothered to tell us!

That's the only way the step-child thing can make sense storywise. I knew they would do that once Karl was gone considering BobR made such a big deal about it. ;p I find it interesting to note that ground squirrels have a gestation period of about 28 days. Echidnas have a gestation period of 9-30 days depending on the type. ;p That's why I didn't make a big deal about Rob & Mari-An having a kid so quickly. I don't believe that it must take "9 months." ;p

Posts: 356
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Reading the post since I was last here, I think I might be reading too much into Sonic walking off with Fiona. I still have my concerns though.

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That's getting it:

Qutoe you: "I think I might be reading too much into Sonic walking off with Fiona."

But if you want more info go to , and go to message board to you see someone mentioning connecting the dots.

God Bless and Happy Hoildays.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Wouldn't you think that Sonic's line of "We're young and there's no rush", indecatied that they not togehter, because he did question Fiona when she asked about them, I mean in a way Sonic's telling her not to rush anything, enjoy life, and that hey they might meet others that fit their facy.

Whoa, i never thought of it like that. Now I can relax more!

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I think I have the hint Bobr droped on us a few weeks ago figured out

These links to scans like the one below should help, I mean read the lines in the bubbles and look very closly at Sonic/Fiona, it may seem their hand in hand, but... their not, just check it out:

Now as for Sally's maggiage, she did fullfill in my opoion, her destiny to marry Antione, even it was the wrong one, so a possible M25YL is possbly starting to be made clearer, check it out with links:

Hope this helps clear the air, I hope.:nn;

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Yeah, you're right. It is Very bad drawing (ill get you, fry!)

But the reason Sally and Sonic broke up is because Sally wanted to rule with him. But now that can change.

In Love and Loss, Sally says she loves Sonic still but she cares for her Kingdom, and in this issue Sonic says she SHOULD be with me.

So this King Elais thing may be useful.

Posts: 462
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It is Very bad drawing (ill get you, fry!)

What's so bad about Fry's drawings? Granted, Sonic has two seperate eyes in one panel (instead of the hedgehog mono-eyes) but that's a minor quibble. All in all, I thought Fry did a nice job w/ the penciling these past two issues.

Posts: 462
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But the reason Sally and Sonic broke up is because Sally wanted to rule with him. But now that can change.

And now Sally can be made boring as well. Whoopee.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

Also, the cover

1) Amy did not appear in it.
2) Rotor has cheesits on his face.
3) Fiona has Grey hair and big eyes.

Plus, Charles. you've said the same thing twice.

oh Btw you are boring too

Posts: 462
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1. Amy's at the banquet (pg 4) and in the BG when Elias is crowned (pg 10).
2. I think those are Rote's whiskers.
3. Fiona's hair color is determined by the colorist (usually based on someone's notes, and approved by editors/proofers). Most mistakes are caught, but not all. The unusual color may also be attributed to a printing error (I think that's probly the case here, as her hair seems green on my copy).

Posts: 462
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Plus, Charles. you've said the same thing twice.

That's because the thing that seperated Sally from all the other characters in the comic was that she was next-in-line for the throne, running Knothole and basically dealing with different problems & situations to everyone else. Having Elias being in charge does away with all that, leaving Sally with pretty much nothing to do that another character can't do (and might already be doing).

Hence, boring.

Posts: 1321
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Whats the difference for Sally's power now that Elais is King from when Max was King (100 issues)?

Posts: 462
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When Max was King and around being King, Sally was still next-in-line and has issues & plots based around that. With Elias as king and Sally not the next monarch, she doesn't have any of that.

While I'm at it, the lettering in the final panel is sloppy- Sonic's line of "Yeah, I do, don't I?" looks like it's being said before Fiona's bit.

Posts: 1321
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But Sally is STILL next-in-line to the kingdom.

Posts: 218
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Not unless Elias is able to provide a legitimate heir of his own. He's also married already so that's two things he has managed to do that Sally hasn't.

Posts: 462
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But Sally is STILL next-in-line to the kingdom.

No she's not. Any offspring (spawned or adopted) of Elias' is next in line now he's the King. Sally only gets in if he dies before that happens, or if both him & any offspring are bumped off at the same time.

Posts: 1321
Noble Member

The Queen said you realize, of course, that your step-child is ineligible in the line of succession, Elias!

So Elias dies, Sally becomes Queen. So now we can discuss...

King Elias: The Gunpowder Plot.

Posts: 1437
Noble Member


The Queen said you realize, of course, that your step-child is ineligible in the line of succession, Elias!

So Elias dies, Sally becomes Queen.

Unless Elias officially adopts Alexis.

Posts: 85
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No way... Alicia said that ooooooooooonly the royal blood can sit on the throne. Alexis, apparently, is not Elias' child. Unless he and Meg have a child, it would pass to Sally.

Posts: 462
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The Queen said you realize, of course, that your step-child is ineligible in the line of succession, Elias!

So he sires a child.

Posts: 61
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That's the only way the step-child thing can make sense storywise. I knew they would do that once Karl was gone considering BobR made such a big deal about it. ;p I find it interesting to note that ground squirrels have a gestation period of about 28 days. Echidnas have a gestation period of 9-30 days depending on the type. ;p That's why I didn't make a big deal about Rob & Mari-An having a kid so quickly. I don't believe that it must take "9 months." ;p

That may be true TR but we're talking about antros and they are bigger then their normal animal counterparts so it should be somewhere close to it (ex. an elephant pregnancy last for about 2 years because of the size of the baby elephant). I think their gestation period ought to be somewhere between 4 to 7 months because so far most the newborns we have seen do seem that much smaller then a normal human baby. This along with the time between Elias leaving Knothole and getting to Meg's town and how ever long the "courtship" (meeting, dating, parents, engagement, arrangements, and/or whatever else you can think of) lasted it would've been a long while. If he did all this under 4 months, this would make Elias a... well celebrity/royalty :p and a really smooth bad boy :] .

Of course we don't exactly know how far along Meg was when Geoffery and Hershy found them (Meg and Elias) and considering Ron Lim drew the issue we can't trust the visuals all to well. So it is possible.


I put way too much thought into this didn't I.

Posts: 1321
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I don't think when you get Sired you get a blood type change.

Posts: 1446
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Shendu, here's a suggestion: think, THEN post.

If Elias sires a child, then the child will share his blood and be eligible for the throne. No one mentioned anything about Alexis having his blood type changed, mostly because that's impossible in the first place.

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